Chapter 17 - The Plan
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-''It was almost noon when Taehyung woke up. He brushed at his eyes, stretching his libs when a dull pain in his lower part made him cringe his muscles and gasp silently. Then the images flew back into his head, of Jungkook and Jimin, inside him at the same time, Hoseok and the video. He groaned into his hand when he remembered the last part. He still hated the fact that they saw it, even though they didn't react at all like he expected them to.
-''They are better men than that Taehyungie.'' – He smart one said.
-''Oh,'s too early to discuss what happened yesterday with you.'' – Taehyung groaned inwardly.
-''It's noon.'' – The alien spoke matter-of-factly. -''Besides, your loverboys are not here, so I suggest you see where they are.''
-''You are just curious about what they doing.'' – The passionate one spoke. – ''Tae, I'm so proud of you. You exceeded my expectations last night. Two cocks, wow.''
-''Aaah, shut up, shut up, shut up.'' – Taehyung rolled on his stomach, burying his face in the pillows. They smelled like sex and Jimin. He sniffed again a bit to the right... and there was a whiff of Jungkook as well.
-''I need to change sheets.'' – He thought.
-''Yes, you do. Now get up and take shower.'' – The smart one said.
-''Yeah, I smell breakfast!'' – The alien spoke.
-''You mean lunch?'' – The passion one teased.
-''Whatever.'' – The alien grumbled. –''Go and check what's on the menu. We are hungry.''
-''But first, shower.'' – The smart one ordered and Taehyung knew that there won't be peace in his head unless he did exactly that.
-''Just be quiet, I feel groggy and I can't have you yell at me. Okay?'' – He asked and the silence answered.
Taehyung huffed, quite satisfied with a sudden silence in his head. He picked some clean clothes, hissing at the ache of his ass and his muscles. They got me good this time, Taehyung thought and smiled.
He found Jungkook sitting at the kitchen isle and looking at Jimin's laptop, the notebook and pen lay next to it where he took notes. Jimin was behind him, with a spatula in his hand frying eggs and bacon, by the smell of it.
-''I think I could create a background video that could go great with the mix we were talking about. Just send me the tracks once you decide which ones you want to use.'' – Jungkook spoke, his doe eyes round, face serious as he concentrated on the screen.
-''Don't bother with the video, we don't have equipment for the background screen. What do you think we are, a rich school? The mix would be more than appreciated, thank you. I have like half of them in my mind right now, but I still need to fit everything for the dance.'' – Jimin said seriously while washing the tomatoes in the sink.
-''Fine, but you could always film it and then we could make like an edit to post online.'' – Jungkook said pouting, disliking the way his idea was so quickly rejected. Taehyung smiled softly at his face. He looked so young then.
-''Hmmm, ok, I like that. Yeah, ok.'' – Jimin looked back at Jungkook as he spoke. His eyes flew towards Taehyung on the door, gently smiling at them.
-''Tae Tae, you're up!'' – He chimed and Jungkook's eyes snapped at him. – ''Just on time for food, I'm almost done.'' – Jimin added.
Jungkook was already off his chair and in Taehyung's embrace. – ''How are you? Are you hurt? Were we too rough?'' – The trail of questions came from his mouth that was pressed on Taehyung's. Taehyung giggled and kissed back.
-''Yeah, I'm fine.'' – He said leaning back to look at him, hands around Jungkook's neck. – ''I'm little sore, but I'm okay. Honestly.'' – He said smiling when he saw the worried crease in Jungkook's brow slacken.
-''Good, I was worried. I thought I went too far.'' – He admits it.
-''I think we both know I've been through much rougher treatment.'' – Taehyung said tilting his head on the side. Jungkook exhaled deeply, bending his head in guilt.
-''I'm sorry I made you watch it.''- He said, looking like the kicked puppy. Taehyung's heart swelled with emotion. He did wish that they never saw that damn video, but strangely, he felt liberated. He put on the smile and played off with good humor.
-''Well, it did bring me two cocks, so I'm not complaining.'' – He grinned mischievously.
-''Shameful.'' – They heard from the stove. – ''Completely and utterly shameful.''
