Part 26
Mark moved back to his bike, swinging his leg over it. With the lasers up, he couldn't leave the city. So, when he turned his bike back on, Mother let the engine turn over. Removing his visor, he slipped them on and took off for the tower. He raced through traffic, barely focusing on the vehicles around him. He should feel nothing... but he felt angry. Parking in the lower parking lot of Valhalla's central tower, he dusted himself off and made his way to the teleporter in the next room. Stepping through confidently, he stepped out onto the highest level. The Olympus tower was the tallest building in Valhalla with a top floor that had a gorgeous view of the entire city. From here, he could even usually see parts of the Slums beyond the wall. In the fading light, the city was lighting up like stars in the night and making any view beyond the city impossible. Hanging from the center of the glass ceiling was a prism sphere that rippled with data code. Mother's central system. Mark stopped, glancing at the three chairs set up before her sphere.
In two of them Matthias and Matthew were watching data feeds that Mother was showing them. Mother appeared under the sphere in her giant holographic form. Mother crossed his arms, glaring at him with pure white eyes. Mark stepped forward, trying to remain calm as he told her firmly. "As I'm not the head of security, I don't understand why you are mad at me." Mother turned the screens off of the two chairs and began to write out her words for them to understand. To Mark though, she snapped out as clear as day. "I am disappointed in you, Mark. This security breech stemmed from a Slum Dog that YOU hired! How could you allow such a thing?" Mark stood his ground, honestly retorting. "Allow me to look into the matter. With some investigation, I will arrest the Slum Dog for violating the terms of his ID and I'll retrieve my property." One of the chairs turned to face him, revealing Matthias as he snapped out. "NO! This is my domain. I will bring these mutts to justice myself."
Mark clenched his fists, stating back bitterly. "You can do what you like to the Slum Dog, but Sean is MINE! As my Pet, he's under my protection." Matthias huffed, lazily shooting back. "It's because of that filthy mutt that we are in this mess! How many Pets and off-worlders were hurt in that little rescue mission of theirs, huh?" Mark didn't answer. He didn't know. Mother told Mark seriously. "While you deliberately disobeyed me and put yourself at risk... The off-worlders were relieved to see you take action. Your actions prevented more injuries. However, it can't be ignored that this Slum Dog was their target." Matthias turned his chair a little to state out in Mark's defense. "Mother, to be fair... the Slum Dogs' psychology is to look out for their own. Sean was the result of us trying to rig their races. By taking him, we provoked his gang into rescuing him." Mark couldn't help correcting Matthew nicely. "That's wrong. Sean was a Green Dragon. The Toxic Glow Skulls are the ones that came for him."
Matthew raised a finger out to him, correcting right back. "Actually, thanks to you identifying the Slum Dog at the Expo. My research was able to bring up his file. This Nathan Sharp is the last surviving member of the Green Dragons gang." Matthias snorted in disgust, asking sarcastically. "And how do you know that, Matthew?" Matthew crossed his legs and arms, before glaring back at Matthias and sneering out. "Because it's my job to keep track of every mutt we throw in the Slum. I study them and keep track of gang territories. If I'm going to fix the genetic problem in their personalities that stems from their blood, I need-" Matthias rolled his eyes, cutting him off to grumble out. "I don't care. You should just gas them all like the parasites they are. They are not needed in our society." Matthew bolted up to his feet, calmly yelling back defensively. "How dare you! What makes their lives any less than ours?! We isolate them because of their behavior, but we force them into this behavior by isolating them in their conditions! If I can prove that their genes play no role in their personalities-" Matthias leaned forward, telling Matthew with a fake smile. "Ya, don't care."
Matthew tensed looking hurt as he clenched his jaw. Mark stepped forward more, gesturing Matthew to sit back down. While Matthew reluctantly sat down, Matthias stated out bluntly. "While you waste time pretending that Slums mongrels are anything but destructive and violent creatures. Let me remind you that it is my job to punish these filthy things when they bite the hand that feeds them. Now, with Mother's permission. I want to send a patrol of Valkyries to show this gang just what happens when they cross the line." Matthew's jaw dropped, stating out. "You want to wipe them out?! You can't! The Slums work on a delicate balance of rules. If you wipe out a gang like that you will cause the others to fight for that territory. It will be chaos! Plus, we don't know what an attack like that will do to the Slum Dogs mindset!" Matthias rolled his eyes, retorting out through his teeth. "Who cares what it does to their feelings! This was an attack. We have to act, or they'll try it again!"
