Suddenly, Dahye's phone began to ring.
"Hold on lemme answer this." She excused herself and picked up the phone.
"Hello?" She answered.
"Dahye," it was Yerim. "You and Hana need to get to the hospital."
"But, I didn't text you." Dahye whispered. "What are you doing."
"No, I'm being serious." Yerim replied. "My brother was out with Jihoon and the brat has broken his ankle."
"WHAT?" Dahye suddenly yelled out.
"I'm talking about Jihoon, not my brother." Yerim mumbled.
"Oh, right." Dahye replied.
"Apparently Hana is his legal guardian and she needs to sign his documents since his parents are out of town." Yerim informed the girl, who just sighed in frustration.
"Oh for fuck sake." Dahye cursed. "What an idiot."
"So yeah, you need to go to the hospital. Well, Hana does, anyway."
"Yeah, she'll be there, bye." And with that she ended the call.
"Hana, it was Yerim." She spoke. "You need to get to the hospital." The hospital? Hana thought. But I thought she was enjoying herself??
"The hospital?" Hana asked, sending a look over to Dahye, who only replied with a look of seriousness. "Why?"
"Your shitty dongsaeng has broken his ankle."
"He- he has?" Hana stuttered.
"Oh shit." Daniel mumbled. "Do you want me to drive you to the hospital?"
"N-no, it's okay, I'll get a taxi." The nervous girl tried to smile politely. If she's trying to get me out of the situation, it would be a bad idea to bring the guys along.
"Actually, it's be faster if Daniel took you." Dahye butted in. "Is it okay to drive her?" She then asked him.
Hana sent Dahye a 'what the fuck are you trying to do' look, but she only glared back.
"Yeah, its fine. Hana should we go?" He looked down at her anxiously, and she replied with a sheepish nod, and the two walked off.
"Do we need to go too?" Seongwoo asked, and Dahye shook her head.
"The last place I wanna be is in the hospital with a crying brat who'll do nothing but complain." Dahye exhaled, folding her arms.
"So I'm guessing you don't like Hana's little brother?" Seongwoo chuckled.
"Oh, he's not her actual brother." She informed him. "They're childhood friends. She just looks after him so much that they pretty much act like siblings."
"What's his name?" Seongwoo asked.
"Jihoon." She replied.
"Oh, cool. I know a Jihoon." He smirked. "He's part of my huge group of friends that meet up once a year. Have I told you about them?"
"Oh yeah," Dahye smiled. "That's the reason you've come to Busan isn't it? You and Daniel are meeting these friends."
"Haha yep." Seongwoo replied, pointing a finger gun at the girl.
"Shall we leave? I'm getting childish vibes from this place."
"You are a child." Dahye huffed, heading towards the exit without Seongwoo. He ran up behind her, placing his head next to her ear.
"You weren't saying that four years ago." He whispered into her ear, a huge, cocky smile spreading across his face.
"Oh shut up!" She laughed, moving away and pushing his shoulder.
Meanwhile, Daniel and Hana were speed-walking towards his motorbike. Hana's heart kept beating faster and faster. Not because she was about to have one of those romantic motorbike rides where she has to hold on tight to his chest, but because she was about to ride a motorbike. She was terrified. The only thing stopping her from hitting the floor is her - especially weak - grip and a helmet. That's it.
"Here, take this." Daniel gave her his helmet.
"W-what are you gonna wear?" She asked him, stuttering in the face of the mechanic beast she was about to die on. Daniel, however, seemed unfazed, picking up Seongwoo's helmet and placing it on his head.
"Hurry and put it on." He said calmly, staring at her whilst adjusting his own helmet.
Hana was now visibly shaking, terrified at how these unexpected events were about to play out. He's gonna take her to the hospital, then she's gonna have to explain to him that Jihoon isn't actually in the hospital, it was just a ploy to get her out of an awkward situation which in turn is gonna look like she doesn't wanna hang out with him which is a total lie because he's actually really funny and easy to talk to and-
"Hana?" His gentle voice stopped her train of thought. He took the helmet out of her hands and put it on her himself. "It's okay, your dongsaeng is gonna be fine." He gestured here towards the vehicle, hopping on and tapping the seat behind him. "Hop on. I'm sure you've seen how this goes in the movies."
"Haha... uh.. yeah." She stuttered, getting on slowly herself. She was too shy to say that she'd never been on one before in her life, and just prayed to God that it was as safe as the movies. She held on tight, dignity going out the window as she heard the sound of the engine. At this Daniel smirked to himself, internally laughing at both how scared she was and how cheesy the whole thing was.
The ride, to sum it up in Hana's words, was terrifying. Utterly horrific. She enjoyed rollercoaster rides, but there was no track for the motorbike to follow, and their were no seatbelts that made her feel secure. That, also, was terrifying.
The pair got off at the hospital, and as Daniel was parking Hana practically leaped off, recollecting herself and taking off her helmet, before checking her phone.
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