Taehyung giggled, kissing Jungkook on the lips and then going towards his soulmate. He hugged him from behind and kissed his cheek.
-''Hi, Jiminie. Sleep well?'' – He asked.
-''Oh, like a baby.'' – He answered, cutting the tomato. – ''My ass hurts though, not like yours, but still.'' – He added quickly when he felt Taehyung chuckle behind him. – ''That brute just shoved himself in.'' – He glared at Jungkook across his and Taehyung's shoulders.
-''Hey, don't pretend you didn't like it!'' – Jungkook moved the laptop from the surface so he could set the plates. –''Besides, you can check me off your fuck list.'' – He added, making that hilariously wicked meme-worthy face.
-''I don't have a list! I don't go around and fuck everyone as you do!'' – Jimin pointed a knife at him.
-''Well, besides Jin Hyung and Joon Hyung you did fuck the rest of us.'' – Taehyung said rationally.
Jimin gasped at the betrayal, stretching to glare at Taehyung. -''So did you!''
-''Yes, I did, minus Yoongi Hyung, but so have you, and so did he, and we are all horny fuckers.'' – Taehyung said with a grin, pecking Jimin's nose.
-''Why do I have trouble staying angry at you?'' – He asked, returning to his cooking task.
-''Because you adore me.'' – Taehyung nuzzles his nose in Jimin's neck and starts to sniffle him like a dog.
-''Yah! Don't! It tickles.'' – He tried to whisk away from Taehyung. – ''Aaah, stop, I'll cut myself.''
Taehyung laughed and moved away. One the table was set and the food was done they ate in comfortable silence.
-''What are your plans for the rest of the day?'' – Taehyung asked.
-''I have a project to work on, so I will be at home.'' – Jungkook said. – ''You can hang out at my house while I work if you want.'' – He suggested, but before Taehyung could answer Jimin chimed in.
-''Oh, Jin Hyung asked us to join him for a coffee at three.'' – He said. – ''He sent me the message. He said that you are not answering your phone.''
Taehyung already knew that Jimin embarrassed him somehow, on purpose. – ''And what did you said to him?''
-''I told him you are tired after a good dicking.'' – Jimin grinned like a mischievous imp.
-''Jimin!'' - Taehyung groaned and cover his face with his hand.
-''What?! Hyung like it, he just sent: ''That's my Jungkookie!'' – Jimin begins to laugh, the squick was audible in it, at Jungkook and Taehyung's pained expressions and deep sighs of exasperation.
-''Yoongi heard the song.'' – Jin said later that afternoon. He, Jimin, and Taehyung sat outside the café, drinking mocha coffee.
Jimin, who was in a process of taking a sip of his, gulped with difficulty, his eyes watering from the sudden clog in his throat.
-''He did?'' – He asked quietly, coughing slightly.
-''Yes, Joonie told him there is a new singer he would like him to check and he sent him your song. Pretty clever.'' – Jin said proudly.
-''What did he said?'' – Taehyung asked curiously. Jimin just watched Jin, hanging on his every word in silence, breathing a bit faster.
-''Namjoon showed me the message he had sent him: ''Stay away from this Joon, please.'' And didn't speak a word to him about it when they've seen each other later on.''
Jimin's face fell and he lowered his head in sadness, but Jin chuckled and patted him on his head.
-''Cheer up Jiminie, it's a good thing.''
-''How can it be a good thing Hyung?'' – Jimin asked brokenly.
Jin smiled. -''Because he heard the song and he knows it's you. I could bet my handsome face that he will play it several times...for days.''
-''You really think that?'' – Taehyung was perking up at those words.
-''Definitely.'' – Jin nodded. – ''I know him for a long time. Even though we are like night and day, we share those little connections such are dawn and dusk. He knows me and I know him. So trust me.''
He took a sip of his coffee, looking quite satisfied. – ''I must treat Joonie, he was a good boy.''
-''Why does that sound so naughty?''- Jimin said, allowing himself a smile.
-''Because it is.'' – Jin responded with a hearty laugh.
