Part 42
Sean clung to his bike as it was shot out from the back of Al's truck. Al had drifted his truck just enough that being shot out from it had sent him up the tunnel wall instead of back across the gutter. His bike drifted sideways and backwards up the wall, but it was what he needed to push his bike up. Angling the front wheel to aim back down to the water, he used his last plasma charge to shoot himself down the wall and turned to follow Al's truck. He lost a lot of momentum, but he was sure that he could make it up. Over the coms, Al asked him from farther ahead. "Sean? How are you doing back there?" Sean huffed, looking down at his leg where the sand had shredded his leather pant leg. Turning his focus back on the track, he told him seriously. "I'm good. I'm tailing ya. But I'm out of charges." Over the coms, Ricky started to say. "Sean, you better get your ass up here or we can't find the gear. Sean, on your six! Coming fast!" Sean glanced at the rearview in his visor glasses and locked his jaw. The mermaid was rocketing toward him with blazing purple tires from a plasma charge.
Her speed bike's tires were designed for water tracks and she was using it to her advantage. She certainly knew this track better than himself. She was spinning around the tunnel to use both the water and the momentum to increase her speed on him. Sean drifted around a sharp turn, his back tire spraying water up the wall. The mermaid shifted gears, drifting sideways along the wall. She flashed him a grin of shark like teeth, her eyes going from a bright pink to a solid black as her pupils expanded. Sean swallowed, his heart racing. Straightening up his bike on the straightway, he flinched as she shot down off the wall and rushed up behind him. Over the coms, Sean yelled out. "It's the mermaid! She's on my ass!" Ricky's voice rang in his ears as he yelled back in a rush. "Don't let her pass you! Sean, get away from her!" Sean watched her bike gain up next him as he yelled back. "I can't! She's running on full charges!" Ricky cursed, telling the others. "I'm going back for him!"
Al's voice retorted darkly. "You can't! You fall back and you'll never recover! Sean! She's going to cut you off! Avoid her and WATCH YOUR SIX!" Looking at her, the mermaid blew him a kiss and then dashed back up the wall to start spiraling the tunnel again. Sean watched her go up over his head and spiral down to be right in front of him. Sean tried to pull around her, but she easily shadowed him to keep him behind her. Sean cursed checking for any ways to get his charges back on this track. He saw one and tried to drift into it, but the Mermaid drifted into it before him. Sean gritted his teeth, yelling out at her. "You fucking bitch!" Sean came out of his drift early in the hopes of pulling ahead, but she copied him and engaged a set of pipes along the back of her bike with her plasma charge. The pipes popped out and began to spray jets of water at him that it was collecting from the water on the floor. Sean was forced to stay on her ass to avoid the jets that sprayed out on either side of him. Just one of those fucking things would wipe him out since his bike was terrible at handling in the water.
The mermaid rolled to her side in the bubble of the bike to look back at him. Raising a hand that shimmered with glittery scales, she flicked him off and laughed inaudibly. Sean glared at her, when over the coms, Ricky yelled out. "SEAN, YOUR SIX!" Sean looked into his visors rearview and cursed loudly. Now it made sense why she was trapping him with the water jets. Behind him the ship looking vehicle was gaining on him fast, a brown shark with black stripes was sitting in the center of it and turning a wheel quickly to aim the cannons on him. Sean's eyes widened and he looked over his shoulder as the cannons went off, sending magnets on rope lines out to latch onto the back of his bike! The ropes tightened and Sean yelped as his bike struggled to stay away. Over the coms, Al said in a dark voice. "Sean, break off or that Tech is going to drag you!" Sean reached back to try pulling the magnet off but couldn't. Distress filling his voice, he told the others. "I can't! Guys, what do I do!" Over the coms, Nate snapped out. "Fuck this! I'm hanging back!"
Sean heard them argue about Tech vehicles, but he was distracted by the ship's ropes starting to pull him backward. Sean risked sliding from side to side as the mermaid's jets stopped, trying to get any traction that he could. In the next turn, the ship drifted wide and dragged Sean's bike easily to swing him out behind him. The ships wheels adjusted to keep driving forward, dragging Sean behind him. Sean stared at the racers coming down the tunnel, his heart racing faster than ever. It was harder for him to keep his bike upright when he couldn't see what was coming! Groaning in frustration, he yelled out uselessly. "What the fuck are you dragging me for, Asshole!" He got his answer when a submarine slid up and let out a pulse that stalled all the vehicles around it. Then it surged straight toward him, the front opening to reveal a set of sharp teeth that was similar to Al's truck! Sean's face paled as he uttered out softly. "Oh, fuck me..." He could see Dwight's grinning face through the bubble window, and it was intimating.
