Chapter 13 - The Cost
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-''Tae, I fucked up.'' – Jimin sobbed falling on his knees, in front of his door, as he cried. – ''I completely fucked everything up. I lost b-both of them. I lost them...I lost...''
-''Jiminie, calm down, please...'' – Taehyung hugged his best friend, utterly confused about what happened, but he knew it had something to do with Yoongi and Hoseok. – ''C'mon, let's get you inside, come on Jiminie...''
Taehyung wrapped his arm under Jimin's and pulled him up on his feet again.
-''Shhh, it will be okay, let's go in.'' – Tae said softly.
-''Nothing will be okay...Tae...nothing...'' – Jimin cried, but allowed himself to be ushered inside. He was sat on the couch. Taehyung pulled his shoes off and covering him with the blanket before he snuggled in as well and wrapped his hands around the smaller man, pulling him on his chest and whispering.
-''Come, cry now Chimmy. You can tell me later, but for now, let it go.''
And Jimin did. He let his tears fall, he sobbed painfully in Tahyung's chest, gripping at his shirt while Taehyung cradled him in his arms.
It was maybe half an hour when the tears dried on his face and he leaned upon his hands to look at his friend, eyes red and puffy. He sniffled, feeling his nose full. Taehyung reached under the table for the box of tissues, which he always held there. He would often cry when he watches some sad movie and the tissues were necessary.
He took a few and gave it to Jimin, who blew his nose several times until he was satisfied that he could breathe again.
-''Do you want some tea?'' – Tae asked.
-''Water, just water.''
-''Okay.'' – Taehyung said and stood up, but turned when he saw Jimin on his feet as well.
As sensing his question, Jimin explained. – ''Bathroom, be right back.''
Taehyung poured the water in the tall glass and left it on the coffee table for Jimin, and then went back to the kitchen to make tea as well. The aroma and taste always calm down his nerves and he felt Jimin needs it now. When he gave him a mug with the warm liquid, Jimin smiled warmly and thanked him. Taehyung resumed his place next to Jimin, pulling his feet up and covering his legs with the blanket, blowing in his mug to cool it down.
-''Are you ready to tell me what happened?'' – Taehyung asked. Jimin made a face, not saying a word for a while, trying to rearrange his thoughts before he spoke.
-''It's over, with Yoongi and me.'' – He said quietly. – ''And I think it's over with Hoseokie as well.''
-''What happened Jimin-ah?'' – Taehyung asked, reaching for Jimin's hand to intertwine their fingers together. – ''Tell me.''
Jimin took a deep breath, closing his eyes as two tears fell down his cheeks. Putting down the mug on the table, he sniffled again, brushing the tears with the sleeve of his shirt. He opened his eyes to stare somewhere in front of him before the words started tumbling out of his mouth.
-''I tried talking a few times with both of them to see where are we at. I never asked directly, but from aside, you know how I am.'' – Jimin said and Taehyung smiled compassionately. Indeed he knew his friend the best. Jimin would always rather show you his emotions and tease you, circling playfully to see if you feel the same rather than tell you. His insecurity and big heart made him extra careful with his emotions. He was always playful, acting up like he doesn't fall in love, just enjoy sex and friendship, but deep down he craves to be loved. Whomever Jimin let in into his heart is blessed for life, because he would do everything for them.
Having someone like Hoseok who, even though, similar in nature, possesses high confidence and experience, made Jimin completely insecure of teasing him in the way he does to everyone else, because of the high respect and a dose of fear he always felt towards him. And Hoseok, even though extra careful and soft towards Jimin had his opinion over relationships quite clear, so Jimin was never sure if things that happen on their dates and during sex are just playful Hoseok, or is something more.
As for Yoongi, what Jungkook told him and what Taehyung saw himself so far, the man has his dark insecurity, which passed the initiate lack of confidence in his personality. He might act confident, claiming Jimin in front of their friends, but more with sexual innuendo than feelings. His strong security and knowledge of himself apply to all sectors of his life, except one – his love life.
