Chapter 20- Olivers pov
Samuel was a really good soccer player, like really good.
I wondered why he hasn't chosen to try out for the soccer team. He'd be one of the best players on the team.
For someone who doesn't actually play soccer he makes it look so easy and effortless, skillful.
I was lost in thought having my shower when I realized I've been looking towards Samuel the whole time.
Hopefully he didn't notice.
He was over at his locker changing.
He looked really good with his hair wet and a towel around his waist.
Damn he looked hot.
Why am I thinking these things?!
I'm not gay or anything.
I like girls.
I should probably talk to Britney more.
I finished up my shower and went to change.
Once changed I waited until Bryce was finished.
We walked to lunch together.
"That Samuel kid was actually pretty good.", I say to him.
"He was alright. He wasn't as bad as other people but he wasn't as good as all of us."
I ignore that and just continue of to lunch.
He doesn't realize but Samuel actually was better than a lot of the group of us from the soccer team.
Maybe even better than Bryce himself. I wouldn't say that to Bryce though.
After lunch I went to my classes.
Nothing interesting happened.
I was walking out to my car after school and noticed Samuel.
He was talking to two girls, one I remember being in our english class, her name I don't remember though.
I noticed Samuel looked at ease. He didn't look scared, he didn't look cautious, he look relaxed, more himself.
He was laughing and smiling a lot.
I kept walking to my car and drive home trying to forget about Samuel.
Even with my trying I couldn't stop.
I started wondering why he was catching my eye so much and why I think the things I have about him.
I like girls, I know that, but then why do I find Samuel cute, or adorable, or even hot..?
Could I bi? Or do I just think that about Samuel and no other guys?
I started thinking about other guys that are on the team.
I'm not interested in any of them.
I decided to swipe through instagram a bit to see if any pictures of guys on there intreste me.
I swiped through a lot a posts until I hit one.
It was a dude around the same age as me, brown hair to his ears, green eyes, long eye lashes. He was wearing black platform combat boots, white shirt with yellow flowers, and a pleated black skirt. He also had a necklace and some rings on. Damn he was so fucking cute. Very hot.
He reminded me a lot of Samuel though.
I then started picturing Samuel in the same outfit. It seemed like something he might wear randomly.
Hed look amazing in it.
The way the femine look would go with his face, his long lashes. The way the platform boots and skirt would make his legs and ass look.
I then started picturing unholy things.
My mind wandering further than it should have and that I wanted it to.
How he would look with just the shirt, or what it was like under the skirt.
I started imagining Samuel moving his hands along his body, under his shirt, then under his skirt. Taking them off slowly.
I realized I got hard.
I guess I was into Samuel...
Ok so uh yeah that's not what I planned at all🤣
I mean I didn't have a plan but it wasn't that ending!
Welp this whole chapters cringy and terrible. SO CRINGY YEIGEUIEOHR
Go read Caitlins story though it's really really good, it's also gay😀🦋💅👍
Her username will be right below and you can just go onto it and find the story! It's a Richie and Eddie fanfic⬇️
Anyywwaaayyssss idk what's gonna happen next with the next coming chapters but I guess we'll find out
I'll try and update soon.
Goodnight :)
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