Chapter 9 - The Indecision
I posted this chapter earlier since I will be away for the weekend. I hope you will enjoy it 💜
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After their first date, they saw each other whenever Taehyung was at home. His book promotions rendered him unable to laze around with Jungkook. Hoseok's schedule was heavily packed and well-organized and his long-awaited book was a real hit, making him one of the topmost searched young authors on the internet. His looks played a significant role as well, as he, with Jimin's and Hoseok's urging, ended up on the cover of the magazine of the influential young artists.
-''No, Hyung, I don't want to be a model.''- Taehyung gasped exasperatedly after Hoseok told him about the new offer he got. – ''I just want to write books and spend time with Jungkook. I have already too much on my plate with first, which is stopping me to do the second, so please don't add more.''
-''Jungkook, huh? Jiminie had told me about him. When can I meet him?'' – Hoseok grinned mischievously.
Taehyung eyed him. – ''With that evil gleam in your eyes and a grin that even a Cheshire cat would envy, I would say never Hyung.'' – Taehyung shook his head, eyes serious. Hoseok arched his entire body while he laughed wholeheartedly.
-''Oh, no, no, no, I'll be good Taehyungie.'' – He hooked his arm around Taehyung's shoulders. – ''Hyungie promises.'' – He pouted his lips and started making kissing sounds towards struggling Taehyung.
-''Aish, Hyung. Let go. I'll think about it.'' – He said which made Hoseok hummed in satisfaction.
Taehyung's thoughts often returned to that special night when they slept together for the first time. That morning, Jungkook stayed for sex and breakfast and then lazy afternoon sex as well. They spend the next day walking around the park, holding hands, and eating lunch after which they went to Jungkook's place. Taehyung finally saw that massive black table and a view from Jungkook's window. Needless to say, they fucked on that table half an hour later.
They couldn't get enough of one another. And it was not just sex, even if it might seem that way to other people, but it's each other's company the most. They had fun, they laughed and played all the time, arguing about silly stuff, challenging each other with stupidest things and cuddling in front of the TV. Taehyung craved that kind of intimacy for a long time, and he finally found it in Jungkook. He got a phenomenal lover, and a great friend, all in one. It was never boring with him.
Two weeks passed and they were learning more and more about one another, even though they couldn't see each other as often as they wanted to since Taehyung was mostly on the road promoting his book. But he was content and happy. Having Jungkook calls and text every morning and night was comforting, but he was aching to kiss him again.
When he finally had a couple of days off, for which he begged Hoseok to arrange, he spent it with Jungkook. Once Jimin joined them for dinner and it wasn't long until they had him blushing with embarrassment and yelling at them when they started teasing him for Yoongi Hyung. The two men have met and haven't left the bed for three days.
-''Well, Yoongi Hyung most definitely didn't complain. Staying in bed in his forte.'' – Jungkook smirked, teasing his Hyung.
Taehyung chuckled. – ''I don't think he rested very much though. I know Jimin enough, and I'm pretty sure he excited him so much that he probably fainted from exertion.''
-''Yah! You two have no right to say anything! You are fucking like rabbits!'' – Jimin protested, throwing a cherry tomato on Taehyung across the table while slapping Jungkook with the napkin on his right while the two men laughed.
-''But Jiminie, what about Hoseokie Hyung. I thought you liked him too?'' – Taehyung asked seriously after a moment. Even Jungkook, who was well informed who Hoseok was by now, was intrigued and he prompted his chin on his palm, leaning on the table, waiting.
Jimin looked from one to the other, quite irritated with a question. The atmosphere changed from funny to serious in the second. Taehyung narrowed his eyes and tilted his head as he watched his best friend fidget in the chair across him. Jimin chews a bite he stuffed his face with only a few seconds prior before huffing exasperatedly. – ''I don't know.'' – He said, raising his hands in the air and then letting them drop on his thighs. – ''I like them both, I don't know what to do.''
He looked at Jungkook first. – ''I went out with Yoongi Hyung, thinking it will be just booty call. I mean, we did start with that idea first, but then... shit...I don't know what happened. He asked me to stay the night since it was too late to go home, and then in the morning he was like ''stay for breakfast'' and I did... and then it was ''let's hang out a bit'' and we ended up doing that...among other things...again and again...until we were three days in.'' – Jimin shook his head. – ''We would probably continue that but we both had obligations. I had dancing classes to teach and he has some work to do. We saw each other only once more, shortly, since then, but we text and call, and...'' – Jimin turned to Taehyung then, eyes wide with desperation. – ''...fuck, I want to see him again Tae Tae.''
