Chapter 4 - Tease
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Two months have passed since Jungkook moved into the apartment across him and during that time Taehyung got serious writing material if he ever decides to try the erotic genre. He saw Jungkook fucked three times, once more by that blond dimple guy and two times with the other smaller beautiful pale man. Each time Taehyung almost spilled his soul into his hand how hard he was stroking himself. And the staring competition continued whenever their eyes met over the window. Taehyung would get all hot whenever that happened.
His book, however, was getting better. He was nearly finished, on Hoseok's delight. Tips and opinion he got that night, as well as awesome fucking, cleared his tired mind and he was finally able to concentrate. much as he could at least when you have Jungkook claiming his mind unconsciously.
Still, he persevered. Jimin would show up on his doorstep with the food whenever he deemed that Taehyung neglect himself, and Taehyung was eternally grateful. With his care and sexual outlet that Jungkook provided, Taehyung let go of a deep breath when he saved his manuscript after the last check. He sent it to Hoseok, with words: Thank you Hyung, for everything! It's finally done! – and stretched himself in his chair, grinning widely and feeling satisfaction gurgling inside his chest. He giggled and opened the balcony doors, letting the fresh air and the sun come in. He pushed his comfortable chair on the threshold, right next to the railing. The balcony was very small and it didn't have room for the actual outdoor chairs and tables, but Taehyung managed to make himself comfortable. He took off his shirt and sat down, snuggling on the pillows. Rolling up his shorts to his upper-tighs, he hooked his legs on the top of the railing and closed his eyes to enjoy the sun. He slid his fingertips lightly over his chest and liked the tingling sensation they produced, so he kept doing it. He caressed his chest and stomach lazily, going up to flick his nipples and then go down to the waistband of his shorts. His stomach moved slowly, but visibly from his shallow breathing, enjoying the feather-like sensation on his body. He craned his neck, climbing his fingers up, over his face, cheekbones, lips, and then down again. He was purring. Taehyung wondered if this is how cats feel when they spend their days lazying around, cleaning themselves, and seeping in the sun.
His hand slid to his thighs, stroking gently, absent-mindedly pulling them wider so he can reach the inner side, fingers going up and down. He let the huff of breath at the ticklish and arousing feeling having his thighs played. He imagined tattooed hands doing that instead, wanting nothing more at this moment then to slid his shorts and boxers off and get spread wide by muscled hands. He allowed the fingers of his other hand to rest over his semi-hard length, not moving it. Oh, how he wished mouth on him right now, his mind produced the image and the sucking sounds. His body arching slightly at the thought. His hips moved up a bit, crotch pressing at his relaxed hand. I need more. Taehyung thought and stood up, walking away in the bedroom where he kept his toys. He deserves this treat and he has just the person in his head to imagine.
He decided to tease himself a bit. He wore his favorite vibrating plug with the remote and decided to have a glass of wine while the low vibration teased his insides pleasantly. He enjoyed the weather today, he was so lazy, so he removed the chair from the balcony doors and lay on the soft carpet, head on the pillow while basking on the sun. He would increase the speed from time to time to get himself on the edge and then set on low to calm down. He has done that several times, stretching and twisting his body on the floor. He was completely dressed so if anyone saw him, he would just see a very lazy man who roll on the floor and nothing more. There's no way they would know that there is a vibrator pressed on his prostate at that very moment. What was even more interesting was that Jungkook was home. He saw him in the room some ten minutes ago, but he wasn't alone.
Taehyung rolled on his stomach, one arm stretched on the pillow, while the other held the remote. He bent his knees and rose his hips from the floor, just like the frog. The pose was pleasurable, it fitted the moment. The low vibration, made him huff small breaths and his muscles to twitch now and then. He was just about to set the speed up when Jungkook appeared behind the closed window.
He was flushed, a bit nervous, as much as Taehyung could see because of the glass. He tilted his head up straighter to observe better, for the moment completely forgetting the toy in him.
