~The next morning part two~
Third person pov
Ciel continued to apologize until the boys heard a knock at the door "Young master, breakfast is ready and I made some Earl Gray tea." Sebastian said though the door. Ciel looked at Alois almost as to ask 'Wanna go?' Alois smiled and nodded, simply happy from the pleasant surprise he woke up to. They went downstairs and were greeted by the butler clothed in black. "Glad to see you two down. If I'm correct Alois you do like eggs, right?" Sebastian asked the blonde, handing him a plate. "Of course Sebastian. Thank you!" Alois replied, taking the plate. Ciel took a plate quietly and lead Alois over to the dining room. They made small conversation and ate until they heard a knock at the door. They watched as Sebastian opened the door to a certain butler, Claude. (Dun dun DUNNNN X3) "Faustus."
Sebastian hissed. "Michaelis." Claude scowled. Ciel was immediately confused why Claude was there. Alois was just sitting there wide eyed, almost like he got caught. "I came to retrieve my master, I apologize for leaving him for you to take care of." Claude said monotonously (?) "Ah yes. He's in here and he was no trouble at all." He said like a parent who's kid had a sleepover. Sebastian stepped out of the way for Claude to come in. Claude went by the table. "Hello your highness." He said glaring at the blue eyed boy. "Erm.. Hello Claude." Alois said looking away. "May I ask why you came here?" Claude asked. "You weren't responding." Alois said quietly. Claude stayed quiet for a moment. "We can talk about this more in the-" Claude tried to say getting cut off. "Wait! I want to stay here..." Alois said staring at the tall butler. "Your highness, I doubt you're wanted here." Claude said fixing his glasses. "I think I'm wanted here! Right Ciel?" Alois said looking at the younger boy. Ciel decided to try to protect Alois from... Something?He really wasn't sure. "Y-yes I would be fine with him staying. I even prefer it." He said to the two. He wasn't sure why he decided to protect the older boy. He just kind of did. Maybe it was repaying him for that morning? Or maybe it was just right..? Claude cut off Ciel's thoughts. "I guess if you're needed here then I can get you later tonight." Claude said with a sigh of defeat. Not that he really minded that he didn't have to take care of someone that he constantly treated as a burden but, he hated being defeated, as Sebastian constantly proved.
○~Smol time skip~○
Alois and Ciel eventually made there way back to the room and sat down talking until Alois said. "Let's play truth or dare Ciel!"
Now it's your turn to help with this story!
Please tell me some truth or dares and I'll pick my favorite!
-If you can do it you can start a small argument X3
-Only those two please!
-Nothing passed cheek kissing and/or Asking crushes.
Thank You!
Gemmy out!
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