[1] Nostalgia
Ya, I'm in the BNHA fandom now XD (I'm new to it, so if I get anything wrong, plz don't be mad. But feel free to correct me!)
You had to admit, you were quite the hopeless romantic. You always found yourself reading romance novels, listening to love songs, and daydreaming about. . .your crush. His name was Katsuki Bakugou, but you called him Kacchan. You first met him in kindergarten, and he was the coolest boy there. He had the most amazing quirk. Though he acted mean to the other kids from time to time, you knew that he was good on the inside.
Because of this, you both became best friends. Inseparable almost. Well, until a few years later. . . .
Times changed and this caused your bond to unravel. The more days that went by, the more he slowly lost interest in your friendship. You always tried to get Kacchan to join you in activities and such, but he was always simply too busy. Either he was practicing with his quirk, or hanging out with his own friends.
Point is, you missed having him to talk to. Sure, he may have had a horrible personality—but you thought he was super cool.
Around this time, you had gotten used to it. You were trying to forget about him, but your attempts were relentless. Some people were amazed to how you even got this far in the exams—considering your brain was always filled with daydreams.
Speaking of exams. . . .
You found preparing for the U.A. Entrance Exam. The name itself sounded intimidating. Most of the other kids had these really combative quirks—but not you. Which led you to assume you'd flunk it. Your quirk was not at all useful against a Villain. To be honest, you felt more like a sidekick than an actual hero.
You could heal people's injuries with a single touch. The thing was, the bigger the wound, the more energy it would drain from you. Curing minor cuts and bruises wouldn't really affect you, but something like an avulsion would most likely cause you to fall into a coma.
That's just what the doctor told your family in the past—but you've never had the opportunity to heal a serious wound. Which you were thankful for.
Currently, you were heading to your seat in the auditorium. Sitting down, you heard a familiar voice.
"Move aside, nerds! I have a date with destiny." You saw a boy with spiky ash-blonde hair, shoving innocent students out of his path. He sat himself down, only to rudely rest his feet on the seat in front of him.
That blunt voice. . .that spiky hair. . .and that insufferable attitude. . . you thought to yourself. Once you pieced the puzzle together, you yelled, "KACCHAN!? IS THAT YOU??"
Turning his head in your direction, his eyes went wide with shock and nostalgia. However, he was quick to revert to a scowl.
He only ignored you by facing the opposite direction. Did he really not remember you? Or was he just playing hard-to-get?
Either way, it caused you to frown. You both lived in the same town—he just never showed any interest in you. And after all this time, you finally reunite with him, and he just ignores you. It almost made you cry but you managed to choke up the tears.
"Oh, uh—well, good luck on the exam. . ." you ended, barely audible within his earshot. You sighed and looked at your exam guide. It showed the various robots you would be battling. Each one had a different set of points. But the higher the points, the higher the difficulty. This caused you to gulp, since you weren't that great of a fighter. The only thing you could do was heal people, and you certainly weren't going to heal the enemies.
"I'm screwed," you whispered to yourself.
"Me too. . ." responded a boy. You turned to see this plain guy with disheveled green hair.
"Oh, hi. My name is (Y/N)," you introduced yourself.
"Oh! Uh, I'm Izuku Midoriya." A hint of uneasiness was in his voice.
"What's wrong?" you wondered.
He held his hands and looked down. "My quirk is kind of complicated. . . I'm just a bit worried for the exam."
"You'll probably do great. Me, on the other hand, I'm toast."
"Why?" He sat down beside you, growing curious.
"I can heal people. But like, I don't have anything to help me fight against enemies. I'm just as useless as an innocent bystander."
"Hey! That's not true. You could become a medic for hurt heroes and stuff. And you'll probably find out more about your quirk along the way too. That's what U.A is for," he uplifted. Honestly, you did start to feel better now.
"Thanks. . .I just hope I can get through this exam."
Flashing a kind smile, he assured, "You will."
"Heh, well—you'll get through it too. I'm sure your quirk will be awesome."
"No problem."
After Present Mic, the host, explained the minor details about this exam—you took a deep breath. It was either go big or go home. And you weren't planning on going home anytime soon. After some more discussion, it was officially time for the test. You were warming up and pondering all the worst outcomes of this situation. And believe me, there were a lot. But the words Izuku shared with you earlier gave you a sense of hope.
It's alright, (Y/N). If you have to, hide behind another person or something.
A wave of worriment flew past you. You studied the crowds, trying to spot Izuku or someone familiar. And you did, it was Kacchan. So, you decided to wish him luck. Running over, you greeted, "KACCHAN!"
He turned to you with a glower. "Ugh, you're that annoying chick from earlier."
"I just wanted to say. . .good luck! I hope you pass it."
"Oh, I will pass it." His voice was dripping with confidence and nastiness. You remembered his boastful personality, but this mean streak was kind of new. He could be a brat at times, but now, he took that to a whole new level. "I don't need your luck."
"What you need is an attitude check—" You were then pulled away by this girl before Kacchan could react.