Yoongi strongly believed that he wasn't made for love. Yes, he was made to create art and leave some legacy in the music industry one day, but he was not made to have a partner to share true love with. Those were fairytales to him. Sex was one thing, but as for emotions, he never believed that someone could love him back, that he is worth loving.
Taehyung suspected that Jimin hid his true self whenever he was with them, erotically acting up false confidence, teasing them until they bend him over and have their way with him. Jimin always hid his true self with his partners, thinking that they would never accept him otherwise, so he learned how to play roles, and boy, he played them perfectly. Taehyung was instantly aware of the tent in Yoongi's pants that night at the party when they left so quickly. He knew it was all Jimin's doing.
But one thing that no one understands, but for Taehyung, is that Jimin is strong, but fragile at the same time. Even though Jimin is the one calling the shots in their relationship, deep down Taehyung knows that Jimin only wants to be taken care of and to feel safe. And he was never able to relax with any of his partners before, not even Taemin because Taemin took his leading role unwillingly since he desired somewhat equal partner.
The only person who knows Jimin's naked soul and all of his secrets were Taehyung. As of why they were never compatible in a relationship since they loved each other very much, trusted and respected one another, had great sex, and were best friends, Taehyung honestly didn't know. There just wasn't that fire that he feels with Jungkook, and Taehyung was almost certain that Jimin felt the same with Yoongi and Hoseok.
Suddenly he felt a huge surge of emotion for Jimin. The need to protect and to cover with love and affection. He put his own mug down and pulled Jimin on him, hugging him close, and bathe his cheeks with comforting kisses, tasting the saltiness from tears on his skin.
-''You are my best Jiminie. There is no one else like you. I love you. I love you so much, you won't believe how much.'' – He kissed him all over his face between every word he spoke. Jimin just relaxed and smiled, whispering.
-''To the rabbit's house on the moon and back?''
-''And more... bunny needs to purchase more real-estate on other planets and universes. I need bigger mileage.'' – Taehyung said it seriously, watching him with round eyes.
Jimin laughed, feeling safe and warm. – ''I don't think the rabbit has that much money, but you can just go back and forth.'' – Jimin offered.
-''Nah, you have to think big. With love, everything is possible Jiminie.'' – Taehyung said, connecting their foreheads. Jimin's smile subdued slightly at the mention of the word ''love'' in that context. His heart was hurting at the moment.
-''Chimmy, what happened with Yoongi and Hoseok. I have a huge desire to kick both of their asses, but I don't know where to go first.'' – Taehyung spoke desperately, but confidently.
Jimin giggled. – ''We both know Hoseok is stronger than you and even Yoongi has swag.''
-''I'll bring Jungkook. Dating the muscle bunny has its perks.''
Jimin laughed. – ''I forgot that nickname we gave him.''
Taehyung grinned. – ''I didn't.''
-''I don't think Jungkook could interfere with Yoongi. He respects him very much. Plus, it's not their fault, it's mine. I made a mess. I lied.''
Jimin took a breath, leaning back more comfortably, legs and hands still tangled with Taehyung's long limbs.
-''Hoseok asked me to go somewhere with him, but I already promised Yoongi that I will follow him on some business party his company was throwing, so I lied. I don't know why I did it, I just did. I told Hoseok that I twisted my ankle on the practice today and that I should relax for a day. He agreed. He asks if I need anything, he was so sweet. I told him no and we agree to see each other some other day. But Tae, when I went there with Yoongi, Hoseok was there. They know each other, they are friends. I had no idea. He was staring at me, surprised.''
-''Aah, fuck.'' – Taehyung buried his face in his hand.
-''Yoongi called him Seok-ah and introduced me with '' my Jimin-ah''. HIS, Taehyung, his Jimin-ah. I never saw Hoseok's face so disappointed, so serious and it was because of me.'' – Jimin said, voice wavering, and Taehyung took his hands in his, eyes roaming on his soulmate's face.