Then the other man showed up behind him. He was tall, dark hair, and very broad shoulders. He placed his hands on Jungkook's hips and angled them slightly back, lips grazing the neck. Taehyung couldn't see what happened underneath the window, but the quick breath from Jungkook's mouth fogged the glass for a few seconds.
Jungkook's bent head was lulling to and fro, the hair falling on his face and soon the palm was spread on the glass as to hold himself not to hit the window. Taehyung's breath shuddered, realizing what is probably going on. They were fucking, right there on the window basically, for the whole neighborhood to see. For him to see too. He quickly increased the speed and felt burning intensity which had him frozen for a few breaths before allowing him to move again. He buried his mouth In the pillow, while his eyes were still glued across. They couldn't see him clearly because of the railings, but he can see them perfectly. Taehyung almost moaned from satisfaction when the window opens. A very lucky coincidence.
Jungkook was now leaned on the window seal, watching down on the ground while the man leaned too behind him, one hand laid casually across his shoulder, while the other had an iron grip on Jungkook's hip. They were both dressed, nothing was out of the ordinary, except Taehyung knew the truth. He saw Jungkook's sexually blissful face so many times right now that he knew exactly when he was taking the dick.
He saw the careful shifting of their bodies. Jungkook was intense, shaking slightly, while the man stood strong and lean. He probably had his cock buried deep in Jungkook, dragging the length slowly in and out, but going further every time. Taehyung saw Jungkook's clenched jaw, how hard it was for him to keep his composure, to be quiet.
The man leaned in to whisper something in Jungkook's ear, then straighten back and put both of his hands on Jungkook's shoulders as to massage it. Whenever he would press his fingers on the nerves, his hips would snap forward and Jungkook's head would snap as well, eye scrunching and lower lip between his teeth, cheeks huffing the air and he choked his scream. The man laughed and started pressing the points with his fingers some more while snapping his hips harder. Taehyung started pressing his clothed member on the carpet, the speed of the plug was increased up a notch while mimicking the man's thrusts.
Jungkook was shivering, but still trying to look composed, like he is having a normal massage on the window and not the dick in his ass. The knuckles that were gripping the edge of the window sill were white from the pressure. His face was sweaty, hair stuck on the brow, while his lower lip was almost bloody from the front teeth.
The man pressed his palm on Jungkook's nape, kneading it before sliding between his shoulder blades, while the other hand went down the spine to his hip again. He, suddenly, pushed and pulled at Jungkook, so his chest was lower, while his hips went back a bit. The man still went slow, rolling his hips lazily, but the new angle made Jungkook gasped loud that even Taehyung heard him. Jungkook looked left and right in a panic to see if anyone has heard him and was about to raise his head and look straight his way, when the man pressed his chest on his back, whispering something in his ear again. Jungkook nodded and kept his silence, muscles contracting, and shaking.
By this time Taehyung was whimpering in his hand and humping the pillow he pulls down, like a dog. He was so aroused by the two men, that he didn't care at all. He could barely concentrate not to scream as the high vibrations on his prostate shook his entire body and the burn on his lower region was on the top. He knew he was near. The idea of Jungkook being so overpowered, so dominated by another man was so sexy, that Taehyung wondered how he manages to stay that calm. If Taehyung was in his place he would cry by this time, begging the man to fuck him to oblivious.
He could finally see the man's face clearly and, God, the man was gorgeous. Eyebrows set in a deep concentration as patience and control of his entire body movement were shown in his beautiful face. His plump lips were so kissable and Taehyung imagined how they might look around his length sucking the life out of him. The plumpness reminded him slightly on Jimin's lips. The long and elegant neck was arching, and the width of those shoulders, fuck, he was the angel itself. Taehyung wondered how perfect he is without clothes.
As if heard his thoughts the man snapped his eyes on him, eyebrows rising high in a surprise before devilish smirk adorned his face.
