So Far, Yet So Close
Liana felt like an invisible wall was between her and her family. Her friends, too, seemed to have been torn from her. The coronavirus had made physical contact dangerous for everyone. For Liana, social interaction with friends and family had always included a great bear hug. Now, having to stay six feet from anyone with whom she came in contact, she felt almost lonely. True, she would not always have to be this distant. But for now, there was too much space between her and those she loved.
Liana, however, was not one to go without contacting or helping her family and friends just because she couldn't be as close as she wanted. Phone calls, texts, emails - all of those were good forms of communication, and she planned to use them. And use them she did, starting with a phone call to her grandparents.
"Hello?" Her grandmother's voice on the other end of the phone was almost as reassuring as the hugs Liana was used to receiving.
"Hi, Nana! How are you and Grandpa doing?"
"Oh, hi, Sweetie!" Her grandmother sounded invigorated when she realized who was calling. "We're doing okay, but we're running low on groceries. We're afraid to go to the store. Your grandfather and I wear our masks, but we don't know if we can get sick from all the people who are not wearing them. We're getting along in years, and so we are at higher risk. Honestly, honey, we feel like that older couple on the news who were in their car in the grocery store parking lot crying because they were afraid to go into the building."
Liana was heartbroken, but she knew she could help.
"I'll go to the store for you, Nana. I can just drop the groceries on your doorstep when I'm done and call you to let you know that they are there!"
"Oh, that would be wonderful! Could you?"
"Of course I can! Anything to help ease the stress for you and Grandpa."
"Be sure to wear your mask, hon."
"Don't worry, Nana. I will."
In the grocery check out line a couple of hours later, Liana saw her favorite cashier, Miss Charlotte. Miss Charlotte was an older lady with lots of love to give. Before the pandemic, she had never let Liana leave the store without asking how she and her family were and giving Liana a hug. Now, of course, there was a plastic shield between them. Liana was grateful for that shield. Miss Charlotte was older and, like Liana's grandparents, was therefore at higher risk of a more severe form of the coronavirus. But that shield didn't stop Miss Charlotte from being her friendly self.
"How have you been, Liana?" she asked. "I haven't seen you in ages!"
"Hello, Miss Charlotte! I know. It seems like it's been forever! My grandparents needed some groceries, so I decided to make a trip for them and restock my own supplies at the same time."
"You tell your grandparents 'Hi' for me!"
"I certainly will! Like Nana says, 'Consider yourself hugged!'"
Liana's Nana had started that saying at the beginning of the pandemic to make people feel loved while still maintaining social distancing.
Her grocery run completed, Liana dropped her grandparents' groceries at their front door and, as promised, called to let them know.
Next on her list of people to contact was her best friend, Chase. He worked at an essential job, and Liana worried about his having to be at work all day, what with people not taking proper precautions. Liana sent a quick text to him after she got home. As she was putting her groceries away, she heard his reply come in on her phone.
"Hey, girl," it said. "Thanks for checking in with me. Things have been pretty rough, but I'm pushing through. Don't worry. I'm not sick. Just tired. How are you? Are your grandparents holding up alright through all of this?"
Upon finishing her task, Liana replied to Chase's text.
"I'm so sorry to hear that you're having a rough time. If you need anything, please let me know. Even if it's just lending an ear so you can vent some of your frustration. I'm doing well. My grandparents are afraid to go out, so I went to the grocery store for them today."
A few minutes later, her phone pinged again.
"Thanks for being there. Know I'm here for you, too! I've got to go to work. Give your grandparents my best!"
Liana has found ways to connect with and be close to the people she loves while still maintaining social distancing. In what ways are you doing the same?
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