Part 35
Sean took a few deep breaths. Feeling more collected, he went back to making dinner as he told Nate casually. "So, what if I am? Is that so wrong?" Nate rose up from the couch, tossing the blanket off as he replied defensively. "You enjoy being used like that?" Sean licked his dry lips, mumbling out softly. "It's not what you think..." Nate moved up to the other side of the counter, growling out in a low voice. "Sean, I saw you with him! You're a prisoner here. He's playing with you. It's not right!" Sean looked Nate in the eyes, retorting in a firm voice. "He's not always like that. I... It's complicated. I'm not a prisoner." Nate snatched a stainless-steel dog bowl off the counter, lifting it up as he bitterly shot back. "To be their Pet is to be a prisoner, Sean. Have you forgotten? They burn through Pets like they mean nothing!" Nate turned the bowl in his hand, before tossing it into the sink as he snapped out. "Or am I supposed to believe that he eats out of this?" Sean flinched at the loud clatter of noise the bowl made in the metal sink.
Sean narrowed his eyes on Nate, retorting sternly. "It's not as bad as you think. Not all Masters are like-" Nate cut him off by snapping out. "Really? Then prove me wrong. Walk out that door." Sean glanced at the front door with a heavy heart. Nate leaned over the counter, seriously stating aloud. "See? You can't. This is a cage. You have no freedom here." Sean shook his head, sorrow filling his voice as he said. "No. You don't understand. I haven't earned it because I keep fighting-" Nate smacked the counter, happily cutting in. "And you should!" Sean shook his head with a saddened expression, when Amy piped up sternly to Nate. "Freedom is all in the eye of the beholder. To be free. One just has to feel free to have a choice. You want to run? And go where? Back to a lawless Slum? I'm sure you can do whatever you want there... As others can do to you." Sean hugged himself and leaned back against the counter. He didn't want to think about that. Nate clenched his jaw, before yelling back at her curtly. "Shut up! No one asked you! You are brainwashing him! Freedom is more than a choice! It's the ability to do what you want! If he can't do what he wants than it's not freedom!"
Amy casually leaned on the counter, answering calmly. "Freedom is earned. It's not given. Freedom without the discipline of restraint turns it into chaos. Take you for instance. How many innocent people did you hurt to take Sean from the Expo? You hurt them because you could... but did you ever think of how that would affect their views on you? You tighten the noose around your own neck by giving them reason to put restrictions on you for your behavior. Sometimes the only way to earn your freedom is to be nice and show that you can be trusted with the freedom you want." Nate's eyes drifted from her to ask Sean seriously. "Sean...?" Sean dropped his arms from around himself, shifting from foot to foot as he told him honestly. "You told me once that freedom was an illusion... I know this place is a lot to take in... but give it a try. Please? After everything... I feel safe here. It's not an illusion..." Nate gave him a worried look but relented and moved back toward the couch.
Sean went back to preparing dinner with Amy in awkward silence. Even after Sean set the table and invited Nate to join him, the silence continued. Sean ate from his dog bowl with a spoon, watching Nate glare at the dog bowl of soup before him. Looking at his own bowl, Sean swallowed. He used to hate it too... but it was just a bowl in the end. Amy was the first one to break the silence by gently telling Nate. "You're being rude. This is the first meal that Sean has made... As his friend, I would think you'd be more... supportive." Nate turned defensive eyes on Amy, growling out. "Are we talking about the food or my opinion on this lifestyle?" Amy pointed to the bowl, retorting blankly. "Try it." Nate pushed the bowl away, grumbling under his breath. "I'm not hungry." Sean twirled his spoon around the bowl grimly. Nate didn't go too far, before turning to tell Sean nicely. "Sean... It's nothing against your cooking... I'm just not feeling well." Sean nodded in understanding but he felt like it was more than just that.