-''Fuck.'' – Taehyung groaned in the hand, bitting at it, feeling the surge of adrenaline and heat soaring through his body. The man kept watching him, hips bucking harder, making Jungkook jerk forward. He had to hold himself harder, curling into a ball so he won't fell out of the window. The man didn't care if anyone saw them anymore, or perhaps he was waiting for someone to notice.
Taehyung set the vibrator on the highest setting and started jerking off, moans muffled. His hand joined the pillow underneath his body, sliding inside his sweats so he could squeeze his cock. His eyes were still glued at the couple, tears filling them from the intensity. Not wanting to miss a thing he brushed them quickly choking the moans, as he imitated the man's movements, who became erratic and sharp by this time as best as he could sensing that he was about to explode.
The man watched him, smirking, clearly enjoying the audience, that someone is getting off by him fucking someone. He loved the attention he got and Taehyung couldn't take his eyes off him.
The man snapped his hips stronger than usual and Jungkook, who was biting his hand to muffled his whimpers, cried out loud. His voice captivated Taehyung who heard him clearly and he felt falling over. The highest vibration on his prostate as well as his thumbnail in the slit of his cock, combined with the hot image and Jungkook's sexy voice sent Taehyung in the orgasmic explosion, so strong that he was left shaking. The hot white liquid spurted in waves, all over his fingers, soiling his underwear while the white light flashing in front of his eyes as to blind him for a while.
The man snapped forward, burying himself deep into Jungkook three more times, and each time Jungkook became more vocal. It was then that the man pulled him inside, where Jungkook moans could be still heard, but somewhat far away.
Taehyung barely reached the remote to switch off the plug, laying down on his back now, sweaty and shaking, trying to catch his breath. His thigh muscles were aching from the position he was in for a long time, but it was worth it. Fuck, it was so worth it. He pushed the pillow from under him and lay his head on it again. He didn't care if he was humping that pillow only a few seconds ago, he couldn't move. He falls asleep soon after, completely spent, and satisfied. There would be time to clean up later. Now, it's time for a nap.
A week later Hoseok called him with the news that a copyeditor has finished checking his work, correcting any spelling and grammar mistakes the manuscript might have, and that, as soon as the page design and layout is finished, the book could be printed. Taehyung was so excited that he called Jimin.
-''Jiminie, I've finished the book! I finally fucking finished it!'' – He exclaimed when Jimin answered his call.
Jimin wasn't hiding his excitement for his best friend. -''Tae Tae that's awesome! I'm so proud of you!''
Taehyung felt giddy and he giggled, his face hurt from grinning so hard. – ''We have to celebrate! I'm taking you and Hyungs for dinner tomorrow.''
-''Should I dress fancy or eye-catching?''
-''Ka-ching! Make way for the famous writer!'' – Jimin teased while Taehyung laughed, blushing.
-''Enough. Tomorrow at seven, yes?''
The dinner was pleasant and they had fun. Seojoon, Bogum, Hyungsik, Minho, Hoseok, and Jimin were a merry company and Taehyung was very happy. After dinner, they continued their celebration in the club. Jimin and Hoseok ruled the dancefloor, pulling in intoxicated Minho to dance with them, while the rest laughed at his flushed face. Dancing Jimin is a lot to take in when his bubbly ass grinds on your crotch, but dancing Hoseok with his hip rolls behind your back was too much. Minho was flushed and in a deep argument with himself in his mind, should he just let go or not, since he was sporting a quite huge hard-on for a straight guy.
-''Minho is screwed.'' – Seojoon spoke, nudging Hyungsik as they grinned.
-''Oh, I think he will be quite literary screwed tonight, times two.'' – Bogum spoke, over Taehyung's shoulder, hands resting around his waist. Taehyung felt him shift closer, hands wrapping more tightly.
-''I wish Yoonwoo Hyung and Jihan Hyung were here as well. They would have enjoyed this outing.''
''Yeah, Yoonwoo would tease so much until the angry steam bust out from Minho's ears.'' – Seojoon laughed.
