Chapter 19 - The Magic Forest
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-''I'm still in wonder that you called me and not Jungkook to go with you.'' – Hoseok said, looking at his rearview mirror before taking a left turn towards Jimin's dance studio. – ''Not that I mind.'' – He added quickly, glancing at Tae, who sat comfortably on the passenger seat. – ''Just...curious.''
Taehyung smiled with his lips closed. – ''Jungkook is already there. He is helping Jiminie with music.''
Hoseok made an ''o'' shape with his mouth. – ''Oooh, is that's so...okay then.'' – He said, stopping at the red light. – ''So this is a little bit bigger than the regular children show-off that we used to?'' – He asked, glancing at Taehyung again, one hand on the steering wheel, another on the gearshift, ready to go as soon as the light turn to green.
-''Oh, yes. All of his groups will be there, the kiddies and teens. It will be great, I can tell.'' – Taehyung said, believing in his soulmate. Besides Jungkook and Jin were there as well, so nothing can go wrong.
They arrived at the place where Jimin's studio was. It wasn't too big, but it was a comfortable and intimate place. The end of the hall had a huge cardboard poster with a magical forest with waterfall theme. Taehyung picked that one and printed it with the help of Jin. The lights were posted and ready, together with two big speakers.
-''Wow, looks nice.'' – Hoseok spoke.
-''Yes, Jungkook managed to ''borrow'' it, as he says.'' – Taehyung said, making quotation marks in the air. He then added when he saw Hoseok's curious face. – ''I think he might have rented it, but Jimin would have flipped if that's the case. He barely accepted this, and Jungkook refuses to tell, even me.
-''Wow, that's very generous of him.'' – Hoseok said.
-''Yeah, Jungkook likes Jiminie.'' – Taehyung said nonchalantly.
Hoseok gave it a pause, arching one eyebrow. – ''And you don't mind?''
-''To mind Jiminie? Hell no, he is my soulmate. I don't mind sharing anything with him.'' – He said and went forward to find Jimin.
Jimin shouted happily when he saw them. – ''Hey, you made it. I saved you the best seats.'' – He said and pointed behind them before one of his assistants called him in the back. Taehyung smiled wide when he saw Jungkook coming his way.
-''Kookie.'' – He said, hugging him and pecking his lips.
-''Hello Jungkookie, how are you?'' – Hoseok gave him high-five.
-''Great Hyung. I'm nicely entertained, have work and Tae, what could I ask for more?'' – Jungkook answered cheekily. Hoseok laughed. They exchanged a few words before Hoseok went to greet Namjoon and Jin that he just saw.
Jungkook and Taehyung were left alone, nodding here and there to the acquaintances and friends they know before a loud booming voice echoed the place.
-''Aaaah, Taehyungie, great to see your little ass again.''- Minho yelled in joy and hugged laughing Tae tightly. Jungkook looked in bewilderment as Minho's hands slid towards Taehyung's ass and gave it a little squeeze. Jungkook's mouth opened as so say something but thought better of it when Tae returned the favor but squeezing the other man's butt in a good measure as well.
He felt his tongue going into his cheek as he took a deep sigh. Jimin, who returned at that moment, witnessing an internal struggle of Jungkook's mind and soul, giggled and whispered in his ear. – ''Minho is straight, trust me, I've tried.'' – Jungkook jerked a bit not noticing his return and then tried to play nonchalance.
-''I'm not worried.'' – He mumbled and Jimin giggled more and teased. – ''Sure, and I'm not gay at all.''
He burst out laughing when he saw Jungkook's dumbfounded face staring at him and then joining him in laughter once the words sunk in.
-''You ass...'' – Jungkook said in good humor. – ''I'm not worried. I trust Tae.''
Just at that moment, Taehyung approached them, pulling a tall man with him.
-''Kookie, this is my good friend and Hyung, Minho. Hyung, this is my Jungkookie.'' – Taehyung said proudly and the two men went to shook hands.
-''This little bugger doesn't know how to introduce people properly. Choi Minho, a pleasure to meet you finally.'' – Minho said, smiling and offering his hand, while Tae pouted.
-''Aaah, Hyung, there's no need for the ceremony here. We are friends.'' – Taehyung protested. Jungkook smiled and took the offered hand in his own. – ''Jeon Jungkook, it's a pleasure to meet you too.''
