sleep child
I'm so fudging tired cause I was up since 7 this morning for a six hour rehearsal then cane home and did two hours of homework and a twenty minutes workout
I need sleep but I don't want to sleep
In wake of my sleepiness (lmao) enjoy this georgous picture of @BBgun
I have come to inform you that Bucky is currently rolling on the floor with laugher. This is Natasha, btw. Steve's asleep and I didn't want to grab my phone.
And sleep, child
Kadi Scott Watson-Holmes, what are you doing on your phone, on SOCIAL MEDIA none the less, at twelve-thirty am?
Oh no, angry dad-
[@spooder, @shure-lock-holmes]
First of all, shut up spider boy. Second, in all honesty dad, I'm not sleeping. That's what I'm doing. Sitting in my chair.
Young lady do not use that sass with me-
[@shure-lock-holmes, @kadi_scottWH]
Kadi, listen to your father and go to bed or I swear I will march right up to your room and you will not like it!
[@shure-lock-holmes, @my.dear.{Emma}watson]
Fine. Goodnight 😘
Oh and btw, where are you guys?
Goodnight, sleep tight, bumblebee.
And we're on a date.
Goodnight. Love you, darling.
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