-''They are stuck on their business trip.'' – Hyungsik said. – ''The new client is particularly demanding. You know, Taehyungie, that they would be here for you if they could.''
-''Oh, I know, I know, especially Jihan Hyung, he was always attending my book signings and celebrations.'' – Taehyung spoke softly.
Feeling, perhaps, a pang of jealousy, Bogum tightened his grip on Taehyung's waist and whispered in his ear. -''Wanna dance Taehyungie?''
Pressing back into his embrace, Taehyung tilted his head until their eyes met. Feeling slightly hot from the proximity and attraction he always felt towards this particular Hyung, Taehyung nodded shyly. Bogum smiled and pulled him towards the dancing trio.
-''There they go too!'' – Hyungsik said, raising his glass to his lips.
Seojoon turned, drink halfway to his mouth, to look at his friend. -''Why? Should they not?''
-''No, no, they should, It's not that. They just always leave us behind. If Yoonwoo and Jihan were here as well, Yoonwoo would be flirting at the bar with some girl or join Double J's on the dancefloor, making sure that Minho is properly flustered just for the fun of it, while Jihan would lead a silent war with Bogum around Taehyungie. Let's face it, you and I are always in the back, watching, like two uncles.'' – Hyungsik said, squinting his eyes at their friends.
-''Well, I am the eldest.'' – Seojoon interjected.
-''That's not the point.'' – Hyungsik sighed, taking a sip of his drink.
Seojoon blinked a few times, eyebrows raised high comically feeling slightly odd. -''D-Do you want to dance as well?''
Hyungsik snorted. – ''No, I don't. I prefer to watch them having fun. It seems like everyone pairs up. I could bet my life that they will fuck.'' – He sigh.
-''Do you want the same?'' – Seojoon asked, brows furrowed.
-''Do what?'' – Hyungsik asked confused, the alcohol in his brain clouds his mind a bit.
Seojoon looked uncomfortable now. – ''You said they all pair up, and you...and me...we...''
-''What the hell are you trying to say?''
-''Do you want us to...pair...up?'' – Seojoon asked slowly.
Hyungsik scowled at first and then started laughing. -''Hell no bro, you're straight and so am I. I'm just stating the obvious.''
Seokjoon huffed in relief. – ''Damn, you got me there for the moment.'' – Seojoon grinned widely, face relaxing.
Hyungsik nudged him playfully. – ''You idiot, you're drunk.''
-''Not yet, but I'm getting there.'' – Seojoon raised his glass in a salute. Hyungsik laughed, switching his eyes on the dancefloor before he guffawed. – ''Look, look at Minho's face.'' – He started laughing, tossing his head high in laughter at his straight friend whose eyes were wide and round, gay panic visible on his face, as Hoseok kept whispering something, probably filthy, in his ear and Jimin, who now turned, were touching his chest and hips watching him seducingly. The duo paired up to take Mihno down and take him to the dark gay side tonight and he was breaking.
Seojoon, who was in the process of sipping his drink, burst out and spit the liquid everywhere as he began to laugh. The guy who was just passing by got sprinkled pretty good and he turned to glare at Seojoon.
-''Oh, I'm so sorry dude. It was an accident.'' – Seojoon began explaining apologetically, while Hyungsik giggled in his hand.
-''I started laughing suddenly. Please, sorry, let me get you a drink.'' – Seojoon continued apologizing.
The guy took the napkin from the table to clean himself. – ''It's alright. It happens.''
-''No, really, have a drink with me as an apology.'' – Seojoon insisted, raising his hand to catch the bartender and then rising the shot glass and pointing three fingers.
-''No, it's fine, it's fine. At least you laughed, that's healthy.'' – The guy said.
-''My good man, what's your name? – Seojoon asked when his attention went back to the young man in front of him.
-''Nice to meet you Jungkook, I'm Seojoon and this is Hyungsik.''