Nate had just made it to the couch as a deep voice from the stairs asked bluntly. "What is he doing out?" Amy jumped to her feet, uttering out in shock. "Master? What are you doing up? Shouldn't you be resting? I let him out to feed him... I'm sorry." Sean slowly rose from his seat to look at Mark. Mark slowly made his way down the steps stiffly. He looked exhausted as he leaned on the rail for support. Amy rushed to him, but Mark waved her away. Making his way to the table, he looked over the dog bowls, then asked Sean curiously. "You made this?" Sean shuffled his feet nervously, mumbling out. "Amy did most of it... I just helped." Amy snorted, correcting proudly. "He's being nice. I merely showed him how. The rest was all him." Mark's hand rose to slide his fingers through Sean's hair, while telling Amy. "Smells good. I could smell it all the way upstairs." Mark winced, taking a seat in his chair as he waved to Amy to get him a plate. Looking at him, Mark gestured for him to sit. Sean obeyed, honestly saying. "I was going to bring you up some... I just didn't want to wake you."
Mark leaned back in his seat with a warm sleepy smirk. Amy brought over his nice plate, causing Mark to tell Sean softly. "Mother got me up anyway... My brothers are on their way." Sean stiffened, hesitantly asking. "Why? You need rest." Mark blew on the steaming spoon, before answering coolly. "I'll be fine. But today, I was supposed to punish you both publicly. Mother delayed it as long as she could... but my brother is insisting that it be today. Otherwise, the Nobles will start to think we don't care about swift justice." Sean slumped in his chair, mumbling out. "What's going to happen to us?" Mark ate his spoonful, then replied truthfully. "You'll be brought before the Nobles and their Pets to apologize... and pay for the lives taken. As I am your Master, I will carry out the sentence. I was to be punished privately for my own indiscretions... but the surgeries seemed to of swayed Mother enough to wave it." Sean huddled against his chair, asking uneasily. "What will you do to us?"
Mark glanced over at Nate, who sat up slowly to glare at him. Pointing to him, Mark said coolly. "He'll be punished by Matthew. His punishment will be more severe. Since he is the reason for the deaths and injuries of most of them." Sean tensed up, watching Mark point to him and add. "Your punishment will be less severe. Since you merely ran... but you will share the burden of those lost." Mark finished eating, then got to his feet. Leaning over the table to lift Sean's chin, Mark kissed his forehead and whispered to him. "This was good. And thank you. When I'm better, I will reward you." Sean blushed, turning his face away from him. The doorbell rang shortly after and Mark reluctantly moved away to answer it. Nate discreetly climbed off the couch and crept to the table. Just as Nate grabbed Mark's spoon, Sean snatched his wrist to stop him. Nate tensed as they stared at each other for a long moment. Matthias stormed past Mark, saying brashly. "Feeling better? I hear Mother finally got around to fixing you. So, don't trouble yourself. I can stand in for you tonight. Where are they?"
Mark uselessly gestured Matthias inside, sternly telling him. "Not a chance in hell, Matthias." Matthew crept awkwardly in behind Matthias, bowing respectfully to Mark as he greeted him and asked a little worried. "Are you ok...? Mother wouldn't let me call and I was worried about the care of the Pets in your condition..." Mark pulled Matthew into a brief hug, then pointed to Amy as he reminded him. "I have Amy, remember? She handles the Pets when I can't. And I'm fine. Just tired. And a bit stiff jointed." Matthew nodded with a small reassured smile. Matthias stormed over to Sean and Nate, angrily snapping back at Mark. "Why aren't they contained?" Sean discreetly yanked the spoon from Nate's hand, before stepping out to stand between Matthias and Nate. Matthias sneered at him, causing Mark to say firmly. "Matthias, Back off. They are mine and I will deal with them." Matthias reluctantly turned around, growling out. "Load them up. We need to go. We are already late." Mark huffed, muttering out as Matthias stormed out. "Elites are never late. Everyone else is simply early."
