Part 57
Sean put a hand on Skip's side, watching Matthew glare at Yellow Sean. Shaking his head, he told Yellow Sean bitterly. "I'm in no mood to talk to you. You tried to kill me!" Yellow Sean shook his own head frantically, raising his hands to say in a comforting tone. "No! Matthew! It wasn't me! It was-" Matthew's tone was dead and angry when he blurted out over him. "Is that why you only fought to save Mark?! DON'T LIE TO ME!" Yellow Sean lowered his hands, a neutral expression forming over his face. Matthew inhaled slowly, his voice a bit broken when he stated out. "You're clever mother... You pushed Mark to remove a violent Slum Dog from the Slums. Then pushed him into taking me there under the falsehood of 'getting me my first pet." Sean raised an eyebrow as his gaze drifted to Matthew. Matthew took a step closer toward the container, continuing on darkly. "You thought I'd pick Sean... You picked him... because you wanted him to kill me."
Behind them, Ricky asked confused. "Wait... What? Why would she plot against an Elite?" Matthew pulled a little black flash drive from his pocket with a skull on it. Yellow Sean flinched, taking a step back into the table. Without hesitating, Matthew told them seriously. "Because I made this. I designed it to wipe the computers in Valhalla. By wiping them, it would clean them of viruses and stuff they no longer needed to remember or use. It would free them from working so hard. I told Mark about it because it would shut down the city for a bit... but I was confident that the city needed it. The Valkyries NEEDED it." Matthew curled his fingers protectively around the drive, adding coolly to the Yellow Sean. "I know why you sent Matthias into my lab... He made out with the files... but he failed to get this, didn't he?" Yellow Sean's eyes narrowed on Matthew, prompting Matthew to tell her. "What you failed to hear... was that Mark told me never to let this out of my sight. So, I carry it everywhere. You didn't account for Mark looking out for me either... you assumed he'd be like Matthias. And you were wrong."
Matthew lowered his hand, shrugging at her as he asked in a heartbroken voice. "My only question is... Why?" Yellow Sean straightened up, answering in a cold tone. "Mark was lonely. I thought having siblings would calm him. Matthias was easy to make but too close to Mark in age and his attitude repelled Mark. Mark hated him from day one. So, I picked you. You were no threat to our empire. You were young and impressionable. But you excelled at the job I gave you. I thought the pressure would break you. The closer you got to Mark, the more you seemed to want to cut me from the picture with your own plans for Valhalla. I thought by me ignoring you that you would turn on Mark... but you were content with your place. Mark wasn't as jealous of you. He grew fond of you. He was going to let you purge my system! After working so hard, I refused to let you just wipe MY servers! All the data in them belongs to ME!" Yellow Sean picked up the metal heart, snapping out loudly. "You overstepped! And if everything had gone as planned. You'd be dead and the Slums would have been destroyed by Mark without a second thought!"
Matthew straightened himself up to his full height, firmly replying in a casual tone. "I don't know if you are Mother's true program or a virus that corrupted her program... but you will pay for killing Nate." Yellow Sean squeezed the metal heart in his hands, uttering out darkly. "How do you plan to do that? I can feel that Valhalla Tower was destroyed... You've got nowhere to put that. And the odds of me killing you are VERY high." Matthew smirked, sneering out smugly. "Your heart was NEVER in Valhalla Tower. You wanted us to believe that. But Nate hacked your server... I know you gave it to Mark. You're golden child. After his accident... you gave it to him. If I recall... He said you told him that if ANYTHING happened to him... You'd die too." Sean tensed, dropping his hand from Skip. Was Matthew suggesting that they kill Mark?! Yellow Sean set the heart on a counter, telling them curiously. "You plan to kill him to kill me? Have you lost your mind?" Matthew smirked, retorting coldly. "No. I don't have to kill Mark. Just you."
The Yellow Sean locked his jaw, then ran at Matthew. Sean barely had time to react, leaping out to tackle Matthew to the ground and away from the entrance of the container. Matthew yelped as he hit the ground in surprise. Yellow Sean was forced to jump over their bodies or risk tripping over them at his speed. As Yellow Sean jumped over them, Skip's paw swatted him across the back unexpectedly, causing him to tumble across the floor outside the container. Sean patted Matthew's shoulder, pushing him enough to make him scoot behind him. Matthew scooted away, whistling to Skip. Skip let out a deep purr, turning to stand with Sean better. Yellow Sean staggered to his feet, yelling out sternly. "Get out of there!" Behind Sean, Matthew suddenly uttered out. "Mark?!" Sean whirled around to look, catching only a glimpse of Mark in the tube because he was yanked away from the container and flung across the room. Sean spun through the air sideways. Forcing himself to flatten out to disperse his energy, the sides of his legs hit the cement first and he rolled roughly onto his back. In his peripheral vision, Sean saw Skip tackle Yellow Sean. Although, he couldn't really process what was going on clearly. He was dazed from his fall. His mind swirled with thoughts of Mark and wondered if he was hurt. While his body cared more about the fact that he had swallowed the bomb. Cupping the muzzle, Sean began to breathe heavily with growing concern as that processed and filled him with a rush of adrenaline.