-''So why don't you?'' – Asked Jungkook. Jimin licked his lips, eyes falling on the table. – ''Because it's not fair. Hoseok, I wanted to pause things with him, you know, I mean, we weren't serious, we were always close friends, but he... he called me a few days later to meet. He remembered when I said how I love cats and long walks and he took me to the cat café.'' – He looked Taehyung again. – ''Tae Tae I squealed. I was so happy.''
Taehyung smiled softly, knowing exactly how adorable Jimin could get when he is in the company of the cats. Similar to how Taehyung is with dogs. Luckily, Jungkook is a dog person as well.
-''And after we went for a long walk up on the hill where he pulled out a picnic basket from somewhere and we ate, drinking wine and talked about everything with this splendid view of the sunset and fucking shit dammit, it was so romantic.'' – Both Jungkook and Taehyung laughed at that. Jimin was blushing and shaking his head as he cannot believe he became so soft.
-''I mean, I like to be a little romantic, but that was cheesily romantic.''
-''I never knew Hyungie had it in him.'' – Taehyung said, quite amused, eyebrows arching in a pleasant surprise.
-''Oh, that's nothing. I have a Hyung who would read poems that he wrote out loud while gazing in the stars and you will end up discussing the difference between the mating bond of the swans and our connection with the universe. Beat that.'' – Jungkook added, wiggling his eyebrows at Taehyung, who chuckled.
Jimin, however, was lost in his thoughts but was brought back to reality when Taehyung asked what happened next.
-''Oh, you know, the usual. We went back to his place. He delayed my orgasm five times while I was sobbing and pleading to cum before he fucked my brains out and I had the biggest orgasm ever.''
-''Shameless.'' – Taehyung interjected, but Jimin paid no heed.
-''I think I passed out for an hour or two. He bathed me and cuddled me afterward.'' – He said matter-of-factly.
Jungkook brows were way upon his forehead. – ''The usual? Wow.'' – He sifted his eyes on Taehyung, who just shrugged his shoulders.
-''Hyungie is the person of contradictions. It's like a seesaw with him, you never know which side you will get.'' – Taehyung responded casually but then turned to Jimin. – ''It's not usual, however, for him to go on romantic dates.''
-''I know.'' – Jimin sighed. – ''And I talk with Yoongi Hyung every night. We met for an hour or so in his studio the other day.''
-''Hyung took you to his studio?'' – Jungkook was surprised.
Jimin blinked. –''Yes, he was busy and he wanted to see me, so I went to him, brought him food.''
-''But he doesn't let anyone inside. It took me a solid year and a half to enter his Batcave.'' – Jungkook was huffing annoyingly, hidden jealousy kicking in. Taehyung giggled quietly.
-''He showed me the demo of the song he is working on.'' – Jimin continued. –''He said it was inspired by me. I was so touched, I nearly cried a bit. I surely went down on my knees and put my mouth to good use to express my gratitude. That's one smooth and sexy talker, I swear to God.'' – He said, reminiscing dreamily and then buried his face in his hands. – ''I'm selfish, I want both.'' – He murmured, leaning back to look at them. – ''I mean if it's just a sex play I know Hoseok wouldn't mind me seeing someone else, which will help me see how serious things are with Yoongi, but with those dates, he is pulling...''
-''Dates? With Hoseokie Hyung? You mean, there was more than one?'' – Taehyung asked, mouth open.
Jimin grimaced in distress and groaned. –''Yes, just a few, and he went with me to my cousin's wedding.''
-''And you didn't ask me? Your soulmate.'' – Taehyung acted offended.
Jimin pointed on Jungkook. – ''You have him now. He is a jealous pup.''
-''I'm still bigger, taller, and stronger than you.'' – Jungkook gritted through his teeth. – ''So don't call me pup, shorty.''
Jimin stood up and leaned over Jungkook who still sat on the chair. – ''What did you say, punk? '' – Jimin challenged. – ''I could kick your ass and still finish my dinner.''
Jungkook grinned and stood up, towering above Jimin. – ''Say that again.'' – He provoked.