-''Hoseok didn't look at Yoongi at all, he was just staring at me. I felt anger, disappointment, and hurt behind his eyes. The only thing he said was that he is glad that my leg is feeling better. Taehyung, it was so embarrassing.'' – The tears started flowing down Jimin's face and Taehyung brushed them with his fingers.
-''And then Yoongi turned, surprised, and ask do we know each other. And Hoseok told him that we go way back since college and Yoongi somehow figured out. He asked Hobi ''is this the guy you've mentioned? The one you are dating?'' He turned to me then and asked me I'm the one. I didn't know what to answer. I didn't know how they know each other. I was mortified. Hoseok must have seen it because he told me that he, Namjoon and Yoongi knew each other for a long time.''
-''Oh, God, Jiminie, what did you do then?'' – Taehyung was covering his mouth with his hand, feeling quite powerless.
-''I said that I'm so very sorry. That I didn't know how to tell them. What wounded me the most was Hoseok's disappointed voice...oh God, why is this hurts me so much...'' – Jimin hiccupped, sniffling loudly. – ''When he said that I should have simply talked to him and not hide things. ''We never lied to each other Jiminie. I always trusted you.'' I wanted to die Tae Tae. ''Trusted'' past tense.'' – Jimin buried his face in his hands again and wailed. – ''Oh, God, I'm so stupid.'' – He straightened up, clutching his chest with his hand as if to rip his heart out. –''And Yoongi Hyung...ah, fuck... he... he looked at me with such pain at first. He said ''I thought this was different.''...and then his eyes changed, they became cold and distant. ''I guess it wasn't meant to be.'' Tae that was like the last nail on my coffin...I was buried alive.'' – He barely finished his sentence as the sobs erupted from his chest again.
Taehyung wrapped himself around him, holding him tightly.
-''I said that it's not like that, that I care for both. I almost said that I love them.'' – Jimin said, and Taehyung had to ask.
-''Are you in love with them Jiminie?''
-''Yes.'' - Was all Jimin said, face buried in Taehyung's chest, while Taehyung's fingers combed through his blonde hair.
-''I ran Tae... I ran so fast. I couldn't stop crying. I barely told the driver your address. I came straight here. I fucked up Tae. I ruined everything. I ruined it.''
They haven't spoken after that. Taehyung knew everything he needed to know and Jimin was exhausted from crying. He fell asleep, snuggled in a tight embrace on top of his soulmate. Taehyung couldn't feel his body anymore, it went numb a long time ago, but he still didn't move, allowing Jimin to use him for his pillow, protecting him as best as he could from the pain if only for the moment.
That's how Jungkook found them. The door was unlocked and the latter let himself in. One look at the scene on the couch was enough for him to approach with caution and silence. He kneeled in front of Tae, whose eyes blinked a few times and then went wide when they saw his boyfriend.
-''You left the door unlocked Tae. Please don't do that again.'' – He whispered. – ''Someone could get in.''
-''But it was you.'' – Taehyung said sleepily.
-''Yeah, luckily, but what if it wasn't?'' – Jungkook insisted quietly.
-''I couldn't leave Jiminie.'' – Taehyung said, eyes showing the sleeping form in his arms.
-''I know. I got a message from Jin Hyung. Namjoon told him what happened between Hoseok, Yoongi, and Jimin.'' – He said quietly.
Taehyung narrowed his eyes. – ''How did Namjoon knew?''
-''He was there as well. He saw everything.'' – Jungkook nodded towards sleeping Jimin. – ''How is he?''
-''He is calm now, but, oh Jungkookie, it was bad, really, really bad. I never saw him suffer this much. It breaks my heart.'' – Taehyung spoke with pain in his voice, kissing the top of Jimin's head. The latter only inhaled deeply, not waking up.
-''Yeah, it's bad. I haven't seen Yoongi Hyung, but what I've heard from Jin Hyung, it's bad.'' –Jungkook brushed his face with his hand.