Mark gestured for Sean to come to him and Sean took Nate's wrist to lead him over. Matthew reached out to touch Nate's shoulder but Nate swatted his hand away. Sean yelped as Mark snatched Nate's wrist from his hand to squeeze it until Nate fell to his knees with a pained cry. Sean placed a hand on Mark's shoulder, but Mark ignored him to tell Nate sternly. "Behave yourself. Or I'll put you back in that straight jacket. You understand me, Mutt?" Nate whined and Sean grabbed Mark's arm harder to plead with him. Mark still ignored him to tell Matthew seriously. "Matt, touch him." Matthew hesitated, until Mark ordered him seriously. "Don't let him get away with that." Matthew reached out for Nate's shoulder, but Nate leaned away from him. Sean let go of Mark, watching Mark grab the back of Nate's neck with his free hand to force his face down to the floor. Sean felt torn. He didn't like seeing Nate manhandled but Mark wasn't hurting him. It was clear that his concern was for Matthew's safety. Matthew shifted uncomfortably, asking nervously. "Mark... I can't... He'll only get mad at me..."
Mark held Nate as he thrashed, straining out to Matthew. "Matt, if you want him. You have to train him. You can't reward his bad behavior, or he'll get worse. Now put your hands on him." Matthew swallowed, his hands shaking as he kneeled to put his hands on Nate's back. Nate groaned and thrashed against Mark's strength, but Mark told Matthew. "Use your voice, Matt. Talk to him." Matthew shrugged, mumbling out. "What do I say?" From the doorway, Matthias groaned as he stated out with annoyance. "Why are you trying to teach him how to train Pets? Just buy him a trained one. He doesn't have the skill for it." Mark's temper flared as he yelled out to Matthias. "Shut up or go wait in the car!" Matthew removed his hands, saying nervously. "Mark, I can't..." Amy kneeled beside Matthew, leaning closer to whisper something into his ear. When she leaned back, she put her hand over Nate and gestured how he should pet him. Matthew scooted closer, putting a hand on Nate's bare back to pet him calmly. Nate tensed, but Matthew whispered to him nicely. "I wasn't trying to hurt you. I'm sorry if I moved too fast... Are you still feeling sick?"
Mark's grip on Nate loosened as Nate relaxed. Eventually, Mark let Nate go. Nate slowly sat up, eyeing Matthew with a guarded look. Matthew slid his hands off him as casually as he could, mumbling out nervously. "Telling me that you don't want to be touched works too... Just saying." Matthew staggered up to his feet, extending a hand out for Nate. Nate didn't accept his hand, he just got to his feet and moved closer to Sean. Matthew looked a little hurt, but Mark patted his shoulder, whispering to him. "Takes time. Trust me." Mark gestured for Sean to go out the door and Sean took Nate's arm to guide him out. Nate stayed close to him, grumbling out. "He's stronger than he looks..." Sean chuckled, telling him honestly. "You have no idea." The car that was waiting for them was one that Sean had never seen. A Valkyrie opened the door for Matthias, and he slipped inside the long limo looking portion. However, when Sean tried to follow, Matthias put up a foot to block his entry, snapping out. "Dogs go in the back."
Another Valkyrie opened a second door farther down, causing Nate to growl out. "This is bullshit." The back half of the vehicle was fenced off from the Masters. Leaving them just seats to sit on. Sean wasn't too happy either, but Mark whispered over his shoulder. "It's only temporary." Sean puffed himself up, making his way inside with Nate following behind him. While they sat on the seat, they watched Matthias pour drinks for the Masters, and chat about Valhalla matters. Mark was clearly bored, but he distracted Matthias long enough that Matthew could slip them snacks through the bars. Sean thanked him, but Nate was still as untrusting as ever. Nate was great once he warmed up to you... but otherwise, he was always a little jaded. They drove to a tall building and pulled into a covered parking lot.