-''Okay, okay, that's enough. Yah!'' – Taehyung stood up, pulling Jungkook to sit back on his chair while pushing Jimin back on his own. – ''Bicker later, this is important. Kookie baby, don't tease Jiminnie, he is already challenged by the love angels.'' – Taehyung's deep calm voice eased up the tension as he picked up his chopsticks again, finding one nice piece of meat and presented it in front of Jungkook's mouth. – ''Open up.'' – He said and Jungkook did just that, munching the succulent bite with gusto.
-''My, my, Jiminie, you were busy.'' - Taehyung found another one and leaned across the table to feed Jimin as well. – ''Tell me...'' – He said sitting down and having a bite of his own. –'' you like Hoseokie?''
Jimin chewed, buying himself a little time before answering. – ''I do.''
-''And what about Yoongi Hyung?'' – Taehyung asked again. Jimin went through his hair with his hand. – ''I like him too, a lot.''
-''The question is then, who do you like more?'' – Taehyung wondered, stuffing his mouth with rice, mouth pouting while he munched. Jungkook eyed him adoringly.
-''Tae...'' – Taehyung raised his eyes to meet Jimin's and he saw that they are sad and on the edge of tears. – ''What should I do, Tae Tae?''
Taehyung chewed slowly, thinking it through, but before he said anything, Jungkook chimed in.
-''Yoongi Hyung is usually not for relationships Jimin.'' – He said, scratching the back of his neck. – ''But if he showed you his studio already, and his unfinished song...'' – He paused there to put the depth on that word, since Yoongi never does that, not ever. – ''...and have you stay at his place, willingly, for three days, well...he definitely likes you. Like, likes you, likes you.'' – He added knowingly. – ''I don't remember the last time he did that.'' – Jungkook rummaged in his head trying to remember. – ''I don't think he ever did before.'' – He opened his mouth and widened his eyes in that realization. – ''Woah.''
Jimin let his head bump the surface of the table, plates clattering from the hit.
-''Yah, Chim, you will hurt yourself.'' – Taehyung yelled worriedly.
-''I don't care. I deserve it.'' – Jimin said and banged his head twice more before Jungkook managed to slide his hand under it.
-''Okay, behave.'' – He said and patted Jimin's head with his other hand, preventing it to move. Jimin sniffled, straightening himself and brushing his eyes with the sleeve of his shirt. His eyes were red and he took a deep breath.
Taehyung watched him affectionately. He hasn't seen Jimin like that in a long time. He was uncharacteristically quiet and lost in thoughts these days. Now he knew why Hoseok so easily granted Taehyung's wish for some days off. He was seeing Jimin.
Even though Taehyung was busy with promotions, he always had time for his soulmate, if not in person then through the camera. He was watching him now, fighting his tears and thought how rarely he saw Jimin cry. Taehyung can count it on the fingers of one hand. If he was crying it means it's serious, it's troublesome and heavy for the soul and Taehyung felt his heart squeeze in pain. The last time Jimin cried was when the guy he was dating for two years left him because his passion grew cold. Taehyung never forgave Taemin for that. How could anyone's passion grow cold next to his fiery Jimin?
-''Jiminie.'' – Taehyung called gently. – ''I don't think you are just attracted to them, I think you seriously like them, don't you?''
Jimin's face scrunched in pain and he hid his face in his hands yet again, shoulders shaking with sobs. Taehyung stood up and went to him, hugging him from the back.
-''Should I leave?'' – Jungkook made a move to stand up when Jimin's hand catch his arm and pull him back on his seat.
-''No, don't go. It's already too late, you've seen me cry. And it's your Hyung in question. I need you both, I don't know what to do. I like them both, I can't choose, and I can't lie to them. It wasn't supposed to be this way.'' – Jimin cried. – ''We were just supposed to have amazing sex, nothing else, no emotions, fucking hell...''
Taehyung kissed his head, while Jungkook squeezed his hand in sympathy.
-''I can't send one-off when my heart flutter whenever I hear their voices. I become excited whenever I'm meeting any of them, spending hours to find a perfect outfit, because I want to look the best for them. I'm...shit...I'm screwed, I'm I?''
-''Yup.'' – Junkgook nodded matter-of-factly.
Taehyung slapped him on his shoulder. – ''Jungkook.'' – He starred at him scornfully.
-''What? It's true, he is, don't lie to him. He knows that himself, he's just stating the obvious.'' – Jungkook defended himself. – ''Besides, as soon as he accepts that, the quicker he would be able to find some solution to his problem.''
-''What solution? There isn't a solution to this.'' – Jimin said, peeking from his hand, sniffling. Taehyung took the napkin to dab his tears away.
