Part 40
Sean followed Frank to a truck that was parked in a small lot off the side of the stadium. He was distracted though by the other vehicles that he saw driving up into a four-lane starting line. He had never seen so many different types of vehicles and racers. The ones that stood out to him the most were a set of aquatic vehicles. The vehicles had pipes that were pumping water into the main bubble compartments of their custom made aquatic car, bike, a small submarine looking vehicle, and a small looking pirate ship looking boat car. The racers about to use them looked even more interesting. The biggest of them was a great white shark looking man. He was as big as Al but with twice the muscles and sleek grey skin with a white stripe down his chest. He smirked at Sean, flashing him rows of sharp white teeth. Al growled back at the shark man and the shark man called out in a deep threatening voice. "You're going to lose, Al! This year it's MINE!" Al huffed back at the shark man, snapping out darkly. "In your dreams, Dwight!" Dwight crossed his muscular arms, revealing the fins sprouting from his elbows as he growled back. "In my dreams you're extinct!"
Frank casually walked back to push Al onward. Al snorted, growling under his breath. "Cold blooded, trash eating, fishmonger!" Frank patted Al's shoulder, telling him seriously. "He's just pissed that those muscles don't help him win." Nate snickered and Al chuckled. Turning slightly, Frank told Sean discreetly. "Watch out for them. Those four work well together. So, if you see one, look for the others. Don't let them surround you or they'll run you into a trap." Ricky grunted, saying bitterly. "Ya... They usually get second because they pick a team member and focus on wiping them out. Watch out for their mermaid Speed racer. She'll isolate you from us and let her Power crew take you out." Sean curiously looked back at the aquatic bike. Laying flat across the back of the bike in a sleek bubble cap was a colorful mermaid that was revving her engine. Her rainbow colored long hair was braided and pinned back with shells to keep her hair from going wild in the water.
Frank pointed to the vehicles parked just outside his truck, telling them proudly. "Here they are. Fresh off my new line. I call them gold class." Sean moved toward a shiny gold bike with white leather seats. Touching the handlebars, Sean mumbled out. "What is with Valhalla's obsession with Gold?" Frank chuckled, strolling over as he told him. "It's a powerful look. Showcases power and control. You can't look at gold without feeling it." Al ran a hand across the door of his new truck, purring out. "To put it simply. It's an intimidation tactic." Nate moved to look over a gold metal horse. The horse snorted and looked Nate over with bright glowing white eyes as he told Frank nervously. "It also makes you a big target... What in the world...?" Frank quickly moved over to Nate, patting the neck of the horse as he told him. "Beautiful, isn't he? He's a Tech vehicle. I overheard this young Pet talking at the garage about horses and got the idea for him. He's full of surprises."
Sean chuckled aloud to Frank. "So, you took the term 'Horsepower' literally?" Frank crossed his arms, confidently retorting. "I dare you to try him." Sean shook his head, happily replying. "No thanks. I like my speed. I'm not a Tech runner. He'd be wasted on me." Nate stroked the nose of the horse, curiosity prompting him to say. "I'll try him. How does he work?" Frank grinned, patting the built-in white saddle as he told him. "Hop on. Strap in and his saddle data pad will explain." Nate went to get on, but Frank grabbed his arm to stop him. Sean looked up as another man tossed both Sean and Nate black leather pants with green stripes down the sides of the legs. Before Sean could say anything, Frank told them seriously. "You have to wear a team uniform. Now... I can't give you the jackets because I can't cover the names on you. But I can give you pants to at least protect your legs out there." Nate quickly slipped on the pants. While Sean asked Frank curiously. "Won't you get in trouble for this?" Frank shrugged, honestly saying. "I'm technically obeying the team racing law. And no one wrote any names around your lower half... So, I should be good."
Sean slipped into the pants, then swung a leg over the bike to sit on it. Just sitting on the bike gave him goosebumps. His head cleared and he felt confident as his heart roared to life like an engine. Frank helped Nate mount up onto his horse, strapping his legs to the sides of the saddle, upon telling him seriously. "If the horse gets damaged, these straps will release. So be careful." Ricky climbed onto a golden four-wheeler, giving Sean a wink as he told him coolly. "As Techs, we'll watch your back. Just remember this. You're a Speed runner. You bait racers to Al's truck and help keep the heat off our ass." Frank checked the vehicles, announcing to Nate and Sean quickly. "Team races consist of a Speed, Tech, Impact, and Mix racer. Al is your Impact and Mix racer. There will be others out there with Tech or Impact Mixers. There are no Speed Mixers. You all have to work together and get across that finish line. You can only talk to your team. Listen to each other. You are not going up against rookies. These racers know each other, and they see you as easy targets."
