< The Beginning >
"Hey Hana, does this look good on me?" Dahye questioned, exaggerating a model pose whilst stepping out of the changing cubicle. Dahye and Hana were currently out clothes shopping.
"Yeah, work it girl." Hana sassed, sighing as she stared at her reflection in the mirror, and then at Dahye's.
"But in all seriousness," she began. "Do you recon it'll get him jealous?"
"Definitely." Hana replied, folding her arms and leaning against the wall, still looking in the mirror at Dahye, who had recently broke up with her ex- Ha Sungwoon. A method of revenge for him being a dick has made Dahye decide that she's gonna make him regret dumping her.
'I mean, waste of time if you ask me but if it makes her happy then I'm all for it.' Hana thought to herself.
Hana and Dahye have been besties ever since anyone can remember. They currently live together in a flat and split rent, since it's a lot cheaper that way. I guess you can say their personalities differ a little, but they do say opposites attract; that must means friendships too.
"Perfect." Dahye smiled, but then said smile begins to alter when she notices that Hana hasn't tried anything on. "Are you gonna buy anything?"
"Nahh," She sighed. "I didn't really see anything."
"You mean you didn't see anything black?" Dahye retorted.
"Oh shush honey." Hana giggled, and they walked out of the changing rooms to pay for Dahye's clothes.
"I'm hungry." Hana whined. "Are you hungry? Yes? Good. Let's go get food." Dahye couldn't help but sigh, but nevertheless they found themselves getting coffee and cake in a nearby cafe.
"Ooh, the double chocolate cake looks nice!" Hana mumbled, in the queue for food. "But there's cookies! And oh my god look at the brownies!"
"Hana," Dahye sighed. "You need to stop eating crap all the time, it's not healthy for you!"
"Says the girl who's been eyeing up the carrot cake ever since we stepped in the queue." She retorted, giving Dahye an over-exaggerated pout.
"AISH, fine! Whatever!" She cried out, but not too loud just in case other people stared. "Give me some money and go get a seat!"
"Thank You Dahye~~~" Hana cooed, giving Dahye money to order for her and then going to find a free table. There was a nice one by the shop window, so she wandered over to take a seat.
Sitting down on the small, plastic chair, Hana unlocked her phone and opened up Instagram, scrolling through her feed. One of those annoying adverts came on screen, and she was just about to scroll past it when something caught her eye.
'CHAT ONLINE TODAY!' It read. 'Meet anyone in the world at just the touch of a button' 'Was this a new SNS app? I've never seen it before.' Hana thought. 'Ehh, it's probably just full of 60 year old pedophiles...'
"Here we go!" Dahye exhaled as she sat down opposite Hana, placing the tray of food and drinks in the table.
"Thank you~" Hana smiled, shoving her phone in her back pocket.
"I still don't see why you can't order for yourself." Dahye sighed at her friend.
"Hey," Hana pointed a finger at her sassily. "Having social anxiety is a serious thing you know. It may be easy for you but I can't just go up to people and start talking."
"Hana," Dahye sighed. "The person is there to take your order. They're not gonna ignore you."
"But what if they say that I can't have what I ask for? Or what if I ask for it and then can't afford it?"
"We've been coming here for two years and they've never changed the prices."
"They can suddenly change!" Hana burst out, but they both started laughing anyway.
The pair quickly finished off their food and drink, thanking the lady at the counter before leaving. It was about 4pm, and because it's getting close to winter it'll go dark soon.
"Shall we head off home?" Dahye asked, and Hana nodded willingly, as the sun was slowly disappearing behind the tops of buildings the temperature was also slowly dropping.
Hana doesn't like the cold. Neither does Dahye.
"Hana," Dahye exhaled. "Please don't get mad at me,"
"What is it?" She asked, there was a short silence, until;
"I miss him. A lot." This could only mean one person. Sungwoon.
"I know, I know.." Hana replied. "But every time you think about how much you miss him, just think about what he did to you."
There was a small silence as the two continued walking.
"You deserve someone so much better." Hana told her. "So let's go home, take some selfies in those new clothes and make him jealous as fuck. Then when he comes crawling back you can slap him right in the face." Hana smiled at her own ingenious. "Deal?"
"Deal." Dahye smiled, and they ended up fist-bumping each other.
Another silence occurred, and Hana was just watching the cars as they drove past on the road to her right, when all of a sudden Dahye's voice interrupted said silence.
"Do you ever get lonely, Hana?" Dahye asked. "Like, do you ever feel like all you need is.. a guy to rely on.." She stopped, but Hana was too busy thinking about her question to acknowledge this. 'Am I lonely?' She thought to herself. She never really did think about it before...
"Uhh... I don't know..." Hana mumbled. "I mean, I've never had a guys embrace before so I don't really know 'what I'm missing' really.." Dahye nodded in reply.
Dahye pulled out her house keys and unlocked the door, allowing them to walk into their two bedroom flat.
"You go get dolled up and I'll clean the mirror." Hana suggested. rushing towards the kitchen to find the glass cleaner.
'Maybe I should find myself someone...' She thought. 'I mean, like, a friend is enough right?' She kept thinking to herself whilst cleaning the dirty mirror, when all of a sudden the best idea Hana believed she'd ever had popped into her mind.
"Ready?" Dahye asked as she stepped out of her bedroom all dressed up.
"Ready!" Hana replied, closing the curtain and moving out of the way. "I'll make dinner!"
"I'm not really hungry," Dahye sighed. "Just make yourself something."
"Okay!" She replied, waddling barefoot into the kitchen.
"Hana!" Dahye yelled after a while. "How's this?" She showed Hana the picture on her phone.
"Perfect." Hana replied. "Pop that on social media and he'll be regretting everything by the next morning."
"How should I caption it?" She asked.
"An apple a day keeps the dickheads away if you throw it hard enough."
She suggested. "And add the cute little red apple emoji at the end so it matches your clothes."
"Hana you're amazing." Dahye laughed whole heartedly.
After a couple hours and a couple hundred likes on Dahye's Instagram post Hana decided to retreat to her room, testing out her little plan.
The SNS app....
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