-''Ah, Jiminie, looking good.'' – The man turned towards Jimin, who gave him a small bro-hug.
-''Yes, Hyung, let's pretend that I never tried to get you in bed and stay bros.'' – Jimin teased. Minho turned red.
-''Yah, Jimin-ah, I'm never drinking with you again.'' – Minho said, turning towards Jungkook. – ''This little bugger got me so drunk the last time we went out. He still holds some compromising pictures on his phone.''
Jungkook laughed. -''Ah, yes, Jimin is the devil's spawn.'' – He added, eyes twinkling in mischief.
-''Fuck off.'' – Jimin said in good humor and hit Jungkook's shoulder. – ''I'm going to check if everything is in place. Meet me after, yeah?'' – He said to Jungkook and then turned towards Minho and Taehyung. – ''You settle down nicely and enjoy the show. Tae...'' – He paused to look at his best friend. – '' know what to do?''
Taehyung nodded. – ''I know, don't worry.''
Jimin's face spread in the sweetest wide smiles, eyes disappearing in the crescent shape. – ''Fighting!'' - And with those words, he ran to the crowd.
-''Little firecracker.'' – Minho said it fondly, looking at disappearing Jimin. His eyes returned towards Jungkook, quickly appraising his body shape. – ''Do you play sports?''
-''Not much these days.'' – Jungkook admitted. – ''I was in a wrestling and athletic team in high school, but now I just go to the gym and go bowling from time to time.''
Minho's eyes grew wide with excitement. – ''Taehyung did mention that you are good at bowling.'' – He said.
Jungkook glanced at Taehyung with adoration and then at Minho again. – ''Yes, I am. I'm great.''
-''Hah, prove it!'' – Minho shouted. – ''You and me, we have to have a match!''
Jungkook grinned widely, eyes twinkling. – ''You want to make a bet?'' – He asked.
-''Hell yeah.'' – Minho grinned. – ''What do you say, when are you free?''
Jungkook laughed, thoroughly amused. Taehyung stepped in. – ''Woah, you can't just steal my boyfriend away, Hyung.''
-''I'm not stealing, I'm testing him. To see if he is a real man.'' – Minho said. – ''Beside Seojoon and Bogum, no one likes to bowl.''
The nerve under Jungkook's left eye twitched slightly at the mention of Bogum's name, but he didn't comment on it. He just said. – ''You haven't met my Hyungs then. Jin Hyung and Yoongi Hyung play an excellent bowl.
Taehyung raised his eyebrows at that, looking at his man. – ''I didn't know Jin Hyung loves bowling.''
-''Jin Hyung is great at certain sports. Billiards, snowboard, surfing, bowling, jet skiing, diving, while Yoongi Hyung plays some wicked basketball.
-''Wow, I would like to see.'' – Taehyung said, eyes round.
-''Well, maybe we can play a match one day if he is a good mood.'' – Jungkook suggested.
-''Mind if I join you?'' - Minho asked hopefully. He loved playing sports but had the rotten luck of surrounding himself with a bunch of businessmen and artists. Don't get him wrong, he loved his friends and will do anything for them, but he would've wished for at least one of them to possess a competing sport nerve in their bones, at least a bit.
Jungkook, changing his annoyed first opinion of the man, like that idea, so he quickly nodded and said that he is welcomed to join whenever. They exchange some words about sports and agree to set the time and place for their bowling match in the future. Jungkook then left with his camera to prepare for the filming, while Taehyung and Minho found Hoseok. They sat in their places, Taehyung in between and they chatted cheerfully while they waited for the show to start.
Jimin came then to the stage, greet the parents and friends, and wished them a pleasant time. They greeted him with applause and then the main lights went dark, and only colorful stage ones were lit.
It started with Jimin in the middle with his small 8-9 years old boys and girls. Behind them was a huge cardboard picture of the enchanted forests and lake. Some gentle, instrumental music echoed through the gym and they all begin to move their hands in the air, like they were flying, swooning left and right, then Jimin raised his hand, holding up the silken white scarf, soon his was up so effortlessly, raising his small fairies on their feet as well. This was his contemporary group and the kids were amazing, considering how young all of them are.
