If you know da wae... well this is your fault
Hello humans. So I was tagged by DaWaeKnower ..... So yeah.
Lets get started,
1.) No
2.) O.O dOEs A nOneXISteNt BeiNG hAvE a cRuSH oN Me?!
3.) Rosalie... Fun fact, I didn't know how to spell my own middle name untill about 4 months ago... Rosa-Lie, roses lie, thats how I remember now... Dont trust roses kids.
4.) Single as a pringle
5.) ... Who wants to know that? Like, just, wHy? Also the answer is, my friend Edward
6.) Cradles by Sub Urban... idk what you learn from that because like MANY genres of music, like it would be easier to say what I dont like (death metal and majority of raps)
7.) 69%... nO
8.) WHY U DO DIS TO ME?!?! I dont want to CHOOSE! uuhhh... HERE! Take a list! Srinidhi, Jadyn, Olivia, Emma, Alex, Christina (or as I call her, potato, Potaticorny) , Angel. Those are my girl friends that I talk to the most
9.) ...again, take the list. Edward, Toby (Genolovesfrisk) , Rhys (pronaunced Reese, like the candy) , Zachary, Chase.
10.) ...wHy?! WhY u Do dIS? I'm a girl of many fandomes soooo uuhhh... I guess I'll say Zane~Chan because 1. Its SOOO cute and emotional and gives me ALLL DA FEELS so yeah 2. I have what me and my mom like to call: resting bitch face, so basically I could be the happiest human alive and I would look like I'm sad and annoyed and having the overall worst day of my life BUT Aphmau was the first thing I EVER fangirled over and the first time it was like, full blown, I am kawaii~chan, jumping around, flippen out, screeching into like 3 pillows cause I was just THAT loud. Yeah I don't think even my serious face could cover THAT up. And it was all over zane~chan. I even sat there after and was just like, wow... Kawaii~Chan is a VERY powerful influence, should I really keep watching this?... Naaaahhhh. So yeah... Wall of text for one question I know but its what I do. I'm just that type of person. Anyways, next question.
11.) Ok this one is actually very easy, I discovered Wattpad when i first got into fanfiction, I found an AMAZING mermaid AU Aphmau fanfic and started reading, this author (I sadly cant remember who wrote it or what it was called) was like a magician, it was like watching the actual Aphmau. Minecraft roleplays. Anyways, I got to a part that was hilarious. I HAD to comment, so I made an account and chose the username Aphmaufangirl12345 because while I am a fangirl of MANY fandom, Aphmau was why I was making my account so why not respect the reason I discovered this wonderful community?
12.) Easy,
There ya go, I blured the # cause... Well while I wouldn't mind it, my mom wouldnt like anyone calling her and its her # because... If I lost my phone do you really think im gonna tell the person who found it to call the phone they found? No didn't think so.
13.) December 15th
And now I tag 20 other humans
I hope you were entertained by this insted of annoyed at how easily I get off topic and slap a wall of text into your face, till the next tag, goodbye humans and humams!
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