Mark raised his hands to stop his brothers, telling Mother personally. "Mother, please! Matthew is right. This could rally the Slum gangs. The best way to handle this is to only take in those responsible for the attack. Send the Valkyries in, but ONLY to punish those who did it. We start wiping out gangs like that and we could be looking at a war." Matthias shrugged, snapping back. "Let them try to breech our walls! It will make my job easier." Mark glared at Matthias, shooting back. "Use your head! They shouldn't have been able to get past our walls this time!" Matthias rose up, snapping out. "If you hadn't hired that mongrel, they wouldn't have been able to get in! I say we cut ties with all our workers in the Slums. Let them suffer with their kind!" Matthew shot up from his seat, pleading out to Mother. "No! Mother, please! If we cut the Trader and Black Market ties, they will starve to death! Without them how will we supply them with food and water?" Matthias climbed to his feet, telling Matthew seriously. "Let the bastards starve! We shouldn't be feeding them anyway! Not after this! Not after how generous we have been to them!"
Matthew scoffed, retorting bitterly. "Oh, you self-centered block head! How about you get your head out of your ass and read a few of my books on human nature before you-" Matthias climbed to his feet, snapping back at Matthew sternly. "You couldn't pay me to read those garbage theories! How about instead of hiding in a closet with your Pet, you actually take her outside and learn something about the world!" Matthew tried to lunge at Matthias, but Mark quickly kept them apart as Matthew shot back darkly. "You're not worth the pieces it took Mother to put you together, asshole!" Mother sent a high-pitched frequency over the speakers of the room, while Mark heard her yell out. "STOP IT!" Matthew and Matthias quickly dropped back into their seats as they covered their ears and whined in pain. Mark was the only one who had heard Mother's voice and not her screech. Flinching from her anger though, he waited for everyone to calm down. Once they did, she told Mark with fragile eyes. "This mongrel is like a poison. He's corrupted you and through you... he is corrupting your brothers!"
Mark lifted his chin, softly retorting. "Mother, military and Science divisions have never gotten along. I admit that I'm the problem. I set them on each other... but only because I know how to fix this WITHOUT causing imbalance to either side. Run the numbers and tell me that I'm wrong." Mother relaxed her tense shoulders to think and Mark carefully added out. "Yes, we go through a lot of trouble to maintain the Slums. But you can't deny that we use them to feed a lot of our Pets. If we cut ties to the Slums, we are cutting off our source for Pet food and they will starve and die." Matthew straightened up in his chair, causing Mark to add before Matthew could say anything. "And that is not counting the hundreds of kids we are losing to this genetic problem. How many Pet children and Masters' children have we sent to the Slums because they came up positive for the genetic flaw? We can't lose sight of these things. We need solutions." Matthew and Matthias stared at their screens, waiting for Mother to answer. Mother was silent for a long time, before finally answering. "I've run the numbers. Your logic is sound... for now."
To Matthias, Mother wrote out to him as she said. "Matthias, interrogate the arrested prisoners from the attack. When you are finished with them. Give them to Mark. He'll sell them as Pet food. Then send out a group of Valkyries to arrest only those involved in the attack. We will do the same to them." Matthias shifted in his seat, asking Mother curiously. "And Mark's Pet? What becomes of him?" Mother looked to Mark, before answering softly. "Leave the Pet. That is a matter for Mark and I to discuss." Glossing over Mark, Mother turned to Matthew to write and say out to him. "Matthew, run facial scans on every Slum Dog in the attack. Track them down and send their coordinates to the Matthias." Matthew sighed heavily, telling her honestly. "I can try. But that is not as easy as you think. We don't have trackers on the Slum Dogs... I can only tell you generally where they will be or flee too, but... Otherwise, I keep minimal contact with them."
