Chapter 14 - The Song
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Even though with Taehyung's deepest wish, Jimin didn't manage to fix things with Hoseok the way they were before. They agreed to be friends, but nothing more, at least for the time being.
-''I told him everything, the whole truth.'' – Jimin said, dabbing on his tears. – '' I told him that I wasn't sure in his intentions since he always kept saying that he didn't want a relationship and when Yoongi appeared I was just so mesmerized by him. He said that he understood that, that Yoongi always had that influence on people without even knowing.''
Taehyung held his hands, feeling sad. Why do things need to be that complicated?
-''He said that he didn't mind us starting dating, what's more, he thought that it might work out between us, because I'm playful just like he is, and that he won't mind me being with Yoongi at the same time, but that he can't forgive me lying to him.'' – Jimin's chin wobbled.
-''And, indeed, we did talk about everything, especially sexual things and partners, who was with who, how they were in bed, how big is their dick, how wet and tight was the girl, you know... the usual, because Hyung swing both ways, and that's okay, but...somehow...I wanted to keep Yoongi a secret from him. I don't know why. Maybe because he would see my face when I talk about him, he will sense it. I knew that he would pull back if he knew that I was in love with Yoongi.''
-''But you are in love with Hoseokie, too.'' – Taehyung brushed his lips on Jimin's wrist.
-''I don't think he would believe me. And I think that he would pull back because of Yoongi. I could feel it. Tae, he still cares about him. He talks about him with such respect and passion. He would most definitely pull back....and I didn't want him too.''
-''Well, fuck Jiminie. I'm sorry.'' – He patted Jimin's arm, taking a deep sigh. – ''What about Yoongi? Will you call him?''
-''I already did.'' – Jimin said brushing his eyes. – ''I called him several times and left messages. He didn't answer any.'' – He sniffled. – ''I just want him to hear me out.'' – He raised his eyes to look at Taehyung. – ''He doesn't have to be my friend or anything, no matter how much it will hurt, but I want to apologize for everything that I've done. It was my indecision that caused so much trouble and pain.''
They stayed silent for a time being, some shuffling and sniffing from time to time was all that was heard. And than Taehyung had an idea.
-''Hmm, Jiminie?''
Jimin raised his head at that. Taehyung was thinking deep.
-''How about you film a message to him?'
-''To Yoongi?''
Taehyung nodded.
-''What makes you think he would play it?''
-''Because someone would make sure that he sees it. I can ask Jungkook or Jin Hyung, they will both do it.'' – Taehyung said.
-''I don't know...'' – Jimin was thinking over when Taehyung's eyes went wide.
-''How about you make him a song? You can sing it to him.'' – He asked, feeling excited like a child.
-''A song? Please, I don't know how to sing good enough!'' – Jimin shook his head.
Taehyung caught his hands in his and shook him gently. – ''You have a wonderful voice! I will never forget that video from your school performance when you were nine.''
-''I still can't forgive my mother for showing you that.'' – Jimin said annoyed with the memory.
-''You were the most cutest thing ever.'' – Taehyung squealed. – ''And you sounded like an angel, I'm positive that Yoongi would love it.''
-''No, Tae.'' – Jimin said seriously.
-''Yes, Jimin-ah, yes! Listen to me, I'm the one with brilliant ideas.''
-''You had some of the worst ideas ever.''
-''Hey!'' – The alien one protested in Taehyung's head.
-''But you were with me no matter how ridiculously bad or awesomely great my ideas are.'' – Taehyung said grinning widely, still squeezing Jimin's hands. – ''And I was always with you.'' – He said happily. –''Just like I will be with you this time as well. You are the only one I would argue about the dumplings with.''
Jimin laughed at that, remembering the time in the past when they had this ridiculous argument about the said food. They made a spectacle in the cafeteria, people were laughing at them, but both of them were too annoyed and angry at each other to care. They haven't spoken for a good week, until Jimin came back with dumplings as an apology, only to discover that Tae did the same. They still laugh so much when they remember that.
Jimin knew he could lean on Taehyung, but this idea was ridiculous, so he cried out in exasperation. -''Tae...I can't...I...''
-''Yes, you can Jimin! And yes, you will!'' – Taehyung said it with conviction.
-'That's called mental bullying.'' – Jimin tried to protest, but Taehyung shook his head, picking up his phone.
-''That's, my dear Jimin-ah is called the soulmate got your back!'' – Taehyung said it matter-of-factly, sending out the message to someone. Jimin groaned.
