Can I think about it?
Brianna's POV
I woke up the next morning in an unfamiliar environment and I was pretty sure it want my new room in my new house in Cali. (Don't judge I say cali instead okayyyy, ok) I tried to sit up but so etching was stopping me I looked to see what I it was, it was Trevor's arm over my shoulder I must've fallen asleep at his house last night. I could barely finish that thought I couldn't get over
how cute he looked when he slept i couldn't help but stare.
I got so lost i didn't notice that he woke up
"What?" I heard
"Oh um nothing"
Are you sure you looked dazed and a little starstruck I guess"
"Just thinking I guess" I said nervously
" OK well you wanna do something today"
"Sure wha..wait a minute"
"You remembered something didn't you" he asked knowingly (that's a word... right)
"Yes I did remember when you said you would sing for me last night"
"Um..uh..nno? "
"Was that a question?" I asked smiling
"Uhhh umm"
"You said you would sing for me and you will promise?"
"Mmm... I don't know"
"Please please please" I begged
" awww fine I promise"
"yay" I said then jumped and hugged him
In the middle of the kinda fun moment my phone rang
It was my sister
(*=Bri, $=Be)
* hey Be what's up
$ not much just enjoying dad pacing around
* why is he pacing exactly
$ he doesn't know where you are
* oh
$ sooo
* soooo. What
$ soo where are you
* oh I'm at a friends house
$ b or g
* b why?
$ name plz
* Trevor why?
$ just wondering
* so does dad want me to come home
$ yeah he just needs to know your safe and stuff
* why can't you just tell him
$ don't you remember that uh.. incident involving a club and a few perverted college boys that I kinda knocked out
* oh right
$ yeah at leat they only ended up with concussions
* (laugh) yeah so tell dad I'll be there soon
$ alright I will
* and I swear if you tell I know where you live
$ you have all your life in the room next to yours
* you know what I mean
$ yeah I know fine I won't tell
* thanks sis
$ no problem see yah soon
*Kay bye
End of Conversation
"Who was that" Trevor asked as I walked back I to the room
" just my sister"
"Really you have a sister?"
" a twin actually "
He just started at me for a minute
"OK now you're starring"
"Oh uh sorry so what did she call for?"
"I gotta get home my dad's freakin out"
" awww what me to walk you home"
"Yeah and I just gotta go so he knows I'm alright we can probably hang out later"
"Okay so shall we leave now"
"Oh right " I said making him laugh damn his laugh was adorable
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