Jadi, wankawanku tercyntah (//azekk) aku pengen menunjukan gambar² yang kubuat selama karantina, tapi yang digi, kalau tradi mungkin nanti. Aku masih males ngepoto²nya lmao😂 Betewe eniwei buswai, ini sbenernya udah kupost di ig, tp aku mau tunjukin ulang di sini :D
So, my beloved friends (//eaa) I want to show you guys some of my art that I made during quarantine but only the digi one, for the traditional maybe later since I'm still lazy to take the photos of them lmao😂 Btw, actually I've posted on the ig but I want to show you again here :D
Dedeq.. eh maap typo :v
Izumi Mitsuki from Idolish7
Ku sudah tunjukin ini di ff sebelah, tapi aku tunjukin ulang :v
I have showed this on my other ff but I want to show it again here :v
AHAHAHA DAH BERAPA KALI GUE GAMBAR RIKU YAWLOH BUCIN BANGET GUE😂😂 betewe ini udah kutunjukin di ff nyampah sebelah ama ig. Tapi krn aku syuka ama Erin aka Riku di Hoshimeguri AU jadi gitu deh~
AHAHAHA HOW MANY TIMES HAVE I DRAWN RIKU?! OMG😂😂 btw I have showed this on my other (trash) ff. But bc I like Erin aka Riku from Hoshimeguri Au so... :v
Oke aku yakin kalian udah mulai jengah ama diri ini yang gambar Riku mulu //dasar boecin (boecin 2d :v) Jadi kutunjukan gambar chibiku>< Ini terinspirasi dari gambar yg kutemukan di pinterest jd gtu deh. Btw souchanai itu nama tumblrku (walaupun aku kagak post juga disono :v)
Okey, I bet you guys are getting bored with my Riku' art stuffs :v So, I decided to show this chibi>< It's inspired from a pict that I found on pinterest so it's a lil bit alike with that. Btw, souchanai is my tumblr (although i didn't post this art there :v)
Hmm... Apa lagi yak? :v
Hmm... What else? :v
Udah lah segitu dulu aja. Dan persiapkan mata Anda untuk melihat fanart Riku lagi+ kakaknya yang julid//plakk di chapter selanjutnya (mungkin, lagipula bentar lg ultah mereka :v)
I think that's it for this chapter. And prepare your eyes to see my fanart of Riku again+his demonic (//plakk) big bro on the next chapter (maybe, besides, next week is their bday :v)
Jaa nee~
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