Chapter 10 - What are we?
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Whether or not Jimin did what Jungkook suggested, Taehyung didn't know. The last time he talked to him was a quick call, but they didn't mention either of Jimin's flings. Taehyung knew that Jimin will let him know if anything changes in that department so he didn't push for the information.
Instead, he used his last free days to relax with Jungkook. Their relationship, although new, was blooming comfortably. Sometimes it seemed they are together for ages and not a few weeks. Taehyung was contained, enjoying immensely. They went to watch the latest Marvel movie that just came out, and since Taehyung hasn't seen all of them, Jungkook insisted on the movie marathon. So they ended up cuddled on Taehyung's couch with food and superhero universe. They would pause the movies for make-out sessions from time to time.
-''Hey, Tae?'' - Jungkook called suddenly.
-''Hmm?'' – Taehyung acknowledged, eyes still glued on the TV.
-''Your new book.''
Taehyung furrowed his brows slightly in confusion but didn't move from his position. – ''Yes?''
-''That new character of yours, the hot tattooed one. How did he come to life?'' – Jungkook asked curiously. Taehyung turned his head this time to look at him, a faint blush decorated his face instantly.
The voice in his head smirked. – ''Busted.''
-''I didn't know you like to read books. You told me you read comics only.'' – Taehyung tried to change the subject.
-''Lame Taehyung... lame.''- The voice teased.
-''Shut up!'' – Taehyung hissed.
Jungkook smirked mischievously. – ''Well, I haven't read this one yet, but I was told that there is that one character that looked a lot like me.'' – He said glancing towards the other man to see his embarrassed expression.
-''Yet? Are you planning to read it then?'' – Taehyung asked, still avoiding the question.
-''I might, seeing that I'm, somewhat, in it.'' – He bit his lip so he won't grin. Taehyung huffed, pressing his lips closer to suppress the smile of his own. He still felt embarrassed that Jungkook found out about that.
-''How presumptuous of you.'' – Taehyung said, raising one eyebrow, trying to put Jungkook off a bit, but the younger man didn't budge.
-''So it is.'' – He said cockily. –''I knew it.'' – He was grinning with satisfaction, eyes gleaming. He leans to plant a kiss on Taehyung's jaw and whisper. – ''I like it.'' – He then leaned back, adding. – ''Jin Hyung told me you did me justice. He said ''he is arrogant little shit, but he is cunning and cool''. Doesn't sound legit though.'' – He chuckled in amusement.
-''Oh, God.'' – Taehyung groaned, hiding his eyes with his elegant hand. Still blushing, he licked his lips and huffed a breath of embarrassment before speaking. – ''He sort of just pop in my mind one day and refused to leave my thoughts.'' – Taehyung finally admits it. – ''Pretty much like you did.'' – He added softly, and then bowed his head, looking at him under his long eyelashes. – ''I hope you don't mind? I never asked for your permission, but then again I didn't use your personality, just your appearance, a bit. You are much, much better.''
Jungkook took Taehyung's chin in his hands and tilted it up. –''I already told you I like it. When I buy the book, I hope you will sign one for me?'' – He kissed him gently on the lips, but Taehyung was fidgeting. Jungkook moved away to look at him when Taehyung jumped on his feet.
-''I'll be right back.''
He ran out of the room, leaving confused Jungkook to stare behind him. As quickly as he ran off, the faster he returned, carrying the book in his hands.
-''I wanted to give it to you, but I wasn't sure if you would want one, and I didn't want to press, but now, you said that you want to I would allow that...and I hope you didn't say that just to be polite, but...'' – Taehyung was babbling nervously that Jungkook had to reach for his hands to calm him down.
-''Tae, slow down and breathe.'' – Jungkook smiled warmly. – ''I would be honored to have your book.'' – He said.
Taehyung sighed in relief, smiling as well. – ''I already wrote you something and signed it.'' – He said sheepishly, bowing his head to hide the blush.
Jungkook took the book from his hands and opened the first page and there, in neat handwriting stood:
You came in a perfect moment and took my breath away.
Thank you for being my inspiration.
