Part 31
After locking the door, Mark backed up from it listening to Sean bang on it and scream at him. He barely heard the words he was shouting. He wasn't feeling good. He couldn't hide his condition anymore. Grabbing his shoulder, he headed toward the kitchen, saying a bit strained. "Peebles? I need your help..." Peebles hologram appeared in the living room beside him, asking with a worried expression. "Master? Your scans are bringing up irregularities. Should I call Mother?" Mark shook his head, growling out. "No. She'll only preform the surgery and I can't have that... Not until after I punish Sean... Otherwise..." Amy answered for him by saying a little scared. "Or you might kill him..." Mark locked eyes with her, answering a bit stiffly. "Ya... Now get the medical kit. I've got to get them out..." Making his way into the kitchen, he leaned against the counter to keep himself from falling over. Amy set the white plastic box on the counter and he opened it up. Removing a set of long tweezers, he took a deep breath and inserted them into the stab wound on his shoulder.
Clamping the tweezers on the metal lodged in his shoulder, he took a few quick breaths. Amy covered her mouth with a scared motherly look. Holding his breath, he yanked the metal from his shoulder and muffled out a cry of blinding pain. Dropping the tweezers and the piece of metal into the sink with about a cup of blood. Leaning over the sink, he felt tears roll down his face. Beside him, Amy yelped at the sight of him in pain. Trying not to touch him, she pleaded out. "Master, please... I should call Mother... Your implants can't handle this spike in pain!" Mark glared at her, snapping out. "Don't call her. That's an order, Peebles!" Reaching into the box, he grabbed a device with a narrow drill tip. Pressing the button, the drill turned a bright red and he jabbed it into his wound. As the pain burst over his shoulder, his free hand smacked the sink and dented the metal of the basin. The heated tool cleansed the wound with its heat and pulled the skin together to sear the flesh back together as it rotated out of the wound slowly. The process was painful and everyone he had known had to be knocked out to use it. As an Elite, his pain tolerance was higher than the average human... but it was seriously testing his resolve.
Deep groans and strained pants left Mark as the tool worked. When it finally came out, Amy shakily told him. "Alright. That's enough. I'll wrap it and then you need to rest." Mark dropped the bloody tool on the counter, before picking the tweezers back up and breathlessly retorted. "I can't... There is one more in my hip. There fucking weapons are barbaric..." Amy covered her mouth, muffling out timidly. "Master... No! Please stop!" Mark pushed his pants down below his hipbone to expose the bleeding wound. Taking a deep jagged breath, he inserted the tweezers to find the broken half of a knife. While searching he strained out to Amy. "I have too... If I don't get them out... I'll lose my ability to walk and use my right arm." Grabbing the metal, Mark looked to Amy and pleaded out shakily. "Peebles... I need you to yank this out." Amy shook her head, stepping back as she glitched and pleaded back. "No... Master, I can't hurt you! Don't make me!" Glaring at her, he sternly commanded in a broken voice. "Peebles, please. I'm in a lot of pain and my strength is failing me... Do it!"
Amy bit her lip, then moved in to take the tweezers. Mark grabbed both the island counter and the main kitchen counter to hold himself up. Taking a few breaths, he ordered her through gritted teeth. "Now." Amy yelped in fear but yanked the metal from his hip. The pain was so great this time that it brought Mark to his knees with a light cry of pain. Still holding the counters, he watched blood run down his thigh from the wound. Parts of his body were unresponsive. All he could do was stay kneeled in pain and whine softly to himself. Amy snatched the drill, dropping to her knees to shove it into the wound. Mark jerked his head back, his nails clawing into the countertops. The pain made him feel hazy and was slowly fading to a numb sensation. The second the wound was healed, Amy dropped the drill and shakily stammered out in a distorted voice. "M-m-master? Are you ok?" Mark dropped his arms limply from the counters, telling her with a small smile. "Much better. Thank you." Amy began to cry a little, causing Mark to reach out and touch her holographic cheek.
It always amazed him how Mother could get the holograms to touch objects... but at the same time, they were still just images. Amy leaned into his hand though like she felt him. Staggering to his feet, she followed him up the steps to his room. Slipping into the shower to get the blood off himself, he told Amy more collected. "Peebles. Move Nate out of sight. Somewhere that Sean will never see him and that only I have access too." Amy nodded, then sank through the floor. After he cleaned up, he stiffly slipped into bed to rest. Running his hands along his healed skin, he sighed to himself. Mother always left scars on him... but doing things himself never did. It wasn't the first time he had been hurt badly and it probably wouldn't be the last. Rolling to his good side, he stared at a picture of his last pet and then flipped it down. He didn't want to remember his past. It was painful. It was the reason he could no longer go off-world... The reason his implants were faulty. No matter what Mother would do to him... He was broken... but she would never let him go.