-''I still can't believe you called Jin Hyung instead of me.'' – Jungkook was pouting, and Taehyung cooed, squishing his cheeks with his hands.
-''Aaaaww Googie, don't be jealous. I needed to get to Namjoon Hyung.''
-''I could have connected you with Namjoon Hyung.'' – He muffled through his squished cheeks.
-''Yeah, but you might not be so enthusiastic with the idea like Jin Hyung was. Besides, he organized everything before I even finish presenting my idea.'' – Taehyung gave him a smooch and released his face.
-''Well, that's Jin Hyung.'' – Jungkook nodded unwillingly. – ''I'll give him that, he is an organizing machine when he likes the idea. Especially if it involves Yoongi Hyung, plus, it's you who suggested it. I think he would buy you a star and named it after the cute mole on your nose.'' – He said grumpily, which made Taehyung giggle.
-''I would name what by Taehyung's cute mole on his nose?'' – Jin showed up right then, carrying his phone.
Taehyung still laughs. – ''A star.''
Jin stopped, eyes sliding from one to the other to see if they are serious, and then came closer, observing Taehyung's nose. Taehyung felt his presents acutely, and he smelled beautiful, expensive.
He leaned closer and tilted his head to observe better. -''It is a cute mole.'' – Jin said it in a low voice.– ''You are right, Jungkookie, I would name the star after it.'' – He then pecked Taehyung's nose and moved away just when Jungkook yelled. – ''Hey!''
-''Thank you for the idea!'' – He said laughing hysterically, leaving behind a fuming Jungkook and blushing Taehyung.
-''You see why you should ask me.'' – Jungkook pointed at the door that Jin just passed through. Taehyung pursed his lips, feeling shy. – ''It doesn't matter Kookie. What's important is us helping Jimin to get to Yoongi.'' – Taehyung murmured, burying his face in the crook of Jungkook's neck.
And that was true, they were here because of Jimin, who was at the moment discussing the plans for his song for Yoongi, with Namjoon.
-''I still can't believe you two talk me into this.'' – Jimin said later on as the two friends walk alone through the park. They've finished for today, Jin had some other obligations, while Kook and Joon stayed in the studio to work.
Taehyung just chuckled. – ''Well, I knew I would find a good convincing partner in Jin Hyung.''
-''Yah! You two are a pair of bullies.'' – Jimin grumbled.
-''It will be worth it. Jungkook tells me that Yoongi respects the words that come straight from the heart the most.'' – Taehyung nodded to himself as he slowly walked step by step.
-''Which will be written partly by Namjoon.'' – Jimin huffed and look away into the trees.
-''But it would be sung by you. It would be your words, your essence, and emotion in them. Hyung would just make sure that everything is inthe perfect order.'' – Taehyung hooked his arm in Jimin's and they continued, turning right when the path divided into two.
-''I like that idea you had.'' – Taehyung spoke suddenly. Jimin turned his head to look at him. – ''You dancing, for Hobi's birthday.''
Jimin huffed embarrassingly. – ''Oh, I didn't mean that seriously. I was just pulled by the moment. Jin Hyung is quite persuasive.''
Taehyung laughed. –''He is great.'' – He said. – ''He still manages to make me blush and laugh at the same time.''
-''Yeah, he is awesome like that.'' – Jimin agreed, knowing pretty well how strong and overpowering their Hyung's aura could be.
-''Phenomenal.'' – Taehyung added, grinning, but then grew serious. – ''No, honestly now, I think it is a great idea. The one that Hobi Hyung would like very much.''
-''I don't know Tae, I might just embarrass myself.''
-''But why don't you invite your kids?'' – Jimin stopped in his tracks. Taehyung continued. – ''You can make like a mini-performance. It would be fun for the kids and Hobi Hyung would love it.''
Jimin said nothing, but his friend's idea was taking place in his head like a storm.
-''You know that Hyung used to dance in his youth. He would love the show for his birthday.'' – Taehyung said, pulling Jimin slightly so they will continue with their casual stroll in the park. – ''Think about it.''
-''I had no idea Jimin could sing so beautifully.'' – Jungkook said one evening after they cuddled naked in bed, after very good sex, covered only with the thin sheet. – ''Joonie Hyung is quite amazed by it. He played me some bits of it. Yoongi would love it.''
-''Yeah, he always had the prettiest voice.'' – Taehyung spoke with pride in his best friend. He turned his head to look at Jungkook. – ''Do you think Yoongi Hyung will listen to it?''