The fairies slid in different directions on their little tiptoes, jumping into a split in the air and twirling, while Jimin had his own dance in the middle. He was so gracious, twirling the silken scarf around himself, jumping and turning, it was marvelous. All of a sudden he fell on the ground as if losing his magic and his little fairies gathered around him, pulling his scarf, spreading it, while Jimin knelt on the floor, head bowed in defeat. His kids held the cloth and wrapped around Jimin's shoulders, hugging him. Then the second group of the smallest ones came into the spotlight, led by Beomgyu with the flute. He was dressed like something that resembles a modern kind of a faun, he looked cute, while the kids had different hats, some little red mushroom heads with white spots while others flowers. Beomgyu led them in their slightly different routine, dancing around them.
-''Oh, my God, they are so adorable!'' – Taehyung squealed when he saw small mushrooms.
-''They truly are, how old are they?'' – Hoseok asked, grinning softly behind the hand.
-''Jimin said his youngest group is 5 to 7, but the youngest one is 4...oh, my God, look how small they are, so cute!''
Hoseok glanced at the man next to him and saw the huge smile on his face, smiling. – ''Cute.'' – Before returning his gaze to the performance. He had to agree they were adorable and good.
The little mushrooms and flowers ran towards the group in the middle and took fairies hands in their own, pulling them aside to form a circle. The bigger kids led the small ones into a dance, twirling them around and jumping with the rhythm. The room was beautifully lightened. Jungkook managed to get his hands on some good lightning. It took him, Taehyun, and Soobin a good part of the morning to set everything up and connect the music to the speakers. Jimin was speechless, he nearly cried. He was so touched by it. The stage started with nice blue and white with Jimin and fairies, then slid to pink and yellow when the flowers came. They danced around him, a bit uncoordinated and uneven, but they were so adorable that no one paid any heed on the cute little mistakes the youngest dancers made. The children's energy and magic were what brought Jimin on his feet again, oh, well..that and a little bit of magic dust and confetti that children sprinkle on him.
Jimin jumped up, smiling wide, spreading his hands, while the children celebrated their forest spirit – the swan. One little mushroom fell down by accident, lip wobbling as he will cry, but Jimin swept him in his arms and danced in the circle. The child giggled, feeling proud that he is in the spotlight. Jimin placed him down and went in the circle, looking and encouraging with a warm smile every child there. He truly loved and cared for those kids.
Beomgyu and Jimin danced in unison, with their kids following them. It was simple and sweet, and everyone had that ''uwu'' look on their face.
Then all of a sudden the music changes, it became darker and more menacing, thunder could be heard in the background. The little fairies, mushrooms, and flowers gathered quickly behind Jimin and Beomgyu just in time when Yeonjun, who played a white jaguar came in with his wild disciples, the bigger kids, ready to cause some mischief.
-''Oh, there comes the trouble.'' – Hoseok said, absolutely amused, grinning nonstop.
The orange, yellow, and red light dominated on the stage, and with one smooth signal, Jimin gave the sign to Beomgyu to take the small kids away to safety. The faun nodded and ushers back with his hands for the kids to start running, but was cut by Huening Kai and Soobin, the dark spirits, stopping them suddenly. Even with the music on you could hear children screaming and yelling, just like Jimin told them. – ''You are scared, so you scream, loud, okay?'' ''Okay!'' The children replied.
Huening Kai, or shortened just Kai laughed darkly, spreading his hands, followed by his gang of five kids, wearing the tribe masks, that they drew by themselves. They were pretty good. The actual evil laugh was put in the mix by Jungkook, to help with the story. It sounded awesome.
The smallest kids and Beomgyu returned to Jimin, who hid them behind his back and the dark spirits with the masks had their own dance spot. These kids were more serious, more hip-hop, street dance. Hoseok was clapping joyfully. Jimin fought them with his dance, showing off his true dancing skills, while his little kids clapped with Beomgyu, in the rhythm of the music. It seemed like they were cheering and calling for magical help.
-''Amazing!'' – Minho shouted on Taehyung's other side and Taehyung joined him in cheering, as did Hoseok, and other parents and friends.