Mother nodded, telling him to do what he could. She then dismissed Matthew and Matthias... but not Mark. Mark watched his brothers leave through the teleporter, before turning to hear his Mother start sternly. "I don't know where to begin with you, Mark. When I told you to get a Pet... I didn't think you'd get a damaged one. Let alone grow to kiss such a creature for endearment. You even went out of your way to put yourself at risk. I fear that this Slum Dog is hazardous for your health. I want you to release your claim on him so that he can be disposed of." Mark folded his arms behind his back, standing up straighter to answer stubbornly. "If this is about Sean's Expo tape. It's not unusual for Pets to have sexual fantasies about their Masters. Matthew can send you his data on it. Pets often form emotional bonds with their Masters. It doesn't-" Mother cut him off to say just as defensively. "I'm aware of that. I'm referring to you kissing him. Masters kiss temples and foreheads as show of affection to their Pets. This blended with your emotional outbursts... Mark, do I have to open you up and check your implants again?"
Mark stiffened, mumbling under his breath. "No. I... This isn't like last time. I'm simply taking your advice. You wanted me to have a Pet and I got one that... Mother, I got one that I could train myself. I needed a challenge to break from this endless work cycle. Sean gives me that." Mother shrank down to normal size, reaching up to touch his chin as she told him in a motherly voice. "Son... You are my treasured creation... I refuse to lose you to that creature. He's dangerous and he's not healthy. Your human body has always been able to resist my implants... but I can't make another like you. If I lose you... I won't be able to talk to your brothers. I need you. Help me understand. How does this Slum Mongrel help you?" Mark looked her in the eyes, answering honestly. "Ever since you created my brothers... I've been stressed. I can do their jobs better, but you took that authority from me. You have forced me to rely on THEM? It goes against everything that you have taught me. I enjoyed the challenge. Without it... I'm bored and offended. Sean gives me the challenge that I crave. He's wild and damaged, but he won't break like my last one."
Mother dropped her hand, admitting softly. "Yes... Breaking a Slum Dog comes with less trauma. I can admit that. However, a Slum Dog has never been tamed without genetic tampering. And I can't help noticing that you are less aggressive with this one. You've burned through so many before..." Mark inhaled deeply, truthfully telling her. "Those times were different. They couldn't handle my work hours and they took my stress as a personal reflection on themselves. I figured a Slum Dog would handle it better. Mother, please... I can control him. Just give me more time." Mother backed away, cautiously mumbling out. "Mark... I don't need his rebel behavior rubbing off on you." Mark stood still, telling her slightly dishonest. "It's not. I've been helping Matthew with his studies on Slum Dogs." Mother hugged herself, letting out a heavy sigh, but told him lovingly. "You have been getting along with Matthew a lot more than before... and I have stressed you out with all the changes. So, in the best interest of keeping you happy... Go get him before your brother sends the Valkyries out."
Mark gave her a bow and pressed the tracker on his watch. Showing her the watch, he told her seriously. "I'll leave at once to pick him up. I can track him through his Training ring." Mother smirked, crossing her arms as she questioned him with narrowed eyes. "How interesting... Mark, would you have gone to get him even if I had said no?" Mark smirked back, giving her a shrug as he coolly said. "You'll never know. Thank you, Mother." Mark turned away, when Mother told him commandingly. "Mark, before you leave the city. I'm going to need you to address the Nobles on how this incident will be handled. And how your Pet will be punished for being a part of the escape. Can I trust you to do that?" Mark clenched his jaw briefly, before answering respectfully over his shoulder. "As you wish, Mother. Anything else?" His Mother moved up behind him, her voice taking on a stern tone again as she replied. "When you return... I wanna check your implants." Mark swallowed anxiously, his hand discreetly going to his stomach. Giving her a nod, he quickly made his way to the teleporter. He had a lot to do.
Back in the Slum within the Toxic Glow Skulls attic, Sean couldn't breathe as he stared at Nate with sudden panic. Shifting farther back from him, he uttered out shakily. "Nate... You... You can't tell anyone." Nate's body tensed as he glanced back at the closed trap door. Sean began to shake a little, pleading with him softly. "Nate? You know what they'll do to me if they find out..." Nate's eyes darted from the trap door to lock hard eyes with him as he accused curiously. "That Elite that chased us down... He did that because he owns you, doesn't he?" Sean swallowed and forced himself to nod. Nate scoffed, sitting down to run a hand through his bangs with disbelief. Sean inched closer, desperately informing him. "I didn't have a choice! He bought me and he-" Nate turned hurt eyes on him, snapping back. "Did you let him fuck you?" Sean shook his head, honestly telling him in a soft voice. "No. Master's don't fuck their Pets, they... touch them." Nate flashed him a disgusted look, growling out. "How could you let a sick fucker like that put his hands on you?!"