Kim Taehyung
Jungkook's emotions were severely stirred with the note and the gesture. He pressed his lips together so he would not tear up. He closed the book, press it on his chest, and pulled Taehyung on the back of his head for a kiss. Taehyung, first surprised, quickly relaxed into it, enjoying the feeling of Jungkook's warmth and his lips.
-''Thank you.'' – Jungkook murmured, leaning their foreheads together and just staying close like that for some time. –''I will start reading it as soon as possible.''
-''Your very first book of mine. I'm honored.'' – Taehyung said, turning slightly to face Jungkook, leaning on his elbow.
-''Hmm...actually...'' – Taehyung was surprised to see the faint blush on Jungkook's cheeks. – ''Not my first.'' – Jungkook said.
-''No?'' – Taehyung cocked his head in question.
Jungkook shook his head. –''No, I have read the previous one, and my Hyung kind of retell the other two.'' – He admitted.
Taehyung was surprised. His previous two books were well known, but several he wrote in his late teen were not. He needed to clarify things.
-''When you said you read the previous one and heard two more, did you mean my latest two or...?'' – Taehyung began, but as Jungkook was shaking head he stopped talking.
-''No, I meant three books in total. The prequel of this one...''- He waved slightly with the book in his hands. – ''And two more. The one that got you famous and the one about the rabbits on the moon.''
-''Oh, my God! Where did you found that one? I haven't even used my name back then.''
Jungkook chuckled in good humor. – ''Yes, I know. Vante van Gogh. I was planning to ask you about that. Why that name?''
-''Oh, shut up, I thought it was cool, poetic.'' – Taehyung defended himself.
-''I still think it's was a pretty damn good idea of mine.'' – The weird one spoke.
-''Keep telling yourself that, darling.'' – The smart one retorted.
-''Still, how did you know it was me? Only a few rare people do.'' – Taehyung wanted to know, completely ignoring the voices in his head.
-''Remember I mention that my Hyung, Seokjin, is a big fan of yours?'' – Jungkook asked, placing the book on the coffee table in front of the couch. He turned towards Taehyung completely, crossing his legs in lotus pose, the movie completely forgotten. Well, it wasn't Iron Man anyway, so...
Taehyung looked in the ceiling for a brief moment, trying to recall that particular information and then nodded when it dawned on him.
-''Well, he knew about you from college.'' - Jungkook continued. – ''I don't think you ever met, he was kind of an assistant, but he read the story that you had submitted for some writing competition or something.''
-''Oh, goodness, that was like tons of years ago.'' – Taehyung was shocked at first, but then the memory of the past came rushing to him. – ''I didn't win.'' – He said pouting. – ''I was sad for a week, I truly believed that I wrote a masterpiece in small. Jimin had to give me a lap dance at the end to cheer me up.''
Jungkook chuckled loudly. – ''I'm sure that was terrible for you.'' – He mocked and even Taehyung laughed with him.
-''I'm serious, I was seriously low in spirits. I worked so hard for that one. It was my first story that I was proud of. did your Hyung knew about it?'' – He asked.
-''Jin Hyung was on the judging committee and he loved that story of yours. Plus, I think he had a slight crush on you.'' Jungkook spoke, grinning. –''He won't admit it though, but I haven't seen him fanboying that much for some other writer, no matter how much he likes the books.''
-''He even printed a copy for himself to have it at home, which was, as he says, totally break of regulations, but he felt rebellious. He had in mind to bring it to you on your book signing, so you can sign that one as well, but thought better of it at the end, feeling that you might be weirded out, so he didn't. Somehow, it felt wrong to challenge him to do it, he seemed very excited to see you again and to get his hands on your new book, but alas, he got sick on the day of the signing.''
-''Oh, no, I'm so sorry to hear that. I will sign the book for him and you can take it to him, or we can meet up and I could give him in person when this madness passes. It's always nice to meet a fan.'' – Taehyung said, smiling happily. – ''And, I would be delighted if he brings my first work as well. I would be glad to see it and sign it.'' – Taehyung round eyes were sparkling with joy and then his face turned to bewilderment. – ''But I must admit that I don't really want people to know my old pseudonym.''
-''Hey, you should be proud of it!'' – The weird one was bristling, while the passioned one hushed him.
-''Shush, want to hear.''
-'' Well, I will tell him to keep a secret. I know he would be more than happy with that juicy information. He always loved knowing things about people and then act superior.''