-''What are we going to do?'' – Tae asked.
-''Well, first we are going to put him to bed. I guess you don't feel your legs anymore right?'' – Jungkook asked, standing up and looking at the best way to approach Jimin without waking him up.
-''No, leave him here, just pull out that second pillow behind my back. I want to lower myself down.'' – Taehyung said instead.
-''Are you sure?'' – Jungkook arched his eyebrow.
-''Yeah, we slept like this many times and it's comfortable once you settle in properly.'' – Taehyung eased himself down, careful not to move Jimin too much, and groaned quietly in relief when he flattened his back and stretched his legs a bit. –''Ah, much better.''
Jimin hummed slightly, nuzzling more comfortably and continued to sleep.
-''I ought to be jealous, but surprisingly I'm not.'' – Jungkook whispered. – ''He is surprisingly sweet and cute and even I want to protect him.'' – He said, looking at Jimin softly. Taehyung smiled warmly.
-''Don't let him hear you say that. He is one tough little mochi.'' – Taehyung warned with a smile. Jungkook tossed his head back in a silent laugh, shoulders shaking. – ''Oh, I have to remember this. ''Mochi.'' Priceless.''
They gazed in each other's eyes and then Jungkook reached down to kiss his lips. It was a soft, gentle kiss, filled with emotion and care. – ''Do you want to sleep?'' – He asked. Taehyung shook his head lightly.
-''Do you need me something to bring you?''
Another negative shook. – ''Stay.'' – Taehyung said softly.
Jungkook smiled wide. – ''I don't think we can fit in on that couch.'' – He said.
-''Sit on the other end and put your feet next to me.'' – Taehyung suggested, and Jungkook did just that, arranging his limbs carefully around Taehyung and Jimin and taking Taehyung's foot on his lap. They watched TV silently, Jungkook's fingers kneading the sole of Taehyung's foot and then upon his ankle and calf. The heel of Taehyung's foot press on Jungkook's groin only slightly and Jungkook bit his lip. The foot moved up and down slightly following the hardening curve of Jungkook's cock.
-''Taehyung.'' – Jungkook whispered warningly, which made Taehyung smile even wider.
-''No funny business when I'm present.'' – Jimin mumbled sleepily. Both of them jerked. Taehyung's foot disappeared from between Jungkook's legs and Jungkook carefully pushed his legs together.
-''We are not doing anything.'' – Taehyung said.
-''Oh, yeah, and that thing that pokes me on my tummy is nothing right?'' – Jimin grumbled, pulling back, untangling himself from Tae to sit down. He cracked his libs slowly, before turning to Jungkook. – ''Hello, Kook.''
Jimin just slapped him on the thigh.
-''I'm hungry.'' – Jimin spoke. Taehyung stood up, stretching up as well.
-''We can order Korean.'' – Jungkook offered, pulling out his phone.
-''I'm down.'' – Jimin said. – ''Taehyung-ah, I will take a shower. Do I still have my clothes here?''
-''They are in the same place as always. Clean and ready.'' – Taehyung answered. He and Jimin had an extra set of comfy clothes at each other's houses just in cases like these.
-''I need to change these pants, they are too tight.'' – Jimin complained.
Taehyung slapped him on his ass. – ''Well at least you ass and legs look hot as hell.''
-''Yeah, well...they are wasted tonight.'' – Jimin spoke sadly.
Taehyung would usually tease further, but he knew it wasn't the time, so he just sighed and flicked Jimin's chin. – ''Yeah, I know.''
Jimin smiled tiredly and went towards the bathroom. Taehyung bens down to reach his slipper that went under the table only to yelp suddenly when he felt Jungkook's hand on his ass.
-''And for fuck sake, keep it in your pants.'' – Jimin grumbled before closing the door behind him. Both Taehyung and Jungkook looked after him, feeling slightly guilty.
Jungkook pulled him on his lap, hands groping at his ass while he kissed him passionately.