They all tried to muffle their laughs. Taehyung and Jimin were laughing at Jin's hilarious laughter more than anything. When it finally subdued, Taehyung asked.
-''Chim, how is the dance routine going? Which one did you pick? Did the kids like it?''
Jin perked up his ears at that. – ''What dancing routine? What kids?''
-''Jiminie is a dancing instructor. He teaches kids hip hop and contemporary dance.'' – Taehyung answered.
Jin's face turned into fascinated shock. – ''Really? I have to see it. Can I see it?''
-''Yes, you can.'' – Jimin said, feeling a bit shy. – ''But it isn't completed yet.'' – He turned towards Tae. – ''I've just finished putting the choreography together. I will have to teach my assistant and some of my older students the steps first so that they could help me with the young ones.''
-''That sounds so cute. What is it for?'' – Jin asked.
-''For Hoseokie's Hyung birthday.'' – Taehyung answered instead, not managing to keep his excitement. He loved that idea. – ''Hyungie danced back when he was teen and he showed Jimin some of his old dance videos.''
-''Oh, yes, I remember him dancing like crazy when I first met him.'' – Jin smiled, remembering fondly in the old days. – ''That's lovely, he would love it! I want to be there to see!'' – He exclaimed, eyes going wide with that idea. Taehyung giggled at his expression.
-''We were planning to surprise him for his birthday, with cake and everything. You were supposed to be there anyway. I need your fabulous organizing skills to help me set everything perfectly.''
Jin puffed his chest in pride. – ''I'm your man, you know.'' – He said it seductively in English, sending him a flying kiss. Jimin almost fell from his chair, laughing.
-''We planned for you to bring him to the studio...'' – Jimin told Tae, thinking of Hoseok. – ''...while my class is still on with my younger kids. We will dance our regular routine and then the beat will change. We will stand in the starting point and wait for the short song intro to pass... Jungkook had an idea to make some cool video background that will follow the dancers. Something cool, he said.'' – Jimin smiled. – ''But it will be modest since we are low on budget.''
-''I can get you what you need.'' – Jin said suddenly. – ''It needs to be perfect.''
Jimin shook his head and stretched his arms to grab Jin on his forearm. – ''No, no, no, Hyung. There's no need. I'm doing it with my students. If I go overboard now they will expect that every time we do something like that.'' – He said quickly, leaning back in his chair. – ''Besides, Kook will film everything and do the final edit so we can put the video on the internet later on. We agreed on that.'' – He added.
-''Hmm, okay, if you really want that. But at least make it like a showcase. With chairs for the crowd, aka us to sit, background, and some props, maybe. Make it spectacular. It doesn't have to be expensive, just modest, but creative.'' – Jin was persistent for a reason. – ''So, tell me about the dance. What will you do with the kids?'' – Jin asked, leaning his chin on his hand.
-''My young contemporary ones and I will start the dance, followed up by the group of my youngest kids. They will join in with one of my assistants.'' – Jimin talked animatedly. – ''I have everything in my head, all the moves, and the structure..the story...and I know which kid can do what and where to put them and which part to give them, but I'm not sure which one should go where yet. I'm still trying to figure that one out, but I will start to teach them in the next classes.'' – He said, scratching his head. – ''And then when the performance and video ends, I will announce that we have a birthday to celebrate and then you...'' – He points on Jin. – ''And the others will join in with the cake...but If I make it like a showcase with parents and friends then I need to order several dozen cupcakes for my kids and their parents as well, I'm afraid it won't be enough cake for everyone and I don't want anyone to be left behind, especially since they've worked so hard.'' - Jimin finally took a breath because he was talking too fast.
Jin and Taehyung just looked at him with massive affection in their eyes.
-''That sounds brilliant Jiminie.'' – Taehyung said with emotion in his voice.
-''Are you sure you need me for the organization? Because that sounds amazing.'' – Jin said. Jimin covered his face shyly and giggles.
-''Ah, no, no, no Hyung. I'm not that good. That's why I need you.'' – He said, placing his small hand on Jin's arm. – ''I might know how to expand the idea and the story that Taehyungie came up with, but you can make it real.'' – He said, smiling adorably at his friends.
