Ch.5 Butterfly estate
~Y/n pov~
I was still unconscious but I could hear people talking which told me I was alive.
"So wait, are you seriously saying my limbs will heal with just this medicine? Listen, are they really gonna heal? Tell me how they're gonna get healed!"
"Please stop shouting, will you?"
"Somebody give me a thorough explanation!"
"He's still making a commotion?"
"What's gonna happen to my arms and legs?"
"Please quiet down. Didn't we already explain it to you multiple times? If you don't stop this nonsense right now, we'll tie you up!"
"Zenitsu! Are you okay? Did you hurt yourself? So you did come up the mountain after all."
"Tanjiro? Tanjiro! Listen to me, will ya? I got stung by this stinky spider, and the poison hurt like crazy, y'hear? And that girl's been yelling at me all this time! I hate my life!"
"Hey, get away from me."
I cracked my eyes open, coughing lightly.
It seems like my arms are almost healed back. I must've stopped the poison spread quicker and more effectively than Zenitsu.
"Zenitsu, did you get smaller or something?"
I sat up and took in my surroundings.
Tanjiro was being carried by someone. They were stood over Zenitsu's bed, talking to him.
"I almost got turned into a spiderling. I've got stumps for limbs now." Zenitsu replied.
"Is that right?" Tanjiro frowned.
Turning my head to the other side, I noticed an empty bed and in the bed next to that was Inosuke.
Tanjiro noticed Inosuke and I.
The man placed Tanjiro in the free bed and left.
Turning my head, I saw Zenitsu looking at me.
"Hmm?" I tilted my head.
He was staring at me with tears in his eyes.
"Y/n!" He cried jumping onto me.
"Oi. Zenitsu, stop that." Tanjiro scolded.
"I was so worried you were bleeding so much. I thought you were gonna die!" The boy cried, curling up in my lap and resting his head on my stomach.
"I'm fine." I wrapped my arms around him - what was left of my arms.
"I'm so glad everyone is okay." Tanjiro smiled, laying back in his bed.
"Is that so?" I smiled.
Tanjiro nodded in response.
I heard soft snores from Zenitsu that told me he had fallen asleep.
Shifting the covers, I placed them over both of us.
I laid back down and relaxed.
It was warm.
Zenitsu was snuggled up close to me.
This was nice.
His warmth lulled me back into a peaceful sleep.
The others went off for rehabilitation training but I had to stay in bed along with Zenitsu because of our stubby arms.
Zenitsu was gazing out of the window. He seemed distant.
"Zenitsu... are you okay?"
That snapped him out of it.
"Just thinking of something..." he trailed off.
I smiled, "Care to share."
I noticed he was hesitating. He didn't know whether to tell me or not.
"Actually there's something I've been wanting to tell you.... but I was afraid you'd make fun of me or something." He smiled weakly.
He thought I'd make fun of him.
"I'm not sure why you'd think I would make fun of you. But I can assure you whatever you have to tell me... I won't make fun of you for it. I promise." I smiled reassuringly.
"If that's the case.." he took a deep breath, "I like you, Y/n!"
"Oh is that all... wait what!?" My mind went blank as I tried to process the information.
Zenitsu... likes me?
My cheeks turned a bright red. They felt so hot.
Zenitsu looked at me with a saddened look, "I see... I understand. Why would you like a cowardly crybaby like me?!"
He started sobbing.
"Wait no.. that's not what I meant. I was really startled." I calmed my breathing and tried to make my blush come down, "The truth is... I like you too."
Zenitsu had a blank look similar to the one I had earlier.
"Really?" He sniffled.
I nodded.
Zenitsu jumped out of his bed and into mine, wrapping his arms around me tightly.
Smiling, I returned the hug, resting my cheek on top of his head.
I pulled away from his slightly to wipe all the tears of his face.
"Calm down before you jump to conclusions... you're not a coward. Not at all. Back when the spider was attacking us... you saved me." I smiled gently, "And that's why I like you Zenitsu. Also you're really cute."
Zenitsu laughed softly.
I leaned down and connected our lips in a short but sweet kiss.
"You really like me?" Zenitsu asked.
I laughed, "Of course."
Zenitsu curled his body into mine, "Let's stay like this for a little while."
He nuzzled his face into my neck. His warm breaths were hitting my neck.
I laid us down and just took in the calming atmosphere.
Zenitsu had fallen asleep on me again... I should've predicted this.
Tanjiro walked into the room and smirked at me.
"Were you outside that whole time?"
He nodded, "I sure was."
My cheeks burned a bright red.
Tanjiro laughed at my flustered expression, "I kinda knew this would happen. I could just tell."
I gave him an annoyed look.
The boy simply patted my head in response and left the room.
So he was learning total concentration breathing constant.
I was also learning that. The longest I had gone was twelve hours but I knew I'd get there eventually.
The next few weeks were spent training.
And I finally did it. I mastered total concentration breathing constant.
Though, I knew that was only a small step to becoming a hashira.
A small step was still a step.
Before I knew it, it was time for us to leave and go on our next mission.
We arrived at the train station.
"What the hell is this creature?" Inosuke yelled while looking at the train, "I bet it's that thing. The master of this land- No, the ruler of this land!"
He ran further down the train towards where I was standing with Zenitsu and Tanjiro.
"See how long and intimidating it is? There's no mistaking it! Looks like it's asleep right now, but don't let your guard down!" Inosuke continued to yell.
Zenitsu deadpanned at him, "Uh, no. It's just a train. First time seeing one?"
"Shush! Calm down." Inosuke shoved his hand into the boy's face, "I'll lead the charge."
I bonked Inosuke in the head as hard as I could.
He staggered a bit.
I grabbed his collar and dragged him away before he could cause a scene.
"We should hide our swords before people notice. After all, the demon slayer corporation aren't recognised by the police." I explained.
We all hid our blades on our backs, our haori's covering them.
However, Inosuke couldn't hide his swords very well.
We we're off, on a new adventure.
1201 words
A/n that concludes the first season. I'm assuming this will be way shorter than I first expected. I thought it would be at least 20 chapters but it's looking for like 13. Now I must prepare myself for the pain we call Mugen train.
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