Jimin was caught by Kai and Soobin, tied with his own silken scarf. The music suddenly stops and a deep horn sound was heard somewhere in the distance causing the dark masks to look left to right, wondering what is that. The sound echoed again, this time closer, and the drums were heard, the lights went crazy. They went off and a flash of white light appeared, once, twice, trice, and then there were 5 persons standing there, the sound of eagles echoed the room. Taehyun and 4 other teens were forest protectors, the eagles. They had the capes with white feathers printed on it. It was the best that Jimin could get in a short time, but it worked. Yes, it would be awesome of all of them had the real masks and wings and stuff, but it was the dance that matters, not the costumes, so Jimin didn't worry himself that much. The masked spirits, together with Kai and Soobin ran on the other side when they appeared. There were moments of stillness, none of them moved, nothing was heard, but the thunder in the sky.
Taehyun released wounded Jimin and then Jimin and Beomgyu ushered the little ones off the stage, on the side, And then, there was a fight. The upbeat music begins, Eagles against Jaguars and dark spirits. With their complicated dance routines, the older dancers incorporated some martial arts moves, so it looked amazing, while they danced.
-''Wow!'' – Hoseok exclaimed through a huge smile, clapping his hands, his eyes round in excitement. – ''This is fantastic!''
-''Yeah, they are great.'' – Taehyung said smiling. – ''You know this is for you, right?'' – He asked. Hoseok's eyes turned to stare at him, face turning to amused shock.
-''All of this...'' – Taehyung nodded towards the other end of the gym at dancers, and then returned his gaze at Hoseok. – '''s Jimin's gift to you. You are his inspiration. Can't you recognize your own moves here and there?'' – Tahyung asked, smirking mischievously at his friend's face, who turned, his now amazed face towards the dancing group.
Kai and Soobin fought with Taehyun's eagles until they were forced to retreat, holding up their wounds, and then Taehyun and Yeonjun danced their part. Jimin was so proud of them, they really stepped up the game, especially Yeonjun, one of his first students.
The following fighting sounds were Jungkook's brilliant idea. He added them into the mix when Jimin explained his fighting scene to him and they spent three days perfecting the timing of the dance and music. Taehyung was so proud of them both. He looked down where Jungkook and one of his colleagues were moving left to right with cameras in their hands, trying to find the best angle for the shoot. Jungkook already had some of Jimin's and elder boys dance movement, while they rehearsed, filming some angles from up close. – ''It will be amazing once I edit it all.'' – He said to Jimin and Taehyung some hours before.
Taehyung smiled affectionately at his boyfriend, sliding his eyes towards Hoseok, who was leaning forward in his chair, serious expression on his face, studying the dancers every move. There was a loud hit and Taehyun fell to the ground, his eagles attacked, but they were sent flying back. They were no match to Yeonjun.
When Yeonjun was about to send the final blow to Taehyun, there was a flash of light and thundering sound and Yeonjun fell back, rolling over his shoulder and was on his feet, crouching like a cat, instantly. That's where Jimin appeared, dressed in black now, dangerous and powerful.
The Eagles pulled their leader back to safety and Jimin and Yeonjun clashed their swords, sort of speak. Taehyung was mesmerized by their movement. They were so light on their feet, flying in the air, then falling down like marionettes, acting like dolls. They did some pretty serious dance moves and Hoseok gasped once or twice, probably recognizing his changed and somewhat improved moves.
The older kids with masks joined Yeonjun, and the Eagles joined Jimin and it was a perfect Yin Yang formation since the Eagles were white, and Jimin was black, and the dark spirits were in black, while Yeonjun was in white. It looked magnificent, considering how low budget they had and that they had to make their props and masks. It turned out amazing, Taehyung thought. Thank goodness for the lights and music. Taehyung was clapping and cheering for his soulmate, feeling so proud.
Since both sides were too strong, they all fell on the ground when the thunder and lightning came crashing, and the music was cut. Nobody moved, everyone played dead. Nothing was heard but the small wind at first and then the sound of the flute filled the room. It was a beautiful, happy melody, full of hope. The light became purple and white and Beomgyu came in playing his flute and behind him the small number of mushrooms, fairies and flowers came. They spread across the stage, running towards fallen creatures, and from their little pouches and their pockets, they poured confetti and magic dust, twirling around and repeating a healing movement that Jimin thought them. Taehyung remembered how much time he needed to teach to the younger ones that move. He felt his cheeks aching from smiling so hard.