Jungkook kissed his brow. – ''I'm sure he will. If not, Jin Hyung will tie him down and play it on repeat.''
They both laughed at that, imagining it.
-''I would love to see that.'' – Taehyung spoke, giggling more with Jungkook.
-''Yoongi Hyung would run to Jimin's arms just to get away from Jin Hyung.''
Taehyung low giggles were perfect in Jungkook's ears. He was glad that he was responsible for them.
-''I think you have a beautiful voice too. I've heard you singing quietly by yourself whenyou work on something and think no one can hear you.'' – He said. Taehyung kept smiling, feeling a bit bashful.
-''Not like Jimin.''
-''Tae, sing to me.'' – He said gently, placing his lips on Tae's cheek. – ''Please.''
-''Aaaah.'' – Taehyung let out a groan of embarrassment.
-''Please...pretty please...'' – He said.
-''Please Tae...for me...hmm?'' – He pouted cutely and Taehyung rolled his eyes, covering Jungkook's face with his palm so he won't look at him, but feeling, deep down, that his resolution was crumbling. Jungkook took his hand and kissed his palm, snuggling into Tae's side.
He thinks through, trying to figure out what he should sing, and then the song came swiftly in his thoughts as if was planted there by the angels. Taehyung felt his heart squeezing a bit, but he took a deep breath and let his smooth soulful voice out, as he began to sing in English.
'' She looks like a blue parrot
Would you come fly to me?''
Jungkook stilled, even his breathing slowed, as he listened to Taehyung's beautiful velvety voice. He felt the vibration under his hand that rested on Taehyung's chest.
''I want some good day, good day, good day
Good day, good day
Looks like a winter bear
You sleep so happily
I wish you good night, good night, good night
Good night, good night''
Taehyung swallowed and took a deep breath, settling his vocal cords for some higher notes.
''Imagine your face
Say hello to me
Then all the bad days
They're nothing to me
With you''
Jungkook felt his eyes tearing up a bit as he bit his lower lip. Tae's voice was so beautiful. It touched some deep part in his soul and he felt emotions swelling up without control.
''Winter bear
Ooh, ooh, ooh
Sleep like a winter bear
Ooh, ooh, ooh
Sleep like a winter bear''
Taehyung finished his song and turned his head only to see the tears glistening on Jungkook's cheeks. He tried to hide them by brushing them with his hand, but Taehyung saw them.
-''Aaaww, baby were you crying?'' – He cooed.
-''No.'' – Jungkook said weakly. – ''A little, maybe...'' – He said, sniffling. – ''That song is so pretty, and your voice is amazing.''
Taehyung laughed quietly. – ''My grandmother used to sing that to me when I was a child. I'm still sad sometimes when I sing it because she's not here anymore.''
More tears started sliding down Jungkook's face and he buried his face in Tae's chest.
-''Oh, I'm sorry to make you cry, baby.'' – Taehyung said, caressing Jungkook's hair and giggling. It was always fascinated to see Jungkook's emotional side, especially because he is strong and manly most of the time. So much so that you would never guess that he could be soft and cute. Taehyung was happy to see all of Jungkook's sides.
Jungkook then sat up, and sniffled loud, as to inhale all the extra snot from his runny nose.
Taehyung made a disgusted face, but Jungkook paid no heed. He brushed at his eyes with his hands and over his hair. He turns towards Taehyung again.
-''I want to kiss you.'' – He said.
-''Go and wash your face first and blow out your nose.'' – Taehyung said, raising his hands in stop motion.
-''Naah, I don't want to.'' – Jungkook said, sliding closer. – ''I want to kiss you now.''
-''Naah, you have a runny nose.'' – He raised his foot as well and pressed it into Jungkook's abs to keep him away.
-''I swallowed it away.'' – He said, grabbing onto Taehyung's hands.
-''Eeeww!'' – Taehyung groaned, which made Jungkook laugh.
-''Come smooch.'' – He leaned on with all of his weight, making a kissing face. Taehyung tried with all of his force to push him away. – ''Go away, you muscled pig.'' – He grunted, his legs flexing, but it was like pushing a brick wall.
Jungkook just laughed, pushing the remaining obstacle away and falling right between Taehyung's open legs, naked chest pressed with the thin cloth that Taehyung had covered himself with. He proceeded to kiss Taehyung all over his face, while the latter first protested in mild disgust and then started to giggle until Jungkook claimed his lips.