-''You're right, I can.'' – Jin said confidently. – ''And don't worry about the cake and cupcakes. I have a friend, Ken, who owns a bakery, he will make it for me for a low price.''
-''Hyung, no, I will pay full price. I cannot allow you to spend your favours with your friends on me. No.'' – Jimin protested, quite shocked.
-''I can and I will.'' – Jin said. – ''Who do you think helped him open up that bakery? Mm-hmm, that's right, me, so don't you worry about the thing. Ken is a good guy, always there to help. Besides, it's for my cute dongsaeng.'' – Jin cooed, pinching Jimin's cheek, making him blush and hide behind his hands. – ''...and Hoseokie. I'm very fond of that man.'' – Jin added, taking another sip of his chocolate coffee.
And so it was settled. Jin and Taehyung visited Jimin at his classes several times, cooing at the children. Jin spoiled him rotten with candies.
-''Hyung, don't feed them sugar, they keep running around like chipmunks.'' – Jimin said, pretending to look annoyed. The kids giggled. – ''Then their parents will scold me when their teeth turn black.''
-''Eeeeewwww!!'' – There was a choir of youthful displeasure and more giggles. Yeonjun and Beomgyu smiled warmly too, feeling a bit shy next to Jin and Taehyung, but no one was more bashful than Soobin, who stared at Jin with heart eyes.
-''Okay, guys!'' – Jimin clapped his hands. – '' The lesson is done for today, so make sure you practice your moves at home. Okay?''
-''Okay!'' – They shouted in unison.
-''My, God they are so cute!'' – Taehyung squealed.
-''Parents, I will send today's video in the group so they could watch it at home.'' – Jimin spoke, smiling so charmingly, that every mum and even a few dad's sighed with longing.
-''He is a charming little brat.'' – Jin murmured to Taehyung, who just nodded, smiling.
The students and their parents left and only his three assistants stayed.
-''Beomgyu.'' – Jimin called. – ''You will be responsible for our youngest group.'' – The boy nodded. –''I will start with my young contemporary group and you will join us with the little ones. We will do that part we did today.'' – Jimin continued explaining. – ''Your job is to take both youngest groups off the stage when Taehyun comes with his group. Soobin.'' – Jimin called the tall boy, who leaned forward, giving him his full attention. – ''You and Kai will intercept Beomgyu and the kids and have a dance-off with Taehyun and his group. Okay?''
-''Okie Dokie.'' – He answered and then face-palmed himself when he realized how childish he sounded in front of Seokjin, who just giggled at him.
Jimin nodded, smiling as well as he watched his student blush.
-''And you...'' – He pointed at Yeonjun. – '' will already be there, but you will be more of a standing figure at the beginning. You and I will have the last part, just like we talked about. If you are free tomorrow, we can start practicing our part, it's quite complicated.'' – Jimin said seriously.
Yeonjun nodded. – ''I'm free in afternoons, so whenever you need me.''
-''Excellent. You will get your roles by the end of the week.'' – Jimin turned to Beomgyu.- ''Bam, your brother is still working at the theater?'' – The young man nodded. – ''Could you ask him if we can rent a few props and costumes?''
-''Sure, I'll ask.'' – He said.
-''Great. Some of our young ones will have to make their own masks, but I'm pretty sure I could get the regular stuff. It doesn't need to be flashy, just to go well with the story. I'll help you with yours, I have an idea in my mind.''- Jimin sais, nodding towards his assistants.
-''Sounds cool.'' – Yeonjun smiled.
-''Jungkook will film this of course.'' – Jin asked. Well, it was more of a statement than a question.
-''Yes, of course. The parents will probably record as well.'' – Jimin said.
They agreed over the details. Jin typed everything down in his planner and then Jimin and his three students started going through the dance routine. Taehyung filmed some, sending it to Jungkook, who wrote, ''Awesome!'' with a bunch of different emojis.
An hour later they said goodbye to the three teens and went for dinner.
-''How did parents react when you told them you want their kids to dance for someone's birthday?'' – Taehyung asked. Jimin laughed.
