Part 24
Mark took a deep breath. He just had to stay calm. He could work around this. He was an Elite. Waving the simulation operator away from the computer, he told the man seriously. "Move. I'll run the Sim." The man quickly scrambled out of the seat, asking him nervously. "Yes, Elite Mark. What should I do?" Mark adjusted the seat by turning a dial on the chair, replying coolly. "I want you to run a facial recognition on someone." The man leaned on the desk by him, saying casually. "Alright. Through which database?" Mark spun a half-ball on the desk to rewind the recorded Simulation's memory. Bringing up the image of the man that Sean was first thinking of, he cut the image by tracing his finger around the edges. Touching the cut piece, he inserted a clear holographic disc into the computer with his free hand. Transferring the image to the disc, he ejected the disc and handed it to the man, answering firmly. "He's human. Run it through Valhalla and Slum records."
The man took the disc, looking over the man's image on the holographic disc as he asked him curiously. "Can I ask why this is important, for the record?" Mark jerked his sleeve back to reveal his watch, bringing up the security footage around Sean's showcase from earlier. Freezing the image of the stranger, he showed the desk man, then gestured toward the audience glass. The man glanced at the audience, saying softly. "What is it?" Mark looked at the faces of the audience, commenting dryly. "This man interacted with my Pet... but he's not here." The man shrugged, answering coolly. "That doesn't necessarily mean anything. Nobles often look at Pets without paying to see them." Mark tried to zoom in on the stranger's hand on the showcase glass, but Sean was standing in the way. He could tell there was something written on his hand. However, the camera couldn't clear the image with Sean covering the majority of it. He could only make out a letter or two in the first two lines. Shaking his head, he told the desk man seriously. "No. He wasn't a Noble. My Pet knew him..."
The desk man gave him another shrug, dropping into a seat that rose up from the floor. Scooting up to the desk with him, the desk man booted up another set of screens, answering him professionally. "As you wish. You'd know better than I." The desk man slipped in the disc, his screens starting to scan the facial image and compare it to the database. Mark turned the Sim ball to see what Sean was thinking off now. Just as he caught up to the image of himself fucking Sean across the bike, he glanced at the Nobles. The Nobles all blushed, chatting amongst themselves. Mark flicked a switch to listen in on them with a stern expression. One of the Nobles told another in a smug tone. "As if that Slum Dog could handle an Elite like that. Elite Mark would no doubt tear that impure mutt apart with all those enhancements he's had." The Nobles laughed, then one added in with a giggle. "Give the Slum Dog a break... Compared to the trash he's used to getting mounted by, Elite Mark is a god!" The only Noble that wasn't laughing was the man with his Succubus Pet.
The woman was pressed close to the glass, her long tail swaying behind her as she watched Sean. Her Master pet her back, ignoring the other Nobles. Mark knew why he was here. The Succubus was clearly ready to breed. However, in order to do that... She needed to feed on a male's testosterone internally. Which was done by her sticking her special tongue down the male's throat to his balls. Inevitably killing the male during the mating process by suffocation. So, despite her Master paying more to view... he'd rigged it to get a better view at the stranger that had interested Sean so much. He knew all the Nobles in Valhalla... and this man wasn't one of them. Yet, he had acted so calmly to winning something that he had not intended to win. How had he managed to get past his brother's tight security? Mark watched the Sim of himself practically rape Sean on his bike now. Which judging by the way Sean was jerking in the restraints and belting out powerful moans, he was enjoying himself. Some of the moans were so good that Mark had to pull his sleeve back down to cover the goosebumps springing up on his arms.
He didn't think Sean was the type to enjoy being dominated, but apparently when it was someone that he liked... He wasn't THAT against it. The Sim Mark took ahold of Sean's hands, pinning them to the bike's handlebars. Forcing Sean's chest down over the bike, the Sim Mark revved the engine and Sean belted out a moan that spiked every machine in the office. His heart rate jumped to two hundred and his hormone levels were going off the charts. Sean was really testing the strength of those restraints as he arched against them. Even the Nobles fell into silence to watch him with wide eyes. Behind him, a woman monitoring his medical conditions, abruptly told him. "Whoa... He really liked that. We might have to bring him down. His body is overstimulated." Mark glanced over his shoulder, asking lightly. "Is there anyway we can push him to three?" The woman huffed, checking her screens over. After a minute, she reluctantly stated out. "We could try... But that would require manually simulating his prostate."