Some magical music joined the flute, the birds and whisper of the leaves could be heard, and even the light became warmer, and then the creatures began to stir, like waking up from a bad dream. The youngest of children helped the others to stand up, while they shook their head to clear his thoughts. The masked spirits took off their masks, and put on their headbands with different animal ears, from cats to bears, to wolves, to rabbits. They were cursed before, but now they are free. The Eagles were cured and stood proud. Kai and Soobin got their wings back and were finally complete again, while Jimin approached Yeonjun. He gave him his hand and Yeonjun took it. They started the final routine, the final dance, the truce, the friendship, the respect. It was short but elegant and beautiful. They ended up with their hands in the air and a bow. The crowd went wild with applause and cheers. Taehyung and Hoseok the most, although Taehyung saw the wet gleam in Hoseok's eyes. Jimin and older boys gathered kids to take their bow as well, and then one kid stepped in, in front of them all, and yelled. – ''That's all folks! Go home now!''
Everyone laughed, and Jimin almost bent in half from laughing since that wasn't planned at all. Children ran to their parents and everyone mingled together, saying their congratulations and thanks.
Taehyung, Minho, and Hoseok went to Jimin.
-''That was amazing Jiminie!'' – Taehyung exclaimed joyfully, hugging his best friend. Jimin was grinning, still panting, trying to catch his breath. He was sweaty but happy.
-''Bloody adorable, I love it!'' – Minho exclaimed. Jimin gave him a short hug, eyes sliding to Hoseok.
-''Did you like it Hyung?'' – He asked.
-''Jimin, it was incredible.'' – Hoseok said, smiling. They hugged.
-''It was for you Hyung.'' – Jimin said in his ear and moved back from Hoseok's embrace, to go back to the stage again, but not before he saw the warmth and a surprise in the man's eyes.
-''Everyone! Everyone! May I have your attention, please.'' – Jimin shouted. The music quieted enough so that people could hear him. –'' I just want to thank you all for coming, and I hope you liked our little show.'' – There were loud cheers and clapping from friends and family at those words. Jimin grinned even wider, his eyes completely disappearing into the crescents. –''We worked very hard for this, and I'm so very proud of all of my students. You are the best! Parents, friends, thank you for coming and supporting us. We have a small surprise here today, one of my dearest friends, Hobi Hyung, has his birthday today, so there are cakes and sweets.''
The children gasped and shouted their amazement. Jimin turned his gaze at shocked Hoseok and smiled. – ''I think if we all sing him the Happy Birthday song he might share his sweets with us, what do you say kids!?''
The booming... - ''Yeees!!!'' - ...echoed the hall and when Jimin counted to three the song begins. Hoseok's was grinning widely, overwhelmed with joy, and slight embarrassment while everyone, kids, parents, and friends, sang him a song. Jin entered then with a huge trolly filled with towers of cupcakes and his friend, Ken, was pushing another one with three cakes, two big ones, and one smaller with a ''smiley face'' on it and a candle. That was for Hoseok, for him only. Jimin took that one and brought it to the man. Hoseok had to bite his lip so he won't cry how touched he was by all of this.
-''Make a wish Hyung.'' – Jimin said, smiling. Hoseok look at him in the eyes, then closed his own and made a wish. He blew the candle out earning himself the applause.
-''Can we eat the cakes now!?'' – There was one kid's voice which made everyone laughed, especially Hoseok, who look at them all, thank them for the song, and said that they can eat as much as they want. That got him cheers and kids, with their parents went to the trollies where paper plates and forks and cakes were, with Jin and Ken slicing it down, with a help of Jimin's assistants, who were handling the cupcakes.
Taehyung, Jimin, Jungkook, and Namjoon, who showed up behind them when they were singing a song, took some cream on from Hoseok's cake and smudged on Hoseok's cheeks, forehead, and nose, while their victim shrieked. Some children were laughing so much at that.
A few cupcakes and slices later, small chats, and a lot of pictures, the children and parents said their goodbyes. Only Jimin's assistants and few teens stayed behind to help clean up the place.
Jimin was carrying out the garbage when he saw a person he didn't expect.
-''Yoongi come you here?'' – Jimin barely spoke.
-''I came to see your performance.'' – Yoongi spoke calmly.
-''But, how did you know?''
-''Bun told me, he asked for some side tracks and sounds, and he persuaded me to come. Should I not?'' – He asked.
