Part 54
Sean paced the container just to do something while he thought. It helped him block out the replaying songs of the mind-numbing baby films. Glancing around, he tried to think of a way to get out. There had to be a way. His eyes drifted to the counter where the nutrient blocks sat. As hungry as he was, he kept telling himself to resist them. His stomach growled in protest, causing him to take a knee before he collapsed. Being hungry was starting to affect him. He needed to find a way out before he was too weak to move or concentrate. He checked everything in the container and only grew more irritated. Everything was bolted to the floor or wall. There was nothing he could break off or use to try prying open the door. He refused to lose hope, but his heart was sinking. Dropping beside the bed, Sean began to rip off the sheets to look over the mattress. There had to be something! However, the mattress was built into the frame to keep it from being removed.
Dropping back on his ass, Sean began kicking the heel of his bare foot against the frame. He needed to hit something, and this was the safest thing. Over and over, he kicked it and yelled in anger. Banging his head back against the counter, he panted in defeat. Closing his eyes, he tried to calm his breathing. The more he thought of this place as a cage, the smaller it felt. He wanted to see the sky and fell the breeze again. Opening his eyes, he whispered out to himself. "Mark... Whatever you are doing... Please hurry." The lights in the container suddenly flickered, causing the hair on Sean's arms to stand up. That had never happened before. Sitting up slowly, Sean looked at the TV screen that was in the middle of its song for the day. Every few seconds the screen glitched as the lights dimmed weakly. Something was happening. Getting to his feet, he watched as the screen lost power and the lights dimmed so low that they sent everything into an eerie darkness.
Sean gripped the counter blindly in a death grip. He wasn't good with the dark. Let alone dark confined spaces. In the other containers, he could hear men screaming or asking why the power was gone. Listening to them made his own panic rise. Sliding down to sit with his back to the counter, he hugged himself and tried to block out everything. Shaking his head, he closed his eyes and tried to imagine himself in Mark's house. Within the darkness, the audio for the songs began to play again but it was distorted and creepy sounding. Taking a deep breath, he forced himself to look around. All he saw was darkness. He didn't want to move. His fear was paralyzing him. He heard a door unlock and his heart leapt. Jerking his head to the door, he watched it open slowly. The soft light of a building crept into the container before a blinding light was aimed at his face. He barely saw the dark silhouette of someone before his vision blurred. The person stepped inside, and Sean asked the person softly. "Mark?"
The door closed behind the person, before the familiar voice stated out. "No. Try again, Sean." Sean's blood ran cold as he blindly scooted away, and he uttered out scarcely. "Bradley... I thought..." The light turned off, sending them both into darkness, forcing Sean to listen to him to know where he was. Bradley stayed by the door, telling him in a cool tone of voice. "Oh, I know what you thought. But what you don't seem to understand is that the Red Cyclones have always had rich connections. With the Trader. And through the Trader... With the Elites. Matthias mostly. But surely you know all about Elite Mark paying us to remove you from the Slums?" Sean huffed a little, saying honestly. "Ya. I know. He told me." Bradley was silent a few seconds, before grumbling out disgusted. "Wow. You must have sunk really low to think that is no big thing." Sean glared blindly in the direction of Bradley, snapping out. "You can't sink lower than the Slums. And you are not going to turn me against him. He came for me once. What makes you think he won't do it again?"
Bradley chuckled, telling him flatly. "Because this isn't my plan. It's Elite Matthias's. I do this and guess who gets to be king of the Slums again." Sean shook his head, stating out sternly. "You're a fool, Bradley. Elite Matthias doesn't care about you and your gang. You're a Slum dog. He'll get rid of you eventually." Bradley's voice came from a lower spot like he had kneeled down, before regaling to him in a nicer voice. "Still so much spirit after everything I did to you." Sean turned his head away, desperate not to think about that. Bradley's voice came closer, whispering to him. "It didn't have to be like this, you know. When I offered you a place in my gang. I meant it." Sean shook his head, grumbling out through his teeth. "I'm no one's whore. Let alone yours." Bradley chuckled, then cooed out smugly. "Well, I got to have you for a little while... What would you call that?" Sean locked his jaw and blindly swung a fist at Bradley's voice. To his surprise, Bradley grabbed his hand easily like he could see in the dark.