Sean leaned back as much as he could as the jaws of the submarine snapped hard and fast. He could just feel the heat of the engine when Nate yelled over the coms. "Take a bite out of this, Motherfucker!" Nate's horse leapt off the wall to hover over Sean's bike as his horse's wings turned white and sent out a pulse. All their vehicles stalled, and the magnets popped off Sean's bike. However, even Sean's bike was affected by the pulse. Over the coms, Nate told him in a rush. "Lay down, Sean!" Sean laid down across the bike, feeling his bike start to fall over but it stopped as Nate's horse lowered over him and set its hooves to the wheel wells of his bike. The hooves of Nate's horse turned a blazing white, fueling Sean's tires with a plasma charge that ignited his tires! Staying down, Sean revved his recovered bike and floored it. Nate's horse stayed attached to him, helping to get his bike back on course. Behind them, the stalled vehicles were causing other vehicles to crash and wipe out. The ones that did make it around the three stalled vehicles, started passing them in large groups.
As they started gaining on the group, a hovering surfboard shot up next to them with a human looking white tiger on it. The Tiger dropped low to his board and stepped on a pedal at the back to ignite his yellow plasma charge to rush by them. The male tiger saluted them as he passed them and adjusted his goggles before using his balanced weight to steer up the wall on the turn. Sean set out a pulse from his bike to help Nate find anything that he could use. Over the com, Nate told him in a smug tone. "The city speed track is coming up! Let's surprise these fuckers! Hang on!" Sean didn't get time to answer, before Nate's horse neighed with a burst from a plasma charge and lifted Sean's bike into the air. Taking the Tech ramp that led up into a tunnel that went straight up! The water tunnel spiraled around to come up to the street, but the Tech's got a shortcut to go up and out onto the straightaway. Nate cheered with excitement as the horse rose up through the tube, yelling out to him. "Get ready! I'm going to drop you!" Nate's horse burst from the tunnel to a covered and brightly lit street in downtown Valhalla!
Cars were parked and waiting for the cover to go away to continue driving. While civilians of all races were standing by to watch on from the sidewalks. Nate's horse released Sean's bike as he yelled out. "Go get them, baby!" Sean rose up on the bike as the bike headed for the ground. Revving his engine hard to spin his tires as fast as they'd go, he braced himself to hit the pavement. City track was his bike's specialty. The bike hit the pavement hard, but the shocks absorbed it and his legs absorbed the impact for the rest of him. Dropping back down on the seat, Sean revved the bike again to coax it to go faster. Despite not having any plasma charges, his tires gripped the pavement and squealed over the asphalt as he sped over it with tires of rippling white flame. Sending pulses out, he hoped to help Nate stay with him as he swerved through the group of bikes so fast that they didn't see him coming. His tires were leaving a trail of flame that made tailing him impossible, but Nate's horse was able to ride over the flame and actually gain speed from it.
In the coms, Nate cheered loudly and asked aloud. "Al, Ricky?! Still good on your end?" Al laughed over the coms, stating out. "End? Cher, we're in front! Get up here! Unless you want to buy drinks?" Ricky chuckled, then told them more seriously. "Guys, we're getting to the end and they are gaining on us." Sean smirked, leaning over his bike more as he said proudly. "We're on our way." Chaos began to break out as racers started pulling out every trick they had. Pulses were going out to stall bikes, while others slammed into each other to spin them out. Sean swerved as a hovering car tried to slam into him. He maneuvered around another car, causing the two to crash into each other. Nate's horse ran up over a car and leapt back into the line of flame that his tires made, making Sean grin. Beams of light shot out to hit racers, but they were able to move fast enough to use their eagerness against them. Beside him, the surfing Tiger got up next to him and hissed at him. Rolling his eyes, Sean rose up on his bike and kicked the board. The tiger meowed with fright before his board flipped and sent the Tiger rolling across the road.
With another pulse for items, Nate leapt away to smash the hologram that appeared. Running up behind him, Nate's horse spread its wings as it ran and set of sparkling lights that blinded and confused the racers behind them. The track turned down into another long dark tunnel and Sean's tires squealed loudly as he drifted into it. Nate's horse's eyes turned on like headlights, lighting up the tunnel for him to see that Al was just ahead of them. Over the coms, Al laughed and told them in a rush. "File in behind me! I'm going to power my way through!" Ricky moved in quickly behind Al as Al shifted gears in his truck. The golden truck roared to life, its wheels igniting in white flame as the large body of the truck rose up higher to let the jaws open wider. As holograms of rocks appeared rapidly in the tunnel to block their way, Al's truck smashed straight throw them without slowing down. Clearing the way for them to follow him through. Nate barely made it through as the holograms reappeared behind them.