Taehyung grinned widely at that. Jungkook's heart might have skip he beat as he was watching Tae's adorable face. Taehyung wasn't only gorgeously beautiful and sexy, he was also sweet and very adorable at the same time. There was some refreshing innocence in his features that Jungkook found endearing.
He took Taehyung's hand and started caressing the palm.
-''You know, Jin Hyung asked me to meet you in person when I told him that you are my hot new neighbor across the yard. He came right away to ''see'' the apartment.'' – Jungkook made quotations marks in the air. – ''But he spent two hours sitting next to the window so he could catch a glimpse of you. Unfortunately for him, you weren't home that day.''
Jungkook chuckled and bend his head, murmuring in his chin, but Taehyung still heard him. – ''He is not interested in you romantically, per se, he told me that, but he did enjoy being acknowledged by you that day.''
Jungkook tilted his head on a side in embarrassment, cheeks growing hot as he huffed a small laugh, which prompted Taehyung to ask. – ''Which day?''
Jungkook chuckled, gazing at him from under his long hair that fell on his eyes. He tucked it behind his ear and added. – ''That day when you locked eyes over the window...when...he and I, umm... when we fucked.'' – Jungkook said, slightly embarrassed.
Taehyung's brows furrowed, trying to remember that occasion, remembering Dimples, aka. Namjoon. He knew Yoongi Hyung by now, if not in person yet, but Jin Hyung... and then the image of the tall, handsome, broad shoulders man on the window, staring at his very soul as he snapped his hips into Jungkook, hit him like a train. His eyes grew wide and he felt breath leaving his lungs in a huff.
-''You mean...the one with you...that day...on...on the window?'' – Taehyung stammered. He still remembered the confident smirk the man had that day. How hot they looked together.
-''Yes, that's the one. He told me about you watching, the way you looked on that floor.'' – Jungkook spoke seducingly, which sounded strange and arousing amid his embarrassment, the voice going lower for a few octaves. – ''I wish I knew you were there so I could see too. I mean...'' – He said, raising his eyes to meet Taehyung's. – ''I hoped you were.''
Taehyung felt warmth creeping up his body.
-''It was, actually, his idea.'' – Jungkook continued, fingers caressing Taehyung's wrist, teasing his skin. – ''He wanted to go to the window, hoping that there is a chance that you might see, especially since I told him that you saw Namjoon and Yoongi Hyung. I believed he didn't want to be left behind, especially not because it's you.''
Jungkook sighed, smiling mischievously. – ''I told him no when he wanted to meet you afterward when you and I started talking finally. I didn't want him to overwhelm you with his personality and fanboying when I, myself, wasn't sure if you liked me or not.'' – He confessed.
Taehyung giggled at that. – ''Fanboying? Aren't you exaggerating a bit?''
-''You don't know Jin Hyung, he is shameless.'' – Jungkook shook his head and then added matter-of-factly. –'' But I guess you knew that already.''
Taehyung nodded in confirmation. – ''I might have noticed.'' - They both laughed at that, shifting closer to one another. Now it was Taehyung's turn to play with Jungkook's fingers, inspecting one of the many tattoos on his knuckles.
-''You seem to know him for a long time.'' – Taehyung gulped, glancing slightly at Jungkook before returning his gaze on the ink. – ''Jin Hyung, I mean.'' - He wasn't sure why he was asking, but he low-key wanted to know just how involved they are.
-''Oh, Jin Hyung was Yoongi Hyung's roommate and we sort of clicked right away.'' – Jungkook said calmly, smiling. – ''We dated for a while.''
Taehyung raised his eyes at that, becoming really still, listening. Jungkook seemed not to notice since he continued with his story.
-''It was more our sex drive and love for food that held us for those few months, but pretty soon we decided we are better of as friends.'' – Jungkook smirked and tapped Taehyung chin slightly. –''Something like you and Jimin.'' – He said. – ''We too fuck sometimes as you already know.''
Taehyung smiled, knowing that he had no right to feel any type of jealousy really, but still couldn't help the clench of his stomach.
-''Yoongi Hyung always claimed that Jin Hyung and I are two idiots who share one brain cell.''