Bradley yanked his arm, until Sean lost his balance and fell across the floor. Bradley reached for his throat, but Sean raised his legs to wrap around Bradley's neck to choke him as Bradley choked him. Grabbing Bradley's wrist on his throat, Sean rolled to slam Bradley to the floor. Bradley grunted as he was forced down across the floor with him. Bradley soon responded by biting Sean's thigh. Sean had forgotten he was wearing the thin patient pants. If he had his jeans, he would have been fine. Yelping, Sean thrashed enough that Bradley got free from him. Bradley dropped over him, grabbing his wrists to pin him to the floor as he wedged himself between his legs. Sean thrashed with as must strength as he had left, but Bradley kneed him in the balls to settle him down. Yelping, Sean stopped thrashing to gasp for air and tried to close his knees, but Bradley's waist was in the way. Over him, Bradley whispered into his ear. "He's not coming for you, Sean. But I might be able to pull some strings to save you. All you have to do... Is show me what tricks you were taught to please that Elite."
Sean tried to get his breathing back to normal as he strained out. "Go fuck yourself." Sean turned his head enough that he felt a band over the side of Bradley's head. He was wearing something to see in the dark. He tried to bite it, but Bradley lifted his head too fast like he knew he might try to bite him in some way. Sean thought about trying to headbutt him, but Bradley's lips found his. Sean jerked his head to break the kiss. Forcing Bradley to hold his wrists with one hand in order to grab his jaw. Sean groaned in disgust when Bradley whispered over his lips softly. "You know what I realized after I sent you away?" Sean couldn't answer with how tightly Bradley was holding his jaw. Brushing his lips over his cheek, Bradley added in a longing voice. "I don't hate you... I hate that you won't be mine. There is no one here like you. No matter what I do... You do it better." Bradley's hand left his jaw, trailing down his body to pull his shirt up slowly.
Sean tried to headbutt him, but he was leaning back too far. All he could do was pant and whine. Bradley leaned over his chest, kissing a spot lovingly. Sean locked his jaw, growling out. "Bradley, stop. Please." Bradley lifted his head, bringing his lips back to his as he told him in a saddened voice. "I'll regret this if I don't." Sean blinked, stammering out. "W-what?" Bradley's hand moved off him, then back up to his hands. The soft clicking of cuffs, making Sean's heart race. Bradley had cuffed one of his wrists, then struggled with him for a bit to bring his hands behind his back without getting off of him. With his hands cuffed behind his back, Bradley just had to lay on him to keep him still. Sean asked him what he was doing, when he heard the sound of tape being pulled. Over him, Bradley removed a flashing red light from his pocket. Holding it for him to see, Bradley told him a bit reluctantly. "This is Matthias's gift to you. This is an explosive. Small enough that it will kill you personally."
Sean swallowed, uttering out in a meek voice. "Bradley... Don't do this. You don't know what's going on." Bradley chuckled, saying almost playfully. "I know more than you think. You upset the order of things. You and your Elite will pay the ultimate price for it... but once you are gone. Everything will be better. The gangs will unite under me... because I will protect them. And you won't be in the way this time." Sean shook his head, about to say something until Bradley grabbed his mouth and started shoving the small blinking metal tube past his lips. Sean tried to use his tongue to push it back out, but Bradley got it in. Covering his mouth with his hand, Bradley quickly took stripes of tape to put across his mouth. Sean muffled out a scream, his tongue keeping the tube at the front of his mouth. When he finished tapping his mouth, Bradley cupped his face and kissed him over the tape. Tears slid from Sean's eyes as Bradley sat up and told him in a cool tone of voice. "Let's make your last moments... memorable."