They kissed lazily, enjoying each other, feeling quite satisfied and content. Neither of them ever felt like this before. This intimacy and desire.
-''I love you.'' – Taehyung whispered, wrapping his legs around Jungkook's hips and watched his face spread into a happy grin.
-''I love you, too.'' – He said back and kissed him.
Just then, Taehyung's phone buzzed and he reached for it. It was Bogum.
Seeing the name on the screen, Jungkook groaned, saying. -''You can answer later.''
-''Maybe it's important.'' – Taehyung said, finger hovering over the ''answer'' button.
-''I doubt it.'' – His lover grunted, making Taehyung chuckled, answering the phone.
-''Hey, Hyungie.''
Jungkook rolled his eyes and proceeded to kiss Taehyung's neck.
-''I'm great, thanks for asking. How about you?''
The most wicked idea ignites in Jungkook's mind at that moment and he slowly started to trail kisses down Taehyung's chest.
-''Oh, really... that's...that's awesome Hyung.'' – He stammered a bit when Jungkook sucked at his nipple.
-''No, I'm fine, just resting a bit... yeah. Have you heard from the others?'' – Taehyung tried to hold his conversation, while his entire body started to tingle from Jungkook's kisses and caresses.
Jungkook went lower still, removing the cover from Taehyung's belly and proceeding to lick at his belly button, causing Taehyung to squirm and giggle.
-''No, no, it's nothing Hyung...'' – He slapped Jungkook on the shoulder gently in a warning. – ''What did he said?'- He asked, trying to concentrate on the story Bogum was telling him about his outing with Seojoon and Hyungsik, which was proving to be extremely hard with the wicked tongue licking around his hip.
Jungkook smiled with mischief and proceeded to pull the cover lower, but Taehyung caught it with his hand, determined to hold it there for the remaining duration of his talk.
-''Mmm...that's funny.'' – He laughed.
They struggled, pulling on the cover until Jungkook jerked it from Taehyung's reach. He was slapped on his hand in retaliation by frustrating Taehyung. Jungkook giggled quietly, his body stopping Tae's legs from closing and he leaned his head towards Tae's semi-hard cock.
Taehyung irritated that he managed to lose the only cover he had, tried to sound interested in his conversation. He didn't want to offend Bogum's feelings, not after everything that happened the last time they saw each other, but Jungkook was not helping. Not at all!
-''I can imagine Hyung's face when you told him that. Mmmm...'' – The last part was a moan, caused by Jungkook's wet and warm mouth around the head of his length. He grunted, saying quickly. – ''Aah, sorry my leg...yeah, it's nothing, it's fine...I was just stretching...It was just sudden, but it's okay...p-please continue.''
Jungkook laughed without a sound and continue to suck at the tender flesh, feeling it going harder and bigger in his mouth. He let one satisfied moan and then a hiss when he felt Taehyung's fingers pulled at his hair. He looked up into Taehyung's eyes, lips still stretched around his member and saw a flushed and slightly irritated expression on his boyfriend's face, which made him smile. Without blinking, Jungkook relaxed his throat and spread his tongue as he eased himself down the length, watching Taehyung's mouth open in a big ''o'' and eyes flutter shut.
-''I can't Hyung.'' – His voice was higher than it was before. His body arching with every bob of Jungkook's head. Jungkook fought the urge to close his eyes and swallow around Taehyung's now fully hard cock in his mouth. He loved to watch his lover's reactions. He felt the tears fogging his sight and he brushed at them, pulling back to swallow the drool in his mouth, some of it falling down his chin.
-''I have other a-arrangements...s-sorry Hyung...maybe time...'' – Taehyung managed to let out in a short pause Jungkook allowed him. Their eyes met and Jungkoook went down again. Taehyung's hand flew to his mouth and he pushed the phone away as he mewled. He quickly put the phone back on his ear, hand sliding down to intertwine fingers in Jungkook's hair. He felt his entire body burning.
-''S-sorry Hyung...wha...what did you say?'' – He asked again, twitching. –''Mmmh, yeah...with Jungkook, mm-hmm...'' – His back arched and he wrapped his legs around Jungkook's neck, squshing him with his thighs. Jungkook slid two fingers down and pushed into Taehyung's hole.
Taehyung gasped when Jungkook bend his fingers towards his stomach and pressed at his prostate. The air flew out of his lungs. He still gripped at the phone, bitting at his lips, body shaking. Jungkook watches, with the fascination at Taehyung's reaction and felt smugness beyond measure.
