<Dahyell You Doin'?>
Hana logged off and looked up from her phone, expecting one of those cliche moments from movies where she looks up and the guy is stood there waiting for her and they gaze into each other's eyes-
No. Hana couldn't see him in front of her, or even anywhere near her to be honest.
Until she turned to her right...
Spotting Kang Daniel, stood a couple meters in front of a female stranger sat on the bench next to her own - which was about five meters away. He was staring down at her in anticipation whilst she was busy tapping away on her phone, oblivious to the stranger stood in front of her.
Of course, Hana couldn't stifle the roaring laughs that came out of her mouth.
"OH MY GOD WHAT AN IDIOT!" She yelled out, almost crying in laughter. Daniel turned to look at her in shock, and realisation suddenly dawned on his face.
Which only made Hana laugh more.
"Oh my god I'm IN TEARS!" She cried towards Daniel, standing up as he walked over, humiliated. "This dumbass isn't as dumb-as you thought!" She mimicked his text. "This day can't get any better I swear."
"Okay okay, you made your point." The older male sighed.
"Sorry, sorry. I just really wasn't expecting it." Hana's laughter died down, and nervousness soon began to take over - she wished she'd carried on laughing.
"Nice to finally meet you in person Hana." Daniel smiled warmly, brushing off his embarrassment.
"You too." She smiled, praising the lords he didn't offer a hand shake because her palms had started to get a little clammy.
"Wow I was really looking forward to this day and I've already made it the most embarrassing." Daniel slapped his face on his forehead in embarrassment.
"Don't worry about it." Hana replied, her voice small but reassuring. "I'm actually glad you did mess up; now I kinda feel like I don't have to be perfect."
"But you'll always be perfect baby girl~" The older purred.
There it was. 'Baby Girl'. Hearing his voice say the two words that sent shivers down her spine was so different to how she imagined it. She couldn't tell if the shivers were good or bad, but just assumed they were bad because of the awfully cheesy line.
"Wait, where's Seongwoo?"
"YOU STUPID PIECE OF JUNK!" Someone yelled angrily. Both Hana and Daniel turned around and saw Seongwoo kick his bike in frustration, causing it to fall over and hit the ground.
"Oh god." Daniel sighed. "He's gonna break that god damn bike and it's not even his."
"Who's is it?" Hana asked him.
"It's rented." He simply replied. "He lives in Incheon."
"Oh yeah." Hana replied, and the air between them became silent once more as they watched Seongwoo kick the rented vehicle again, then proceed to walk away from the collapsed motorbike.
Walk was probably the wrong word once he spotted Hana and Daniel. I think saying 'the man waved his arms around like a lunatic and shuffled his way over to the pair' would be the most accurate description of what he did.
"Hey Hey Hey!!" Seongwoo yelled. "You must be Hana. Nice to meet you."
"You too." Hana smiled sheepishly. Man this guy was weird. He did speak formally to her though, which she was thankful for.
"Where's Dahye?" Seongwoo asked, looking round. Hana and Daniel - with a deadpan look on their faces - pointed to behind them, where Dahye could be seen flirting with a guy stood by the door of the mall.
"Damn," he sighed, clutching his shirt material by his heart comically. "She's cheating on me already. Hana you won't do that to me, will you?" Daniel gave Seongwoo a confused look, whilst Hana laughed at him slightly.
"No; I'm not that much of a social butterfly." She smiled, looking away awkwardly.
"Thank goODNESS!" He exhaled, resting his arm around Hana's shoulders. "Well then, should we go retrieve this butterfly?"
Hana was frozen in her place. Before this day she'd never had this much contact with boys, especially older ones. Like, she hugged Jihoon all the time and thought nothing of it, so why the hell was talking to these two making her so flustered.
"Dude, get off." Daniel mumbled. "She looks uncomfortable."
"Oh, damn, sorry Hana." Seongwoo laughed, releasing the girl. Hana took a mental sigh of relief, and composed herself once more.
"Shall we go then." Daniel, looked to Hana for confirmation, and she nodded in reply, a small smile on her face.
"Hey! Dahyell you doin!?" Seongwoo yelled informally at Dahye once the three of them had walked close enough. Dahye and the stranger both turned their attention to Seongwoo, whilst Daniel and Hana kept their distance.
"I'm so sorry in advance." Daniel whispered in advance.
"Don't worry," she replied. "It serves her right for ditching me. Let hell fall on her for all I care." This caused Daniel to chuckle, and Hana felt a sense of self-accomplishment. 'Yes! That's it! Baby steps; socialising is not scary! You can do this!' She kept telling herself.
"Who the hell are you?" Seongwoo asked the stranger - informally may I add.
"I'd like to know the same about you." He replied, keeping his manners about him. "And why are you speaking informally to me?"
"Because I'm older."
"You don't look older."
"Because I'm too handsome." Seongwoo smirked.
"What year were you born?" The man asked.
"What year were you born?"
"I asked first."
"And I asked second."
Seongwoo kept an intense stare on the slightly smaller - but definitely older looking - man. But yes, it was intimidating.
"I was born in 91." The man replied.
"Told you I was older." Seongwoo scoffed. "I'm 89."
"No you're not." Dahye scoffed.
"That's where you're wrong my sweet. I accidentally worded it to sound like I said I'm 89 years old, but I was in fact born in 1989."
"When was he actually born?" Hana asked Daniel quietly.
"In 1995." He replied. "Don't say anything though; this is quite amusing."
"Anyway, how do you know Dahye?" The man gestured towards the girl. Now Hana gave it a thought the age gap between Dahye and the man was quite noticeable.
"Dahye?" Seongwoo looked at the girl. "She's my girlfriend."
"NO I'M NOT!" She yelled.
"Come on honeyy~" Seongwoo smiled. "It makes me so mad when you talk to other guys like this."
"Aren't you a bit old to be dating someone so young?" The man asked.
"I could ask the same thing about you." Seongwoo replied sharply. "Who do you think you are chatting up young girls who already have boyfriends, huh?"
"For the last time, I'm not your-" Seongwoo cut Dahye off.
"Shh, sweetheart, I'll deal with this one. You just let me do all the talking."
"She came up to me-" He was cut off.
"Cut the crap, man." Seongwoo glared. "How do I know they you're not some old pervert who prays on young girls like Dahye."
"You're older than me." He began to get annoyed.
"But do I look older?" He smirked, leaning into his face a little. "Apparently not according to you."
There was a short silence.
"Come along sweet cheeks, we've got a double date to go on!" Seongwoo's attitude suddenly brightened, as he dragged her away with the other two following behind. The words 'double date' made Hana's insides turn. Wasn't this just hanging out? Oh my god a date!? I wasn't ready for this! What the hell do I do!? I can't flirt! I can't-
"Damn wasn't that funny?" Daniel broke Hana's thoughts with the question.
"Yeah, haha." Hana replied sheepishly, the whole 'dating' concept still buzzing round her mind like a hive full of bees.
"Should we go eat something?" Dahye suggested, and everyone nodded hungrily.
"Do you know any good restaurants around here?" Daniel asked.
"Yeah, just follow me." She replied, and with that the four of them set off.
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