As they climbed out, cameras flashed, and people of all species asked them a rush of questions. The Valkyries kept them at a good distance, allowing Mark to escort them quickly into the building. The ground floor was packed with Masters and Pets of all Species as well. They chatted loudly and some even spoke heatedly as they entered. Cameras flashed as they were guided to a brightly lit stage. Mark raised his hands to silence them, then told them all confidently. "My apologies for the delay. We had important matters to attend too. Such as securing the city gates and dealing with those members that attacked." Matthias clipped Mark's shoulder to add out sternly. "Yes. The gang members that committed the crimes have all been arrested and detained. They will be given swift justice befitting to their individual crimes. It was brought to my attention though, that THIS mutt is the one responsible for planning the attack. I have video and written confessions that were all witnessed by Mother."
Sean clenched his jaw. Was that why Mother woke Mark? To warn him that Matthias was coming for Nate? He wondered how Matthias even knew that Nate was with them? Had Matthew told him? How did Mother even know? His questions were answered when Matthew leaned closer to Mark to discreetly whisper. "He saw the contract I was writing up for Nate... I think he's got bugs in my computer. I had no choice but to tell Mother to warn you..." Mark nodded casually, without showing any sign of malice. Matthias turned to point at Nate and then pointed to what looked like a pull up bar that the Valkyries finished locking into place on the stage. Nate didn't move. Mark looked to Matthew, who froze up. Inhaling deeply, Mark moved to grab Nate's arm and forced him to stand under the bar. Grabbing his hands, Mark raised Nate's arms up enough that cuffs rolled out from the bar to hold Nate's wrists. Nate tugged against them, while Matthias snorted and told the crowd. "He'll pay for the total damage that his gang inflicted on the Expo. Twenty-five lashes for the twenty-five Masters and Pets injured. And he shall be marked with the names of the ten Pets killed in the raid."
Sean started to rush for Nate, when a Valkyrie grabbed him from behind and lifted him off the ground. Sean flailed, kicking and screaming Nate's name. Matthias handed Matthew a golden crop whip that he got from a black case that a Valkyrie was carrying. Matthew stared at the whip with scared eyes. Sean stopped thrashing to pant. Had Matthew ever disciplined a Pet before? From his look, Sean guessed that hadn't. Matthias shook his head with disappointment that Matthew didn't even have the courage to touch it. Lowering his hand, Matthias moved toward Nate. He raised the crop to hit Nate, but Mark grabbed his wrist and stated out coldly. "You can't touch him. Your Pet was killed. You're too close to this." Matthias puffed his chest up, saying darkly. "Are you suggesting that I can't control my emotions? Cause I assure you. I'm in full control over mine." Mark yanked the crop from Matthias, just as darkly replying. "He's not your Pet. You have no right."
Matthias pointed to Matthew, snapping out. "He can't even touch him!" Mark put a hand on Matthias's chest, pushing Matthias away carefully as he warned him. "Then Matthew holds the right to assign a substitute! As the law keeper you should know this." Matthias nodded politely, noticing that the crowd was suddenly unsettled by their fighting. Mark looked to Matthew, who swallowed and nervously announced aloud for everyone to hear. "Mark... I trust you. Substitute me." Mark gave Matthew a bow, then glared at Matthias before walking back to Nate. Mark removed Nate's pants, causing Nate to blush a bright red and shut his eyes to keep from looking at the crowd. Sean clenched his jaw, feeling a slight tinge of jealousy... but when he realized it, he shook it from his mind quickly. Putting a hand between Nate's shoulder blades, Mark stated out loud and clear for everyone to hear. "This is a crop whip, Nathan. Designed to inflict pain and leave marks... but it won't break the skin. Enough blood has been spilled. Before you are the Masters and Pets to those that were injured and killed by your actions. Feel their pain and apologize."
Placing the crop against Nate's lower back, Mark informed him in a deep voice. "I have to hit you twenty-five times... but I will hit you more if I have to, until you apologize to them." Nate inhaled deeply, tilting his head to look up at the ceiling. Sean tensed in the arms of the Valkyrie. He trusted Mark to keep to his word... but he doubted that Nate would give in so easily. To Be Continued...
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