Part 12
Sean shivered to the feeling of Mark's tongue teasing his ear. His cheeks were turning the warmest shade of red as his cock hardened. No one had ever dared to treat him like this, and he hated that his body enjoyed the attention. He could barely think straight with the ring stimulating him to his core. Forcing himself to stop panting, he growled out. "You were watching... me?" Mark's fingers tightened around the collar more, pulling him up to keep him from sinking into a bow. Over his lips, Mark coolly stated. "No. All I knew was that some Slum Dog was practically rigging the races with his winning streak. It's my job to keep the games fair... So, I simply paid to remove the 'winner.' I didn't know anything about you until the auction." Goosebumps broke out along Sean's arms, when he panted over Mark's lingering lips. "But my gang..." Mark smirked, answering smoothly. "They gave me what remained of your clothing at the auction house. Your jacket had the emblem for the Green Dragons. I looked into it. Top racer and a gang leader at your age. Impressive."
Sean swallowed, straining out through jagged breaths. "Don't... You... You ruined... everything!" Mark stayed close, staring into his eyes now, when he cooed out tenderly. "You had nothing. I'm giving you everything... and so much more. All you have to do... is obey." Sean's eyes rolled back as wave of pleasure pulled him under. Lost to his lust, he pressed his lips to Mark's in a greedy kiss. The kiss was nothing more than his body begging Mark to loosen the ring enough for him to peak. The need was made worse by Mark's fingers finding his hard cock. As Mark's fingers drifted from the tip and straight down the underside of his shaft, Sean began moaning into the kiss. Mark teasingly parted his lips, coaxing Sean to see if he knew how to use his tongue. Sean accepted, rising up onto his knees to grab Mark's face. Holding Mark still, Sean kissed him with an uncontrollable urge. He couldn't rein himself in. He wanted to fuck whatever and whoever just to get off! The moment only died to the sound of the ringing doorbell.
Mark's grip on his collar changed to hold his neck, pushing him away carefully. Sean resisted, clawing at Mark's clothes as he pleaded out. "No. Don't! Let the girl get it!" Mark pushed him back with enough force to shove him across the floor. Turning off the ring, he adjusted his clothes and headed toward the door. From the kitchen, Peebles hummed away to herself as she cooked up something. Sean felt the pressure of the ring stop, but the need it had brought to his body lingered. Clawing the carpet, Sean cursed into the rug with blinding frustration. Moving a hand between his legs, he fondled himself to try and fight the fire still burning in his veins. He rarely jerked himself off... but he couldn't stop himself now. He'd past the point of no return. Writhing on the floor, he listened to Mark answer the door. Another deliveryman. The man tipped his hat, addressing Mark respectfully. "Good morning, Elite Mark. I'm from the pet shop. I believe your pet ordered some merchandise. If you could verify and sign?"
Mark took a clear clipboard from the man, watching it scroll down to show the inventory list. Without looking up, Mark told Amy from the doorway. "Peebles, compare Sean's shopping list to the delivery transcript." Amy jerked her head up in the kitchen, promptly stating out. "Comparison confirmed. All items match and are accounted for." Mark pressed his finger to a grey pad on the clipboard to confirm the transaction. Handing the clipboard back after the 'ding', he told the deliveryman coolly. "His room is over there. Just set them inside. I'm sure he'll put them away himself." The deliveryman tipped his hat again and took ahold of a hovering cart that was loaded down with boxes. Sean stayed on the floor, watching him pass by without giving him a second look. Sean was slightly offended by that... until he noticed the deliveryman was wearing a bracelet with a pet tag on it. The thought stumped Sean. Could Pets work in Valhalla? Sean was so distracted that when the ring between his legs shocked him, he yelped loudly.
The shock wasn't painful but it sure as hell snapped him upright and made his cock tingle uncomfortably. Shooting a questionable glare in Mark's direction, Mark icily told him. "Stop touching yourself. Show a little class." Sean bolted to his feet about to give him the tongue lashing of his life... until his eyes caught the sight of something being offloaded from the truck. Anything he was about to say vanished in an instant. Mark followed his gaze to the motorcycle, being pushed toward the empty parking space. Sean dashed across the room. He didn't care about anything else. He had to see her. He needed to know that she was really ok. When he left her, there wasn't a scratch on her. He needed to know that she was still beautiful and had all her parts. Mark grabbed him before he made it out the door, hugging him tightly to his chest. Sean squirmed, pleading out. "Mark, let me go! You promised! I need to see her! Please!" He was causing such a scene that now both deliverymen were staring at them with curious eyes.