Taehyung snorted in good humor. – ''That's savage.''
-''That's Yoongi Hyung.'' – Jungkook chuckled warmly, a bunny smile showing.
-''How did you met him?'' – Taehyung asked, leaning on his elbow once more.
-''You mean Yoongi Hyung?''
-''Mm-hmm.'' – Taehyung confirmed.
Jungkook took a deep breath as if preparing for a long speech.
-''I've known Yoongi Hyung since I was a kid. We were in the same neighborhood and he was only openly bisexual kid in our school. He took a lot of hate for that, but I always saw him as a hero. I was quiet as a teen and I knew I was gay since I was a little. Hyung is a couple of years my senior. He was so bold, all alone facing the entire school and neighborhood. His family was also angry, thinking he wanted attention, so they sent him to the psychologist. -'' Jungkook's brows furrowed in disapproval. – ''I heard our neighbor telling my mum that. I heard how harshly they were judging him and felt so alone since their words could mean me as well. But Hyung never allowed that to break him, he always stood proud and unmoving, even though, he confessed to me years later, that he was near breaking several times, he persevered. I admire him a lot.'' – Jungkook spoke with such admiration and passion about his Hyung, that Taehyung's emotions were stirred.
-''I always thought that I should be more like him, but I was afraid for a long time. I was always somewhere close by, always lurking around him, drawn like a magnet. He never noticed me, or at least that's what I thought. I never got the guts to go to him.'' – He smiled somewhat regretfully. –''He moved away soon enough after his graduation.''
-''I was in my first year of college when I met him again, he was working part-time in a tattoo shop and I was there for my first tattoo. Let's just say that he remembered seeing me all the time, but didn't want people to start talking shit about us, so he pretended that he doesn't notice me. He thought that they would automatically think of me as his boyfriend. He didn't want to drag anyone else into it.''
Jungkook took a deep breath and exhaled it through his nose, long and slow, as trying to recall every little detail and arrange his words properly.
-''Once I moved to college, things had changed. I was free to be who I was, but I was still very shy and introverted. Hyung helped me to open up, which is so ironic since he is the most closed up person I know. That's why his ready openness to Jimin was so strange to me, it's unlike him.'' – Jungkook's doe eyes shined with affection.
-''In the end, he was my first everything, to be honest. My first tattoo, first kiss, first fuck, first true friend. We never dated, but he was looking out for me ever since.''
-''Yoongi Hyung helped me to realize and accept myself, but Jin Hyung is responsible for my outgoingness, confidence, and, as he says cockiness. I'm telling you, you have never met anyone so confident and bold as Jin Hyung. I think he could own the world with that attitude.'' – Jungkook chuckled.
Taehyung smiled and shifted slightly, licking his lips, but not commenting for now. He waited for Jungkook to continue, and he did.
-''Namjoon Hyung, the tall blond guy with dimples, remember?'' – He asked and Taehyung blushed.
-''I remember.'' – He answered shyly. – ''I don't think I could ever forget that first encounter. It's engraved in my memory.'' – Taehyung laughed and Jungkook grinned at that.
-''We met after I graduated from college. He owes a business and I worked on a few projects online for his music and video production company. We met in person, however, a week before I moved here. I mentioned that I need my place to live and he said that his family owns several apartments in Seoul and Ilsan and are renting. Two were available at the time and I chose this one.'' – He smiled brightly, stroking Taehyung's knee in the process.
-''It turned out that he knows Yoongi Hyung. They had collaborated on a few songs in the past and what's even more interesting that he and Jin Hyung have some weird on/off relationship together.''
Taehyung widens his eyes in surprise at that. – ''And you slept with both of them?''
-''I had no idea that he knew Jin Hyng when I was with Joon Hyung those two times. I found out that later on. Joon Hyung was never with us when Hyungs and I chilled together. '' – Jungkook cleaned his throat. – ''What you saw that day, with Jin Hyung...'' – He said, looking down in his lap, suddenly shy. – ''...was Hyung's way of punishing me for sleeping with Joonie Hyung. He said something of marking his territory, or whatever that meant. Plus, I made him promise that he will not approach you before I introduce myself to you first, so he had to retaliate his displeasure.''