-''Oh, no, no, of course, you should come. I'm glad you did, I just...did not think you...''
-''I would want to come?'' – Yoongi asked, tilting his head. Jimin nodded, looking at the ground. Yoongi took a deep breath. – ''Jimin-ah, what you pulled on me was not cool at all, but I heard your apology, it seemed sincere. I had no idea you could sing like that, although I dislike the idea that Namjoon herd you before me.'' – He paused, gathering his thoughts, while Jimin raised his head to look at him. – ''Either way, you are the most talented and charming brat I have ever met, and I wouldn't want to stop talking to you because of the past grudge. So, friends?''
Jimin gulped. – ''Friends?'' – He asked weakly.
Yoongi drew down his eyes, licking at his lower lip quickly and then nodded. – ''Yes, just friends. You are okay with that?''
Jimin cannot say that he didn't feel pain at that, but he wanted Yoongi in his life more than anything, so he took a deep breath and nodded. – ''Yes, friends.''
They shook hands. Jimin forced himself to smile brightly. – ''It's Hobi Hyung's birthday, you might want to greet him.'' – He suggested, and Yoongi nodded. – ''Yes, I know. I'll go and say hi to everyone.''
Jimin took the trash from the floor again and went towards the door when Yoongi called him.
-''Yah, Jimin-ah! That was an excellent show.''
Jimin smiled shyly, nodding thanks and going around the corner. There he nearly jumped from his skin when he saw Taehyung, leaning on the wall, arms crossed.
-''Shit! Don't do that, you scared the shit out of me!'' – Jimin touched his beating heart, leaning on the wall next to him as well.
-''I'm sorry Jiminie.'' – Taehyung said and Jimin knew that he didn't apologize for the fright he just gave him, but for his and Yoongi's ''friends'' situation.
Jimin smirked sadly. – ''Well, at least he accepted my apology.''
Taehyung clicked with his tongue and wrap one of his arms around Jimin's shoulders. –''Things might change, you never know.''
-''I doubt it.'' - Jimin said leaning in shortly and then pulling back. – ''What on earth are you doing eavesdropping around behind the corners?'' – He asked, raising one eyebrow in suspicion.
-''I went to throw the garbage. I saw Hyung and just nodded, I'm still angry at him from breaking your heart.''
-''Be nice to him. It's not his fault, it's mine.'' – Jimin said, but Taehyung shook his head.
-''Naah, it could have been done differently from both sides, it's a bit drastic and childish for ignoring you for a long time.''
-''Aaah, Tae Tae, my silly soulmate.'' – Jimin giggled, patting Taehyung's cheek.
-''Silly or not, I got your back. Here, give me the trash, I'll throw it, you go back.'' – He said kissing Jimin's sweaty hair and making a face. Jimin laughed, releasing the grip on the trash bag.
-''Thanks, Tae Tae.'' – He said and turned back. Taehyung sighed, watching him for a moment, and then slowly went outside to the garbage bin.
When he came back he saw his, Jimin's and Jungkook's friends in a small group together. Soobin was once again helping Jin and Ken with the cake leftovers, glancing lovingly at his broad-shouldered Hyung, who cooed how cute and red his face is.
-''Hyung, leave the poor boy alone.'' – Jungkook scolded while he spoke with Minho, Jimin, and Taehyun. Hoseok got devoting attention from Yeonjun, Beomgyu, and Kai as he praised their dance moves and recalled some of his own. Yoongi standing next to him with Namjoon, adding stuff here and there.
Jungkook noticed Tae's approach and spread his hands so he could hug him.
-''Did you film everything?'' – Taehyung asked and Jungkook nodded.
-''Yup, I got it all. We had two cameras, two angles, so it will be awesome. I will be great when I finish with the editing.''
-''The music was so perfect and sound effects. I'm so proud of you both.'' – He said, glancing at Jimin as well, who came closer. They enveloped him in a hug.
-''Shouldn't you be there with your two Hyungs? Not that I'm complaining.'' – Jungkook asked teasingly.
Jimin just smiled sadly. – ''Ah, it's not...we are not...we are just friends.'' – Jimin whispered to his two friends. Jungkook clicked his tongue in annoyance at his Hyungs, while Tae pouted.
-''That's alright Jimin-ssi, you are ous anyway.'' – Jungkook said seriously. Jimin blinked a few times, shaking his head while chuckling.