Sean tensed himself up, snapping back. "I didn't LET him do anything! Why are you acting like this? You just said that you'd die for me and now what?! I'm spoiled?!" Nate shot up to tackle him, pinning him across the cushions by his wrists and straddling his waist. Sean struggled, until Nate snapped down at him in an emotional tone of voice. "Stop it! You wanna know why I'm upset?!" Sean nodded nervously, twisting his wrists in Nate's tight grip. Nate stared down at him, softly answering in a broken voice. "Don't you remember? When we started the Green Dragons, you promised me that you'd pair with me when you were ready! I've done EVERYTHING for you. And now..." Nate released him, sitting back on Sean's lap as he grumbled out to himself. "Now it means nothing... I can't compete with a guy that can give you everything in a silver dog bowl..." Sean rose up onto his elbows, sweetly telling Nate. "Nate, he doesn't own me. I want nothing from him... and yet... I'm fucked because I don't know how to get this fucking thing off!"
Nate licked his lips with a sigh, slowly climbing off of him as he asked discreetly. "Can I see it? Maybe I can see something that you can't?" Sean reluctantly laid back down, shakily pushing his pants down to his thighs. Nate touched his bare thighs lightly, leaning forward a bit to look over the ring's design. Sean took deep breaths, trying not to feel awkward about this. Nate had worked on his bike with him. Without touching the ring, Nate asked him in a distracted voice. "How does it work?" Sean stared up at the colorful tea lights strung across the pointed wooden ceiling, answering nervously. "The Elite has a ring that it works with. If I try to remove it... It will remove my cock." Nate's fingers slid around the ring and Sean tensed back up onto his elbows with worry. Nate very slowly nudged the ring up and Sean jerked as he felt the ring tighten. Snatching Nate's wrist, he pleaded out. "Nate, please! For the love of god just take my word for it!" Nate released the ring and it loosened back up. Leaning over him on all fours, Nate told him a little fascinated. "I've never seen anything like it... If you want, I can try to laser cut it off?"
Sean's eyes widened in horror as he squeaked out. "Not while it's attached to my dick! And no sawing it off either! Jesus Christ!" Nate chuckled softly to himself, causing Sean to growl out. "Ya, laugh it up, Jackass! You wouldn't think it's funny if you were in my shoes and I offered to do THAT to your cock!" Nate lifted Sean's cock up to look at the underside of the training ring, lightly replying. "True, but no one is as good at handling the laser than me. So... It's still an option." Sean snatched Nate by the neck, glaring into his eyes as he darkly growled out. "I don't care. You're not putting a laser that can cut through a steel pipe anywhere near my dick, got it?!" Nate kissed his lips briefly, whispering sweetly to him. "Understood. But how do you suggest that I get it off?" Sean dropped his hand, mumbling out distressed. "I don't know but... I can't have something like this on here. If they find it, or I get hard..." Sean drifted off as the thought of getting stuck with a torturous hard on that he would need Mark to relieve him of sank in.
Nate's fingers jarred him from his thoughts as they caressed his cock tip, asking him curiously. "What happens if you get hard?" Sean was thankful that his cock was too drained to respond, but still stopped Nate's fingers to mumble out embarrassed. "Nate, if I get hard... It will stay like that until Mark allows the ring to let me get off." Nate let out a low whistle, uttering out softly. "Well... You can't walk around with a hard on around here. That's like a damn invitation for sex." Sean slumped back against the cushions, mumbling out through his hands. "Nate... What am I going to do...?" Sean tried to breathe deeply to stay calm, when Nate crawled over him and began kissing the backs of his hands. Sean parted his hands to look up into his big dark brown eyes. Giving him a warm smile, Nate whispered to him lovingly. "Pair with me... And then... We'll blow this joint. We'll hop on my bike and go anywhere you want. We'll figure it out along the way." Wrapping his arms around Nate's neck, Sean whispered over his lips. "You'd do that for me?" Nate nodded, purring out lovingly. "I realized the only thing tying me here was you. So... Take me with you." To Be Continued...
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