Chapter 11 - Just mine
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Taehyung took his time introducing Jungkook to his Hyungs. The first one was Hoseok, who quickly clicked with the younger man, and not half an hour later they were laughing and shouting as they played Uno with Jimin and him.
-''I can see why Jimin can't decide.'' – Jungkook said to Taehyung when they were alone again. – ''His energy is so dope. He is a complete opposite of Yoongi Hyung, loud, cheerful, outgoing, friendly. Hyung is quiet, grumpy, and loves to be left in peace.''
-''Yeah.'' – Taehyung agreed. – ''But Hoseokie Hyung is also very meticulous and sharp when work is in question. You haven't seen him when he's serious. It's rare, but know there is some shit going on if the corners of his lips are turned down.''
Jungkook chuckled at that, but Taehyung shook his head. – ''I'm dead serious. Hyung is scary when he's angry.''
-''Well then, I hope I will never see him like that.'' – Jungkook believed. – ''He does seem very affectionate with Jimin.''
-''I saw that too. He is genuinely a touchy person, but he is even more with Jimin. He was never like that before.''
-''Jimin mode - activated.'' – Jungkook said in English, using some funny action game voice. Taehyung giggled.
-''I would love to see Jimin with Yoongi Hyung. Arrange some outing?''- Taehyung suggested.
Jungkook nodded. – ''It shall be arranged.''
And indeed, Jungkook arranged everything at his place, inviting both Yoongi and Jin.
-''Oh, sweet baby Yoda.'' – Jin gasped when he finally shook Taehyung's hand. –''I can't believe you picked this punk when you could have anyone...'' – He motioned on himself with his hands. – ''...anyone you wished for.''
Yoongi rolled his eyes, while Taehyung giggled. Taehyung still felt a bit embarrassed from the last time he saw Jin. It was quite unconventional.
-''Who would want you!?'' – Jungkook shouted from the kitchen, eavesdropping.
-''Yah! Show some respect for your Hyung.'' – Jin shouted towards the kitchen, only to see Jungkook exiting, holding the glasses in his hands.
-''Oh, yes, I forgot, you are elderly.'' – Jungkook spoke and Jin groaned in good humor, murmuring curses.
-''Hey, don't mind these two idiots.'' – Yoongi said, offering his hand. – ''It's nice to see you again Taehyung.''
-''It's nice to see you too, Hyung. I've been wanting to renew our acquaintances, especially since I'm hearing good stuff from Jungkookie and Jiminie.'' – Taehyung said, smiling sweetly.
Yoongi's eyes gleamed in a pleasant surprise. – ''Jimin mentions me?''
-''He does, Hyung.'' – Taehyung's smile widened. – ''And always in a good way.''
His attention was once again claimed by Jin, but that didn't stop Taehyung from noticing a strange, but the satisfied expression on Yoongi's face.
It was surprisingly nice. Yoongi leveled down Jin's robustious nature, with his calm and savage comments. Jin, who was now a complete opposite of that sexy breathtakingly gorgeous God that Taehyung saw on Jungkook's window that day, was exceptionally interesting, loud, and over the top, but Taehyung loved it. His plan of gifting him a signed copy of his book one of these days, feel into the water the moment Jin opened his bag and pulled out all of Taehyung's books. All of them.
-''Aish, Jin Hyung, did you have to bring it all?!'' – Jungkook groaned.
-''What? Who knows when will I have other opportunities since you keep hiding him from me.'' – Jin huffed and proceeded with handing grinning Taehyung book by book.
-''Taehyung is not a thing for me to hide, he is a person, and he is my person, Jin Hyung. So curve your claws back, he is mine.'' – Jungkook said in good humor, underneath a very serious tone.
Jin ignored him completely and went on embarrassing Taehyung with his compliments.
-''But Hyung, this one is already signed.'' – Taehyung said, showing him the book.
-''Just add ''to dearest Hyung and my loyal fan...'' – He added in a dead-serious tone. Both Yoongi and Jungkook groaned their protest that he was crossing the line, while Taehyung almost fell from laughter, enhanced even more when Jin joined him.
