Oh No? Star!!!
Jake's PoV
My life sucks, I have to clean the Whole Sombra base and now I have to kidnap a helpless, cute baby from my cousin! Oh god!
What have I gotten myself into?
Wait... I gotta plan! Once I kidnap Star I will give her to Sombra then quit my job and help Dash, Soarin, And the rest of the mane 6 save Star. Yes this will work!
~At RD's house in Ponyville~
I sneak into my Cousin's house and see three fillies, a filly with rainbow hair, a filly with rainbow hair and navy tips and a filly with a lavender, purple and blue hair aka Star, they were all asleep. I grab the lavender, purple and blue maned filly and run out but when I was about 6 metres away from the house I saw my cousin and her husband flying back from WBHQ oh no I thought, I quickly duck behind a big, fluffy cloud then once they were at the house I flew off, as I flew away I could here My cousin's screams of worry and Soarin's comforting words, Sky and Cloud's cries from worry for their sister, I started to cry myself
Sky's PoV
~Next Day at School~
I had to bring Cloud to school and when I got there I was late but I didn't care, last night my sister was kidnapped and my whole family was depressed "Hey Sky!" Sugar Rush, Butterfly, Galaxy Night, Gleaming Light, Sweet Applesauce, Golden Apple and Diamond Shine all greeted me, "hi" I said and forced a smile
~In Class~
"Hey Sky wheres Star?" Diamond Tiara asked, that's it I hit my breaking point, I bursted out crying and Ms. Cheerilee noticed
"Oh what's wrong Sky?" She asked
"S-Star was k-kidnapped last n-night!" I yelled between cries of sadness and worry "What?!" The mane 6's daughters scream "Oh Darling we didn't know!" Diamond said "it's ok" I mumbled "NO ITS NOT!" Galaxy Yelled "COME ON LETS GET OUR MOTHERS TO HELP GET STAR BACK?!" Galaxy yelled again, one day she is gonna lose her voice "YEA?!" We all shout and ran out of the classroom/ School
We went to AJ
Then Rarity
Then Pinkie Pie
Then Fluttershy
Then Twilight Sparkle
Then Starlight Glimmer
Then lastly Twilight teleported is to WBHQ then put a spell on the non- Pegasi ponies "MUM?!" I yell with cloud on my back, I accidentally ran into somepony
"I'm so sorry!" I say quickly when I realised I ran into Spitfire "well hello Sky!" Spitfire said "what are you doing here?" She asked "If it's ok with you, we were wondering if my mum can help us find Star since she was kidnapped!" I explained with tears filling my eyes
"Yes of course but can Soarin I mean your father stay here?" Spitfire asked "yes" I answered
"Perfect, Dash, I mean, your mother is in the Mess Hall!" Spitfire pointed to a building "thanks" I said as I trot off in the direction of the building, I opened the door and walk in "Sky?" I heard a familiar voice "Mum?" I looked up and saw My mother, Fleetfoot and Surprise "Why are you here, Where's Cloud?!" Mum started freaking out "Breathe Dash Breathe" Fleetfoot calmed her down "Oh Cloud? She's with Twilight outside!" I explained, Mum's jaw dropped "so why are you here, and why is Twilight and Cloud here?" Mum asked "oh uhh we asked Spitfire if you can come help us look for Star?" I asked
"Of course !" Dash yelled and put me on her back and flew out of the mess hall leaving Fleetfoot and Surprise giggling from her Reaction "Mum there!" I point to the rest of the mane 7 "Thanks sweetie " Mum answered as we land "Dash?!" The mane 6 said "Sky?!" Their daughters say as I hop off mum's back.
To be continued
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