A few days passed, and Killua got increasingly more and more bored at home. Bakugou was at school, and when he wasn't at school he was doing schoolwork. Killua was pretty much left to his own devices, desperate for something to occupy his time. He found himself surfing the internet, making notes on how to counter and kill certain pro heroes if he got in a fight with them for whatever reason. Killua didn't do assassination work anymore, but he wouldn't be opposed to ending a life if need be. Man, I'm always so fucking bored.
He decided to turn on the T.V, munching on his last chocolate robot. They were knockoffs, but decent. He lounged on the couch, resting his chin on his hand. It was late in the afternoon, so there weren't many good shows on. He switched to the news channel, wondering if there was another villain attack on the news. His eyes widened in shock at the story currently being told. "Breaking news! Hero course students were attacked at the U.S.J just now! Pro heroes Eraserhead and Thirteen were badly injured, but thankfully all of the students weren't harmed much. 72 villains were detained, as well as a beast deemed 'Nomu' in a nearby forest."
Damn. It was only the end of the first week, and they were already attacked by villains? Killua debated telling Mitsuki, but ultimately decided against it. That woman gets loud when she's upset. He supposed he'd just wait for Bakugou to arrive home. When that was, Killua had no clue. He glanced down at his phone, then huffed and dialed Bakugou's number. it rang a few times, before stopping. Dammit Katsuki. He attempted to call his roommate several more times, and on the 5th attempt he finally picked up. "THE HELL DO YOU WANT!?"
Killua scowled. "I just saw your class got attacked on the news, please tell me you kicked some ass." He was a bit worried for him, but no way in hell was he going to come out and say it. Bakugou scoffed. "Course I did, what do you think I am? A weakling? Those extras were just grunts for the most part." Killua chuckled, Bakugou didn't even seem phased. Not that he was expecting him to be in the first place. "Experience is good." There was muttering on the other end for a moment, too quiet for him to hear. "Is that all you called me for? Class is still going on." Killua blinked. "Eh- really? Didn't you just get attacked?" Bakugou huffed. "Yeah, apparently." Killua laughed. "Well then, I'll go. Now." he hung up, settling back into his bed with a sigh. Man, sounds exciting.
Bakugou was pulling on his uniform, huffing. "The sport's festival's today." he said, with a glum look on his face. Killua shot him a quizzical look. "Then why do you seem so...?" He opted not to finish that sentence, letting Bakugou fill in the blank. He tightened his tie around his neck. "Just kinda wished you could see my flawless victory up close is all." A sly grin cracked his face. "Wanna bet?" Bakugou glanced at him. "Hah?" Killua snickered. "I bet I can get a seat right next to you." Bakugou let out a sharp bark of laughter. "No fucking way, no use in making a bet." Killua threw his shoes on. "Oh come on Katsuki, if you're so sure I'll fail, why won't you take the bet?"
"Fine then, fifty bucks."
Killua whistled, pulling on his fake U.A uniform. He'd just bought it off the black market, although he wasn't really sure why the seller owned one. It fit pretty tightly, but it would do for today. Killua checked the time, then grinned. Perfect, the students should be arriving by now. He theorized it would be fairly easy for him to infiltrate as long as he had an authentic uniform. Killua made his way to the stadium, glancing around curiously at all the festivities outside. It was indeed a festival. There were stalls selling various items, including food. Killua snagged some cotton candy from an unsuspecting infant and walked off with it, munching on the sweet cloud. The kid was way too young to appreciate it anyways.
Killua strolled right into the stadium, as he suspected nobody stopped him. He was just a student enjoying the festivities, or so they thought. Piece of cake. He noticed a lot of heroes in the stands, Present Mic began announcing the hero course students, and Killua swore under his breath. There was no way he'd make it there in time. "Hey kid, aren't you supposed to be down there?" someone asked from beside him. Killua shot her a confused look, then spoke with a thick russian accent. "Sorry, I'm a transfer student." I can use a wide range of different accents on command, I don't think anyone here will question it. The woman blinked. "Oh, I'm sorry. The students are supposed to be down there but there's reserved seating that way." she said, pointing to a row of seats.
Killua nodded and stared off towards the seating, letting out a sigh. Man that was close- Killua was slightly surprised when he heard Bakugou's voice echo throughout the stadium. "I just want to say, I'm gonna win." Killua looked over his shoulder with a snicker as people started booing him. Cocky bitch. Although, Killua could also be a cocky asshole sometimes. The first game was an obstacle course, all the students lined up at the entrance. Killua decided not to join in. About ten seconds later he did not regret his decision, seeing all the people rush the tunnel. He continued to eat on his cotton candy as he watched. One kid quickly overtook the rest, followed swiftly by Bakugou and some others. The festival was a lot less exciting than he'd hoped, at least at this point. Bakugou and the ice user fought most of the way through the course.
Killua's eyebrows raised as a third person came out of nowhere, stealing the lead. Izuku Midoriya, ay? He tapped his chin with a finger, deep in thought. Wait a minute, that Deku guy is probably down there. I wonder what he looks like. Despite never meeting him, Killua already despised him. The next game was a cavalry battle, which Killua ignored. This is really boring, damn. He decided to slip back outside where the festivities were, snatching sweets effortlessly without people noticing. He grinned, chowing down on several churros, candy apples, and funnel cake. Killua lost track of time with his thieving, about thirty minutes later he was stuffed.
He stretched, yawning. All those sweets kind of made me tired- A sudden chill engulfed him, and a loud crash assaulted his ears. Killua glanced upwards, then his eyes widened as he realized what had caused it. A massive pillar of ice struck up from the stadium, as if a glacier had magically teleported there. Holy shit- Killua quickly made his way inside, eyes scanning the seats. The calvary battle's ended? There's Katsuki, perfect. Killua snuck through the stadium with silent footsteps, a mischievous glint in his eyes. He couldn't wait to surprise Bakugou.
A tall muscular hero course student with a mask glanced over at him as he walked in. "Who are you?" in almost perfect unison, most of the others turned to look at him. Killua said nothing, just smirked and sat right behind Bakugou. Bakugou scowled at his classmates. "The hell are you guys looking at?" He snapped, thinking it was him they were all staring at. Killua snickered quietly. "Looks like someone owes me 50 bucks."
1266 words
To be continued...
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