Ricky got a hit on the Yellow Sean, before getting thrown himself. Landing flat on his stomach by Sean, Ricky stiffly looked up, asking as he saw Sean's face. "Sean? You ok?" Sean shook his head, clutching his throat. Even without saying anything, Ricky's face paled and his ears flattened as he uttered out. "Oh shit... Sean, did you-?" Sean's hands shook as he gave him a nod. Ricky rose to all fours, rushing out. "We've got to tell Matthew!" Sean grabbed Ricky's arm to stop him, quickly writing in the dirt. 'The man trapped in the container has the key!' The writing was sloppy and rushed, but Ricky read it aloud to verify it. He didn't get it at first, then his ears perked up as he said. "OH! HIM! Got it!" Sean watched Ricky run swiftly out of the warehouse, practically flying over the pavement as his long feline leaps helped him stride at a faster pace than any normal human. That was of some comfort. Climbing to his feet, he took in the others. Yellow Sean was locked into an intense fight with Skip. Their robotic bodies dealing as much damage as they got.
Turning his eyes to Matthew, he saw him typing quickly until the tube hissed open. Sean ran past the fighting to slip into the container. Leaning over the tube, he patted Mark's cheeks in the hopes of waking him. Matthew pushed him away though, telling him in a rush. "Stop! That won't wake him. The machine has him in a cryo-state." Sean wanted to tell him to wake him, but Matthew was searching for something along Mark's arms. Lifting one of his arms, Matthew breathlessly piped out. "YES! I knew it!" Sean grabbed Mark's wrist, giving Matthew a concerned look. Matthew ignored his look, going straight for Mark's watch. Sean watched Matthew yank the watch off Mark's wrist, pressing the side to slide the top aside. Under the top was a USB port with what looked like a glowing circular light beneath it that turned into a robotic yellow eye. Matthew removed the flash drive, pressing a button to flip the case off the end. Just before he shoved the USB into the watch, Yellow Sean rushed in to swat the watch and USB out of his hands. It had happened so fast that Sean jumped in fright.
Yellow Sean kicked Matthew in the balls, ducking Sean's punch to elbow him in the gut. Sean grabbed Yellow Sean, tackling him to the floor. The second Yellow Sean saw the USB, he reached for it, but Sean shifted over him enough to flick the watch and USB outside the container. Rushing from the container, Matthew struggled through his pain to reach the USB. Sean tried to hold Yellow Sean down, but Yellow Sean headbutted him, stunning him. Having a metal skeleton played to Yellow Sean's advantage. Yellow Sean scrambled out of the container and Sean forced himself to get to his feet to follow a bit groggily. He felt blood leaking from his nose but refused to give up. Matthew picked up the USB and watch, causing Yellow Sean to raise a hand toward Sean, yelling out in desperation. "Do it and I take HIM with ME!" Sean staggered to a stop at the edge of the container. He wanted to tell Matthew to do it and erase her, but Matthew hesitated. Yellow Sean smirked, turning his hand slightly and filling the sudden silence with a loud beeping that came from Sean's chest.
Yellow Sean then asked Matthew calmly. "Can you do that to Mark? Is vengeance THAT important to you?!" Sean clutched his chest but pointed sternly at Matthew before pointing at Yellow Sean. Matthew's hands shook as he looked between them. Yellow Sean was starting to inch closer to Matthew, upon telling him. "Can you take the life of Mark's lover for your own selfish reasons?!" Sean let out a heavy sigh, he couldn't let this happen. Rushing forward, he slammed into Yellow Sean. Yellow Sean cursed and grabbed ahold of his neck to choke him. Sean didn't care. He felt like he was going to die in either situation. However, this way would save Matthew and Mark. His distraction worked. A soft 'click' filled the room and Yellow Sean released Sean seconds after. Turning slowly to face Matthew, Yellow Sean mumbled out. "You've destroyed paradise... Pray that I don't find your boy in hell... because you'll find... he won't be there waiting for you." The eyes of Yellow Sean turned a solid green and began to glitch with data codes.
