<Water You Doing?>
Hana turned off her phone, staring up at the ceiling in the darkness. Daniel's such a dork. "Baby Girl" She mumbled under her breath, then subsequently cringed so hard she was physically shaking.
'He doesn't seem too bad though, a funny person to talk to, but maybe just flirty by nature?' Hana thought to herself. 'Some people are like that, even though I don't even know how.'
Her thoughts stopped for a second, and the faint murmur of the TV could be heard from the living room, alongside the voices of the two people who were also in the house. She couldn't make out what they were saying, but their voices didn't quite sound at bickering level yet, so she let them be.
A sudden urge told Hana to reach for her phone, so that's exactly what she did. Her fingers seemed to lead themselves, and she ended up back on the SNS app. It looked a little bit like text messages you get on the iPhone, so I guess this is a little bit of a rip off, but oh well.
'So you can talk to more than one person?' Hana noticed. 'Haha like that's ever gonna happen with me.' She ended up clicking on Daniel's profile photo.
"Waaaa~ so cute." She mumbled, not taking her eyes off Rooney for a second. The poor thing looks so done, then she finally looked at the huge dork in the left of the picture. "What is his mouth even doing?" Hana muttered, zooming in with her fingers and laughing to herself.
Yes, this is what she does for fun.
Hana stared at his bio. 'Okay but why has he legit just written his name again like yES we get it your name is Kang Daniel for fuck sake.' Her thoughts kept trailing on.. 'And he lives in Busan? Honestly, when I first saw this it said chat with 'anyone in the world' and I got stuck with this dork from Busan? That's like an hour away from here! Was low key expecting someone from America or something but fine, whatever.'
"I wonder what he's doing no-" She was cut off - and quite literally jumpscared - by the sound of the smoke alarm deafening and scaring her half to death. "Shit shit shit shit!" Hana exclaimed, jumping out of bed and opening the door, running into the living room.
Only to be met with Dahye and Jihoon turning to look at her with that "shit, she's caught us" look, one holding a lighter and the other a bottle of cooking oil, and a frying pan quite literally on fire behind them.
"THERE'S A FUCKING FIRE!" Hana screamed, rushing over to the pair. "SOMEONE PUT IT OUT!!"
As she ran over, Dahye ran the tap and began to splash water into the burning pan. Jihoon began to yell at her, saying that it was "only causing more smoke" which is entirely true.
"DAHYE!" Hana yelled, completely and utterly panicked but still saying the first thing that came to mind. "WATER YOU DOING!?"
Jihoon has resorted to plain banging his head against the wall in frustration, as Dahye picked up the pan by the handle and ran it under the cold tap, and Hana ran to turn the smoke alarm off. By the end of everything the three of them were breathing heavily, but then Hana suddenly turned to the two idiots and started yelling.
"It was Dahye!"
"It was Jihoon!"
They yelled simultaneously. All Hana could do was sigh, folding her arms across her chest.
"So what happened?" She asked.
"I was just going to make myself some food." Jihoon started.
"Then he asked me to help because apparently he can't cook for shit." Dahye added, receiving a glare off the male.
"She told me to add oil to the pan and heat it up to 230°C so when I put chicken in it would cook almost instantly." Jihoon explained.
"Well you were stupid enough to actually believe me." Dahye retorted.
"Jihoon," Hana sighed. "You must've known that oil is flammable and at that heat it can set on fire."
"I guess someone's not paying attention in cooking class." Dahye smirked.
"Well I trusted you to actually help me out!" Jihoon yelled at Dahye. "I didn't think that you'd actually want to set your house on fire!"
"Well I didn't think that you'd be gullible enough to believe me!" Dahye yelled back.
"Shut up!" Hana yelled. "It's midnight! People are sleeping!" She took a deep breath. "Both of you have just proved that you 'didn't think' about it, so you're both to blame."
"We need to go to sleep now, Jihoon has school and we have lectures tomorrow." Hana concluded.
"But Noona," Jihoon whined. "I can't sleep in my uniform. What do I do?"
"Dahye, do you have any of.. his.. clothes still here?" She asked, referring to Sungwoon but refusing to say his name.
"Oh, I uhh- I think so." Dahye replied, going to her room and checking her drawers.
"I'll get you a blanket and a spare pillow from my room." Hana told Jihoon. "Don't do anything to my house while I'm not here."
"Okay Noona~" Jihoon smiled, saluting as she made her way into the next room. Hana came back with a blanket and a pillow, and at the same time Dahye came back in, holding a pair of underwear.
"This is all I have," Dahye sighed, holding up the underwear. "You'll have to sleep in this."
"J-j-just that!?" Jihoon exclaimed, his entire face going pink.
"Well you can't sleep in your school uniform." Dahye retorted, "And this is all I've got."
"N-Noona," he turned to Hana and laughed slightly in disbelief and in disparity. "Don't you have a baggy t-shirt or something? Like, anything?" She shook her head guiltily.
"I'm sorry Jihoonie." Hana mumbled, and all he could do was sigh.
He snatched the underwear from Dahye as Hana set up the sofa for him to sleep on. Dahye retreated to her bedroom as she gave Jihoon the rules.
"Stay in the living room." Hana ordered. "The only other place you're allowed is the bathroom. Stay out of the kitchen, and stay out of our bedrooms, understood?" At this Jihoon nodded his head.
"Okay then, goodnight Jihoon~" She smiled.
"Goodnight Noona." He replied. "And, thank you for letting me stay over."
"It's okay," The girl replied. "But you owe me for almost burning my house down."
"Will do!" He laughed sheepishly.
"Sleep well!"
"You too~"
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