29 : Let Go
Brooke had stayed in her room for the remaining time Namjoon was over. She wanted the two boys to have their privacy, and not in a kinky way. It was a moment Namjoon had been waiting for too long.
The ceiling hovered over her, the room dark with only a small, star shaped nightlight in the far corner of the room. It was quietness in its entirety. She guessed everything was going okay down the hall, but then again, Yoongi wasn't easy to get started up.
Was this the right decision? Should I've just let us be and see how it would've worked out just the two of us? Dammit you, Brooke, and your rash decisions.
The girl's scolding thoughts were interrupted when there was the click of the door opening. She turned her head that was relaxed back on the pillow to see a silhouette coming towards the bed. From what she guessed, the figure was Yoongi;
Or a ghost.
Probably a ghost.
Except, the closer they got, Yoongi's features could be made out from the soft glow of the nightlight's rays.
Nothing was said as he placed his knees on the bed and went directly on top of Brooke, resting the side of his face on her breasts and maneuvering his arms so they were under the girl in a secure brace. Brooke as a response wrapped her arms around Yoongi and weaves on hand through his dried hair and the other under his shirt so her skin was against that of his upper back.
They stayed silent as his breaths could be heard coming from his nose and his head rose and fall with her inhales and exhales.
The two of them stayed in this secure silence until Brooke leaned down slightly to whisper to Yoongi. "Did it go okay?"
"M'yeah... it did," he murmured, tightening his grip around Brooke, being careful not to squeeze to hard. "Except he... he wants me to go back with him, love."
Brooke's muscles tightened with hearing the way Yoongi called her such a name in a hidden way. She began to rub her hand lightly over his skin. "What'd you say?"
He hesitated before speaking. "I told him I didn't know. I just... that's the truth. I don't."
Brooke placed her hand under his chin to bring him to look at her, face to face. "Why don't you know, Min Yoongi?"
He had that precious pout made with his lips that the girl adored. "Brooke, he lives nearly three hours away. That's—" he laid his head back down. "That's too far from you."
Brooke smiled sadly, "This is where you have to be a little selfish, bub. What's better for you. You come first, before anything."
Yoongi lifted his head back up immediately, now putting his weight in his hands that were on either side of Brooke. "What are you saying?" He noticed the small raise of the corner of her lip.
She daringly brushed his messy fringe away to get a better look at his soft features, taking in every detail and flaw she admired. "I was eighteen when I first got a buzz. I never drank for emotional purposes, just for enjoyment. Still, I can't seem to put it down. And—" Brooke paused to think of the proper words to say. "...I guess I find it sort of selfish I can't find the will to stop, even for you."
"Okay, so?" He questioned, eyes shifting over her own face. "What's that supposed to mean? Just don't drink around me, I'll be fine. We can do this."
"Yoongi, now's not the time," Brooke spoke softly, hand pressing against his cheek while he leaned in slightly to the touch. "We can be patient, yeah? You've done it before. You need to focus on you now. You understand this is the longest time I've ever kept touch with a guy, yeah?"
The darkness concealed that same blush. The adorable pink that sent Brooke over the moon.
She continued. "But it's time for me to not be selfish. As much as I wanna squeeze you into my pocket and take you everywhere I go, it's time I let go and let you take care of yourself with no distractions, yeah?"
Yoongi's jaw clenched with emotion. "Brooke, it'd bother me more if you weren't here."
"We can always keep in touch, I promise," She looked down to watch her hand clasp with one of his. "You got this. Namjoon, hell, everyone is here for you Yoongi. Come back, and hopefully I'll have myself sorted out as well. I can't bring you down. Now's not the time."
"Brooke," he said gently, his forehead now leaning into hers to rest, breath fanning her face while she closed her eyes. "You've saved my life."
"Don't say that," she shook her head. "You saved yourself."
"But you've brought back the happiness I lost—" he stopped himself when hearing the vowel in his last word vanish from his voice. Yoongi lightly bit him lip.
She chuckled. "Namjoon was right, you really are talented with words." Brooke's closed lip smiled grew, lifting her chin up a bit to nuzzle her nose against Yoongi's "And we'll continue to be happy. This isn't the end, just a parting till we heal ourselves."
Yoongi wanted nothing but to continue to question Brooke. After all, she was still a mystery to the boy. A beautiful mystery.
Though their time together was short, it was something he'd never forget.
His Brooke.
The girl had no doubt that they would see each other again, and the boy had faith in her. If it was in her gut, he decided not to question. Besides, he missed Namjoon. Maybe it was time to reconnect and be with a brother during his time to recover his sober, real self.
So with that, he collapsed lightly back onto Brooke until the two's quiet tears killed them into a sleep. They each wondered the future, but it was a void that the two would have to create paths to fill. Paths that lead back to each other in the end.
One more.
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