Mark lifted Sean off the ground, hefting him away from the door. Sean squirmed in his arms, thrashing as he snapped out. "Put me down! You promised! LET ME GO!" Mark carried him the door labeled 'Playroom' by Sean's room. Upon opening it, Sean saw objects that scared the hell out of him enough to start yelling in a panic. What was Mark doing?! In the room, Mark yanked open another door and shoved him inside. The room was little more than a narrow closet. Enough to stand in but nothing more. Sean whirled around just as Mark slammed the door and locked it. Leaving Sean alone in a pitch-black room. Sean banged his fists on the door, screaming out for Mark to let him out. He banged and kicked, until his voice was too sore to talk, and his limbs throbbed in pain. Pressing his back to the cold cement wall, he sank down to sit. Wrapping his arms around his legs, he bowed his head and coughed. The smoothie was still staying down. That made him feel a little hopeful.
Sean guessed that he might have been in the closet for an hour or two, when the lock finally turned over. He didn't look up from his position, feeling like he had overstepped a big line. He blamed being cock teased and ravenously hungry. The door opened, showering him with blinding light, before a shadow fell upon him. When he still refused to look up, Mark flat out told him in a neutral tone. "Can you guess why I did this to you?" Without looking up still, Sean strained out through a worn-out voice. "I made you look bad..." Mark huffed, almost chuckling out. "Made me look bad? Oh, no... You can't ruin my reputation so easily. You made yourself look bad. Those are Pets. And Pets gossip. You lashed out irrationally like some wild animal." Sean scuffed his foot over the cold floor, mumbling out. "You promised..." Mark crouched down to his level, stating out seriously. "I did, but when and how you saw it. That was MY decision. I understand that bike means a lot to you... but you need to learn to listen to me and trust me."
Sean didn't say anything. Mark sighed softly, before asking him nicely. "Would you like to see your bike now?" Sean finally lifted his head, giving him a swift nod. Mark's hand reached out to hold his chin gently, telling him seriously. "Listen to me and you'll have a much better time. Now, come with me." Mark dropped his hand from his chin, standing back up to leave. Sean used the narrow walls for support as he stiffly got to his feet. Following Mark to the door, his eyes wandered a bit to take in this 'playroom' room. It was filled with adult toys and furniture that was intimating to look at. He recognized parts of them... but couldn't comprehend what they would do to him physically. He was so distracted by all the leather and chains that he slammed straight into Mark's chest. Staggering back, Sean blushed a bright red and avoided his eyes. Mark chuckled, asking with a smug chuckle. "Interested in something?" Sean shook his head with a guilty look and tried to force his way out between Mark and the doorframe.
Mark countered his efforts by quickly bracing his knee in-between Sean's legs to keep him from leaving. Leaning closer, Mark told him in a light open tone. "It's ok to be curious. Curiosity is how we learn." Sean stared out at the living room, stammering out anxiously. "I'm good. I don't want to know..." Mark brought his lips to his ear, purring out in a deep teasing voice. "Are you afraid you'll like it?" Sean finally locked his eyes with Mark, growling out through his teeth. "No. It's just not my thing." Mark rolled his eyes, retorting as he looped a finger around the ring of Sean's collar. "You know... after you woke me up last night. I began to wonder... Why would a gang leader fear intimacy? Clearly, you'd have the pick of the litter, yes?" Sean shrugged, grumbling out under his breath. "What does that have to do with-" Mark covered his mouth with his free hand, answering him with a smug grin. "I think you're scared because casual sex doesn't turn you on. But all this... You wanna know more. And that scares the hell out of you."