Bradley removed something that sounded like metal, putting it over Sean's mouth like a muzzle and locking it. Lifting his arm, Bradley's watch lit up, illuminating the dark vision goggles on his eyes as he said into it. "It's done. Ready when you are." Bradley turned his watch off, then purred out lustfully. "I think it is overkill to muzzle you like this... but Matthias called it a... safety measure." Bradley turned on a small light to show off a small key to the muzzle. Flashing him a grin, Bradley swallowed it and told him playfully. "There. My job is finished. Where were we?" Sean laid still; his body was in shock. Bradley sat back on his heels, sliding his hands along Sean's thighs as he told him sweetly. "There is still time. I can try to change his mind about you. Just prove to me that you want me..." Sean stared up at the darkness, trying to think how he could use this to get free. That's when the door opened to the container and someone leaned in to say uneasily. "Bradley. We have a problem." Bradley stood up, asking as he removed his goggles. "What is it?"
The man shifted uneasily, before reluctantly saying. "Well, first off. That Elite the attacked our gang. He's here and looking for him. But also... just outside. The boys caught another guy claiming to be an Elite. He's-" Before the man could say more, Sean kicked Bradley in the balls and rolled to his feet. Bradley dropped to his knees, yelling out. "Close the door!" Sean dashed for the door as the man tried to close it. Slamming his shoulder into it, Sean got it open and then muffled out a scream as he fell. The container only had a small place to stand. Otherwise, his container was the third one up. Twisting in the air, Sean landed roughly on his side. A loud 'POP' coming from his shoulder. Sean muffled out a pained scream and rolled to his other side. Above him, Bradley snapped out. "Where do you think you are going, Sean? There is nowhere to run." Sean tried to roll up to his knees, but his side hurt too badly. He needed a minute that he couldn't afford. Bradley swatted his other gang member, ordering him sternly. "What are you waiting for?! Go get him! Bring him back!"
The man began to descend a ladder and Sean collected himself enough to roll to his knees. His shoulder was aching, but he tried to push it aside. He tried to rise on his leg, but his road rash was irritated enough that his leg gave out on him. Falling to his good side, he muffled out a curse. The man hopped off the last rung of the ladder, starting toward him. Sean braced himself for a fight, until the door opened at the end of the large warehouse. Everyone turned to see a man in a white uniform push the large door open with all the strength he had. Sean's heart leapt in his chest. Matthew. The Red Cyclone by him, huffed loudly as he chuckled out. "What the hell? Did they take pity on you and let you go?" Matthew straightened up, dusting off his jacket as he said coolly. "No. They ran away." The man laughed, sarcastically retorting. "Ran? From you? You were outnumbered." Matthew stepped inside casually. Stepping in at his sides was a large cat with glowing eyes and Ricky. The large cat let out a robotic growl, while Ricky hunched over a bit with an agitated hiss. Matthew shrugged, answering with a slight blush. "I didn't say that I was alone."
The man looked up at Bradley nervously. Ricky must have seen him because he yelled his name and dashed across the room. The man screamed as Ricky sprang off the ground to tackle him to the ground. Ricky flipped the man to the floor, knocking him out cold. Matthew gestured for the large cat to chase Bradley, but Bradley simply grabbed the door to the container to shut himself in. Matthew and Ricky reached him, asking if he was ok... but he couldn't answer them. Matthew looked over the muzzle, then grimly told Ricky. "Shit. It's locked on him. Without the key... These damn muzzles have to lasered off." Sean tried to tell Matthew about the bomb in his mouth, but Matthew just patted his bad shoulder, telling him calmly. "Don't worry. We'll get it off later. Right now, we've got to save Mark." Sean shook his head as they helped him up. They didn't understand. Leaning closer to Ricky, he hoped that Ricky's cat ears would pick up the soft ticking sound of the bomb in his mouth. Instead, Ricky hugged him and told Matthew seriously. "We need to go before more show up. Come on."
Matthew whistled, calling the large cat down from pawing at the closed container door. Bradley had locked himself in there. Which was good in the sense that Sean knew where to find the key... but bad in the sense that his friends didn't know how much danger they were in. Ricky helped him climb onto the cat, while Matthew told them all in a rush. "Skip said Mark's voice was this way. Skip lead on." The cat let out a soft meow and began to trot back out of the warehouse. Sitting behind him, Ricky used his long nails to try and pick the locks of his cuffs. He hoped with his hands he could tell them... because if not. He didn't know how this was going to play out for him. To Be Continued...
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