11 : Kelse
Yoongi should've blamed Brooke for the night before, but he couldn't bring himself to do it. From downing nearly a whole bottle of liquor, to bringing up the memory of heartbreak.
It was that very subject that reminded Yoongi of why he decided to go sober in the first place. At the same time, it was also the reason why he turned back to the addiction.
That being said, it wasn't only Brooke to be blamed, but Yoongi as well. It was him who secluded himself to hide from the shame and drown it with rum. The demon inside had won the war of morality inside him once again.
Brooke had slipped out quietly the next morning, seeing the boy next to her practically passed out with one limb hanging off the bed. She made sure to leave a mug of water and an already opened bottle of aspirin on the small bedside table, just in case he was too weak for the childproof lid.
Brooke herself felt pretty okay for it being the day after a night of drinking. However, there was just a small feeling of stupidity growing inside her for suggesting such a stupid game to play with Yoongi. It was obvious her questioning about heartbreak triggered a switch inside the boy.
With that aside, upon arriving to her apartment at now nine a.m., it was her younger brother Kelse that was pacing outside her door. Dammit, Brooke thought to herself, rolling her eyes. There was no getting out of this one.
"Ah! Where were you this early?" Kelse shouted, leaning his back against the door leading into her flat and crossing his arms. He raised a questioning eyebrow while watching his sister place a hand on her hip.
"People do visit the post office this early, Kelse," she chuckled sneaking a lie while pulling out her ring of keys. "Now will you excuse me?" Brooke clicked her tongue when her brother stepped aside to wait for her to open the door. "Besides, What the hell brings you hear unannounced?"
"Tomorrow. Daemin's birthday, Bee," he replied, following her inside while she kicked her shoes off. "He wanted to see you, I told him you wouldn't turn it down." Kelse fell back on the couch next to his sister. "Plus, he said he'd get that peach vodka you like, yeah?"
Oh, you thought Kelse discouraged his siste'rs drinking habits?
Brooke took a moment to process what information Kelse just spilled out before tilting her head back with a sigh. "Shit, you told me about this a while ago, huh?" She wasn't surprised with herself, however. There was nothing better to do in her free time when she wasn't working. If Kelse ever made spur of the moment plans, there wasn't ever any excuse not to go.
"Um... maybe," Kelse shifted his eyes, unsure himself before sitting up straighter. "You're not skipping out, are you?"
Brooke snorted a laugh before whacking her brother upside the head. "You really are a dumbass." She stood up to go find something in the pantry, probably some cheese crackers. "Why the hell are you over here, squirt? A phone call would've sufficed."
Kelse stretched out his arms before standing to walk over to follow his sister. "Well, if you checked your call log you would see I tried." He crossed his arms with a smug smile while standing in a wide stance, observing her stuff her face with the snacks.
Sure enough, when Brooke pulled her phone out of her bra, there were three missed calls under the name 'broke condom'. She shook her head and looked up to him. "What a sweetie." Her hand reached up and ruffled his dark hair.
While her phone was out, she sent a text to Yoongi that said ' call me when you're up son '. Kelse craned his neck over to see what she was doing, but shrugged it off when he caught a glimpse of the time at the top right of the screen. "Work calls, Brooklyn, eight o'clock tomorrow."
Brooke scrunched her nose in distaste at her brother calling her by what even wasn't her real name. "Get the hell out." She laughed while pushing him to the door. "Or else you're in charge of bringing all our booze tomorrow."
Kelse flipped her off on the way out. It was only till after she got out of the shower that she saw a missed call from 'Sly Guy', who seemed to have just called five minutes before she finished getting dressed.
Brooke was sitting on the toilet flossing her teeth when Yoongi answered the phone. "Mm... what." He groaned into the phone, voice strained as he still would rather go back to sleep.
"Have you awoke from death, Snow White?" Brooke chuckled, throwing the used floss in the trash.
To her surprise, he let out a small laugh back at her. "You didn't let me do anything too stupid last night, hm?" Brooke couldn't deny the fact that his hoarse voice in the morning was turning her on, but now wasn't the time.
Her teeth gnawed at her lower lip. "Besides drinking a whole bottle of that shitty rum, no. Remember I'm the responsible one, Yoongi."
He scoffed at the other end. "Said the one who dragged me into that pointless game."
Brooke dropped her jaw. "What the hell? We learned some baggage about each other, smartass."
"You know. I'd be lying if I said it wasn't a little entertaining," Yoongi admitted. It was at this point Brooke had been confirmed that he didn't remember the second half of the night. The part he obviously didn't enjoy. "When can I count on you to fuck me up again?"
A smile grew to Brooke's face as she thought about the plans Kelse had mentioned for Saturday night. Surely Yoongi wouldn't turn down something like that.
Little did Brooke know, in the future the night had the potential to turn on it's head very quickly.
"Would tomorrow night be too soon?"
I apologize for the slow update. I know it was a bit dull, but this is the calm before the storm. Recently I hit a road block with this story but it's going back in the right direction.
Remember, criticism is always welcomed and I know this wasn't my best, but hopefully you guys understand ❤️
Side note, Lee Felix plays the part of Kelse. When imagining her brother he's all I could see
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