She flipped up another screen on her deck, showing him the varies toys that the machine could use. Stopping on the smallest one, she honestly informed him. "This should push his limit without tearing him open. It's no bigger than a finger, but it's intense..." Mark stared at the devil's finger dildo, letting out a sigh as he brushed his bangs back. Facing the desk, Mark brought up the Sim's tools and added it to the list of simulating effects. Giving the camera in the corner one last look, he hit the button to activate it. Watching Sean in the other room, he watched the chair's thick base open to reveal a thin mechanical arm. The end curled to attach itself to one of the toys on a rotating rack on the side of the chair's base. Locking the Devil's Finger into place before adjusting up between Sean's unsuspecting legs. The Devil's Finger was a sleek red finger with a long rounded off black nail. It was designed with texture dots all over it to help it pleasure the prostate and vibrate it into complete submission.
Mark waited to start it, wanting to time it well to Sean's desires. He watched Sean pant against the engine, then as the Sim of him brushed a finger over Sean's lips, he pressed the button. The Devil's Finger lowered, lining up with Sean and slowly entered him until it reached the knuckle. Sean arched up in the chair with a surprised gasp. Behind him, the woman told him seriously. "Hold. Don't trigger it. His heart rate is spiking again." Mark didn't need to listen to her, he could tell from just watching Sean's reaction. The screen showed Sean clutching the bike desperately, starting to strain out through heavy pants. "OH GOD! That's it! AH!" Mark touched the nipple pads on the monitor to very lightly pulse. The reaction was instantaneous. Sean bit his lip, trying to muffle a sharp whimper. Moving to the finger controls, he turned on its features quickly. With Sean overstimulated, he had only a narrow window to make this happen. On screen, the Sim version of him, leaned over Sean to pin him down by the back of his neck. Sean didn't seem to care as the Sim Mark's free hand aggressively milked him with his fingers.
Mark swallowed, biting his tongue. Was this how Sean saw him? Or was this what he wanted him to be? He didn't know how to feel about this... but he certainly would have to look over this more to understand his behavior. The Devil's Finger vibrated and curled to keep pressure to Sean's prostate as he tensed up again. Uncontrollable screams of pleasure burst from Sean, his body jerking from exertion. Mark smirked slightly, seeing the muscles stand out all over his body. The way even his ass muscles flexed as he lifted off the seat a bit was enticing. The Succubus was purring loudly in the audience room, her fingers clawing the glass with a lusty hunger. He didn't doubt that she could smell his testosterone through the window. The Nobles were no longer making fun of Sean but looking on with amusement at how resilient Sean was to the machine. The woman behind Mark let out a deep sigh, grumbling out. "It's not going to happen. His body is ready... but he's too tense. He's not going to shoot his last load."
Mark snapped his fingers at the man beside him, ordering him firmly. "Shut it off the vibrator. I'll get him to do it myself." Mark shot up from the seat as the woman yelped out in shock. "What?! Can he do that?" The man shrugged, simply obeying his orders. Mark slipped casually into the other room, waiting for the Devil's Finger to slide back out. Sean let out a dark needy groan, growling through clenched teeth. "Don't! Fucking hell! I was almost there!" Mark removed the pads off Sean's flushed pale skin. Sucking on his fingers next, he carefully inserted two of them into Sean's tight ass. Sean's body quivered beneath him, pleading breathlessly. "Mark...? Is that you?" Mark leaned over Sean a bit, pumping his fingers against his prostate teasingly. Bringing his lips to Sean's ear, he discreetly purred out only loud enough for him to hear. "Relax your legs. Stop trying to force it to happen." Sean's legs relaxed, but his toes were curling around the tops of the footrests. Mark stroked Sean's chest with his free hand to calm him a bit more, while teasing into his ear playfully. "I think your empty, Sean. And if that's true... When we get home... I'll retrain you just like this and fuck you raw."
Sean locked his jaw as trembling whines left his throat. Mark could feel him tensing around his fingers, seconds before Sean's load splashed into the clear tube. This time when Sean relaxed, his body was on the verge of passing out. He was panting so hard that Mark began to wonder if he'd have to carry him out. Removing the discs off his temples, Mark ran his caressing hand through Sean's hair, praising him proudly. "Good job." Mark unstrapped Sean, helping him slowly move his stiff legs. Sean groggily sat up, panting out an exhausted question. "How much of that did you see?" Mark pulled Sean against his chest to steady him, answering honestly. "All of it. We'll talk about it later." Sean wrapped an arm around Mark's waist, hopping down from the chair and staggering into him. Mark kept him from falling, standing with him until he recovered. Discreetly kissing his temple, Mark asked him with concern. "Are you ok? Can you dress yourself?"