-''By fucking your brains out?'' – Taehyung asked dumbfoundedly.
-''That's Hyung.'' – Jungkook laughed. – ''But to be honest, Hyung only does that when I'm single.'' – Jungkook defended his senior.
Taehyung licked his lips, fingers playing on the edge of Jungkook's shirt. – ''So...he will not come to you if you are in a relationship?'' – He asked.
Jungkook ran his lower lip through his teeth, aware of Taehyung's careful question. He tried not to be smug about that, but he failed. –''That's right.''
-''And what about Yoongi Hyung?'' – Tae asked quietly, eyes still not meeting Jungkook's. He felt him shifting slightly towards him and his warm breath.
-''Yoongi Hyung was always going with the flow whenever I felt the need and would initiate something while he's there. He calls me ''horny bun''. What you saw on that video call, however, was bait for two of you.''
At that Taehyung met Jungkook's gaze, who smiled, eyes crinkling.
-''I knew you were with Jimin and Hyung really took a fancy to him, so we decided to tease a little. And, in a way, I was jealous of Jimin. Ever since that night, I believed you are together, especially because I've seen him in your apartment all the time.''
-''You think I would fuck around if I was in a relationship with Jimin?'' – Taehyung asked, brows furrowing slightly.
Jungkook's eyes went round. – ''No, I... I haven't... I didn't mean it like that. It's just...'' – He huffed. –''He was always there and you looked so comfortable with each other.''
-''He is my best friend.'' – Taehyung defended.
-''I know, but after that show, you two pulled...''
-''That you asked for.'' – Taehyung interjected.
-''...whatever, ever since then should I have known? You looked like a couple who knows each other's body perfectly.''
Taehyung just nodded. – ''That's true. But before the call, you knew, Jimin told you in that restaurant that we are just friends. Why jealous?''
Jungkook sighed. – ''When he started sending me your pictures, you looked so ethereal, so gorgeous and I.... I wanted to be in his place.'' – Jungkook was playing with Taehyung's rings to cover his nervousness. He was slightly blushed at this admission. He looked so shy and insecure that Taehyung almost cooed.
-''I really like you, Hyung. Like, really really like you.'' – Jungkook spoke, eyes meeting again. Taehyung smiled widely, showing all of his teeth. He kissed him once.
-''Well...I really really like you too.'' – He said and kissed him a few times more.
Taehyung wasn't quite sure what they are. They never put a label on the nature of their relationship. They were dating that's for sure, but they never introduced each other as boyfriends before.
-''Hyung. What are we?'' – He murmured in Taehyung's lips. – ''I mean, what is this that we have?''
-''Well, I thought we were dating. What do you want it to be Kookie?'' – Taehyung's heart was thumping fast.
-''Does that mean that we are in a relationship now?'' – He asked, the corner of his lips spreading in a smile.
-''I'm all for it if you are.'' – Taehyung said cupping his face.
-''Thank the fucks.'' – Jungkook spoke and surged for a kiss. – ''I thought...'' – Jungkook begins between the kisses. – '' I wasn't sure that you want anything serious...and that this... is just temporary...for fun.''
Taehyung licked in his mouth, reciprocating with passion, breathing becoming heavy. – ''God... I want you so bad... you have no much.'' – He added and Taehyung wrapped his hands aroundhim and sat in his lap, kissing him hungrily. They stopped to catch some breath, panting in each other's face.
-''Can I tell everyone now that you are my boyfriend?'' – Jungkook asked and Taehyung giggled happily.
-''Hell to the Y to the E to the S.''
Jungkook laughed and cooed. – ''God, you are so weirdly cute.'' – He kissed Taehyung's nose.
-''But, I'm your weirdo now.'' – Taehyung grinned.
-''That you are. Just mine.'' – Jungkook spoke slowly, his voice becoming deeper, more sensual. – ''And you are not a weirdo, you are perfect.''
-''Just yours.'' – Taehyung repeated nodding, their lips touching.
-''I must warn you, I am very possessive.'' – Jungkook said, licking at Tae's upper lip. – ''I don't like to share unless I'm there as well. You better tell that to your Hyungs.''
-''Oh, what a coincidence, so am I.'' – Taehyung retaliate by sucking Jungkook's lower lip, making the latter moan.