Matthew cradled the watch, unable too look away from Yellow Sean. Yellow Sean fell to his knees, glitching data still running over his eyes. Sean scooted back from Yellow Sean and Matthew. The bomb was still beeping. He was armed and didn't want to hurt Matthew. Yellow Sean began to jerk as data began to erase from its memory. Matthew took a step back, saying aloud. "She's almost gone... Another minute." Yellow Sean jerked suddenly, raising a hand toward Sean. Matthew screamed and Sean jumped in fright as he waited to blow up. Shutting his eyes, he braced himself. Yet, the beeping continued. At the sound of Yellow Sean falling completely to the floor, Sean risked opening his eyes. Had he died? He hoped it had been that fast and painless. Matthew gawked at Sean, asking a little uneasy now. "You're still alive?" Sean touched his chest. Was she too weak to send out the signal? He didn't know why he was still alive, but he couldn't celebrate. If the bombs outer layer weakened due to his stomach acid... It was all over anyway.
Matthew dropped the watch and ran toward him, yelling out. "We need to get that out of you!" Sean shook his head, gesturing for Matthew to stay back. Matthew ignored him, dropping down to look over the muzzle as he said. "Stop moving! Let me look!" Sean shook his head, trying to push Matthew away from him, when his eyes fell on a figure standing in the doorway of the warehouse. Matthew swatted his hands away, then slowly turned to see what had him so distracted. Sean thought he might cry as he watched Nate limp into the warehouse with something glowing in his hand. Matthew rose to his feet, his jaw dropping as he mumbled out through new tears. "Nate...? But... You were in Valhalla Tower... You... I thought..." Nate smirked a little, before straining out. "Don't be mad... but when the machine asked me if I wanted to continue to be healed after it fixed the 'mortally dying' part... I declined. I couldn't let you do this on your own." Matthew covered his mouth as he began to gasp for air, a smile pulling at his lips.
As his gasps turned into laughter, Matthew ran to Nate. When Matthew collided with him, Nate winced and groaned out in a chuckle. "Easy. Easy! I'm still hurt..." Rushing around them, Ricky jogged in and looked for Sean. Finding him, he skidded across the ground by his side. Grabbing the muzzle, Ricky jammed the key in as quickly as he could. Sean didn't care how he got it. He practically bounced with anticipation to get it off. The moment the soft 'click' came, Sean yanked off the muzzle and tried to claw at the tape. Ricky smacked his hands off, extending his claws as he told him sternly. "Stay still! I got this!" Ricky carefully cut the thickly wrapped tape, nicking him a little in the process, but Sean didn't care. He didn't even feel the pain as he ripped it off his light beard. Shifting to all fours, Sean jammed his fingers down his throat. Forcing himself to trigger a vomit reflex, he tried to bring it up. The first time brought up water. His stomach was so empty. Ricky pushed his shoulders lower, telling him the most disgusting thing about hairballs. It helped and finally brought up the bomb.
Once it was out, Ricky dragged him away toward the container. Just as they reached the container, the bomb went off. A sharp flash lit up that side of the warehouse and a loud 'BANG' deafened everyone as it blew up a desk and sent burning papers everywhere. Ricky dropped to his knees and Sean fell back across the floor to pant loudly. He had never felt so lucky to be alive. Every breath and muscle pain felt like heaven. Ricky was the first to chuckle, before Sean joined him. Between their laughter, Sean panted out to Ricky. "Cutting it a little close?" Ricky shrugged, chuckling back. "Hey, I beat the guy up as fast as I could. Look? I broke two nails in that fight and lost hair on my tail!" Sean rolled onto his stomach to laugh harder. From across the warehouse, Nate tossed the little glowing ball he was holding to someone outside, telling them excitedly. "The jammer worked! Thank you!" Outside the warehouse a truck door slammed shut, before a hulking figure caught the ball and replied in a thick Cajun accent. "I told ya."
Sean pushed himself up, stating out. "Al?!" Al stepped into the warehouse with a grin that showed off all his teeth. One of Al's arm's arms was completely bandaged up and there were square patches on the side of his face, but he looked as hardy as ever. Nate hugged Matthew to his side, telling them with a warm smile. "Al picked me up in his truck... and some shiny guy let us out of the gates when I told him we were trying to save Matthew." Matthew chuckled to himself, snuggling into Nate more. As Sean got to his feet, his attention drifted to the container. As happy as he was to see the others. He was worried about Mark. Hoping over Ricky, he stumbled up to the tube and called out loudly. "Matthew! Help me wake Mark!" To Be Continued...
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