Sean took his time straightening up, answering a bit more collected now. "Ya. I'm ok. That was just... I've never... I'm just exhausted." Mark made sure he could stand on his own, then left him to let him dress himself in peace. Slipping back into the office, he noticed the Nobles filling out with surprised faces. Everything appeared to have gone well in the end. Until the desk man, quickly approached him with a piece of printed paper. Mark accepted it as the man rushed out. "We've got a problem. The database pulled him up. This man is Nathan Sharp. He is a registered Slum Dog." Mark tensed his shoulders, asking shortly. "Why is he this far in the city?" The man pointed to the paper, answering still in a rush. "That's the thing. Nate's one of Valhalla's Black Market dealers. A job YOU gave him." Mark glanced down at the paper. He didn't recognize this man. He had never met him personally. If he had given him the job, then it had been electronically. Either way, this was a violation of his ID. He'd have to arrest him.
Looking at the man, he told him seriously. "Contact security! If he's still in this building I want him arrested now! Send warning to Elite Matthias that-" Mark was cut off as the buildings power was cut and the warning sirens started up. Somewhere security had been breached! Through every speaker of the building, Mother's voice blared out to everyone. "Gate two is down. Everyone remain calm. Evacuate to the nearest shelter." Mark activated his protect shield, yelling out over the muffled screams from within the building. "Mother! What got through?!" Over only the speakers in the office, Mother answered him casually. "Slum Dogs. Verified gang. Toxic Glow Skull." Mark headed for the door to get to Sean, when the security door slammed shut. Mark smacked the door, shouting out. "MOTHER! OPEN THE DOOR!" Mother's voice came out stern as she said. "No. Priority one is to keep you and your brothers safe. Valkyries have been sent to your area to handle the threat. Until the danger passes, I will not release you."
Mark punched the door hard enough to leave a dent in the thick carbon steel, before shouting out. "DAMN IT! OPEN THIS FUCKING DOOR!" Mother refused to answer him. Just then Mark saw a dark figure with strips of green L.E.D.'s on his clothes slip into the audience room. The only thing really clear about him in the flashing red siren lights was the melting green skull glowing in green paint on his back with a black biohazard sign on its forehead. The man slapped a round blinking disc onto the window to the room Sean was in, then calmly backed away. The disc rapidly blinked then let out a loud sound the burst the glass and spiked the mic in the office. The humans with Mark screamed and covered their ears. Mark winced but didn't bother covering his ears. The sound had ended as quickly as it had happened. The man extended a hand out to Sean and over the mic, Mark heard the familiar man's voice tell Sean anxiously. "Sean, we've got to go! The Valkyries are on their way!" Sean took his hand without hesitation, rushing off toward the elevator.
Mark jumped up onto the desk, punching the glass but it only managed to fracture it into a spider web formation. Growling, he hopped down and ran to the other door across the way. Over the speakers, Mother asked him with sudden worry. "Mark? What are you doing?" Mark took off for the glass at full speed, his shield smashing the glass as his whole body leapt into it. Tumbling across the floor in the other room, he rolled up onto his feet despite all the glass on the floor. Running to the elevator, he got there just as the doors finished closing. Kicking the doors, he shot off through a side door to rush down the steps as fast as he could go. Shoving a door on the first floor open, he scanned the pink fog that filled the place. The sound of engines revving within the fog echoed off the walls as Nobles were sent running in all directions. He could faintly see bikers with more L.E.D. color strips outlining themselves and their bikes in menacing forms. One of the bikers spend up to chase a Pet down with a crowbar, until Mark stepped in to blindside the biker off his bike with a single punch to his throat.
The biker hit the floor with a broken neck, before Mark snatched the bike's handlebar to steer it clear from running over the bunny woman. The bunny woman's long ears dropped as she panted heavily with relief. Mark stomped on the end of the crowbar, causing it to fling up into the air. Catching it, he flung it off to hit another biker in the face as he tried to leave with an Elven woman. The biker went down, allowing the Elf to dash away. From somewhere in the room, a man yelled out in horror. "ELITE!" The bikers began taking off through the hole they had made where the front doors had been. Mark saw Sean on the back of a purple glowing bike with whom he could only assume was Nate, before they vanished outside. Taking off into a run, Mark activated his watch. The bikers nearest to him scattered as best they could around cars. Mark could almost keep up with them on foot, but he couldn't run forever. Instead, he just tried his best until his bike caught up to him. Taking the handles of his bike, he swung onto the seat and accelerated the engine to pursue them.
The Valkyries were descending from the air on large golden wings made from metal to attack the bikers. A few were able to outmaneuver them, but others were yanked into the air before being slammed into the ground to be arrested. Mark saw Sean glance back at him, clinging to Nate more. Right at the gates to the city, the remaining bikers fled back to the Slums with Sean. Mark tried to follow them, but his bike engine cut out, causing the bike to slide into a stop inches from the gate. Mark hopped off his bike with a curse. Unable to do anything but watch Sean escape into the lower city. Over a nearby speaker, Mother told him sternly as she locked down the city gate with the charged emergency lasers. "Mark. Meet with me and your brothers. NOW." To Be Continued...
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