-''I didn't tell them. They think it's just a show, as a small performance to see how well their kids are performing. I mean it's good for the team spirit, parent's satisfaction, and my own little gratification.'' – Jimin smiled mischievously. Jin chuckled loud. – ''I love your little devilish mind.''
Jimin purred from the praise.
-''I will get their consent to put the video on the youtube channel and make clips. It will be good for the school. Free advertising.'' – Jimin smiled, picking at the mushroom from his bowl. – ''Hyung would not know it's for him at first. I mean he will recognize some of his own moves of course, but the rest will be original.'' – He sid it seriously. – ''I will tell him in person that he was my inspiration for all of this and that he means a lot to me.'' – He added the last thing blushing. Both Jin and Tae cooed at their friend's pinkish cheeks.
-''Yah! Stop.'' – He groaned, stuffing the mushroom in his mouth and covering his face.
That just provoked more teasing from the devilish pair.
-''I think everything will be perfect Jiminie.'' – Taehyung said after a moment, sharing the gentle look with his soulmate.
-''Why do I feel left out?'' – Jin said suddenly, looking between them. The other two look at him and Tae simply said. – ''It's just like you and Yoongi, he knows you and you know him.''
-''Yah! Yoongi never looked at me with such softness.'' – Jin shook his head, stuffing his mouth with noodles, moaning at the taste. – ''Delicious.'' – He muffled.
-''I think Yoongi Hyung couldn't survive your soft care.'' – Taehyung and Jimin giggled.
Jin furrowed his brows in confusion. – ''What do you mean?'' – He said, still chewing, his cheeks like a hamster.
-''I think if Yoongi Hyung ever looks at you with such softness you would lose your mind and crush him with your huge love for cute things.'' – Jimin said, eyes twinkling with mischief. Jin choked on his food as the laughter erupted from him. Both Tae and Jimin almost rolled over, clutching their stomach as they died from laughter.
-''Aaah!'' – Jin gasped when he managed to swallow the food, face red and tearful. – ''You would be murdered now, Park Jimin if Yoongles was here. If a stare could kill...''
Jimin made the most cutest puppy-eyes look. – ''Me?''
-''Aaaaaawwww!'' – Jin made a long squealing sound of adoration. – ''This! I can't... how do you...aaah...''
The people around them turned to see what's going on. Taehyung covered his face in embarrassment. He took his phone and sent the message.
-''You are right, Hyung is too much sometimes.''
-''Oh, God, what did he do now?''
Taehyung giggled silently, raising his eyes to look at his two friends across the table and then with a wide grin replied to his boyfriend.
-''Here is Jimin making cute faces and Jin cooing in adoration. They are too loud, everybody in the restaurant is staring at us. LoL''
-''Baby, get out of there!''
Taehyung laughed out loud and placing his phone on the table, continued to eat.
Since Jimin was too busy with his showcase preparation, Taehyung only saw him if he went to the studio. He didn't mind though, he knew how important this all is for him and he even wrote him a script for the dance, the background story as it were. It was strange writing fantasy, but Jimin was magical, so he did deserve his magic forest theme, how else to include a contemporary dance with hip hop and kids? You need to have magic, which is exactly what Taehyung had in mind. Jimin loved it. They've talked just a bit before, sharing the ideas, but once Taehyung actually had written the script and Jimin have read it, only then the magic seemed real.
Taehyung had his nose between the pages, reading the last few paragraphs of some book. He was at Jungkook's place since the other man was working on his job project. They sat in silence, each doing his own thing and it was perfect. Taehyung was never this comfortable in silence with anyone, not even Jimin. And that's not because they don't have things to talk about, on the contrary, there was never silence with Jimin. Jimin was always like a fire, crackling, talking, commenting, doing. He was amazing, but the peace and tranquility that he felt with Jungkook were golden.
He finished his book and thought about it for a while. It was one of the calm ones, a drama where nothing really is happening, but it had very good dialogues between two people and quite an ordinary plot. It wasn't that good, but it was decent, so Taehyung didn't mind reading it.
