[6] Lost and Found
Kacchan turned a corner, suddenly encountering Eijiro and Denki.
"What the heck—"
"Back from your chit-chat with (Y/N)?" Denki asked coolly.
"What do you mean, Off-brand Pikachu?"
"We notice how you act around her!" said Eijiro. "After we both talked about it, we found out why you treat her the way you do."
". . ."
"Youuuu LIKE HER!" they both exclaimed in unison. Once he heard this, he went red with both rage and embarrassment.
"I DO NOT," he shouted. "And I treat her the same as everyone else—so how does that even make sense!?"
"Oh, come on," Denki began. "When she got third place in that test—you didn't freak out as much as you usually do. If it was Deku, you'd go ballistic."
"But since it's (Y/N), you didn't~" Eijiro smirked.
"I've only known you freaks for a day—why are you acting as if you know every aspect of my social life?"
"Because it's obvious since your outward personality is hot garbage. Compared to Deku, you treat (Y/N) like a best—"
"Oh, go off and befriend a toaster or something, idiot!" Kacchan snapped at Denki. "And get your deformed nose out of my business!" He then slid his hands in his pockets before storming off.
Eijiro told his friend, "Yeah, he's got a lot to learn before him and (Y/N) become a thing."
"You got that right."
Meanwhile, you were walking to class with your friend, Ochako, and a few other girls known as Tsu and Momo. Tsu was practically a frog, and Momo just seemed to be a bossy skank.
"So, do you three like anyone yet~?" asked Ochako with a giggly tone in her voice.
"Nah, the boys in this school are pigs," Momo answered.
You answered with, "Well, I think you all know who I like, sooo. . ."
"Isn't it that guy with the unresolved issues?" wondered Momo. "Y'know, the one with the spiky, yellow hair—and the look of someone who just strangled a shark"
Twirling around like a ballerina, you clasped your hands together in a fangirly dream state. "Kacchan~! I've had a crush on him ever since we were kids."
"Obviously, since you've told us about fifty times," responded Tsu, unimpressed.
"Didn't he make you cry at lunch though?" Momo grilled.
You answered, "Yes, but he sincerely apologized from the inner depths of his heart!"
Okay, maybe that was a bit exaggerated.
"Yeah, okay." Momo continued, "Why do you like him so much though?"
"Gosh, everyone asks me that," you groaned in annoyance. "I might as well make a paper explaining why I do, so I don't have to repeat myself every time."
Speaking of which, that sounded like a pretty good idea. . . .
Momo begged, "Please don't—"
Later, you started passing out copies of this list, which explained all the reasons of why you liked Kacchan. Almost every student in the school had one, including the teachers.
Kacchan strolled by, only to be handed one by a random student. He looked at it, becoming humiliated at what he read. "Reasons why I like. . .Kacchan?? Reason one: he's hotter than a Hot Pocket on the sidewalk in July—WHO THE HECK WROTE THIS!?" he screeched, demanding an answer from someone near him.
Eijiro approached him, while sipping a juice box. "Probs (Y/N). But I think it's kinda cute and funny—"
"What reputation? The one where you're an angered porcupine with severe issues? Don't worry, you still have that," Denki laughed.
You were accosted by Kacchan at some point. He looked extremely agitated, but your happy-go-lucky demeanor made it hard for him to focus on his anger.
"Why are you acting so obsessive!?" he interrogated. "Don't you realize it's making you look pathetic!? Not to mention it's making me seem SOFT."
"Oh, Kacchan! I can't hide my feelings for you anymore~" you vocalized. "I don't care if everyone thinks I'm crazy—because that's what love does!"
What am I going to do with you? Kacchan mentally asked himself, only letting out an irate sigh. He put on a poker face before turning away.
When he left, Mina appeared. "(Y/N)!!" she giggled. "I decided something!!"
"Really? What is it!?" you asked with a broad smile.
"OMAIGASH, REALLY!?!?!" you squealed. The two of you clung onto each other's hands while shaking with excitement.
"YUP! I'm gonna make sure I do everything in my power to get you two together~"
"Awww! That's so sweet of you!"
"Mhm, not to mention the fact Eijiro and Denki are helping! We got your back, girl."
It would only be a matter of time before Kacchan gave into his true feelings and confessed to you. Because of this, you felt an overwhelming surge of happiness.
Meanwhile, Kacchan was kicking a random locker in the boy's gym room—which was probably Mineta's or something. He muttered complaints under his breath, only for Izuku to walk in.
"Uhm, Kacchan?" Izuku began. "Are—are you alright?"