-''Nooo, Hyung... it's o-okay...just stomach cramps... yeah...g-gotta go... talk to you later, yes?'' – Taehyung pulled at Jungkook's hair, pulling him out from his cock, wiggling at the pressure in his ass.
-''Yeah, okay, bye Hyung.''- He ended the call and tossed the phone on the bed, trying to glare at Jungkook, but failing as he moaned lewdly.
-'' asshole!'' – He gasped, still clutching at Jungkook's hair.
Jungkook grinned and went up to kiss him on the lips, pushing his tongue in and rolling around Taehyung's. He slips in the third finger as well and spread them, swallowing the long guttural moan from Tae's throat.
He brought his knees closer and used his hand to pull Taehyung's leg up on his shoulder, still not breaking the kiss. He eased his fingers out from Tae's hole to hook the other leg up also, and then without preamble, he eased himself in the wet warmth.
They both moaned loudly. Jungkook didn't wait but started to snap his hips in and out in a practiced proficiency. Taehyung's hands moving everywhere on Jungkook's body... his hair, face, shoulders, chest, neck, his hair again, thighs, arms... everywhere. He wanted to pull him in completely.
He arched his neck when Jungkook buried his face in the crook of it, painting and grunting.
-''Don't stop, don't stop...please...Kook...Don't stop, my God... fuck...'' – Taehyung chanted, feeling uncomfortably bent, but he didn't care. His thighs were pressed on his chest, hooked high up on Jungkook's shoulders, feet dangling in the air, and his cock twitching and bouncing on his stomach, wet and hard.
-''Oh, my God... oh...yes, right there... Oh...Jungkook...oh...'' – He was gasping for air, feeling Jungkook's cock deep inside of him, pressing at his sweet spot mercilessly. Jungkook became even faster, hips slamming into Taehyung's ass so hard that the sound of their skin meeting echoes around the room. Taehyung is so loud right now, his orgasm nearing very fast.
Jungkook reached down to wrap his hand around the neglected length and Taehyung was coming, body shuddering, clamping around Jungkook's cock. That proved too much for Jungkook who was already on the brink of orgasming and he let his seed shoot from him deep inside.
Together, they ride their orgasms, bodies shaking and straining, until the last drop of their ecstasy was squeezed from them. They both panted heavily. Jungkook barely managing to pull out and slowly ease Taehyung's numb legs down, before rolling next to him to catch his breath.
Taehyung's eyes were closed, mouth open as he gasped, the body still twitching here and there, remembering the intense feeling he was just subjugated. When he finally calmed his breath, after some minutes, he covered his eyes with his hand, licking at his dry lips.
-''You are a maniac.'' – He croaked, feeling his throat dry from all the air he was inhaling rapidly in the past 10 minutes.
He felt gentle but repeating shake on his left side, realizing after a few seconds that Jungkook was laughing.
-''You bastard.'' – Taehyung grunted, lips spreading in a huge smile when Jungkook raised his head from the pillow, face scrunched in a happy laugh. They giggled together, sharing a few kisses.
-''Don't ever do that again.'' – Taehyung said after a moment. – ''Poor Bogumie was probably shocked when he realized what's going on even though he was too polite to say anything.''
Jungkook smiled his bunny smile and gave Taehyung's lips another kiss. – ''Good.'' – He said, earning himself a slap on his shoulder.
-''I'm serious.'' – Taehyung protested.
-''And I'm very serious about making love to you again, right now.'' – He said, pushing himself on his hands to hover above Taehyung, who squealed.
-''There's no way you can go again after the second time!'' – He gasped in disbelief. Jungkook just raised his eyebrow, taking Taehyung's hand to kiss and then pushing it down to his newly formed erection.
-''Jesus... you beast.'' – Taehyung opened his mouth in shock.
-''That's not Jesus.'' – Jungkook said cheekily. – ''That's just me.'' – He added amusingly and claimed Taehyungs lips in another searing kiss.
Okay, I know I might go too far with Kook being hard so fast after the second time, but hey, it's a story, and Jungkook might just be very horny, especially after his possessive tick kicked in with Bogum, so I ended up this way. We see that Jiminie will be working really hard to fix things with Yoongi, and he might try to ease up things with Hoseokie even. But I love the way Jin always finds his way to tease Jungkook and make Tae blush, I love that man. That's it, I hope you will like it and I will see you next week. 💜
Fanart by amazing Hisasihun 💜
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