He let it drop on the table and stretched on the couch, wiggling his feet up in the air and taking a deep sigh. Jungkook heard him and turned slightly to observe the gentle commotion.
-''Was the book good?'' – He asked and returned his gaze to the screen.
-''Hmm, so so... I would recommend it to Namjoon, but no one else.'' – Taehyung answered, head now dangling off the seat, while his feet were up.
Jungkook chuckled. – ''Why? Because he is the smart one?'' – He asked.
-''No, but because he has the patience to actually read through a calm book such is this. I had barely managed.''
-''You didn't have to read it, you know.'' – He said, clicking and typing something on the screen.
Taehyung widened his eyes in shock. – ''And leave the book unread when I began reading it in the first place? That's preposterous.''
-''Look at you, using a big vocabulary.'' – Jungkook teased, and even Taehyung laughed softly.
-''It's not my fault you don't read enough.'' – He stood and went to hug him from behind. – ''But that's okay, I like you anyway, even without flashy vocabulary.'' – He kissed his cheek.
Jungkook smirked. – ''Ass.''
Taehyung giggled.
They stayed like this for a minute, then Taehyung straightened himself and tossed his arms in the air for another stretch.
-''I hope everything goes well for Jiminie's dancing play.'' – He said, walking around the room.
-''It will be. This mix will be a bomb. I've studied your story and their dance routines that Jimin had sent me and I have sick beat in mind. Plus, I might be able to borrow some equipment from a colleague of mine.''- Jungkook answered, still not taking his eyes from the screen.
Taehyung stopped in his tracks. – ''What equipment?''
-''Speakers and some lights, it would be great.''
-''Now, Kookie, you know that Jimin doesn't want to go overboard, he has no money for all of that.'' – Taehyung reminded his lover.
Jungkook just clicked his tongue. – ''I said borrow, not rent.''
-''And that colleague of yours will just give you his equipment, just like that?'' – Taehyung arched his eyebrow, in disbelief.
-''Don't worry about it.'' – He said and clicked the ''save'' button.
-''I'll take care of it.'' – This time Jungkook turned his head to look at his boyfriend. He raised his hand in invitation. – ''Tae, come here.''
Taehyung went and Jungkook pulled him sideways in his lap. – ''Don't worry about anything. Everything will be perfect, I'll make sure of that. I want him to succeed in his plans and get Hobi Hyung back.'' – He said honestly. Taehyung's eyes softened at that. – ''Plus...'' – He continued. – ''I will try to persuade Yoongi Hyung to call him as well.''
-''You think he will?'' – Taehyung asked.
-''I will be the pain in his ass until he does that.'' – He said seriously, but Taehyung giggled. – ''You have no idea of how stubborn and persistent I can be, and Yoongi Hyung will yield to my wishes because he hates to be pressured that much and would rather be left alone.'' – Jungkook added matter-of-factly.
-''What if he gets angry at you?'' – Taehyung asked worryingly, wrapping both of his hands around the younger man's neck.
-''No way, he knows me for too long and loves me. Besides, if he does, he would have to face Jin Hyung and he does NOT want that.''
This time Taehyung laughed out loud, imagining it. – ''Jin Hyung is scary.''
-''He is, I know that best.'' – Jungkook said, but then tilted his head in thought. – ''Actually no, Namjoon Hyung does. Jin Hyung is too weak for me to stay mad for long, but still... he is scary.''
-''It seems to me like you are using your power over him quite often and without any shame.'' – Taehyung said.
Jungkook smiled his bunny smile. – ''It's his fault. He taught me that.''
-''Well, I don't think he meant to be used against him.'' – Taehyung raised his eyebrow.
Jungkook still grinned cheekily. – ''You only see a good side of Jin Hyung, you never saw that dark scary one.''
-''I saw his sexy side as well.'' – Taehyung added, booping Jungkook's nose with his long finger. Jungkook chuckled.
-''Trust me, he wishes to show you more of that side in person.''
-''He does?'' – Taehyung asked in shock.
-''Have you meet him?'' – Jungkook asked teasingly.
-''I thought...I thought he was just playing around.'' – Taehyung stammered.