-''I'm serious. I don't mind Jimin, but the other two...'' – He left the sentence unspoken and Taehyung frowned. – ''The other two? On which two do you mean?''
Jungkook licked his lips. – ''Well...there was the one who gave you a massage.'' – He began.
-''That's Hoseokie Hyung, you know he likes Jimin, right?'' – Taehyung grinned.
Jungkook's eyes grew wide. – ''That's Hoseok? Wow, now it makes''
Taehyung laughs at Jungkook's reaction. – ''Honestly, we didn't have anything between us anyway, not since college. What you saw was just me stressing about the book and writer's block and Hyung taking care of me, calming me down, and removed the tension.''
-''That won't be necessary anymore now that I'm here.'' – Jungkook said possessively and pecked his lips. Taehyung melted. Then Jungkook grew serious again.
-''What about that other one? That time you burst in the toilet on me. The guy you were with, in the club.''
Taehyung furrowed his brows. – ''Who? I didn't...oooh, you mean Bogum Hyungie?''
Jungkook made irritated snort. – ''Yeah, that one.''
-''But when did you see us?'' – Taehyung was confused. –''We weren't near the window or door.''
-''I saw you kissing in the club.'' – Jungkook said annoyed slightly. – ''And I saw him humping you like a dog in the front entrance.''
At that Taehyung howled with laughter. – ''Jungkook...humping... you are ridiculous.''
-''I am not, he definitely was. I saw it.'' – Jungkook pouted, scowling slightly.
-''Oh, there is no need to feel jealous of Bogumie Hyung.'' – Taehyung grinned adoringly. Jungkook was still scowling at the thought.
-''I'm not jealous.'' – He claimed unconvincingly.
-''He definitely is.'' – Taehyung could hear the bold savage conviction in his head.
-''Haha, jealous Jungkookie. I like it.'' – The passioned one added, enjoying the drama.
Jungkook, completely unaware of the inner comments in Taehyung's head, continued. - ''I just hope that he will not make any advances on you now that you are mine.'' – He squeezed him closer in his arms, mouthing his jaw and neck.
-''Ah, Jungkookie, he will not. We are just friends. He doesn't look at me like that, we just having fun from time to time.'' – Taehyung tossed his head back, eyes closed, enjoying the sensation of Jungkook's lips on his sensitive skin under his ear. – ''None of them will. I don't want them.'' – He whimpered when Jungkook sucked a mark on his neck.
-''Yeah?'' – Jungkook licked over the bruise. – ''And who do you want Tae?'' – He asked, already knowing the answer.
-''You. I want you.'' – Taehyung breathed and attacked Jungkook's neck, grinding his ass on Jungkook's lap.
-''Fuck, Tae, you turn me on so much.'' – Jungkook moaned, crashing their lips together.
Taehyung smiled devilishly. He waited until they separated to gasp for air to add.
-''That I am.'' – He rolled his hips over Jungkook's erection, the fingers intertwining with the long strands of Jungkook's hair to pull him closer in a surging kiss.
-''Oh, it's my time now.'' – The passionate Tae spoke. – ''Let's have some fun.''
-''Oh, yes, please give me some kinky entertainment.'' – The alien spoke.
-''And this is my cue to leave.'' – The smart one excused himself, while the other two voices chuckled.
Why do I feel like you're sending me daggers, for stopping there? Right before hot juicy smut...I know I know, I apologize. I promise there are hot and smutty Taekook chapters ahead, so be patient. I know you are here for those smutty details and me doing this calm dialogue parts, but hear me out. This story started as a pure smut story, and I planned to keep it that way, maybe seven or eight chapters long, just smut, different ships, and then finish with Taekook...but I got sidetracked by myself and I started developing characters more and more and now there is fluff, there is a bit of angst and there is still smut, but with these calm chapters, like this one is, in between, so bare with me, please. 💜
Plus, I wanted to add about Tae's voices in his head. He has not a personality disorder, these are just his consciousness, the masks he wears on certain occasions. We all have it. It's like having conversations with yourself, which I find completely healthy, and gives you a different point of view on the matter you are thinking of. Now that that's clear, tell me, do you talk with yourself sometimes?
Image by amazing Hisasihun 💜
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