In Sean's room, Sean sat huddled up in the corner of his room. After hours of banging on the door and yelling. He had been reduced to crying in the corner. He was an emotional wreak. What would Mark do to Nate? He couldn't bare the thought of it. This was all his fault and it was eating him up inside. Running his hands through his hair, he tried to think of a solution. He had to think of a way to save Nate from Mark's wraith. If he didn't act... Mark might throw Nate out tonight. Staggering to his feet, he went to his drawer to look at how it was built. Cursing, he simply dressed himself in sleek black sweatpants and a white tank top. Rushing to other furniture, he tried to find anything that he could use. Nothing. Everything was made solid. No nails or screws. Frustrated, he knocked everything off his desk with a loud cry of frustration. Dropping to his knees in the mess, he spotted paperclips. Shaking his head with a chuckle, he snatched them up and ran to his door. While his door didn't have a keyhole, he could get the panel off with the paperclips.
Delicately removing the panel, he pulled his computer tools closer and got to work on trying to unlock his room. Tapping the computer board inside the door delicately, it sparked and unlocked. Sean let out a quiet excited cheer and then opened the door. Snatching some tools, he slipped from his room toward the playroom in the dark and kneeled in front of the door. Just before touching the panel, he froze as a gentle voice told him from behind. "I wouldn't do that, Sean." Sean lowered his hands, answering without looking back at Amy. "I have to. He'll hurt him... If he hasn't already..." Amy's glowing hand moved over his shoulder, comforting him as she said honestly. "He didn't touch him. He's safe. But if you do this... You'll only prove to the Master that you can't be trusted. There are better ways to do this." Sean turned to look at her, asking quietly. "How?" Amy kneeled, whispering to him. "You don't know him like I do. I know he seems heartless and cold... But he's hurting and he doesn't know how to deal with his emotions. He never learned how..."
Sean shrugged, asking curiously. "Why are you telling me this?" Amy inhaled deeply, openly whispering to him. "Sean, please... Just talk to him. You are the only one that understands what it's like to be in a cage. To want something that you can't have... He's not the monster you think he is." Sean glanced at the door panel. What was strange was that he didn't have to think about it. Even if he got Nate out, he had given Mark his freedom. Laying his tools down, he stood up and quietly moved to the stairs. He had never been upstairs. With every step, his heart beat a little faster. By the time he stood in front of the grey door, his heart was thundering in his ears and blocking out all other sounds. Swallowing, he raised a hand to place on the cold door. His hand was shaking, but as his other hand grabbed the handle, his heart and body calmed down. Turning the handle, he eased the door open inch by inch. Would Mark be angry with him for this? Stepping into the large room, Sean saw Mark sleeping in bed.
Unlike his room, Mark had a huge window along the wall with blinds that were cracked open to reveal that it was late in the evening. Why had Mark turned in so early? Creeping across the floor, Sean stood beside the bed barely able to breathe. Seeing Mark like this gave him a weird feeling. Mark looked so different in his sleep. He couldn't be much older than him. He looked almost vulnerable like this. Reaching out to touch Mark's shoulder, he stopped himself. Licking his lips, he rubbed his collarbone nervously, before crawling onto the bed with him. Sliding his hand over Mark's bare side, Sean pressed himself to Mark's back to hug him. Mark inhaled deeply, his arm moving as he looked over Sean's arm. Against his back, Sean desperately pleaded out. "Forgive me... I was afraid. It's not his fault... It's mine. Punish me... not him. I'm begging you." Mark laid his arm down over his, holding Sean's wrist against him, upon asking in a deep calming voice. "How did you get out?" Sean ignored the question, pleading with him in a shaky voice. "Please... I'm at your mercy... Punish me."
Mark's fingers traced over the back of his hand, while asking him curiously in a buttery deep voice. "Do you love him?" Sean sniffled, shaking his head as the truth burst from his throat. "No... I slept with him because... I wanted to have a choice. Pleasure makes me weak... and Nate makes me feel... stronger. After what you did, I... I needed him." Mark's fingers slid down between his fingers to spread them out as he neutrally asked. "You don't feel strong around me?" Sean curled his fingers a bit, honestly answering in a wispy voice. "You terrify me." Mark's fingers slid back to his wrist, tightening around it. Yanking him over him, Mark pinned him back against his bed. Sean exhaled all the breath in his lungs as Mark positioned over him on all fours. Sean twisted his wrists lightly in Mark's hands but didn't resist him. Staring down at him with dark brown eyes, Mark replied in a dark tone. "Do I? Do I scare you as much as those boys in the Slums do?" Looking straight up into his eyes, Sean answered without blinking. "No. What scares me is that I was waiting for you to come get me."