-''Kookie.'' – Taehyung gasped, arching his neck so Jungkook's lips would have better access. – ''Not now.''
Jungkook pressed their groins together and whimpered in Taehyung's neck. – '' smell good.''
-''I smell like Jimin.'' – Taehyung said, pulling back to look at him. Jungkook's eyes blinked at him confused and then widen in realization. He pushed him off gently. – ''Okay, the game paused.''
Taehyung giggled. – ''Did you ordered food?''
-''Nah, I don't know what Jimin eat, you order for all of us.'' – Jungkook gave his phone to Taehyung with an already opened food application. – '' I'll find us something to watch.''
Two weeks had passed since that evening. Jimin had ups and downs and was lifeless, which showed on his classes as well. The children keep asking him why is he sad. He had to ask his assistant Yeonjun to take over some classes since Jimin couldn't force himself to smile. And when you are working with kids, the smile and fun are the most important things.
Taehyung kept seeing Hoseok. His cheerful personality was diminished and he didn't smile as bright as before. It was more forced. Even for him, the mask was heavy on his face.
When Taehyung asked him without preamble did he have feelings for Jimin, he said that he didn't want to talk about that.
-''He is suffering Hyung.'' – Taehyung insisted.
-''So do I Taehyungie. So do I.'' – It was all he said almost murmuring.
On the other side, Jungkook didn't have any luck with Yoongi either. He barely managed to reach him at all. Yoongi locked himself in his studio and refused to see anyone. Jin wanted to break in and to feed him, because ''that idiot will forget to breathe, not to mention eat if I don't make him'' but was stopped by Namjoon, who told him that he looks after his Hyung, making sure he eats at least. That calmed Jin's temper a bit.
They sat in Jungkook's apartment, Namjoon, Jin, Taehyung, and Jungkook. Trying to figure out how to help their friends.
-''Aaaaah, those idiots!'' – Jin yelled quite irritated. – ''It's clear that they are in love with one another.''
-''They are in love with Jimin, but not each other Hyung.'' – Namjoon corrected.
-''Stop talking crap Namjoon, Hoseok was Yoongi's first. They have a history together.''
-''What!?'' - Both Namjoon and Jungkook gasped.
-''I was Yoongi's roommate. I know everything that's been going on in that apartment. I've seen Hoseok stepping out from Yoongi's room only in his briefs for mornings at the time. We ate breakfast and talk while Yoongi still slept.'' – Jin said.
-''How don't I know about it?'' – Namjoon asked shocked.
-''Because it was before you.'' – Jin said matter-of-factly. – ''You came a year later, and by then they were just friends.''
-''Why did they broke up?'' – Taehyung was curious.
-''They were never together.'' – Jin answered annoyed about the whole situation. – ''They were hooking up, but then they just stopped. I'm not sure exactly why. Hoseok was a free spirit. I mean, he still is, but back then he was too adventurous for Yoongi.''
-''Okay, I see your point.'' – Tae nodded. He met Hoseok during that phase of his life. They started as fuck buddies back then.
-''I think Yoongi Hyung might have wanted the relationship.'' – Jungkook added quietly. – ''That's why it didn't work.''
-''Yeah it didn't, but that doesn't mean it wouldn't work now.'' – Jin insisted.
-''Jinnie, they like Jimin now.'' – Namjoon sighed tiredly.
-''I know they do, but trust me, they never extinguish that passion they had towards each other as well.'' – Jin raised his index finger in the air to make a point. – ''Mark my words, there are sparks there still.''
Jungkook groaned, his patience stirred, Namjoon just shook his head and Taehyung pursed his lips together so he won't smile.
-''I feel like we are in some kind of k-drama.'' – Taehyung said, the corners of his mouth arching upwards slightly.
-''Oh, we are. Life is full of drama. You can write a book about it.'' – Jin said, leaning forward. – ''Make sure you put me as one of your characters this time.'' – He winked, and Jungkook threw a pillow in his face.
