[10] Recovering
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Later, you, Kacchan, Izuku, and Ochako were seated in the waiting room together. Izuku was limp in his chair, arms and legs flopping around like noodles. Kacchan only sat there, still twitching from the disturbance of what he witnessed. And you were holding your throbbing head, probably half-asleep.
"When's the nurse coming~?" asked Ochako, while she was still twirling around. She was acting like Buzz Lightyear when he turned into a woman and became Mrs. Nesbitt.
"What is wrong with her?" one student from across the room questioned.
"I dunno, I guess her braincells got fried," answered Izuku.
"Alright, next up is Midoriya, Izuku!" called Recovery Girl. She had to drag him in her office herself. That left you alone with Kacchan, since Ochako ran off somewhere.
"That stupid nerd. . .he had a Quirk this whole time yet he never told me!!" Kacchan grumbled. "For that, I'm gonna Falcon-punch him."
"Hnnngh, can you call my mom?" you murmured out, completely ignoring him.
He hmphed before snatching your phone. He tapped your mom's number and waited for a response. It stopped beeping, so he began talking, "Hey, Mrs. (L/N). It's me Katsuki Bakugou. Yeah, (Y/N) just wanted me to tell you that she hates you—"
"NO!!" you shouted in his ear, but raising your voice increased your headache, so you slapped your forehead to make it stop.
"Just kidding," he continued. "But yeah, she's like, dying and she wants you to pick her up." After a few seconds, he held the phone down and said to you, "She said no."
"Because she's trying to pick up guys or something, and she doesn't want you to interrupt her."
"Hnnnggggh," you groaned even more. "This was only the first Hero class. . ." You then looked at Kacchan. "Wait, why are you even in the nurse's office? You're not hurt."
"I just like to watch the other students in pain."
After twelve awkward minutes of sitting next to your most-likely-a-psychopath crush, Recovery Girl called your name.
"(L/N), (Y/N)!"
You hopped up and chirped, "Kacchan, could you wait for me to get out, so we can walk to lunch together~?"
"Whatever, I'm just gonna read this magazine listing all the ways I could get cancer from eating Cheetos." He then picked one up from the end table, flipping through it.
"Oki! Have fun~" You skipped to Recovery Girl's office. Izuku was still in there, healing up. You sat down, still pressing your hand against your forehead.
"Alright, how do you feel?" she asked, shining a bright light in your eye because that's so helpful.
You replied, "Terrible. I have a horrible headache."
"Eh, you probably just got a concussion."
". . .Isn't that serious?"
"Nah, Heroes get them all the time. You just gotta power through it."
Wow. What a great thing to hear. However, she did heal your injuries, so your pain stopped. That was good for the most part.
"I feel so tired though. I used up all my energy in that fight, and I barely got any sleep last night," you told her. "The only thing keeping me awake is this Monster energy drink Kacchan gave me. Yet it tastes like pure sewage."
By the time you stopped talking, she already locked you out of her office. Probably because All Might went in to talk to her, but it was still rude. You turned to Kacchan.
"You waited for me!?" you gasped.
"No, I just got wrapped up in this, uh—issue of Women's Fitness," which was an obvious lie.
"Alright, let's just get to lunch then!"
You both exited the waiting room, now in the lonesome hallway. You stared over at Kacchan, he just appeared frustrated—probably about Izuku. That's when you let out a yawn.
He noticed you falling behind. He didn't realize you were so tired earlier. So, he let out an exhale, scanned the area for any bystanders, and held out his arm. You saw this and felt a bit confused.
"Just take it, you're slowing us down and snails are passing us."
You mentally squealed before running up and hugging his arm. He tensed up at this. As you two strolled to lunch, you couldn't help but wonder if he was starting to develop feelings for you. Was your obsessiveness with him starting to finally pay off?
After a while, you both arrived in the cafeteria. Of course, he made you step at least five feet away from him, as soon as he got within view of other people. But that didn't stop you from following him to his lunch table.
"Hey, dude!" Eijiro waved. Denki and Hanta did the same.
"Hiya, (Y/N)-chan!" Mina greeted as well. "That was a pretty rough fight back there, wasn't it?"
"Yeah, but at least Recovery Girl healed my headache," you shyly laughed.
Denki quipped, "The food they serve here gives me a headache." But he ate it anyway.
"So, how are you feeling?" asked Hanta.
"Tired," you groggily replied. "Really, really tired." You suddenly passed out, your head landing in your dish of food.
"Aw, poor thing!" Mina frowned. "Why is she so tired?"
"Because she doesn't go to bed at eight-thirty, unlike me, a winner," Kacchan boasted.
"Yeah, you also lost in that challenge with Izuku, soooo—"
"Baku! You should princess-carry her back to class~!!" Mina insisted, holding her cheeks in awe.
"You didn't deny it though," added Eijiro with a smirk.
"Oh, shut up! I don't like her!" he spat, blushing from their teasing. "I don't have time to deal with a chick, and I certainly wouldn't date (Y/N) if I was interested!"
"Oh, really? Then why are you always with her~?" Mina shamelessly pried.
You interrupted in a monotone, "I can hear y'all, ya know."
Kacchan screamed like a parakeet on helium once he heard you. Eijiro was choking on his olive and mayo sandwich from the laughter, while Hanta was recording it all from his cellphone. Denki ascended and stepped on top of the lunch table, only to bang food trays together, while screaming quotes from vines he loved.
With that being said, Kacchan slid his arms underneath Denki's legs, causing him to slip and fall on his back. He landed with an 'oof'.
Kacchan stormed off, trying to conceal his blush from everyone. You only watched him leave. It seemed as if your plan to get him to fall for you, was falling into place.
Ah, puns are great.
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