Mark huffed sarcastically, mumbling out. "Bullshit. You couldn't wait to leave." Tears fell from Sean's eyes as he uttered out in a cracking voice. "I don't get it either. But I didn't know what I had until it was gone..." Mark looked away but didn't let him go. Sean stayed beneath him, pleading out hopefully. "He's my best friend... Mark, I don't beg... but I'm begging you. Take your jealousy out on me... Not him." Mark's eyes returned to look at him before he said under his breath in a low tone. "On one condition." Sean's heart skipped, before he even heard the condition. He didn't expect Mark to reason with him. Mark brought his lips closer to him, whispering over them longingly. "Give yourself to me." Sean blinked, not sure he understood as he whispered back. "How?" Mark brushed his lips over his lightly, then purred out in a strangely gentle tone. "Have sex with me... While I'm still me." Sean pushed his head back into the pillow to escape Mark's lips, blurting out with worry. "What? What do you mean while you are still-?" Mark didn't let him finish. Pressing his lips to his in a loving kiss to silence him.
After the long kiss, Mark breathlessly prodded out gently. "Well?" Sean swallowed, just as breathlessly replying. "Just to be clear... I do this... And you won't punish Nate?" Mark released Sean's wrists, pressing them to the mattress by Sean's shoulders instead as he said honorably. "If you want me that badly to yourself... Then I give you my word." Taking a deep breath, Sean put his hands on Mark's chest and squeaked out. "I want you to leave him out of this. This is between you and me. So, let's do this." Mark grabbed Sean's wrists carefully, saying seriously. "Not here. Come with me." Mark slipped from the bed, waiting for him to follow him. Sean slowly slipped from the bed, nervously asking. "Why not here?" Mark chuckled almost sarcastically as he retorted. "For the same reason that I won't play with you in your room." Sean followed Mark down the steps, feeling uneasy about the tools he'd left out. However, when they got to the door, his tools were gone. Sean raised an eyebrow, glancing into the living room to see Amy wink at him with a smile. Mark unlocked and opened the playroom door, slipping inside first.
Sean followed him inside, mumbling out embraced. "Mark... I don't think that I can do this if Nate is-" Sean's words died in his throat and his face paled. The cage Nate had been in was empty. Sean rushed to the cage, stammering out. "What? Where? Mark, where is he?!" Mark closed the door, walking up to Sean as he informed him gently. "Don't worry. I had him moved. He's still in the house. I assure you." Mark took Sean's wrists, turning him away from him. Pressing up to his back, Mark's hands slid around Sean's waist to keep him against him. Leaning his head back on Mark's shoulder, Sean wispily mumbled out. "You're not going to make this weird, are you?" Mark brought his lips to Sean's ear, purring into it. "Not unless you want me too." Mark's hands carefully pulled the front of Sean's shirt up, causing Sean to cover his hard on and mumble out nervously. "I don't wanna do it like this... I can't see you..."
Mark hefted him up, carrying him over to a long mirror on the other side of the room. Setting him down in front of it, Sean slammed his hands on either side of the mirror and blushed a deep red. He wanted to look at Mark. Not himself. Mark's hands grabbed the hem of his pants, pulling them down his long pale legs. Sean's legs shook, making Sean glance down in the mirror at how Mark's hands slid up his bare legs toward his hard groin. Pulling his thighs apart to reveal more of his genitals, Mark stood up behind him and purred over his shoulder. "You've been hard awhile. I'll take care of you... but you don't deserve to reach release before me. Do you understand why?" Sean's fingers clawed the walls as he answered breathlessly. "Yes..." Mark reached around to grab the hem of his shirt, stating over his shoulder in a firmer voice. "Tell me why." Sean tried not to look at himself in the mirror as he mumbled under his breath. "I ran away." One of Mark's hands ran up his chest to hold his jaw tenderly, forcing him to look at himself in the mirror as lightly prodded over his shoulder. "That's not why. Try again."