Jungkook's and Jin's bickering was amusing to watch, and Taehyung felt joyful. He laughed so much his stomach hurt.
-''Aaah, Jin Hyung please stop, I can't laugh anymore.'' – Taehyung brushed the tears from his eyes, still chuckling. It seems like the youngest and the eldest decided to choke Taehyung with good humor and a very bad dad jokes.
It is like this that Jimin found them, arriving after his dance class was over. Jin was over him in a second.
-''My goodness, you are too cute.''
-''He is, and back off Hyung, don't bother Jiminie.'' – Yoongi came and took Jimin's hand in his, pulling him towards his place on the couch. Jimin blushed and smiled shyly, while Taehyung and Jungkook exchanged the knowing looks.
-''Yah! You two took all the cute ones!'' – He protested.
-''You have Joonie Hyung.'' – Jungkook said matter-of-factly.
-''No, I don't. We are done. He didn't know how to appreciate this perfection.'' – He pointed on himself again. Taehyung was ready this time and just giggled, but Jimin's face was surprised at this boisterous speech.
-''Jiminie, don't pay attention. Jin Hyung just loves his mirror reflection and certain dimples.'' – Yoongi said quietly, but everyone heard him, even Jin, who yelled.
-''I do not love dimples!''
-''Now, now, we know that's a lie now, don't we Hyung?'' – Jungkook teased.
-''I'm not appreciated at all in this house. Do you see this Taehyungie?'' – He turned towards Taehyung, clasping his hands, and sighing deeply. – ''No respect what's so ever.''
Somewhat later the food arrived and with it Namjoon.
-''Hey, Jungkookie, good to see you.'' – He hugged Jungkook in a friendly way, and Taehyung, who sat next to Jimin after he finished signing out his books, felt his soulmate's hand on his knee. He didn't have to say the word, Taehyung knew what he tried to say in that simple touch.
It's a weird situation. Everyone here fucked everyone or seen other's fuck, it was insane.
-''I don't know what to do with all of this drama! I felt like I'm in heaven.'' – The passionate one squealed in joy.
-''I'm still laughing for that ''Impasta'' joke, it was hilarious.'' – The alien laughed.
-''I agree Taehyungie.'' – The smart one chimed in. – ''It is a very weird situation indeed.''
Namjoon turned towards Yoongi and clasped hands with him, smiling widely. His dimples were adorable, yup, totally adorable, Taehyung concurred.
-''Namjoonie Hyung, this is my Taehyung.'' – Jungkook said it proudly and Namjoon extended his hand and his smile towards him as well.
-''Well, I can see what captivated Jungkookie so much. It's a pleasure to meet you Taehyung. And this is?'' – He turned towards Jimin.
-''This is Jimin.'' – It was Yoongi who spoke once again, putting his paw on Jimin's thigh in a quite suggestive way. Namjoon arched his eyebrow up, looking from Yoongi to Jimin and still smiling warmly shook Jimin's hand.
-''Nice to meet you too Jimin. I'm Namjoon.''
-''You too Namjoon. It's p-pleasure.'' – He stammered, smiling.
Jimin was in awe of Namjoon's persona. It was oozing leadership and confidence, trust, and calm energy. Taehyung felt it too. Jungkook told him how smart and sweet Namjoon is, but Taehyung felt so much more in his demeanor.
-''Well hi to you too Namjoon.'' – The irritated voice spoke from the kitchen door. – ''Late as usual.'' – Jin spoke in the air of superiority of a very pissed off woman.
-''Jin Hyung.'' – Namjoon's smile vanished and was replaced with careful diplomacy. – ''You look good today.'' – He added.
-''I always look good Namjoon, not just today, but you don't know that since you pay no attention.''
-''Umm, what...?'' – Taehyung whispered in Jungkook's ear, but Jungkook just smirked.
-''They would do this all the time.'' – Yoongi said from his place next to Jimin.
-''They are perfect for one another and yet they fight.'' – Jungkook added. – ''Joonie Hyung is very hard-working and has a lot of obligations and Jin Hyung is too demanding.'' – He explained.