-''What are you, a child who doesn't know he should pick mint or chocolate flavor ice cream?''
-''What on the Earth, do the child and ice cream got to do with this situation?'' – Taehyung asked dumbfounded. Jimin just stared at him utterly confused as well.
-''Well, he is acting dramatic.'' – Jungkook huffed annoyed at their expression. It made perfect sense in his head.
-''What on Earth?'' – The smart Tae puzzled this line over.
-''I don't know what he says but he looks so hot this serious.'' – The passionate one exclaimed.
-''That's a genius analogy. – The alien nodded in understanding.
-''Huh?'' – Tae was still confused.
-''You are confused whether or not you prefer mint or chocolate flavor ice cream.'' - Jungkook said knowingly. – ''Well, I know it's unusual, and you like both separately, so...taste them together, you might like it.''
Taehyung just shook his head unbelievably and Jimin scrunched his face in disgust. – Mint chocolate should be banned from production.'' – He spoke seriously.
-''You see, with that kind of attitude you won't do shit.'' – Jungkook said, leaning back and taking a sip of his beer.
-''Who the hell, like mint chocolate anyway?'' – Jimin made a disgusted face.
-''I do.'' – Jungkook said. – ''It's a good taste...refreshing and sweet...and that's just what you need.''
-''But, baby...'' – Taehyung started to catch up with this weird analogy. – ''Maybe mint and chocolate don't like to be mixed. Have you ever wondered what they think?''
Jimin turned his face to look at him. – ''You actually understand what he's saying?''
-''I think I do.'' – Taehyung said, eyeing Jungkook with amusement. – ''Yoongi is the chocolate, Hoseok is the mint?'' – He tilted his head in question.
Jimin's eyes grew wide and he turned to stare at Jungkook. – ''You trying to say I should introduce them to one another and see how they get along?''
Jungkook winked, clicking with his tongue as he grinned. – ''I knew you will get it at the end.''
-''That's crazy Jungkook.'' – Jimin gasped.
-''Actually, it's not.'' – Taehyung agreed with his lover. – ''I mean, you can go out with both of them and see who you like the best for a short while, but in the end, if they found out they would be pissed.'' – Taehyung said knowingly.
-''Especially Yoongi Hyung. He hates lies.'' – Jungkook added.
-''Well, Hoseokie Hyung as well. He is an honest man.'' – Taehyung nodded, both men looking at distraught Jimin.
-''Now, we know that Hoseok Hyung loves to play, hence not having a relationship so far. You might dig a bit there to see what are his true intentions since he is acting a bit strange in my opinion. If he still doesn't want anything serious then you know your answer. Start with him though, because you know him longer and much better than Yoongi Hyung.'' – Taehyung finished his monolog, only to have Jungkook jumping in with his own.
-''I seriously think Yoongi Hyung has a rare liking towards you, but then again he doesn't date. I might dig a bit, asking some random question one of these days, just to feel in his behavior. But like I've said he never brings anyone to his studio or shows his music that is not finished. He is a perfectionist, very peculiar with whom he shared his work with, so consider yourself highly honored.''
-''I am. Jungkook I am very honored.'' – Jimin said honestly. – ''That's why I feel like shit, because I know I don't deserve that.''
-''That's bullshit, Jiminie. If anyone deserves to be loved and wrapped in all the attention and affection in this world it's you, so stop with the self-hate.'' – Taehyung said sternly. – ''Besides, haven't Yoongi Hyung first saw you with me? He must have known that you are sexually active and that you might have someone on your sex list already. He just kind of jumped in, and, as you've said, it started just like the casual fuck.''
-''It did, but...''
-''No buts...'' – Taehyung interrupted. - ''Explain Yoongi Hyung that you had another fuck buddy when you came to him, which is your very good and old friend from college.''
-''I'm afraid that Hyung will pull back then.'' – Jungkook interjected after carefully listening to Taehyung's words. – ''It's one thing for one night stands, but I think he seriously likes Jimin, and Hyung have that weird belief that he wasn't meant to be loved. That he was here only to make art and music, nothing else.'' – Jungkook rolled his eyes, looking at the ceiling. – ''God only knows how many times Jin Hyung and I tried to put some sense into him, but no avail. I'm afraid that he will step back in favor of Hoseok Hyung, which is bullshit because I truly think that you could be good for him Jimin.''
-''You are good for everyone Jiminie.'' – Taehyung squeezed him again and kissed his cheek audibly. – ''You are great for Hobi Hyung as well.''
