Tagged Again
I really don't know what to put for these titles. Anyway:
I was tagged by weirdofangirl12
And my computer's being a bitch so... writing out questions it is:
2 facts about you:
I dip-dyed the ends of my hair blue in Primary School
Even though it is not October yet, I will belt any song from The Nightmare Before Christmas if given a chance.
Do you like someone?
No. I'm pretty sure we covered this in the last tag...
Do they like you back?
No. I don't think anyone would like me that way. Ever
Do you play an instrument?
Yep. Piano, Grade 1 with a Distinction grade.
Well, I've got my suedoname. Queenie. And Claudie, which is a nickname only one person can call me and I haven't seen her in years.
What do I hate about a person?
You want a list? Fine, just one thing. His huge head and ego. It's annoying as Hell and makes me want to strangle him.
Current lock screen?
Hasn't changed since the last tag. Still an open book
Favourite part of myself?
Nothing? If I had to choose, I'd say my eyes.
How many languages do you speak?
One (English) and a half (I'm learning Spanish in school)
Show your face, if any part.
Ummmm...... d'you really wanna see my face? I look like shit so.... pass (can you do that? Just because I don't really want my face out on the internet yet)
Tag 15 people:
Oh God:
That's all.
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