Sean's eyes drifted to the stuff in the room, before quickly locking back with Mark's. Mark stepped back, releasing him as he added casually. "What's your kink, Sean? What does a Slum Dog like you think is too dirty to do?" Sean snorted, quickly escaping to the front door as he muttered out. "I think it's all in your fucking head. I don't have any kinks." Mark followed casually behind him, stating out smugly. "Ah! Now I get it... You simply don't know what does it for you. That explains a lot about you. I can see why you're so aggressive. Must be all that built up sexual frustration that pisses you off so easily." At the door, Sean turned to face him, growling out defensively. "No, it doesn't! Stop trying to psychoanalyze me!" Mark stopped directly in front of Sean, brushing Sean's bangs from his eye, upon coolly saying. "It's my job as a Master to know everything about you." Sean let out a low growl in frustration. Mark chuckled, unlocking the door and opening it. Sean ducked under Mark's arm, making a hasty escape outside.
The pavement was cold under his bare feet, but he didn't care. Jogging to the second parking spot, Sean finally let himself completely relax. Walking up on her, he reached out to stroke her frame and leather seat, cooing out lovingly. "Oh, baby... Are you ok? You look ok." Sean looked over her paint job and frame for damages. He didn't see anything wrong with her on the outside. Crouching down, he reached under a panel covering to press a release switch. With a soft hiss, the panel released. Sean carefully lifted the panel up to look at her engine, still comforting her lovingly. "Alright. Easy now. Let's make sure the fucker didn't put his hands on you." Mark crossed his arms, muttering out. "I hope you're not referring to me..." Sean looked at all her parts, distractedly answering. "I wasn't. I was talking about the dick you hired... He'd love to get his hands on her parts." Sean's hand froze in his inspection to snap out angrily. "MOTHER FUCKER!"
Mark moved closer, asking more seriously. "What's wrong?" Sean slowly closed the panel and rested his forehead on it as he grimly muttered out through his teeth. "The fucker cut the lines to power her hover tires and her brakes. He even stole her plasma charges just to piss me off." Sean dropped onto his ass, telling her lovingly. "It's ok, Baby. I can fix it... I promise." Mark walked around his bike, inspecting it before he said impressed. "You built her yourself?" Sean nodded, bitterly sneering out. "I did... and that bastard put his hands all over her." Mark let out a whistle to get his attention, then tossed him the keys. Sean caught them, cradling them to his chest a bit startled. Mark pointed to the bike, ordering him casually. "Try starting her up." Sean didn't need to be asked twice. Hoping to his feet, he dusted himself off and swung a leg over her. Lifting her up off her kickstand to center her, he put the key in. Closing his eyes and praying, he turned the key.
Nothing happened. Sean groaned, stroking bike as he pleaded with her. "Baby, please don't do this to me... Not now. I promised I'd fix it..." Mark shrugged, asking curiously. "Did he steal the starter?" Sean turned the key back, giving her a minute as he replied hopefully. "No. She's sensitive... She does this every so often." Mark raised an eyebrow, stating out bluntly. "Doesn't that mean her starter is wearing out..." Sean shot Mark a fowl look, hushing him sternly. "SHHH! Don't tell her she's old or I'll never get her started! Jesus! Don't you know anything!" Mark rolled his eyes with a small amused smirk. Sean cooed more loving things to her, then turned the key again. This time her engine whined and squealed with protest. Still trying to turn it over, he pleaded with her. "He didn't mean it, Baby. Please... Please... Come on... Come on..." With one last whine, the engine finally turned over with a thundering roar. Sean grinned brightly, resting his head on her handlebars with relief. She could still run. That was a huge weight off his shoulders.
Mark smirked, patting Sean on the back. Sean looked up, turning the engine back off in order to hear Mark tell him warmly. "I'll make a few calls. I'm sure I can get some sponsors to take a look at you. She'll need a new starter though. So, start getting together a list of parts she needs." Sean stumbled off his bike, asking Mark dumbfounded. "You mean it?! You'll let me race?!" Mark started to make his way back to the door, informing him seriously. "You make me look good at the milking Expo... and ya. I'll see if you can handle it." Sean excitedly ran back to snatch his baby's keys, then ran back to the door. Ducking under Mark's arm again, he slipped back inside before Mark closed the door. To Be Continued...
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