-''Nothing that cannot be settled with a normal talk, but Hyung is too dramatic sometimes and Joon is too philosophical.'' – Yoongi said in a bored slurring voice. –''When their minds clash it's like two master fencers duel.'' – He continues to explain. –''Just one was trained in some prestigious training center, while another by some brilliant rogue master. No matter how much they fight, they always go back to each other. They did that for years.'' – He then looked at Jungkook and smirked, adding. – ''And fuck you in between apparently, bun.'' – He chuckled darkly. –''I still can't believe you've been with Joon as well.''
Jungkook stiffened, he could feel both Jimin's and Taehyung's wide eyes at him.
-''Hyung, I had no idea that they used to date.'' – Jungkook hissed. – ''Besides, Taehyung knows, I told him.'' – Taehyung squeezed his hand.
-''So, basically, you fucked everyone in this room except me?'' – Jimin said teasingly. –'' You little slut.''
-''Shut the fuck up.'' – Jungkook growled in a hushed tone, but Jimin only laughed, the squicking sound escaping his mouth, which he covers quickly.
-''And it will stay that way.'' – Yoongi closed that subject.
The other two voices became loud now and all four of them turned their eyes to look at them. They were both tall and gorgeous. They fitted well together.
-''Don't start with that again Jin.'' – Namjoon sighed exasperatedly, already tired of this long argument over mundane things.
-''It's Hyung to you.'' – Jin spit viciously and pushed the plates in his hands. – ''Put them there.'' – He pointed at the black dining table. – ''Then go wash hands and help me to set the table.'' – He ordered.
-''Why me? I just got here.'' – Namjoon complained.
-''Because you will start to bore them with your monologues and I want to eat before the food get's cold. You can talk later, now move Joonie, move.'' – And with those words, Jin went back to the kitchen.
-''Do you need help Hyung?'' – Jungkook shouted from his seat.
-''No Jungkookie, you just sit and keep Taehyungie and Jiminie company, Namjoon will help!'' – He yelled back in the sharp voice that left no room for argument.
Namjoon released a deep tired sigh, placing the plates on the table and pushing his sleeves up to his elbows, moving slowly towards the bathroom.
-''You do realize you can just say no, Joon.'' – Yoongi said, eyeing his tall dongsaeng.
-''I know.'' – Namjoon smiled gently, sharing with Yoongi some unspoken words. He then looked towards the kitchen, the small smirk creeping on the corner of his lips, and Taehyung knew that there are some deeper feelings involved between Jin and Namjoon. The kind where you will just sigh and do everything in your power to fix the problems you might have, in order to be happy again, no matter how annoying or stupid things are.
The rest of the night was crazy since everyone, except Namjoon and Tae, drank a bit. Jin slurred his words, but flirted shamelessly with Taehyung and Jimin, despite Jungkook's warnings. Yoongi, however, just sat, holding his whiskey glass and caressing the nape of Jimin's neck with his other hand. He drank quietly, eyes blazing with dark fire.
Namjoon was typing something down on his phone after a few phone calls. It was work, he said. That provoked Jin's displeasure again, that noticeably calmed down during dinner before.
When it was somewhat after midnight, Yoongi stood up, Jimin's hand in his and announced that it's late and they will leave.
-''Where are you going? The night is young and we are having fun!'' – Jin spoke loudly, brows narrowing at Yoongi. – ''You are grandpa, you always leave when it's the most fun.''
-''The only one that's having a blast is you Hyung.'' – Yoongi said dangerously. – ''Everyone else is pretty beat up.''
-''That's not true.'' – Jin turned his face towards Taehyung. – ''Taehyungie, you are having fun, right?''
-''Yes, I do Hyung.''
Jin nodded and then turned towards Jimin. – ''And you Jiminie?''
Jimin smiled warmingly, the alcohol making him feel mischievous. – ''I was, but Yoongi Hyung here wants to sleep and I promised him a lullaby.''