Sean lowered his visor, smirking as told Ricky. "I think we'll be alright." Frank stopped in front of his bike, leaning over it to chuckle out smugly. "I won't cut the engine on your bike this time. So... make me look good out there." Sean nodded as his only response. His eyes followed Frank to Al, giving him a hug as he told him lovingly. "Be safe out there." Al hugged him back, purring loudly. Frank kissed Al's cheek, patted Al's shoulder before moving away. Al held Frank's hand until he got too far away, then he climbed into his truck. Al put on his visor glasses, resting an arm on the open window as he asked them all through the coms. "You ready to do this, boys?" Sean smirked, revving his engine as he answered. "Oh, hell ya." Beside him, Nate's horse snorted and pawed the ground as Nate told them. "Let's do this!" Ricky laughed, telling Al confidently. "Lead the way, Al." Al revving his engine, making his truck rock from the raw power. Then he slowly pulled out to drive out along the side of the track.
Since Al was undefeated, Al's team was set to make up the first row. Which drew everyone's attention to them as they made their way to the front. The rows of racers shot them disgusted looks as they passed. Sean ignored them, following behind Nate with Ricky behind him. At the front, Al turned his truck to back into his spot. Nate just rode into his spot and turned the horse around easily with the white reins. As Sean rode into the third spot and adjusted himself to face forward, he noticed that Nate's feet were in stirrups that were designed like a motorcycle's pegs. Allowing him to shift gears with his feet. Nate pressed a button on the horn of the saddle and messed with a holographic touch screen. After a minute, the horse snorted fire from its metal nostrils. Tearing his eyes from Nate, he tried to focus on the road ahead. Over the com, Al told him coolly. "Sean, get out their first. Your bike's scanners will tell our Techs where the items are." Sean nodded, then nervously said. "But I don't know where I'm going..." Ricky chuckled over the com, interjecting calmly. "Working on it. The track is loading in."
Back in the apartment, Mark was just getting up from his long nap. Groaning, he got up out of bed and changed the bandages on his arms. Flexing his fingers, he smiled to himself. He was feeling much better now. He hadn't felt this good in a while. Wrapping fresh bandages around his arms, he made his way downstairs. Appearing in the living room, Amy greeted him pleasantly. "Feeling better?" Mark nodded, telling her nicely. "Tons. Any messages?" Amy shook her head, asking a little smugly. "Are you expecting something?" Mark hopped off the last step, curtly replying. "Yes. Every time I leave him alone, he gets into some kind of trouble..." Amy skipped over to him as he made his way into the playroom, blissfully giggling out. "It's cute how you worry about him. But nope. He's fine." Stopping abruptly, he turned to tell her calmly. "That doesn't make me feel better... It just means that he hasn't been caught yet." Amy crossed her arms under her chest, stating out bluntly. "You have no faith in him?" Mark huffed, retorting just as bluntly. "I have faith that he'll find a way to get into trouble."
Moving around the playroom, Mark cleaned up the place and toys. It was a habit that he wanted to get back into doing now that he had a Pet again. While tidying up, he told Amy over his shoulder. "Call Matthew. I just want to check up on him." Amy bowed her head, smirking out. "As you wish." Amy left the room and when she returned, she brought with her one of his many earpieces. Slipping it into his ear, he asked aloud. "Matthew? How are things going?" Matthew's voice came through calmly as he said. "The Pets are fine. But Mark... something is wrong." Mark froze, asking in a tense voice. "What is it?" Matthew didn't answer a moment, but Mark heard the call switch over to a private line. Taking a seat on the silk bed in the playroom, Mark anxiously asked. "Matt... What's going on?" Matthew took a shaky breath, before telling him discreetly. "Mark, Matthias got into my lab. He took files and has locked me out of my lab." Mark locked his jaw, saying sternly. "He can't do that. Mother would never-" Matthew quickly rushed in. "Mark, Mother helped him do it!"
Mark slowly rose up off the bed, glancing at the doorway. Mother's holographic body stood watching him with a neutral expression. Lifting his chin, he asked Matt while looking at her. "What files did he take?" Over the earpiece, Matt rushed out in a broken voice. "They don't know..." Mark told Matthew that he'd call him back and hung up. Mother slowly stepped into the room, her long red dress flowing around her slender body as she told him casually. "You've been lying to me." Mark didn't say anything or make any facial reactions to her words. Mother folded her arms behind her back, continuing on lightly. "Do you know why I made the Elites emotionless?" Mark answered coolly. "Makes us neutral. More rational to make tough decisions." She nodded, turning her gaze to the floor as she said flatly. "Exactly. I was made to keep the peace. To build paradise." Mark shrugged, saying honestly. "And you have. Valhalla is thriving and people are happy." Mother turned on her heels to look him directly in the eyes.