Sean stared into his own hazy blue eyes as he strained out with flushed cheeks. "Because I... I slept with..." Mark kissed his shoulder, saying a bit firmer. "I can't hear you, Sean. Why am I doing this?" Sean swallowed, before confidently telling himself. "Because I slept with Nate and made you jealous." Mark released his jaw, his hand going back to grab the hem of his shirt as he said happily. "There you go. Good boy." Mark's hands hefted Sean's shirt off, leaning into him to kiss his neck possessively. Mark's hands stroked his abs and ribs, before purring out. "Remind yourself what that chain around your neck means, my little Underdog." Sean could barely look at himself. Seeing the pleasure on his face made him feel so vulnerable. Peeking at himself from the corner of his eyes, he answered shakily. "It means I want you to touch me." Mark's hands moved up his chest to grab his pectoral muscles and teased his hard nipples with the tips of his middle fingers. Sean moaned loudly as his already sensitive body reacted wildly to the attention. Gripping the frame of the mirror tighter, Sean panted out a loud plea. "Oh fuck! Mark, don't tease... My heart can't take it! I'm already so hard!"
Mark chuckled darkly into his ear, asking him wickedly. "Tell me what you want me to do then?" To keep Mark from continuing to stroke his oversensitive nipples, he belted out. "Fuck me!" Mark licked up the curve of his ear, causing Sean to see stars. After which, Mark purred into his ear. "Fuck me...? What? Be a good little dog and say it... Just this once." Sean stared into the mirror at Mark's expectant expression. So soft and undemanding. Licking his dry lips, Sean pleaded out in an aching voice. "Fuck me... Master." Mark finally stopped teasing his nipples, taking something down from a shelf next to them. Popping the cap, Sean closed his eyes as he felt Mark spread his ass cheeks to squirt something into him heavily. When the nozzle came out, some of the clear liquid leaked down his inner thighs. Behind him, Mark warmly told him. "Your ass is a little torn from lack of lubricate... So, I'll try to go easy on you. But there is something you should know..."
Sean chuckled to himself, hanging his head a bit as he asked. "You going to tell me that you've got a nineteen-inch dick?" Mark snorted with a grin that when Sean saw it in the mirror... His heart skipped a beat. He'd never seen Mark grin like that. It was so warm and inviting. It made him grin just seeing it. Without noticing him looking, Mark unzipped the front of his pants and commented lightly. "No. But as an Elite... I'm not average either. Your first time with me will hurt at first. Do you understand? Are you sure you want to do this?" Sean braced his legs better, staring into the mirror as he told him confidently. "I understand. I want this." Mark stepped up behind him, pushing in just a little. Sean moaned, feeling his tip go in wasn't too bad. Sean's toes curled into the rug. How could he feel so full with just his tip? Mark's hands slipped under his thighs, lifting him off the ground. Keeping his legs spread wide, Mark pushed him against the mirror and slowly pushed in deeper.
Sean's hand smacked the mirror, his breath fogging up the glass as he moaned loudly. Mark hadn't been joking. He had more girth than he had been expecting. The second he was completely in, Sean quivered and moaned out of needy pleasure. Mark's cock was practically nestled on his sweet spot. The moment Mark began to move, pleasure tore from Sean's throat. His training ring banged against the mirror as Mark thrusted, making Sean blush more. It was torture to be so hard and have to wait for release. He was ready for an orgasm in seconds... but Mark took his time with him. Mark kissed his neck and back lovingly, his thrusts growing faster over time. By the time he finally came, Sean could only whine. He needed release so badly that he would let Mark do anything to him for it. He couldn't live like this. He could see the veins standing out on his cock. Mark carefully lowered his legs, pulling out slowly. Sean whimpered, pressing his forehead to the mirror as Mark's thick white cum ran down his inner thigh.
Sean's legs quivered under his weight as he pleaded wispily. "The ring... Master, please...?" Mark wrapped an arm around him, coaxing him down on all fours. Sean rested his forehead on his crossed arms, gasping as the ring loosened. Kneeling beside him, Mark's hand went to his cock to milk him. Even with Mark's slow rhythm, a pleasant scream left Sean as he came hard into Mark's hand. He swore his balls emptied of every possible drop. Unable to stay on his knees, Sean fell to his side and panted heavily. He was exhausted. His body couldn't move. He had never had an orgasm so strong in his life. Mark kissed his cheek, telling him lovingly. "Good boy. Let me clean up and I'll help you." Sean couldn't even nod. He just laid their panting heavily. When Mark returned, he tapped on the mirror and said aloud. "I'll be back with your food. After I clean him up." Sean narrowed his eyes on Mark with confusion. Mark stared down at him with a stony face, answering bluntly. "I said I had moved him. I didn't say that he wasn't still in the room." To Be Continued...
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