Yoongi's eyes went even darker and he smirked dangerously, tightening his grip on Jimin's hand.
-''Ah, Jiminie...'' – He murmured low, sending pleasant shivers down Jimin's spine.
-''Yah, Yoongi you can't do that!'' – Jin stood up and had to be steadied by Namjoon when he started to wobble.
-''Hyung.'' – Namjoon begins, but Jin hushed him. – ''Hush, Joonie.'' – Ha patted him on the cheek affectionately, turning then on Yoongi. – ''Leave Jimin here and you can go sleep.''
Seeing that Yoongi is losing patience, Jungkook stepped in.
-''Hyung, Jimin lives close to Yoongi Hyung, they will share a cab home.''
-''He could share a cab with me. I will return him home.'' – Jin insisted. – ''He doesn't have to leave the party because of that.''
This time Jimin stepped in. – ''Jin Hyung, thank you so much, but It is getting late and I forgot that I have to wake up early in the morning, so I will leave now.'' – He said in a sweet voice. Jin was melting.
-''Oh, you two are so adorable, I'm so blessed.'' – He said, pulling Jimin and Taehyung in his tight embrace. – ''I have two favorite and sweetest dongsaengs.''
-''I thought I was your favorite.'' – Jungkook protested from his couch. He didn't even bother standing up. Jin turned his glare at him. – ''You are the worst dongsaeng.''
-''Alright, alright Hyung, we are the worst, it's fine.'' – Yoongi drawled his words, no anger in them anymore. – ''Good night everyone.'' – He announced yet again and when Jimin said goodbye to every one of them, sharing the meaningful eye contact with Tae, they left.
-''Come on Jin Hyung. I will drive you home.'' – Namjoon said, still holding Jin's waist so he will stand still.
-''I don't need you to drive me anywhere. I can go by myself.'' – Jin protested, heading towards the hall to put on his shoes. – ''Where Is my phone?'' – He asked, touching his pockets. Taehyung brought it to him.
-''You are my favorite.'' – Jin said, hugging him again. – ''Take care of that baby Koo, he is big, but he is a baby.'' – Jin said.
-''I'm not a baby!'' – Jungkook yelled.
-''I raised him.'' – Jin continued in a quite loud, but confiding voice.
-''You did not!'' – Jungkook yelled again.
-''I thought him everything he knows.''
Jungkook groaned annoyingly. Taehyung giggled, and even Namjoon smiled. Jin was unfazed.
-''He is acting all grown up now, cocky brat, but he has a delicate heart.''
-''I DO NOT HAVE A DELICATE HEART!''- Jungkook boomed.
Taehyung laughed loudly now, and Namjoon felt pitty towards their youngest member and he pulled Jin aside again.
-''C'mon Jinnie, let me drive you home.'' – He said in a soft voice, smiling gently. – ''I know you can do it yourself, but you know how much I love your company after a good party.''
Jin blinked at him several times, the gears in his head working hard to clear his brain enough, but then his eyes fell on Namjoon's dimples and he cooed, pooking them with his fingers.
-''Aaaah, Joonie, how could I say no to these dimples!? Come on, let's go.'' – He said, turning suddenly to put on his shoes. – ''Let Hyung take you home.'' – He said while almost falling. Namjoon held him. – ''I got this! I got this, Joonie, you don't have to babysit me.'' – Jin complained, leaning entirely on Namjoon.
-''Joonie Hyung, good luck.'' – Jungkook said, rising from the sofa.
-''Ya! You brat, I heard you!'' – Jin shouted, putting his jacket on.
-''Jungkookie, don't.'' – Namjoon said somewhat sternly, shaking his head. – ''Let's go Jinnie, take my hand.'' – He said, the smile back on his face.
-''I love it when you call me like that.'' – Jin was melting, sending the flying kiss in Namjoon's direction. He then turned to Taehyung and did him the same. When he finally looked at Jungkook, he raised both of his hands like a mantis in, what he thought was, threatening mode. Jungkook's response was nudging his head up and spreading his hands in ''come at me'' pose. Taehyung was nearly holding his laughter.