-''You are not helping, either of you.'' – Jimin whined from Tae's tight embrace.
-''Jimin, if you want us to tell you who to chose that's not gonna happen.'' – Jungkook said sternly. – ''What we could tell you, however, is to give yourself a little bit more time. Talk to them and we will find a way for them to meet. Maybe a home party. I still haven't made mine. I can invite Hyungs and you two invite Hoseok Hyung. We can hang out, get to know each other and you will see then whether or not the two like each other.''
-''Jungkookie is right.'' – Taehyung went to smack a kiss on Jungkook's forehead, turning towards Jimin, beaming. – ''We can see how they react towards you.
-''Are you two mental?'' – Jimin asked in shock. His best friend and his boyfriend looked at him confused.
-''Why?'' – Taehyung started, but Jimin cut him.
-''Can you imagine the look on Yoongi's face when Hoseok starts showing his affection towards me in front of him? Or when, Yoongi Hyung takes my hand, because he likes holding it. Can you imagine Hoseok Hyung ignoring it? I can't. That will not work, you are wrong.'' – Jimin stood up from his chair and started pacing back and fro from the table.
-''It will not work. I have to tell Hoseokie Hyung about Yoongi, but then he will pull away, pretending it's all for fun anyway, and I have a feeling that it's not just fun... that there is more... fuck, dammit, why now? Why not before? We've known each other for years, he didn't do or say anything.'' – Jimin kept rambling to himself, completely forgetting about the other two men in the room.
-''He is one of my best's so easy to be together...there was always that strong chemistry and trust between us. But, Yoongi Hyung, we clicked, I feel safe and warm next to him. I feel safe and warm with both of them. I don't deserve them.''
-''Jimin!'' – This time Taehyung barked out a warning, grabbing Jimin by the elbow and spinning him around to face him. – ''Enough, Jimin. You are not allowed to say those stuff for yourself again, do you hear me?''
-''Tae Tae, but I hide the truth. I'm selfish. I want their attention. I want them, I want them both. It's wrong Tae. It's wrong being that greedy.''
Taehyung put a hand on Jimin's mouth to hush him, whispering gently. – ''Hush, Jiminie. Enough.'' – He felt Jimin's chest rising and falling as he breathed through his nose to calm his beating heart.
-''You drank a bit Jimin and you are emotional. Right now, everything is too complicated and without the solution. You have a problem that only you could fix, but not tonight. You need to sleep through and then consider everything on a new day. Stay tonight here and then tomorrow go back home and think. Jungkook and I will be there if you need to talk, together or separately. Right, Jungkookie?'' – He asked and Jungkook nodded. – ''Absolutely. Take my number from Tae, you can reach me whenever.''
Taehyung faced Jimin again. –''Okay?'' – Taehyung asked, removing his hand from Jimin's lips, but the latter remained silent, eyes cast down on Taehyung's shirt.
-''Okay, Jiminie?'' – He repeated, a bit sternly, raising Jimin's chin with a finger.
-''Okay.'' – Jimin mumbled and leaned his head on Taehyung's neck, melting into a hug.
All that time Jungkook observed that fascinated and tight bond they had, wishing he had something similar. He wasn't jealous of Jimin, not now. Not after he witnessed his emotional meltdown about their Hyungs. He was in a serious predicament and Jungkook was grateful that he never had trouble like that. He was lucky that he met Tae, and that strangely, he wanted him back.
-''Come now, let's finish dinner and then we can watch some movie or play some game, what do you say?'' – Taehyung nuzzled his face in Jimin's cheek. – ''C'mon, Jiminie, it will be fun.''
-''Yes, Jimin-ssi, I will let you win once in Overwatch.'' – Jungkook promised from the table. Taehyung glared at him.
-''What?'' – Jungkook asked confusingly.
Taehyung just shook his head and looked at Jimin again. – ''Hey.'' – He whispered. – ''Everything is going to be fine. We will find some solutions together. Things will work out for the best, I promise.''
-''Don't promise something you have no power over it.'' – Jimin murmured, finally looking up at his friend.
-''Oh, but I do have a feeling Jiminie.'' – Taehyung smiled gently, caressing Jimin's cheek with the back of his index finger. – ''The angels told me, everything will be alright.''
This chapter is much calmer one and it involves around Jimin and his indecision of whom to pick. I already asked you what you think about it. But don't worry the next chapters will be filled with smut and fluff, so stay tuned 💜
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