"Hey uhm, that guy has some anger issues—I don't think you really wanna talk to him," she warned, purely from the goodness of her heart.
"Oh, Kacchan? Him and I used to be best friends. But now, he's acting like I'm a complete stranger. . ." You shuffled your feet in embarrassment.
"Don't take it personally. He's like that with almost everyone. Except for the fact he didn't scream or punch you in the face. . ." She was confused on that bit. "However, my name is Ochaco Uraraka!"
"I'm (Y/N) (L/N)."
"Cool, what's your quirk?"
"Healing," you answered with disappointment.
"Ooh! That sounds awesome, mine is Zero Gravity."
You were jealous. That sounded like such an awesome and fun ability. "Well, good luck on the exam, Uraraka!" You grinned.
"You too!"
After the chitchat, the timer went off. The test was now starting. You were all separated in different parts of the course, preparing your quirks. You rubbed your hands together, in attempt to cast an aura of protection around your figure. You were practicing this trick for a while now, but it hasn't yet been successful. For now, you needed all the help you could get.
A countdown then took place. It started from ten and ended at zero. The host screeched through the amplifiers, "START!!"
You let out a shaky exhale and began to run. Searching through the city course, you couldn't find any sign of enemies nearby. So, you headed toward the center. Along the way, you passed that same boy, Izuku. He seemed to be lost, literally and emotionally. Kind of like you.
However, you decided to go on one of the building rooftops and see if you could get a panorama of all the action. When you did, you accidentally bumped into none other than. . .Kacchan.
"KACCHAN!" you alerted.
He whipped around to you upon hearing his name. "WHAT?"
"Do you have any tips on how I can beat these things? My quirk is kinda limited, y'know?" you whined in a cutesy tone, while holding your hands together in a plea.
"Pfft, are you serious?" He laughed in a scornful way. "If you can't even get your own quirk to be useful, you shouldn't have come."
"YEAH, BUT I DID!" you countered.
"Peh, well, enjoy last place then."
Wow, why was he so rude? Especially to you, his old best friend. You only crossed your arms and sighed.
Suddenly, a Villain appeared. It was on the surface of the arena, but it's eyelevel met with your figures. It looked like one of the harder ones, so you braced yourself. It would give off three points, which was good. But that wouldn't be enough to win if it was just that. . . .
You watched Kacchan ready his quirk—causing smoke to evaporate from his hands.
"PREPARE TO DIE!" Kacchan shouted. Just before he attacked, you noticed a new robot pop up from the right. It sent a blow to the middle of the building (which you were standing on) with its arm, causing the structure to collapse. Kacchan fell back with a scream, making you attempt to catch him. But that didn't work, because it only made you two hit the ground together.
The rooftop slanted, causing you to slip down the overhang—which was about forty-five feet high. You let out a scream, but that soon stopped when your hand was taken by another.
Opening your eyes, you saw Kacchan using all his might to hold you up. You were afraid to look down, due to the height.
"Guess I'll die," you told yourself.
Baku flung you back up, causing you to latch onto his figure. You were screaming the whole time, thinking he was going to slam dunk you into the robot or something. He leapt off the building and rocketed to the next. You were both safe now.
Almost immediately, he threw you off. "Stay out of my way, newbie!" He shot you a sneer before making an exit.
Did he really just save your life? Even though he's acted hateful toward you this entire time? Or was he just doing it for Rescue Points? Either way, you were grateful.
You spent the rest of the time being helping other players, using your quirk. Mainly to heal bruises and such, but perhaps it would count.
Finally, the game ended. But of course, it couldn't have been a game without someone getting hurt. And that someone was Izuku. Apparently, his quirk was so powerful it broke several bones in his body. Ouch.
When you made your way to him, he was unconscious on the ground—swollen and lifeless almost. It hurt you to see him in pain.
"Oh, my gosh—is he okay!?" Uraraka's trembling voice wondered.
"Naw, he's looks dead," a person in the crowd intervened.
"He saved that girl!!"
"What a heroic thing to do~!"
Kneeling down to Izuku, you placed a soft hand on him. This made the crowd murmur in confusion. You knew his injuries were severe, but you tried to help him anyway. Even if it meant you would suffer fatigue or physical drainage afterward.
Concentrating, you powered up your quirk. You could feel the energy slipping away from your body—but that soon stopped when a feeling of strain overtook you.
Yanking your hand away, you held it and panted. Izuku was still left uncurious and worn, but at least some of his bruises were healed. You just wished you could do more. . . .
That's when this petite woman approached the situation. She had grey hair and a nurse dress for attire. She must have been Recovery Girl. "Alright, alright. Let me fix this boy up." With a single touch, she completely healed his body. You were appalled—how did she do it with such causality!?
"I think it's time we call it a day," Nezu spoke. "Go home and you'll get your results next week."
The crowds of kids exited the arena. You were the last one out. And because of this, you decided to follow Kacchan. . .not because you were a stalky yandere or anything, you just wanted to get more information from him.
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