Namjoon rolled his eyes and took Jin's hand again.
-''Taehyung, it was a pleasure. I hope to see you again.'' – And with that, he pulled talking Jin out of the apartment.
-''I am exhausted.'' – Jungkook buried his face in Taehyung's neck as soon as the door closed shut. – ''They are too much sometimes.''
Taehyung still giggled, leaning back in Jungkook's embrace. – ''They are awesome.'' – He said through the tears of laughter. – ''You think these two will be okay?'' – He nods towards the door where their two Hyungs just disappeared.
-''Who? Joonie and Jin Hyung? Oh, yes.'' – Jungkook smiled. – ''Hyung will tease him in the car so much until Joon loses all of his patience and fucks him on the backseat of his car.'' – He chuckled.
-''You seem to talk from experience. Did he ever did that to you?'' – Taehyung wrapped his hands around Jungkook's neck.
-''Almost.'' – Jungkook blushed. – ''I was really horny that evening. He called me a brat.'' – He said nuzzling his face into Taehyung's. – ''But Jin Hyung is way worst than me, especially when he has a beer or three. He will most definitely get the dicking tonight.''
Taehyung giggled, caressing Jungkook's face. – ''What are the chances of me getting dicking tonight as well?'' – He asked in a teasing, seductive tone.
-''I'd say 100%'' – Jungkook smiled and claimed his lips. They went staggering backward until Taehyung's knees hit the sofa and he fell back with Jungkook in his arms.
When Taehyung announced to the rest of his Hyungs, in the group chat, that he is in a relationship, they were delighted. Hyungsik and Seojoon spent good 10 minutes wondering why does Jungkook seem so familiar when Taehyung sent his photo in the group until Hyungsik remembered that they met him in the club. They went on cooing how good they look together. Yoon-woo joining them wholeheartedly, while Jihan offered warm congratulations and best of luck. Minho said he needs to see what is the lad made off and told Tae to bring him for a bowling match next time he organizes the outing. Taehyung agreed and said that he might found his sports rival in Jungkook.
-''Okay, so how the next Friday sound to you?'' – Minho asked, excitedly.
The only one who remained silent was Bogum. Taehyung found it strange since Bogum was always active in the group. He did, however, got a private message from him, asking to meet him for lunch tomorrow afternoon. Taehyung accepted, wondering if he even saw the group chat.
As he turned out, he did. Not too long after they sat down to eat, Bogum asked him about his new fling, and when Taehyung told him that it's not a fling, but serious, Bogum paused slightly and then smiled, continuing the pleasant chit chat, talking about some other things. Only after they were in front of Taehyung's building did he spoke his mind.
-''I thought we had some connection Taehyungie.'' – Bogum spoke gently.
-''We do, you are my dearest Hyung, what are you trying to say?'' – Taehyung spoke, eyebrows furrowing in a confused curiosity.
Bogum sighed audibly. – ''I hoped that the last time we've been together meant something more to you, Tae, but I guess it was just me.'' – His voice was regretful like he just lost something he wanted.
Tae frowned at that. – ''Hyung...but...we were never serious. You said it yourself, we were always just friends who occasionally sleep together.''
-''I know, and I regret it now.'' – Bogum said, hands in his pockets, eyes roaming Taehyung's face with softness.
-''You regret us hooking up?'' – Taehyung felt sorrow because he really liked his Hyung and enjoyed their many moments together.
-''I thought that he liked it, that we had fun.'' – He thought.
-''Oh, Tae baby, he did, you probably didn't understand him.'' – The passionate one spoke gently, but the savage one was angry.
-''That asshole! He was the one insisting on the friendship thing in the first place!''
-''I agree, you even thought that there could be something between you two at the beginning, but he was acting so casual.''
Bogum's eyes, however, grew wide and he begins to explain himself. – ''No, Taehyungie, no, no, no, I could never regret that!'' – He said.
-''Then what?'' – Taehyung asked a little irritated, crossing his arms on his chest.