Jungkook laughed darkly. – ''Not with you, there is a desire underneath that playfulness when you are in question. I could see in him, but don't worry, he will never do anything unless you allow it.'' – Jungkook said. Taehyung face narrows.
-''How about you? Would you allow it?'' – He asked.
-''I do not own you. You are a grown man, you can do what you want. I might not like it, but I can't stop you if you really want it.'' – He said pouting, his hair falling on his eyes. Taehyung pushed it behind his ears.
-''But I don't want to do anything you don't like.'' – He said, pecking Jungkook's nose.
-''I might be okay as long as I'm there as well.'' - Jungkook smiled his bunny smile.
– ''I just want you to be happy...forever.'' – Taehyung kissed his lips now and Jungkook leaned into it. They started making out then, hugging each other, but the pose was little off, so Taehyung stood up and straddled him fast, bringing their hips together. They both groan at the friction.
Their hands were everywhere, it was so easy to make each other aroused so quickly, with a simple touch, simple kiss. Taehyung loved it. He loved how sensitive they are for one another. Just then, Jungkook reached in Taehyung's shorts and pulled out his cock. He brought his palm to Taehyung's mouth and said. – ''Lick it, make it wet, baby.''
Taehyung quickly did what he was told and moved his tongue around the calloused palm before Jungkook slid it down to wrap around Taehyung's cock. Taehyung moaned at the feeling, arching slightly and pushing his hips into Jungkook's hand. He started grinding his hips on Jungkook's lap and kissing his lips hungrily. His long fingers reached in Jungkook's sweats and pulled out his hard member as well.
-''I want to suck you off.'' – Taehyung said and started to stand up, but Jungkook stopped him.
-''No, I want to do that to you.'' – He said and they stared at each other for the moment deciding what to do. Then Taehyung stood up and pulled at Jungkook's hand so he will stand up as well.
-''Bed.'' – He said, taking off his top and pushing his shorts and boxers down so effortlessly that Jungkook's breath hitched how boldly the man got rid of his clothes.
-''Your skin is gorgeous.'' – Jungkook said, brushing his fingertips on Tae's shoulder and back. Taehyung turned to smile softly and pecked him on the lips, before pulling his shirt off as well.
-''Yours is gorgeous as well, so unique. – He says and kissed Jungkook's collarbone and then Jungkook's nipple. The younger man hissed at the wet tongue on his sensitive bud. –''Fuck, Tae.''
Taehyung smiled and pushed Jungkook's sweatpants as well and his underwear. He reaches down to take off Jungkook's socks as well. Taehyung was already barefoot. He straightened, hugging him close, feeling his naked body against his own. Their cocks brush together and it's electrifying. They begin making out again, moving against each other with more urgency.
-''Tae, I want to suck you off so bad.'' – Jungkook said, reaching down to brush at Taehyung's cock, which made the latter mewl. He stepped back and pulled at his hand. – ''Come.''
They went to the bedroom. Jungkook begins kissing Taehyung again but was gently pushed on the bed. He went up, placing the pillows behind to rest his head higher and then carefully maneuvered Taehyung's long legs to straddle his face. Jungkook licked the stripe of Taehyung's rim, kissing it, hands groping at the flesh, licking down at his sac and moving his hips higher so that he can take him into his mouth.
Taehyung moaned deeply from his throat, hissing the air in his lungs and bending on his hands, head nuzzling into Jungkook's crotch. He whimpered, moving his hips a bit, pushing in Jungkook's warm and wet mouth before opening his own and swallowing around Jungkook.
The vibration from Jungkook's throat felt like heaven on his cock, and Taehyung swirled his tongue over the top and gave it suck which produced another vibrating moan from the man. So Taehyung began bobbing his head, making it more and more each time. Jungkook kneaded the flesh of his butt, sucking hard around his length and moaning deep. Taehyung felt so good. The man on top took a deep breath, relaxed his throat, and sunk until his nose touched the base of Jungkook's cock, at his balls.