At that moment another round of drinks came and Seojoon placed one shot of tequila in Jungkook's hand. – ''C'mon, cheer with us. We are celebrating Taehyungie's success.'' – Seojoon said raising his glass in the air.
-''Who is Taehyungie?'' – Jungkook asked, looking left and right.
-''It's Taehyung, that cute handsome one over there, in a loose red shirt.'' – Hyungsik pointed behind Jungkook. – ''But he is currently occupied sucking Bogum's face off.''
Jungkook turned and saw the brunette, Taehyung, right there on the dance floor kissing passionately. His long elegant fingers he had seen only a week ago, caressing his naked honey-toned chest and thighs on the sunlight, were entwined in the guy's hair, pulling him in while their tongues swirled around one another. Taehyung, his name is Taehyung.
-''Is that his boyfriend?'' – Jungkook asked, nodding toward the couple.
-''No, they are good friends, but they fool around from time to time. ''
Jungkook observed them for a few seconds more, deciding that he doesn't like that Bogum guy before he turned to raise his glass. – ''To Taehyung?''
-''To Taehyung.'' – Seojoon and Hyungsik said in unison and drank. Hyungsik tossed his drink too fast that some of it spilled on his face. Seojoon laughed, tapping his hand on the table while the other man scowled at him.
-''Well thank you for the drink, fellas. I'm gonna leave you now.'' – Jungkook says, grimacing from the burn in his throat.
-''Why? Stay a little longer. Have another drink.'' – Seojoon says.
Jungkook shook his head. – ''My date is waiting for me.''
Knowing sounds of ''Aaah'' left both of men's lips and they nodded, patting his shoulders and wished him luck. Jungkook bowed to them and disappeared in the mass, eyes never leaving the man in the red shirt.
He indeed had a date, some foreigner guy he met through Tinder. They ended up in the club's restroom, the guy was kneeling on the floor, head bobbing up and down on Jungkook's length when the stall door pushed in. Startled yelp and wide eyes, Jungkook's stomach turned as his eyes settled on Taehyung, whose eyes danced quickly from Jungkook's chest and the hard cock that slipped from the guy's mouth in shock, all the way back to his face. He murmured some apology and hurriedly pulled the door shut again. The harsh heat enveloped Jungkook suddenly, stomach muscles tightening and he tossed his head back, cumming all over the guy. He gasped in shock as the spurts of cum landed on the guy's frozen face and hair. The guy did not appreciate that at all, leaving him soon after.
So Jungkook went home alone that night, wondering if Taehyung came home yet. He saw him some half an hour later with that Bogum guy. Jungkook totally didn't camp, in the darkness, in front of the window, waiting. Nope.
The guy, Jungkook refused to call him by his name, he was not important at all, groped Taehyung while the brunette tried to unlock the entryway. The guy's hands were under the red shirt, sliding over Taehyung's chest and pressed himself against his ass while kissing his neck. Jungkook growled at the sight. He didn't like that guy. He didn't mind much the other two he saw Taehyung with, but this one, he envokes some possessive feeling in his chest. The tongue subconsciously licked the inner side of his cheek, and he wished for Taehyung to send the guy away, but he knew that that's not gonna happen.
Two men went up and then the light in Taehyung's bedroom, Jungkook took a guess, was on. He groaned when he realized that he can't see them from that window, just the corner of the room and the closet. He did, however, heard him. His beautiful, some muffled some louder moans and grunts. They were mildly audible, thanks to the open window. Jungkook found himself kneeling on the floor, head buried in his hand that rested on the window seal, while he fisted his erection hard, filling his ears with Taehyung's sexy deep voice. He came all over the wall.
Taehyung. His name is Taehyung. Jungkook thought drowsily, gasping for air and trying to calm his racing heart.
Hello everyone, I hope you are healthy and safe. Here is the new update and I hope you will like it. Things are becoming hot as Tae and Kook keep teasing each other with their Hyungs, but their meeting will be soon, so stay tuned. I love comments, so feel free to leave them if you want. Thank you for reading. Until next week =)
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