-''I regret of not doing anything earlier, that I've waited for...for...I don't know what, before going more serious in my attentions towards you.'' – He said, stepping forward and holding Taehyung's elbows with the palms of his hands. – ''Taehyung, you are a magnificent human being, I admire you a lot. You are so beautiful, smart, creative, and sweet and I was always proud to have you as my friend.''
Taehyung relaxed a bit at that, allowing Bogum to take his hands in his own, but still watching him with narrow eyes.
Bogum continued. -''I always thought that you are not interested as much, plus, Jihan was always somewhere near, ready to woo you.''
Taehyung giggled at that. Jihan Hyung always had a soft spot for him and Taehyung used that regularly.
-''I always preferred Jihan more. There is something sexy in a quiet man.'' – The smart one started conjuring images of the serious-looking dark-haired Jihan.
-''He always looked so prude.'' – The passionate one commented.
-''He has an amazing smile and gorgeous almond eyes. His character is very good, which is important. He is caring and proper.'' – The smart one defended his choice.
-''I prefer Bogum. He is much more fun.'' – The passionate one said finally. – ''Yo, alien, which one is your favorite?''
-''Jimin. He is the king of sass and cuteness.''
-''Alright, I agree...Jimin is awesome.'' – The smart one agreed.
-''What about Jungkook?'' – Taehyung asked, remaining quiet while the others debated. He tried to pay attention to Bogum as well, but somehow got sidetracked in his thoughts.
-''Oh, we like Jungkookie. Yeah.'' – The two of them agreed.
-''Without a doubt. We are just checking your ex-list of potential boyfriends.'' – The smart one spoke in earnest. – ''We are trying to gather together all chances that these men had...''
-''Before they fucked their chances.'' – The savage interjected.
-''...before you announced you have a boyfriend now.'' – The smart one finished.
-''It took them long enough to realize that they let you slip through their hands.'' – The passionated one said irritably. – ''They should remember that way before and not ''regret'' it now when you are taken. Pricks.''
-''But I'm not angry at Hyungs.'' – Taehyung thought. – ''It just shows me that it wasn't meant to be. Plus, I might not meet Jungkookie otherwise and that would be regretful.''
-''Okay, you are right.'' – The smart one agreed.
-''What is he talking about though?'' – The savage asked confused.
-''Who??'' – The rest of them wondered.
-''Who? Bogum of course. He's been saying something and now he is starring at you Taehyung, waiting for an answer.'' – The said and snorted mockingly ''who?'' again in irritation.
-''What did he asked?'' – Taehyung's alarms went off in his head.
-''How the hell am I supposed to know? You were the one talking all the time.'' – The savage continued.
-''Anyone!?'' – Taehyung was panicking now, starring at Bogum and gulping.
-''We have no idea.'' – All three spoke.
Bogum smiled. – ''You are thinking about him, don't you?''
The question did not ease Taehyung's mind what's so ever.
-''W-who?'' – He asked carefully. Bogum chuckled.
-''Your boyfriend.'' – He said the last word with a little acid but still smiled.
-''Umm...'' – Taehyung licked his lips, not knowing the right thing to say, so he went with. – ''I'm sorry?''
Bogum laughed wholeheartedly, squeezing Taehyung's hands softly.
-''Oh, Tae, I don't mind.'' – He said unconvincingly. – ''I mean, I do a little bit, since I was praising you and all, but I guess it's too late now.''
Seeing Taehyung's uncomfortable expression, he quickly added. – ''It's alright Tae, I am happy for you, truly. He must be a great guy if he managed to steal your thoughts like that.''
-''He truly is.'' – Taehyung said, smiling. His eyes grew narrow again. – ''Hyung, how does this affect us as friends now?'' – He asked. He was seriously worried about that. He didn't expect Bogum to have feelings for him or anything and he enjoyed having him as a friend.
Bogum quickly reassured him. -''Oh, no Taehyungie, I will always be your friend.'' – He placed his hands on Tae's shoulders. – ''I'm always here for you, whatever you need. A friend, a confidant, helper... whatever, okay?'' – He left the room for the ''lover'' as well, but didn't say it.