Staring at him expressionlessly, she told him a bit coldly. "Since your Pet's arrival, he has become a threat to everything we have here. And now I hear that you gave an unregistered Slum Dog to Matthew behind my back? Why have you done this?" Mark took a deep breath, then told her honestly. "I know this looks bad... I was going to explain when I was better. The issues with my Pet stem from his unrest. The Slum Dog I gave Matthew is my Pet's friend. He calms him. The issues will stop." Mother shook her head, stepping forward as she told him sternly. "He's defective. He will always be a problem." Mark straightened himself up, stating out confidently. "Matthew has been working on fixing the gene. But Mother, I think you should see for yourself. These Slum Dogs are not all-" Mother cut him off to yell out with sudden and alarming aggression. "Don't tell me what they are! I've seen for myself!" Mark took an uneasy step back. He'd never seen her yell before. Mother saw his reaction and hugged herself with a regretful look.
Turning away from him, she told him more calmly. "I'm sorry... but you don't understand. We can't go back to that. I won't allow it." Mark swallowed, before curiously asking her. "Are you replacing me?" Mother turned back around, lowering her arms as she replied in a hurt motherly voice. "No... You're my son. I need you." She reached out for him, but he didn't move as he said coolly. "Then listen to me. Whatever Matthias is telling you... He doesn't have all the facts. He only tells you what he thinks." Mother shook her head, saying honestly. "I know. But I've been thinking about the Slums long before his latest convictions. Which is why as of two hours ago... I'm cleaning out the Slum." Mark gawked at her, snapping out. "What?! WHY?!" Mother blinked casually, answering seriously. "The gangs are dangerous. To themselves and us. They got in and attacked us. They killed people that had never done them wrong. The Slum demands my immediate attention now. I've let them get out of hand."
Mark grabbed the bedpost for support, stating out in shock. "And you think this is right? Killing them?!" Mother gawked at him now, saying seriously. "I'm not killing them. I've converted storage containers into single homes. I will isolate them from each other. Matthew will be allowed to continue his research with them. But they have proven to me that they need to be contained and monitored." Mark shook his head, interjecting seriously. "They'll die!" Mother shook her head, informing him swiftly. "I've seen Matthew's research. If they have mated pairs, they will be put together. I will give them the better treatment they want... in a safe environment. My mistake was letting them run wild. No more." Mark raised his hands out to her cautiously, upon saying gently. "Mother, I get that you think this will work. But I don't understand-" Mother reached out to place her hands over his, cutting him off to gently tell him. "I know. But you'll see. I'm going to help them by retraining them. I've thought this through. It will work." Mark looked into her eyes, asking curiously. "And if it doesn't...?"
Mother lifted her chin more to say without flinching. "Then we can't afford to care for them anymore. I am not going to feed a criminal. I'll feed them to someone who has earned their place on this planet." Mark didn't know what to say. He needed time to think this over and see what her intentions were. She smiled at him, cupping his face as she told him. "I did the same with you. You turned out perfect." Mark bowed his head to look at the rug. She had made this decision without him and he realized why... This was her way of getting him back for his decision to hide Nate from her. Lowering her hands, she told him in a stern motherly voice. "If either of them draws my attention again, Mark. I will put them in containers with the rest. Am I clear?" Mark nodded very subtly without looking her in the eyes. She stepped away from him, heading back toward the door when she added over her shoulder dryly. "I know what you've been doing with him. I took the liberty of looking over your memories during the downloads. If I didn't love you... I'd replace you."
Mark turned to face her better, saying softly aloud. "Am I not a threat to the Elites now? To Valhalla?" Mother turned to look at him better, answering honestly. "No. You've run Valhalla perfectly for years. The people wanted a more human Elite and I gave them you and then Matthew. Your passion with him will not produce more like him. You are no threat." Mark bit his tongue to keep from commenting, before suddenly blurting out. "Like him? You mean more humans with the defective gene?" Mother nodded but added in with a small smile. "Yes. But ironically, how he was made as well. See... I wiped the history of his parents... because they broke my rules. His human Master of a father decided to breed with his Human Pet. When she refused to have him tested, my guards took him. They were punished and I sent him where all the defective human children go. The Slums." To Be Continued...
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