Harry's P.O.V
"What are you guys doing up so early?" I ask both Liam and Zayn. Zayn looks over at Liam and starts to burst into laugher.
"Why are you up early?" Zayn asks while picking up some cups from the floor. There was people sleeping around the fire that was burly even lit.
"Didn't sleep all night" I say as I start rubbing my eyes. Liam smirks and playfully pushes my shoulder.
"You and Jonas did the dirty huh?" Liam wiggles his eyebrows making me laugh.
"No, I just wasn't able to sleep" It was half true. Jonas and I didn't even have sex we just made out and teased a bit but other than that nothing happened. Liam mumbles under his breath and walks away. I let out a long loud sigh and run a hand through my hair.
"Where's your friend that came here late, last night?" Liam yells over to Zayn as he gathers the trash and puts it into the black bag.
"He went home when everyone went into their tents, he said he was too cold to even stay out" Zayn stands up and looks at me before going back to pick up the cups. I cross my arms over my chest and slowly turn around I see some people packing up their tents getting ready to leave.
"Mm, I like him he's nice" Liam throws a plastic cup into the black plastic bag.
"Hey, Harry are we gonna hang out at mine or are you going over to Jonas?" Liam yells. I turn around and let out another sigh.
"I'll probably be going home" Liam raises a brow and looks at me confused.
"Is your mom okay?" He asks. I slowly nod and he nods back.
"Harry I've been looking everywhere for your sweater and I can't find it anywhere" Jonas says behind me. My eyes quickly widen and remember Louis had my sweater.
"Its maybe somewhere in the tent" I say a bit nervously. Jonas looks at me with a raised brow as he looks at me confused.
"I cleaned out the whole tent" Jonas says clearly.
"Well I dont know" I quickly say before walking away from Jonas. I walk towards the tent and grab the small bags that there close to the entrance. I walk out with bags in both hands and walk towards the car putting everything into the trunk. The whole rest of the day we were just packing up, I didn't really make conversation with Jonas and I felt bad because he looked upset.
"I'm sorry I've been a dick today" I look over at Jonas as he's looking straight onto the road. He keeps his face straight not even a single glance at me.
"It's fine" Jonas whispers and I knew he didn't mean it.
"No It's not, you seem upset. Let me make it up to you, yeah?" I ask, Jonas lips turn into a small smile which made me smile.
"Okay, take me out to dinner" Jonas turns his head to face me. I slowly nod and smile even more.
"Deal" I lean in to kiss him but Jonas backs away.
"Nope, you don't deserve a kiss" He teases. Jonas starts driving to my house and stops in the driveway.
"So dinner, but it's gonna have to wait till Friday" I take my belt off and Jonas grabs my hand by slowly lets go. I get out the car and wave at him before he speeds off.
Louis P.O.V
"Give me a break Louis!" Eleanor yells as we walk into the empty house.
"I don't understand what the problem is" I respond, Eleanor huffs and turns quickly around to face me.
"You don't understand what the problem is!? The problem is that you and I are together Louis! You can't be going out places without me!" Eleanor raises her voice even more. Honestly I don't understand why she got so upset that I went to that small gathering I came back that same night.
"You know what, I don't even wanna argue with you" She grabs her car keys and walks out the door making sure to slam the door. I let out a small groan and walk up the stairs up to my room. I opened the door and gasp to see Zayn laying on my bed.
"She's crazy" Zayn whispers. I close the door behind me and let out a loud sigh.
"You need a break from her, lets hang out yeah?" Zayn sits up on the bed and I let out a small laugh.
"Just you and I?" I run a hand through my hair. Zayn pulls out his phone and a big smile appears on his face.
"Wanna go over to Liam's?" Zayn looks up from the phone but a giant smile was plastered onto his face.
"Liam from the other day?" I walk over to Zayn and sit next to him.
"Yeah, he said he likes you since your nice so thats why I asked if you wanna go over to his" Zayn puts his phone in his pocket and I nod.
"Okay, sure" I get up and we both walk out the door.
"Come in" Liam opens the door wide for both Zayn and I. My eyes widen his place was pretty decent his family has money too so I'm confused on how he has a small home.
"You wanna smoke?" Liam asks. I look at Zayn and he doesn't hesitate, he quickly nods his head with a small laugh. I raise a brow and Zayn quickly looks away from Liam and stares down at the ground.
"Sit down" Liam points to the red wine colored couches. I slowly sit down and look around.
"Don't worry Louis I wont murder you" Liam lets out fit of laughter making me smile. Liam turns around and starts to walk down a hallway but stops midway.
"Zayn do you mind coming?" Zayn quickly gets up from beside me and walks over to Liam. They both disappear into a room making me feel a bit uncomfortable about being alone. I sat in the livingroom room for about a good 10 minutes when I heard a door knock. I didn't bother on opening since I thought Liam had house keepers to do that. Liam peeps his head out the room and looks at me.
"Can you open it?" Liam asks. I raise a brow and Liam smiles before going back in the room. I let out a long loud sigh and walk over to the door. My eyes quickly widen when I see Harry standing there, he was wearing all back with a necklace around his neck.
"Wow, never expected you to be Liam's housekeeper" Harry lets out a laugh making me roll my eyes.
"In his dream" I say before moving away from the door. Harry walks behind me and closes the door.
"So where's Liam?" He asks, I point down the hallway and Harry mumbles something under his breath.
"And... your out here in the livingroom like a lost dog?" Harry lazily sits on the couch making me roll my eyes again. He pretty sure makes me roll my eyes a lot
"What? No, I wanted to stay here" I lie of course. Harry hums and runs a hand through his hair.
"So where's your girl?" Harry asks while playing with his necklace. I sit next to him and let out a sigh.
"Why does it concern you? She wont be interested in you" I say without thinking. Harry lets out a laugh and looks straight at me.
"You know, I like men right?" Harry waits for my reaction and to be honest I didn't react since I kinda figured when I saw him and Jonas kissing a couple times.
"Uhh, I've seen you and Jonas kiss but never really crossed my mind" I sarcastically say. Harry smiles which for some odd reason made me smile.
"Where's your man?" That came out of my mouth really weird. Harry looks away from me and pulls out his phone but doesn't turn it on.
"With Ricky, they went to a family reunion which means I wont be seening Jonas for a few days" Harry stand up and stretch's.
"I need a smoke" He walks towards the room where Liam and Zayn went to leaving me alone. Harry quickly comes out the room laughing.
"These dicks didn't want to share some" Harry runs towards me and jumps on the couch making me gasp.
"Harry! Don't be jumping onto people's furniture like that" I say in a harsh tone. Harry laughs making me a bit more mad.
"Loosen up Louis" Harry puts his hand on my shoulder making that spot tingle.
"Mm, I just noticed you aren't wearing your richly snobby clothes" Harry raised a brow with a big smile. I look down at my ripped black pants and slowly nod.
"See, I'm not always that snobby annoying guy" I saying looking up at Harry. Harry lets out a small laugh along with a big smile.
"Eh, dont flatter yourself" Harry and I stare at each other for a second but he quickly stands up and clears his throat.
"Uh, I should probably get going need to help my sister move some stuff into her new house" Starts to walk almost tripping onto his own feet.
"Bye Louis" He quickly yells before closing the door. I let out a small laugh once I knew the door was shut completely and Harry was gone.
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