Spot! Guess What I Did Today!
Race sprinted all the way to the Brooklyn Boarding House without stopping for anyone. He burst through the doors, knocking over Spot's right hand man in the process, "Sorry!" Race yelled as he was already half way up the stairs. Luckily, but unluckily, the strike hadn't hit Brooklyn yet, so all of the boys were put selling papes. Race kicked down Spot's door, "SPOT CONLON WHAT UP MAN!" Race yelled as Spot sat up with a look of shock on his face as Race entered, he then settled down once he realized that it was Race, "God Race, people CAN be scared to death!" Spot said as he laid down and covered his head with the blanket,
"Spot," Race teased as he went to sit down beside him, "Spotty boy." He whispered as he started to poke at the boy,
"Don't call me that." Spot said peeking his head out of the covers. He looked better, his bruises began to fade and he seemed to not wince as much as he used to,
"Why not? I'm the King of New York after all!" Race said as he handed Spot a pap that he stole from Kathrine. Spot's eye brows flew up as he analyzed the front page,
"Race, is that you?" Spot said sitting up and pointing to a boy standing front and center with his fist in the air,
"Yeah, and Jack and Davey and Specs and everyone!"
"Ya look hot." Spot said covering his mouth with his hand after the fact. A look of terror covered his face as he realized that Race's goofy grin was wiped clean. He then glanced out the window trying to ignore the akward silence. Besides, he didn't know if Race was into boys like he was.
Race's face turned bright red at the comment, "Oh my God." He thought, "Spot Conlon. The Spot Conlon is into me." He was eternially screaming with joy. He decided to break the silence,
"Ya do too." He said in his sexiest voice possible. He was used to picking up girls at the races, not guys in a boarding house.
Spot snapped his attention back to Race as soon as he broke the silence, "Uh..." Spot tried to say something, "I like your face." Spot face palmed at the comment, "Seriously. I like your face. What am I doing!" He thought as he slowly began to look into Race's eyes, "I like your's too!" Race said excitedly, his voice crackng,
"Soooooooo, um. How ya doin'?" Race asked,
"Well," Spot said as he pushed the covers off his body. He then pointed to his left leg that had a huge, bulky cast from his foot up to just below his knee joint, "My leg, its, uh, broken pretty bad, and my ankle was sprained."
Race's face dropped. He didn't know that Spot's injuries were that severe. He thought that his injuries might have been a few bruises and a little bit of muscle pain, not broken bones, "Spot, I am so sorry, I should have been there, this is my fault. How can I..." Race's apology was ended by Spot shushing him,
"It was neva your fault Higgins." Spot said calmly, "It was no one's fault." The boys sat there for a few minutes, gazing into each others eyes until Spot broke the silence, "Ya should get back to Manhattan before da boys get back." He said frowning,
"Hey, don't be sad Spot. I'll be back tomorrow." Race said as he leaned towards Spot.
"For sure?" Spot asked with pleading eyes,
"For sure." Race replied as he placed a kiss on Spot's forehead, leaving blush on both of their cheeks. As Race began to step out of the room Spot began to speak, "Hey Race."
"You can call me Spotty."
"Love you Spotty."
"Love you Higgins."
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