-''Yah! You punk!'' – He screamed at the youngest and hit him back.
-''Should I make you childish then?'' – Taehyung teased. That had an instant trigger on Jin, who stop hitting Jungkook and straighten his back, expression smoldering as he looks at him.
-''Sexy. Some Worldwide Handsome secret agent, like 007.''
Namjoon guffaws, but checked himself quickly.
-''What? A secret agent, with the combat style of a mantis?'' – Jungkook joked, raising his hands and bending them at the elbow like the, mentioned, the insect does. Jin quickly imitates the move and they started laughing at each other's hilarious facial expressions.
Taehyung and Namjoon just shared a look of complete amusement and exasperation.
-''Guys! Jimin and Hyungs..let's go back to that!'' – Taehyung raised his voice to gain their attention again. That calmed them down a bit.
-''I say lock them in the same room and not letting them out until they work things out.'' – Jin said.
-''Hyung, that's a terrible idea.'' – Namjoon protested. – ''You know how much you hate when you have to share the room with someone you are mad with.''
-''Namjoon the only person I had to share the air I breathe in the same room when I'm mad is you.'' – Jin raised his eyebrows in ''you better stop arguing or I will be mad at you again'' kind of expression.
-''Well, they surely need to talk it through and see where they stand.'' – Jungkook mulled the idea in his head. – ''But not an apartment, the neighbors will complain about the screams.''
-''Uuuh kinky.'' – Jin smiled wickedly.
-''I meant arguing screams, Jin Hyung.'' – Jungkook corrected himself.
-''Hmm, maybe...'' – Jin glanced once more time, making that evil genius face, before contemplating the next option. – ''How about some room with thick walls, and maybe no neighbors?''
-''A soundproof room? Like a studio?'' – Jungkook asked.
-''Sure, why not?'' – Jin nodded. – ''They could meet in Yoongi's studio.''
Taehyung juped in. -''JImin will know what's going as soon as he recognizes the path. He's been there already.''
-''He was?'' – Jin raised his eyebrows even higher, staring at his young dongsaeng. – ''I didn't know that.'' – He turns accusatory stare at Namjoon. – ''Why didn't I know that Namjoon?''
-''I didn't know either.'' – The man defended himself.
-''Plus, I don't think we could prevail for Hoseok Hyung to go there either. I'm sure he knows where Yoongi Hyung's studio is?'' – Taehyung turned to Namjoon with the question.
-''Of course, he does.'' – The man answered.
-''I could tell you that myself.'' – Jin interjected annoyed. – ''Well, it has to be your studio Namjoon. You can make up some story and invite them....'' – Jin started to speak, but Namjoon curtly stopped him.
-''Yoongi will crash my studio just from pure spite, so no, I will not give you my studio. Veto.'' – Namjoon's voice gave no room for further discussion in that direction.
-''Than we need a place.'' – Jin said thinking.
-''Guys, I don't think it will be appreciated.'' – Jungkook thought out loud.
-''Their displeasure is not important.'' – Jin said without a care.
-''Hyung, we are trying to make them talk!'' – Jungkook yelled.
-''Their comfort is important.'' – Namjoon added. – ''We want them to be comfortable.''
-''Ahh...'' – Jin waved his hand in dismissal. – ''Knowing Yoongi for all these years, you learn one thing – he is NEVER satisfied.''
-''Now, that's not true Hyung, and you know it.'' – Namjoon protested.
-''Look, I agree that they need to talk, but I don't think locking them up is the best idea.'' – Taehyung said, pouting in thought.
-''It might not be the best, but it's the strongest idea, so unless you have some other, besides ''let's wait and see'' I suggest we make a detailed plan.'' – Jin leaned back, stretching his back with his arms up in the air. – ''Aaaah, this brainstorming is exhausting.''
During his speech, Jungkook noticed Taehyung's pout, so he leaned in and pecked him on the lips. – ''Cute.'' – Taehyung smiled.