The tunnel turned one last time to the open straightaway where the finish line was. Sean locked his jaw and tensed in his seat. Breaking from the line on the turn, Sean barely drifted between two hologram rocks to run over a plasma recharge. As he drifted, Al looked out at him with a wicked grin as he shifted gears and told him with a hungry grin. "The balls on you! You ain't winning this, ya hear!" Sean brought his bike out of the drift, flicking Al off as he took off down the straightaway with a grin. Behind him, Al's truck roared as it surged up to pass him with wheels that were lining the track in flames. As Al passed, he chuckled out over the coms. "Thanks for the charge earlier! I was saving it for this!" Sean smirked, gripping his handlebars tightly as he told him smugly. "I know. That's why I got this!" Sean deployed his plasma charge and surged up alongside Al's truck. The two of them pushed their vehicles so hard that their tires went from white flame to white smoke that clouded the track behind them in a thick fog.
Their two vehicles inched head of the other as the finish line approached, causing Sean's body to tense up so hard that he was numb everywhere. All his focus and desire was on that white finish line! Sean was going so fast that he couldn't feel his bike beneath him. It felt like he was flying, and it was a rush like no other! People in the stands screamed with excitement as they drew closer to the finish line. There was a flash as they crossed, but Sean didn't know who finished first. Both Al and himself went into spinning donuts after the finish line to slow their vehicles down as quickly as they could. Covering the track in more white smoke. Spinning to a stop, Sean relaxed his body on the rumbling bike and looked up at the screen as the smoke cleared. A sharp pleasure squeal left him as he sat back too far, and the engine vibrated the metal balls still in his ass. Hoping no one saw that, he shut off the bike and climbed off. The crowd was screaming so loudly that the automated announcer couldn't be heard. Al hopped out of his truck, staring up at the video screen with just as much eagerness to know who won. It wasn't about their team winning. This was about them personally.
Ricky pulled up close to them, snapping out through coughs. "What the fuck... is wrong with you guys! Jesus... christ! We're on the same team!" They ignored him as the screen played the finish in slow motion. It was so close. As he watched, Sean laughed as he saw that Nate had saved a charge and had been right on Al's other side. The wings of his horse locked flat as it propelled over the pavement after them to meet them at the photo finish. Jogging up next to him, Nate hit his shoulder, laughing breathlessly as he panted out. "Damn! That was a rush!" Sean wrapped an arm around Nate as they slowed the video down more to go frame by frame. Sean held his breath, unable to look away as the video stopped to show the order numbers over the three of their vehicles. Upon seeing number one over his bike, Sean exhaled all the air from his lungs. Nate screamed with excitement, hugging him tightly as the video began to play highlights of him on the track.
They rushed off the track as the other racers burst from the tunnel. Once they were safely away, Al moved up to him to hug him and yelled into his ear over the screaming of those in the stands. "Congratulations! That was a blast!" Frank casually walked over to them with his burly arms crossed over his chest but a warm smile on his face. Shaking his head, he told them gruffly. "It's a good thing you won because you melted those tires. You know... when I told you to make me look good, I meant to make the vehicles look good... Meaning that I wanted them to cross in one piece." Al laughed wholeheartedly, teasing out. "Well... they made it across the finish line in good enough shape. Consider it a... push the limit kind of test?" Frank shook his head, wrapping an arm around Al's neck to pull him in against his chest. Kissing Al's temple, Frank told the others. "I'm proud of you boys. Come on, food is on me." Releasing Al, Frank started to lead the way up the steps as Al piped out happily. "And drinks are on Ricky!"
Ricky stopped short, his jaw dropping as it occurred to him. Whirling around to face Nate, he snapped out. "THAT'S why you sped ahead! Son of a bitch!" Nate patted Ricky's cheek, teasing out. "I'd say sorry... but I'm thirsty." Sean chuckled, pulling Nate up the steps as Ricky grumbled out. "Oh, blow me, Cowboy!" Nate laughed and Ricky reluctantly laughed with him. Together they made their way up to the building. Pets and Masters nodded to them, but refused to shake Nate and Sean's hands. Instead, they shook Al and Ricky's hands. Sean was a little insulted until Frank reminded him. "You're still branded... They'll avoid you like the plague until it passes." Sean frowned a bit. His victory felt a little bittersweet now. Heading into a lounge with a bar and a buffet line of food, they spread out a bit to collect some stuff. Meeting up at a table with lush loveseat chairs. They laughed and talked about the race and the thrills of it. Until Dwight, stormed by to growl out to his tiger shark friend. "Can you believe these people? Why are they excited that some Slum trash won?"