-''Anyway, Tae, Hobi Hyung invited all of us for a drink tonight, to celebrate his birthday. Are you coming?'' – Jimin asked.
-''Sure, I wouldn't miss it for the world.'' – He answered grinning.
They met in the club sometimes later that evening. The underage youngsters were sent home and only adults remained. Taehyung saw Jimin talking to Yoongi, but it seemed a bit forced, so he went to join Hoseok on the dancefloor, but the man was busy flirting with some women.
Minho, Jin, and Ken competed in the drinking game, becoming louder and louder, while Namjoon talked with Yoongi.
Jimin closed his eyes, feeling alone, and allowed the music to take over until he felt two pairs of hands on his waist. He opened the eyes and saw Taehyung.
-''Mind if we join?'' – Jungkook said behind him. Jimin smiled and relaxed into their touch, feeling protected, safe. He wished it was someone else's hands on him right now, the ones he desired, but nothing can compare with the hands of your closest friends. Even though Jungkook slipped in their lives fast and powerful, Jimin thought of him as a friend as well.
-''Things not working very well with these two, hmm?'' – It was Taehyung that asked and Jimin shook his head. – ''We need time to build up our friendship and trust again. I can't ask more than that.'' – Jimin said while he moved his hips in a rhythm. – ''I don't want to talk about them, let's just dance.'' – He said and pulled Taehyung closer. The latter nuzzling his lips in the crook of Jimin's neck, thigh slipping in between Jimin's, and Jungkook's body pressed closer from the back.
They danced like that, hot and sexy. They turned Jimin around so now Taehyung was in the middle between him and Jungkook. Jungkook proceeded to grind his hips on Taehyung's ass, while he slid his hands to cup Jimin's butt and pull him closer. Taehyung continued kissing Jimin's neck, while his eyes flew around the dimmed club, hidden under his long curls. What he saw he liked very much since both Hoseok and Yoongi were starring darkly at them.
Hoseok couldn't help but glancing in their direction all the time, even though he was tightly dancing with the woman in front of him. Yoongi, however, drank quietly, listening to Namjoon with half of his ear, while staring at the three of them.
-''They are pissed.'' – Jungkook chuckled in his ear. That made Taehyung chuckle as well, pecking his boyfriend on the mouth. Jimin leaned back to look at them.
-''What's happening?'' – He asked innocently.
-''Oh, nothing Chim Chim. I was just wondering should we go home. It's late.''
-''Oh...o-okay. I'll see you tomorrow then.'' – Jimin said a bit disappointed. Taehyung stared at him.
-''You are coming with us.'' – He said.
-''What?'' – Jimin opened his mouth confused. – ''Tae, I don't want to cockblock you two. I will be fine.''
This time Jungkook spoke. – ''Jimin-ssi, since when are you cockblocking anything?''
Jimin's confused face was soon broke with a sensual kiss from Taehyung. -''I want to fuck my soulmate tonight. – He said and then turned to Jungkook to kiss him as well. – ''While my boyfriend fucks me.''
Jimin watch them kiss. They looked hot. When they separated they shared a gentle look and then turned their eyes at him. Jimin swallowed.
He looked a bit on the right and back, not too much, but still to indicate at two persons behind them. – ''I'm not sure if that's a good idea.'' – He said.
Taehyung and Jungkook both smiled wickedly. – ''Oh, we think it's a great idea Jiminie.'' – Taehyung spoke, grabbing his hand with one while holding Jungkook's with the other. – ''Let's go.''
They waved to the rest of them, who waved back. Jimin, however, didn't saw a deadly look Hoseok gave to Taehyung, and Yoongi to Jungkook while they were heading towards the entrance. Even though his heart is still aching, Jimin allowed himself to be desired and cared for by his two best friends.
Now, I know what some of you must think, that this is wrong... that Jimin should stay in the club and go alone, but you see Taehyung knew Hoseok very well, he knew how to tease him, and Jungkook knew exactly how to rattle Yoongi's cage, so the game that two lovers came up with will serve Jimin in the future. We just don't know who will step back and who will get together at the end, so stay tuned =)
I hope you liked the show, I tried to make it as much realistic as I could since I know how hard and enjoyable it is to work with the kids, especially something creative. 💜💜💜
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