Taehyung smiled widely, showing his teeth. – ''Thank you, Hyung. I'm glad things will stay the same.''
Bogum chuckled, tilting his head a little. – ''Well, not completely the same, though.'' – He spoke, raising his eyebrow. – ''For one, our ''intimate time'' will have to stop.''
Taehyung gasped in realization. He completely forgot about it. – ''Oh, yes, of course.''
-''You forgot about that, didn't you?'' – Bogum teased.
-''Don't flatter yourself. He just forgot that you used to fuck, considering how rare that was.'' – The savage grumbled.
-''Hush.'' – The other two shushed him.
-''It just slipped my mind.'' – Taehyung was honest. Bogum nodded his head in defeat.
Just then, Jungkook came from around the corner. Taehyung's eyes flew towards him and he smiled brightly. – ''Jungkookie.'' – He said, reaching his hand towards his boyfriend.
-''Oh, Tae, I was just on my way to you.'' – Jungkook's eyes were full of surprise and he smiled beautifully, but it all gone away when he recognized the man next to Taehyung.
-''Jungkook, come and meet Bogumie Hyung.'' – Taehyung pulled Jungkook closer.
-''Park Bogum. – Bogum introduced himself with a forced smile and offer his hand.
Jungkook accepted the handshake, squeezing it a bit too hard. -''Jeon Jungkook.''
Bogum's brows furrowed ever so slightly. The two men were sizing each other up. He smirked at the end, saying. – ''Pleasure to meet you Jeon Jungkook.''
-''Likewise.'' – Jungkook retorted.
-''So, you are Taehyungie's boyfriend.'' – Bogum spoke, eyes still provoking. – ''He is great, our Taehyungie, isn't he?''
Jungkook's jaw muscle twitched, but he smiled tauntingly. –''Oh, yes, he is the best, and he is all mine. Just mine.''
-''Hi hi hi.'' – The savage one sniggered inside Taehyung's head.
Taehyung tightened his lips together so he won't smile, eyes round with amusement.
Bogum's eyes flashed with annoyance, and he exhaled through his nose. His expression was quickly subdued when he glanced at Tae and changed into a huge smile.
-''You are a lucky guy then.'' – Bogum said, jaw clenching as he tried very hard to stay polite and smiling to Jungkook.
-''That I am, so very lucky.'' – He pulled Taehyung closer, wrapping his hand protectively around Taehyung's waist and Bogum chuckled and sighed.
-''Point taken.'' – He said.
Jungkook smiled wider. – ''Good.''
-''What's going on here?'' – Taehyung, who was starring from one to the other, asked.
-''Nothing, Tae, we just understand each other.'' – Jungkook said, kissing Taehyung's temple.
-''Yes, Taehyungie, everything is perfectly fine.'' – Bogum said, and then took his phone out to check the time. – ''Oh, look at the time, I should go.''
-''You don't have to Hyung.'' – Taehyung said, placing his hand on Bogum's arm, the action that didn't miss Jungkook's observation. His tongue found its place in his cheek and he glared at Bogum, one eyebrow arched.
Bogum, quickly catching the action, shook his head. – ''Maybe next time we can hang out longer Taehyungie. Your boyfriend is here and I...''
-''Jungkook doesn't mind.'' – Taehyung said, turning to Jungkook. – ''You don't mind, don't you?''
Jungkook puffed his cheeks, eyes round and innocent. – ''Noup, not at all.''
Taehyung looked at Bogum. – ''See? Jungkookie doesn't mind. Come let us hang out, the three of us.''
Bogum laughed. – ''Another time. I promise we will hang out another time.'' – He said, squeezing Taehyung's forearm. – ''Just the three of us.'' – He said the last sentence so sarcastically, that Jungkook had to bite his cheeks to stop the laughter that was bubbling in his throat. They both knew that ain't gonna ever.
Taehyung pouted but nodded. – ''Okay, Hyungie. Safe trip home.'' – He had to ease himself from Jungkook embrace a bit so he could hug Bogum goodbye.