"Yeah, but you're kinda putting a dent in Mineta's locker. . ."
With one last kick, its blue metal was tarnished. Kacchan whipped his head around in his former friend's direction, only to let out a huff. "I bet (Y/N) put you up to this, bush-head."
"Put me up to what? I was only coming here to get my Pillow Pet." Izuku then walked closer. "What's going on though?"
"Why are you childhood friends so invasive? Ugh, who's gonna bother me next—that fat kid with the wings!?" Kacchan lifted up his duffel bag and exited, leaving Izuku all alone.
"Oh. So much for trying to help."
Finally, the school day came to an end. You found yourself at a pause once you discovered you didn't have a ride. Your mom had been out late, so you figured you should just walk home. Even though you were worn out, you began the trip. Your heavy backpack—now compiled with a ridiculous load of textbooks—strained your posture. You really wished they assigned dorms already, because this was going to get annoying real soon. However, you tried to think about something else rather than the negative.
I wonder if Tsu travels back home via Lilypad. Speaking of which, does she live in a lake? I'll make a mental note to not visit her anytime soon.
Laughing to yourself, you came across a darker area in the city—which was shadowed by tall structures. You had not even noticed the direction you were heading in—which made you feel slightly lost.
Oh, shoot. Guess I need to retrace my steps.
When your thought ended, you did just that. But of course, before you got out of the shaded area completely, a dilemma popped up. This lowlife hoodlum staggered toward you.
"Hey, kid. Wanna buy a watch?" he asked in a rasp, while stretching up his sleeve. Several knock-off watches were wrapped around his wrist.
I get lost one time, and this happens.
"Uhm, no, thanks."
"Are you sure? You seem like a girl with a decent amount of money." He then gazed at your uniform. "U.A. student, eh?"
"Uh, I was just going home—a-actually."
"Pfft, you sure? You could hang out with me and my crew instead." With that being said, at least four more strangers appeared. The feeling in the air was now quite ominous. You began to get fearful.
"Get away from me!" you shouted in attempt to defend yourself. They only took what you said with a grain of salt.
With a snicker, one of the gangsters shoved you. Once he did, you screamed, "STAHPPP! I COULDA DROPPED MY CROISSANT!"
"Whatcha gonna do about it?" they taunted.
Just when you found yourself being cornered by an unfair number of ruffians; this explosion took place—causing the area to fill with smoke. You held your hands and cowered in the nook you were in, shaking with fright. You heard your offenders yelling; their voices being overlapped by the sound effects of fighting. You were confused to what was happening. Were you being rescued? The explosion that took place caused a ringing in your ears, so it was kind of hard to describe the noises around you. But fortunately, it didn't hurt you in any way.
After a few seconds, this figure approached you from the smoke. You couldn't believe who it was.
"Kacchan!?" you gasped, tearing up from the relief you felt—the relief of being saved. You threw yourself in his arms, still trembling with the fear you had just minutes ago. "You—you saved me!"
He pushed you away, asking, "(Y/N)! What the heck are you doing in this part of the city!? ARE YOU INSANE?"
"I—I swear, I didn't mean to end up here. I just, got lost in thought. But. . .what are you doing here?"
"Uh, definitely not buying pre-released video games off the black market," he harshly replied while stuffing something from his hand into his duffel bag. "But do you know what would have happened if I wasn't here!?"
"I know, I'm sorry," you apologized in a small and ashamed voice. "I was just tired, and—and I didn't see where I was. . ." You sighed before finishing your sentence. Suddenly, tears formed in your eyes. "I'm not cut out to be a Hero. . . . You were right from before. I'm just a ditzy girl with a stupid Quirk—and I don't have any other significant purpose—"
"Oh, quit whining. It's giving me a headache." He then lifted your backpack which weighed almost a ton (for you at least), and placed it over his free shoulder. You were surprised when you saw him do this. "Just—follow me. But no talking."
"Wow, thank you—"
Kacchan led you back to your house as you trailed behind him. You were practically dozing off in this state. You wanted so badly to hold his arm for support—but you knew you he would instantly refuse any physical contact. And since he was moving much faster than you, you begged for him to slow down.
"Kacchan! I can't keep up with you. Please think of my tiny legs. I don't want to be jogging to keep up with your leisurely stroll, you TITAN."
He retorted without looking back, "Just get a pair of roller skates and hang on to my sleeve. We don't have all day."
So, yeah. Kacchan walked you back to your house, as you held onto his sleeve, while being pulled along in roller skates. It may have not been the romantically holding hands while staring into each other's eyes thing you wanted—but it was something.
Hope you liked~
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