Anthony Higgins...
Spot led Race up the flight of stairs to his personal room, he had it because he was the Brooklyn leader. Race was so confused as to what was happening. HE WAS GOING TO BED WITH THE HOTTEST GUY IN BROOKLYN, but he was also the straightest guy in the world. Race decided to shake the feeling and make small talk with Spot as the reached the fourth flight of stairs, "So, come here often?" Why the hell would he say that, HE LIVES HERE,
"Nah, I'm usually with da' boys at the bridge." Spot replied opening a door, "Let's go." He said holding the door for Race, "Ya can sleep with me if ya want Higgins."
Race blushed a little before responding, "Uhhhh...Sure." he said laying down next to spot, "Goodnight Spot."
"Night Higgins." Spot yawned
Race woke up in his childhood bedroom, a cold sweat was on his brow, "How the hell did I get back here." Race thought as he stood up and opened his door, "ANTONIO HIGGINS GET DOWN HERE NOW!" It was his father. Race stood frozen in his tracks, how is this possible? His father left him when he was eleven, that was six years ago! Remembering, what his father did to him when he was around, he quickly ran down the rickety old stairs to find his father sitting in his red chair, smoking a cigar, "Yes, sir?" Race asked,
"Where were you last night?" His father spat in his face
"Workin'" Race said looking as his shoes
"Workin' huh? Just sellin' papers with those skanks?" His father walked away from him and put on his brass knuckles, "Answer me Antonio."
"Yes sir." Race said with his voice cracking in the end
"Okay." His father said as he shrugged his shoulders and punched Race in the jaw. He crumpled to the floor, "Antonio, answer me. Where were you last night?"
"I will never tell you." Race said through a clenched jaw. His father kicked him in the ribs in response.
"Do you really want to test me, Antonio?" His father asked cracking his knuckles,
"Sure." Race replied with a smirk. He knew he answered wrong, his father began to hich him in the chest, face, and ribs until Race's vision turned black.
Race woke up in a cold sweat next to a sleeping spot and whimpered. He thought the night mares ended years ago. He remembered where he was the night before, at the lodging house with Specs. That night he ran away, his trip down memory lane was interupted by Spot mumbiling, "Higgins, ya okay?"
"Yeah, yeah. I'm fine." Race lied turning to face Spot,
"For sure?" Spot asked half asleep.
"For sure." Race replied laying back down. He couldn't sleep the rest of the night.
Sorry for the short chapter!
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