-''Thanks. I'll talk to you later Taehyungie. You two have fun.'' – Bogum replied, hugging Taehyung a bit tighter than usual, eyes fixed on Jungkook, who huffed and look aside in annoyance. Bogum grinned wickedly.
They separated, Taehyung instantly finding his place in Jungkook's arms. They waved Bogum off and Taehyung turned to face his boyfriend, hands flying around his neck.
-''So? Care to tell me what was that all about?'' – He asked, smirking.
Jungkook played innocence. – ''What what what? I don't know what you mean.''
Taehyung grinned, nuzzling his nose in Jungkook's cheek. – ''Oh, I think you do.'' – He left the kiss on it and leaned back, eyes dancing with mischief. – ''That testosterone alpha battle you two had played.'' – He added.
Jungkook still acted confused. – ''I still don't know what are you talking about. I was just friendly.''
Taehyung laughed low and playful. – ''Jungkookie, you glared at him like you want to murder him.''
-''No, it's not true.'' – Jungkook defended himself. – ''Maybe catapult his hands off so he can't touch what's mine, but not murder, too brutal.'' – He said in a comical serious tone.
Taehyung tossed his head back in laughter, leaning back only to kiss Jungkook deeply in the mouth.
-''You are silly if you think you have anything to worry about Bogumie Hyung.'' – Taehyung said confidently, but Jungkook wasn't reassured.
-''I trust you, but I don't trust him that he will not try again.'' – Jungkook said, looking at Taehyung's lips. He went for the kiss, but Taehyung moved away.
-''You said again?'' – Taehyung spoke teasingly, eyebrow arched. Jungkook realized what he said and tried to play ignorance.
-''When did I said that?''
-''Just now, Kook. You said that you don't trust him not to try something again. What do you mean with ''again'' Jungkookie?''
-''He was there, hiding behind the corner, listening.'' – The genius one spoke.
Taehyung was trying not to burst out laughing now. – ''You were listening to us before, didn't you?''
Jungkook was shocked, eyes going huge like deer caught in front of the headlights. – ''What do you...I was not...I wouldn't...'' – He stammered but seeing Taehyung's grin he knew he was busted. He smiled bowing his head in embarrassment. –''How did you know?''
Taehyung giggled. Jungkook could feel the vibration on his chest just how hard they were pressed together.
-''You are easy to read, baby.'' – Taehyung pecked his lips but caught more of his teeth as Jungkook was still grinning. – ''And I remembered that you get jealous of Bogum Hyung.''
Jungkook gasped, raising his head. – ''I do not.'' – He stopped when he saw Taehyung's raised eyebrow, and then bowed his head again, nodding. – ''Okay, I am... a bit...'' – He looked up. – ''But only a bit Tae. The guy is just asking for it, you know... you haven't seen the way he talked about you, the way he looked at you, it was really...'' – He stopped, lost for proper words he needed to express that uneasiness he felt. – ''I had serious trouble not to jump out and punch him in the face.''
Taehyung's chest filled with emotion. He was so weak for Jungkook. He chuckled, brushing his thumb on Jungkook's cheek.
-''I don't know what he said, Jungkookie.'' – Taehyung said, face glowing with affection. – ''I was thinking about you.''
At that Jungkook smiled adorably and kissed his boyfriend sweetly.
-''Really?'' – He asked as their mouths separated.
-''Really.'' – Taehyung assured. – ''I never wanted anyone as I want you.''
-''Dammit Tae, I have a huge desire to make love to you right now.'' – Jungkook kissed his jaw. Taehyung tilted his head, allowing better access as the kisses trailed down to his neck.
-''I love that idea.'' – He said searching for Jungkook's lips and they were kissing once more.
The movement near startled them and they separated, but it was only one of Taehyung's neighbors, who just chuckled, shaking his head when they said their greetings and went in.
-''Let's go, or they will charge us for public indecency.'' – Taehyung said, pulling giggling Jungkook into the building.
-''If it's with you, I don't mind.'' – Jungkook replied, feeling all giddy inside.
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