-''Namjoon! Why did you never peck me like that and called me cute?!'' – Jin asked, turning his gaze from the couple to his on/off boyfriend.
-''Because you said I'm too soft and corny and that you are not cute but gorgeous.'' – Namjoon fired up instantly.
Jin smiled satisfied. – ''You think I'm gorgeous, Joonie?''
Namjoon rolled his eyes as he looks away, but his dimples were showing as he smiled shyly.
-''Aaaaw, you cheesy fucker, why do I love you?'' – Jin shook his head, satisfied. – ''Okay, love birds, so what's the plan?''
As it turned out Jin's plan, although doomed to fail from the start, was never put to work because Jimin called Taehyung a few days later and told them that Hoseok called him to talk. He was nervous as hell.
-''I don't know what to do, Tae Tae.'' – He was panicking. – ''What should I wear? How should I act? Should I be quiet or should I be bold?'' – He kept pacing around his room, Taehyung heard him breathing fast.
-''You should be yourself Jiminie. You should tell him how you feel.'' – Taehyung said calmly.
-''Aaah Tae, I'm not sure I could do that... I mean, he probably doesn't want to hear that, I don't...''
-''Jimin!'' – Taehyung raised his voice only slightly, but it had the desired effect since that deep baritone stopped Jimin in his tracks.
-''You will take a shower, dress up something nice, not too flashy or fashionable, but sweet and comfortable and then you will go and see Hoseokie and talk.'' – Taehyung said calmly, but with authority. – ''He is first and foremost your old friend. No matter how he may look, ask to speak first and tell him everything as it is.'' – Jimin whined, but Taehyung didn't care. – ''Jimin-ah, tell him how you feel and if he doesn't feel the same for you then agree to take a break until you calm down your emotions and then see to continue as friends.''
-''I don't think...'' – Jimin started.
-''You don't think right now.'' – Taehyung stopped him. – ''What did you told me before ''Stop being so dramatic and answer the fucking call''... in your case, go to the meeting.''
Jimin groaned but didn't fight back.
-''Is there any sound from Yoongi?'' – Taehyung asked.
Jimin was quiet for a solid 5 seconds before he squeezed one small ''no''.
-''You still feel the same? For both of them?'' – He asked and this time Jimin answered without the moment of hesitation. – ''Yes, I do.''
-''Then good luck Jiminie. Love you.'' – Taehyung said softly.
-''I love you too.'' – Jimin chimed and hung up the phone.
-''You think it will work?'' – Jungkook asked when Taehyung told him what's about to happen. Taehyung shrugged.
-''Honestly? I have no idea. I thought I knew Hyung pretty good so far, but I guess I don't.'' – Taehyung said, shrugging again, feeling a bit down. – ''He didn't want to talk with me about it, that for sure.''
-''Aaaw poor baby.'' – Jungkook spoke, pecking him on the lips.
-''Kookie, hugs...'' – Taehyung murmured childishly and buried his face in the younger man's neck, curving slightly so he could nestle into Jungkook's side. Jungkook just squeezed him closer.
-''Taehyung.'' – Jungkook called.
-''Hmm?'' – There came the muffled answer.
Jungkook swallowed audibly and took a deep breath. – ''I love you.''
Taehyung stiffened and then raised his head to look at him. – ''You do?'' – He asked.
Jungkook nodded. – ''I do.''
Taehyung's smile was blinding and Jungkook was suddenly engulfed with warmth and fluff. He kissed him gently.
-''I love you too, Jungkookie.'' – Taehyung whispered, lips brushing with Jungkook's. They kissed again, this time a bit stronger, adding more passion.
Ok, I guess we all could see that it was meant to happen for a while now, so it did. Jimin's indecision cost him both of his lovers and now all three are suffering. The good thing is that we have Taekook and Namjin shipping them seriously, so we shall see what will happen. I hope you will enjoy this chapter, love ya 💜💜💜
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