I Got the Same Fish Eye In...Brooklyn?
Race shook of his feelings for Spot as guilt for leaving him to be attacked and left for dead. So, he ran to Manhattan, avoiding all of the odd stares from the Brooklyn boys. He reached the Boarding House while the other boys were still selling and some how, avoided everyone, but Specs, "Hey Race!" Specs said as he shoved his last few papers into his bag and adjusted his glasses, "How was," Specs paused realizing how loud he was talking so, he leaned in, "Brooklyn?" He finally asked, "It was, somethin'" Race said raising his eyebrows. Specs furrowed his brows due to the confusing answer, "Well," Specs said trying to break the tension, "I talked to Mid Town..."
"And?" Race said noticing Specs's sudden drop in his mood,
"They wanna know what Brooklyn wants to do." Specs said adjusting his glasses once again, it was his nervous habit,
"Thanks for backin' me up man." Race smirked as he began to walk away
"Oh and also," Specs said causing Race to turn around, "Horse 18, still undefeated." Specs smiled at seeing Race fist pump in the air. Horse 18 was his go to betting horse at the races.
Race's stomach growled after Specs walked away so he decided to eat at Jacobi's. He took his time walking to the restaurant. Partly because of him stalling from seeing the boys, and mainly due to him thinking about Spot. Of course it has only been like an hour, but that was an hour of Spot being in constant pain and agony.
His thoughts were interrupted by the tiny bell that rung when the deli's door opened, "Ah, Racetrack Higgins!" Jacobi yelled as he spread out his arms, "What brings you here so early?" asked coming out from behind the lunch meat counter, "I can come back lata, cuz I might actually want to buy somethin'" Race said taking a chair off of the table and setting it on the ground and taking a seat while folding his arms, all while still smirking at his come back.
"Fine, what do you want." Jacobi said, rolling his eyes at Race's comments
"I'll take a wada." Race said as he burst out into laughter, "Nah, but I'll take a pastrami on rye with a sour pickle." He said,
"Wow, you must be the King of New York." Jacobi smirked sarcastically and walked away.
Race chuckled at Jacobi, his comebacks were even funnier with his accent. Race read a paper, that he might have stolen from Specs, to pass time. Of course, it was about the old boring trolley strike, "They're still killin' us with that snooza." Race thought as he began to shake his head, "I wonder if Spot is.." Race jumped a little clearing his mind when Jacobi placed his plate in front of him, "No charge." Jacobi said with a warm smile, "Thanks Jacobi." Race replied, sort of concerned because Jacobi was sort of a stickler with his money. Once, Jacobi walked to the back Race dug into the sandwich like a wolf. He hadn't eaten in a day, and even though he's went up to days with out food, he had the financial needs to eat every day at least once. When he finished he walked over to Newsie's Square and waited for the other boys to come to the meeting.
(I am fast forwarding the meeting. If you have Netflix look up Newsies the musical and this nest scene takes place during the attack and DURING Santa Fe. THIS TIMING IS CRUCIAL TO THE NEXT CHAPTER! Also, sorry for the boring chapter, this one will take off to a whole can of worms that have yet to be touched. Thanks for reading!"
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