Jungkook moaned, thighs shaking, his hips wanting to move, to put his heels on the bed and buck up in the heat and tightness of Taehyung's mouth. He moved his mouth to gasp for breath, pulling Taehyung's hips down so he could stick his tongue into Taehyung's hole. Now it was Taehyung's time to moan brokenly, sending the vibrations down to his cock.
He swirled his tongue in it, fucking him with his wiggling muscle.
-''Fuck, Jungkook.'' – Taehyung moaned, arching his back. He pulled up into a seating position and sat properly on Jungkook's tongue, rolling his hips.
-''Aaaah, fuuuuuck.... good... fuck...'' – Taehyung moaned in his sexy deep velvety voice. Jungkook was certain that he has a thing for Taehyung's voice. He felt himself twitching. Taehyung must have noticed that as well because in the next moment he was plunging down to take him in his mouth again.
This time, Jungkook buckled his hips up and Taehyung gagged only a bit, before relaxing completely and allowing his throat to be fucked. Jungkook had something else in mind though. He pulled back.
-''Tae, baby, stop.''
Taehyung straightened himself, allowing the cock to slip fro his mouth with a long line of spit connecting them. He twirls it with his tongue to cut it. Jungkook pushed him lower until he was straddling his hips and than raised Taehyung's over his cock, allowing him to slid down on it. He watched with awe how easily his length disappears in Taehyung's wet hole. How perfectly his ass looks around it, meaty and honey-colored. It was gorgeous. He watched Taehyung's elegant back move, hands caress his own body as he moves on his cock, up and down, ever so gently. He watched his hips move on him, as he takes him again and again, brushing on his prostate and clench around him.
Taehyung leaned forward, perching his palms on his strong thighs for the support as his movements became more rushed, needier. The sounds he was producing were from the most erotics place of lusty hell, Jungkook loved it.
-''Yes, baby, you ride me so well baby...made for my dick...'' – He chanted, arching his hips up to meet Taehyung's descends. Taehyung whimpered at the words and quickened his movements. He was so near.
-''Fuck yeah, baby... you are perfect... you feel amazing...I love you.'' - Jungkook continued and Taehyung begins to grind hard on his cock, pressing at his prostate, gasping for the air, his body shaking as he was cumming.
-''Fuck, yes, baby, yes... cum...cum for me, yes...'' – Jungkook said, sitting up to hug Taehyung from behind, fisting his leaking cock and milking it until the last drop. He then straightened Taehyung's legs slowly and pull them back into a lying position, Taehyung's back on his chest, his cock still buried deep. He perched his legs on the bed and began to snap his hips into him, chasing his own orgasm.
-''My gorgeous baby...'' – He fucked into him, holding Taehyung's knees in his hands and sucking at his neck and whispering things in his ear. – ''Your hole is perfect for me... God, Tae I love your ass... I love your body, I love your are special... you are make me so hard baby, love you... I!'' – He grunted those three last words as the orgasm hit him. He let a long, sexy moan and spilled inside his lover.
-''Yes, baby...yes...p-perfect... fuck... yes...Tae... fuck...oh...''
He stopped moving, letting go of Taehyung's legs, which fell down in exhaustion, still shaking slightly. He hugged him close and rolled them on the side so he could pull out slowly. Taehyung whimpered when he felt Jungkook's cum slipping out. He allowed himself a minute to catch a breath and then slowly moved on his stomach and then on his knees and off the bed, towards the bathroom. He needed the shower, and he needed to pee. He was quickly joined by Jungkook, who made sure that he was properly washed...well... after round two, of course.
You know, I thought about giving you guys a break from smut in this chapter, but then I've decided ''naaah'' you don't need it. This one was a bit quicker, less detailed, but hot never the less, if I may say so. It always is when Jungkook decides to talk dirty, expressing his raw want and love for Tae. I like that. I know it might be a bit weird of me saying it since I wrote it, but for me, this is like channeling their needs on the paper, of what I believe they would want.
And yes, Jimin is preparing a surprise for Hoseok, it will be a cute one, I promise. I hope you will like this one as well and thank you for staying with me for so long. Take care of my darlings, stay safe and love yourself 💜💜💜
Art by Hisasihun 💜💜💜
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