<Meanwhile, At High School...>
The two minors made it to school on time, and even had a few minutes before their first class.
"So, did it work?" Woojin asked expectantly whilst breathing heavily. He was staring at Jihoon who was bent over, hands on his knees, gasping for breath.
"Did... did what work?" Jihoon panted, not even bothering to think as the other made him sprint for a solid five minutes and wouldn't let him stop until they entered the school gates.
"You know! Operation GTG! Code PINKEU! Remember..?" Woojin soon lost his enthusiasm when Jihoon started giving him strange looks.
"GTG?" He asked.
"GET THE GIRL!" Woojin yelled. "YOU KNOW! When we were at mine and we made that plan where you'd call Hana-sunbaenim saying you had nowhere to go and asked for her help because you claimed to have been kicked out of a girl's house to try and get her jealous!?"
"Shh!" Jihoon hushed him, looking around to see if anyone heard. "Don't need to go shouting it everywhere."
"But how did it go!?" Woojin asked again, losing his patience.
"Not too well..." Jihoon sighed. "We ended up setting a fire in her kitchen."
"So that's what the black was..." Woojin mumbled.
"And if it wasn't for Dahye I bet things would've worked out better." Jihoon mumbled. "Because of her the whole fire thing happened, and if she wasn't there I bet Hana-Noona would've let me sleep in her bed instead of the sofa."
"Damn, we were so close...." Woojin sighed. "But how did she react when you told her the story?"
"It was like she didn't expect me to be at a girl's house because I'm 'still in school' and she was getting ready to yell at me because she thought that I'd... done the deed..." Jihoon explained.
"It's almost like you're her little brother!" Woojin cried out in annoyance.
"She still treats me like some little kid." Jihoon pouted. "I'm not a kid! I'm 18! Why can't she realise it!"
"Maybe... it's because you always do aegyo around her..." Woojin thought, stroking his chin in thought.
"Go on..." Jihoon mumbled. By this point the bell had gone for class, and the two teens were making their way whilst still in conversation.
"Like, maybe, Hana-sunbaenim is one of those girls who likes a cool, sexy guy instead of a cute one." He looked up to see if Jihoon was still following. "And because you always do aegyo she still thinks you're her little dongseng rather than a man that can look after her.."
"But she likes my aegyo.." Jihoon mumbled. "It makes her smile.."
"That must be where you're going wrong then!" Woojin exclaimed out. "You're goal isn't to make her laugh, but to take her breath away! Make her feel as if you can protect her!"
"Yeah! That sounds amazing!" Jihoon backed him up. "Woojin you're a genius!"
".... I think I just came up with an idea."
"What is it?"
"I'll tell you after class!"
After a long hour, class was finally over, and the two boys dashed out the classroom and to their meeting point: the back of school.
"So, Jihoon, what's the plan?" Woojin asked.
"You said she wants someone who can protect her, right?"
"So let's say I got in a fight and I won." Jihoon explained. "Then it shows that I can protect her and I look really tough."
"Oh my god yes!" Woojin exclaimed. "We can say it was the girl's boyfriend!"
"OH THIS IS GREAT!" Jihoon yelled out. "Her boyfriend found out about 'last night' and started a fight, but I won!"
"So it's a plan!" Woojin yelled. "Mission Fighteu!"
"... Let's not give it a name." Jihoon mumbled.
"But it sounds cool!" Woojin retorted.
"No... no it doesn't." Jihoon sighed.
"Fine, whatever." Woojin huffed. "Let's just get to our next class."
The end of the day eventually came, and the two boys waddled their way out of the school gates, off to Hana's apartment. Suddenly, Jihoon felt his phone vibrate in his pocket.
"Hey, I just got added to a group chat!" Jihoon exclaimed, opening his phone.
"Huh? Me too." Woojin added, following suit.
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