Sean stiffened in his seat, listening to Dwight's friend laugh and reply as he walked by right behind him. "I don't know, man... Maybe seeing him whored out in the Slum got them going?" They laughed and Sean felt his shame boil to rage. Grabbing his metal tray, he flicked the food off and leapt over the back of the seat. Kicking the tiger shark to the ground, Sean smacked Dwight across the face with the tray to stun him. Pets screamed and scattered as Sean started beating on Dwight's face with the tray until he fell to his knees. Frank rushed over, picking Sean up and away from Dwight. Dwight stood up with a growl, but Al rushed over to snarl back at him. Frank held onto Sean tightly, yelling out at them. "BACK OFF!" Dwight backed away from Frank, snorting blood from his nose. Al flicked his tail aggressively but didn't advance beyond Frank. Sean thrashed in Frank's arms, yelling out at Dwight. "You got something to say, you say it to my face! I'll fucking kill you!" Frank muscled him to the ground, yanking the tray from him to pin his arms behind his back.
Sean didn't want to calm down. He was afraid that if he did, he'd start crying. How did they know what had happened to him in the Slums? Matthew rushed into the room, staggering to a stop as he asked completely stunned. "Oh, shit! Am I too late? Did he see?" Sean thrashed and then stopped when he realized what was suddenly starting to play on the video screens around the room. He couldn't hear what the news was saying, but Pets were gasping as they looked at the feed clips of his rape between the live feeds of the Valkyries storming the Slums to arrest the Slum Dogs. They were forcefully putting the arrested Slum Dogs into shipping containers. Nate moved to a screen, covering his mouth as they played the rape feed clips of them over and over between the arrests. Matthew's shoulders slumped as he told them. "I'm sorry... My brother stole the footage... I didn't know..." Some of the Masters turned their Pets away from the screens with disgust. While others snorted and mumbled hate under their breath for the disgusting nature of the Slums.
Tears fell down Sean's face, until he bowed his head to the carpet to hide from it. Frank released him, yelling to the Valkyries that were approaching them. "Cut the fucking feeds!" Matthew moved to touch Nate's shoulder, but Nate swatted his hand away and ran to a trashcan to throw up. Sean wrapped his arms around his head, unable to stop himself from crying across the floor. The volume to the TV seemed to be increasing louder and louder, before everything went silent. Sniffling, Sean flinched as a warm hand touched his bare shoulder. Sitting up, he started to brace himself for a fight... only to feel the tension in him fall away at the sight of Mark. All the screens were off now, and every Pet and Master were bowing their heads at Mark with respect. Mark's face was dark with a coldness to his eyes, but as their eyes met... Mark's eyes softened. Mark's hand drifted over his shoulder to cup his face, telling him in a comforting deep voice. "Come with me, Sean."
As Mark coaxed his chin up, Sean staggered up to his feet weakly. Mark stepped closer to hug Sean to his chest, announcing in a murderous tone. "Mother. Close down the video studio and arrest my brother's hired lacky." Mother's hologram appeared in the room, causing everyone to drop to their knees with more respect. The hologram spoke but only Mark heard her. She bowed to him though and vanished. Mark then told Matthew in a cooler voice. "Take Nathan home." Matthew nodded, reaching out hesitantly to take Nate's wrist to pull him away. Mark watched Matthew take Nathan out, before following. At the gates, Mark ordered the Valkyries in a firm commanding voice. "Make sure the young children didn't get that feed. If they did... remove the broadcast lines down there and run the newest cartoons." The Valkyrie tilted its head, replying respectfully. "But those shows don't air until next week." Mark pointed a stern finger at him, growling out. "If they saw that broadcast, we are in trouble. Play the shows to take their minds off that. Am I clear? I'll deal with the stations."
The Valkyrie nodded, then rushed off. Mark kept Sean close to his side, leading him out into the glass elevator. Once they where inside, Sean put his back to Mark's chest. He couldn't look at him or anyone. All Valhalla had seen his shame. Mark's arm wrapped around his waist, holding him back against him as he whispered to him lovingly. "I'm going to fix this. My brother is only attacking you to get to me." To Be Continued...
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