Bakugou's head snapped around to look at him, an expression of pure shock and confusion written across his face. "H- Wh- THE HELL!?" A spiky red haired male who was only a seat down from him shot Killua a confused frown. "Who the heck are you?" he leaned back in his chair with his hands behind his head. "None of your business." Bakugou grumbled and shot a glare at Killua. "Bastard-" Killua a catlike grin spread across his facial features. "Now now Katsuki, that's no way to speak to your roomie."
Several people exclaimed at once. Bakugou groaned. "Yeah this dumbass and I live together, a pain in my ass-" That Izuku kid was staring at him the entire time, it was kind of unsettling. "I feel so bad for you." A yellow haired male said, with a sympathetic look on his face. Killua laughed, then kicked the back of Bakugou's chair with a fair amount of force. "Don't." Several people flinched, looking awkward. Bakugou shot a deadly glare over his shoulder. "I swear-" Killua gave him an innocent expression. "It was an accident, Katsuki. I promise." Bakugou definitely didn't buy it, but he looked away with a grumble without escalating it. Odd. Some time passed in an awkward silence, the yellow haired guy left and two more students came back.
Out of nowhere after an embarrassing loss on kaminari's end, this random guy peeked his head over the wall. "Guess he was right, that match really was over in just two seconds. I wonder if his real quirk is the ability to tell the future. Hey, wasn't class 1-A supposed to be so much better than us?" He blinked in confusion as his eyes landed on Killua. "Oh, that wimp from your class got replaced already? Bet he's as much of a crybaby." Replaced? Now that he thought about it, there did seem to be a student missing. Killua let out a deep sigh. "Baka." He said, resting his hands behind his head in a relaxed manner. "Are you really so weak and petty that you have to resort to pathetic half assed insults to try to make up for it?"
The whiny student from class 1-B fell silent, unable to think of a comeback. Killua smirked. "Just as I thought, if you're going to bark you better have a bite to back it up." Bakugou grinned. "Pick your battles wisely, extra." Bakugou knew just how quickly Killua could tear someone apart with just his words. How easily he could break a spirit without laying a finger on anyone. The guy disappeared back over the divider without a word. Before Killua could say another word, he heard...muttering. Killua glanced over to the noise and noticed the Izuku kid frantically scribbling in a notebook. Weird. The next match was fucking hilarious, the pink haired girl turned the match into a commercial. She dragged it on for fifteen whole minutes, before stepping out of bounds.
Bakugou stood up, grinning. "My first match is up next." Killua grinned back at him. "Take it easy, you don't want to hurt the poor thing." he said, referring to his opponent, who he'd noticed was a soft looking girl. "Hey! Uraraka is strong in her own right! It's not polite to-" Killua rolled his eyes, interrupting him. "Shut up four eyes." Iida stiffened, then let out a short sigh. "Looks like Bakugou's rubbed off on you a bit too much." Bakugou walked off to prepare for his match, leaving Killua alone with the strangers. He'd been listening in on conversations and had grabbed pretty much everyone's names. "H-Hey..." Killua glanced over at Izuku, who was the one who'd spoken. "Hm?"
"How long have you been living with him?" Killua shrugged. "A few months, why?" He seemed to be deep in thought. "It's just weird, I've never heard of you. I didn't even know Kacchan had a roommate-" Kacchan? Izuku blinked at the sudden disgruntled expression on Killua's face. "Huh." Killua rested his hands behind his head, looking down his nose at Izuku. "So you're Deku then?" Izuku laughed awkwardly. "Y-Yeah, that's what Kacchan calls me-" he gasped as Killua 'accidently' stepped on his foot on his way past. "Oops, sorry. It's not polite to step on garbage." A hurt look flashed across his face, and he looked down. "I see..."
"Hey! That wasn't very herolike-" Killua scoffed. "Pipe down, I don't hang around a nobody who'd rather whine than actually lift a finger to bring about change." he spat, settling back in his seat. After that, nobody spoke. Killua turned his eyes to the match at hand. Uraraka was trying to attack Bakugou, but her efforts seemed to be fruitless. That was, until he looked up. That's smart. He thought, a tad bit surprised. He guessed she was planning on a meteor shower. The more Bakugou beat her back with his explosions, the more weapons she gained. "This is shameful! Listen kid, if you want to be a hero then stop acting like a bully! If you're so good just send her out of bounds!" A pro hero in the stands yelled, out of nowhere.
Killua blinked. Is he stupid or-? Suddenly nearly the entire stadium was booing Bakugou. I thought pro heroes were supposed to be smart. Uraraka released her quirk, and the rocks rained down. Killua whistled as Bakugou blasted them all with a single explosion. She put up a good fight but in the end she's just not on Katsuki's level. At the end of that match, Bakugou came back to the seats. "Hey Bakugou, playing the villain again ay?" Sero said. Tsu chimed in. "Even if it was just who you were up against, you did make a pretty convincing bad guy." Bakugou growled. "SHUT UP YOU IDIOTS!"
Kaminari sighed. "For real dude, I don't know how you were able to aim a blast that hard at a frail girl like that." Killua scoffed. "Are you dense?" Kaminari hesitated, glancing at him. "Eh-" Killua rolled his eyes. "You know the word woman does not equal frail. The girl was strong in her own right, but she was nowhere near Katsuki's level. What, is being strong a bad thing now?" He said dryly. Bakugou nodded, looking down. "Who's side are you even on man?" Kirishima said. Killua scoffed. "It's not about sides, it's fact."
1055 words
To be continued...
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