|| Chapter 6 ||
Snowpaw stared at Nightpaw, scrutinizing every inch of his body as they circled one another. He'll make the first strike, the white tomcat noted, keeping his gaze steady on Nightpaw.
Almost as if on cue, the black tomcat rushed at Snowpaw, rapidly swiping with his front paws. Prepared due to his deep analysis, the white tomcat dodged each strike. Using his small size to his advantage, he slid under Nightpaw, quickly flipping onto his back to kick his stomach. This attack caused Nightpaw to be winded for a few moments, lowering his capability to defend.
In one final attack, Snowpaw leapt as high as he could. Angling his body, almost as if he was a hawk diving for prey, he landed square on Nightpaw with his front paws outstretched to grab him. After futile attempts to free himself from Snowpaw's grasp, Nightpaw had to surrender.
"You're much stronger now, Snowpaw," Nightpaw sweetly purred, sitting up once Snowpaw released him. "You've learned so much in nearly two weeks! It's brilliant, it really is." The black tomcat smiled at Snowpaw, his green gaze warm.
"Thank you," Snowpaw said in response, dipping his head. He's right, we've been training for nearly two weeks, and I've already gotten much stronger. The white tomcat flicked his grey-tipped tail. I really have learned a lot from him. Maybe too much, he contemplated, because it's far too easy to predict the outcome of these fights. Nightpaw is fun to fight, but his attacks and defenses are obvious by now.
Snapping back to reality, Snowpaw pinned his ears. He watched as Nightpaw struggled with his footing. "Are you alright?" he questioned.
"I'm fine... for the most part," Nightpaw silkily replied, slowly blinking. "Thank you for asking." He paused for a moment. "I'm just really tired. I haven't slept in over three days."
Snowpaw's eyes widened. "Over three days? Why's that?"
"I haven't been able to fall asleep, despite how tired I've been. While I may be used to a lack of sleep, I've never had over three sleepless nights in a row," Nightpaw stated. "Don't worry about me, though!" he emphasised. "I'm not important enough to worry about."
"That's not true," Snowpaw asserted, starting to lead Nightpaw back to camp. "You could've come to Dappledleaf and I if you've been having trouble sleeping." The white tomcat gazed at Nightpaw. "Typically, poppy seeds are used to induce sleeping, but passion flowers, valerian roots, and chamomile can do the job just as well. I can give you any of those if you'd like." I really sound like Stonepaw right now, Snowpaw silently remarked in amusement. Are these the effects of being a medicine cat apprentice?
"Valerian roots sound alright. I can't stand poppy seeds, or poppies in general," the black tomcat innocently countered.
As the two silent tomcats continued walking to camp, Nightpaw began to speak again. "Days ago you mentioned a field of poppies. Where did you say it was? I don't quite remember due to this sleep depravity."
"Past Pine Slope, around the twolegplace," Snowpaw responded.
"Thank you for the warning," Nightpaw purred. "I hope to never find myself unfortunate enough to have to venture there. Poppies are far too vibrant, they hurt my eyes. Not only that," he continued, "but their seeds are too small."
Snowpaw nodded. "I suppose you're right about their size," he agreed. "They are quite easy to overlook."
"What do you mean?" Nightpaw curiously asked, his voice soft.
After a moment of pondering, Snowpaw devised an example. "As you mentioned, poppy seeds are small. A normal cat wouldn't be able to clearly see them unless actively looking for them. Due to this, poppy seeds can be well hidden." The white tomcat flashed a smirk. "Sometimes, kits will refuse to take medicine, poppy seeds included. However, if you were to put poppy seeds in fresh-kill, they'll go by completely undetected. The scent and taste of fresh-kill will completely repress any indication of the seeds, making it simple to treat kits. Does that make sense?"
Nightpaw, after a few moments of silence, nodded. "It does," he purred in agreement. "That was a great explanation, Snowpaw. You're such a fast learner. Training as a medicine cat apprentice, while training to be a warrior apprentice at the same time, must be quite difficult, but you've done such a great job at that. I've never heard of a cat who's been able to do that so effortlessly. I'm honoured you chose someone like me to be your friend, Snowpaw! I'm in awe of your immense talent and potential! ...If you don't mind me saying that, of course."
"O-Oh, well, I-I-" Flustered, Snowpaw cut off, his pulse quickening. "Thank you," he breathed out, blushing.
"Heh..." Nightpaw, seemingly delighted, smiled at the smaller, white tomcat. "You're welcome."
Once the two tomcats entered camp, Snowpaw had Nightpaw wait outside the medicine den. Quietly and quickly searching the shelves of medicine, the white tomcat found valerians: pinkish-white flower buds attached to green stems. The roots of these valerian flowers are what will help him, he noted, carefully separating some roots from the stems.
Snowpaw brought the white roots to Nightpaw, laying them down on the ground. "There's no guarantee that these roots will work right away," he warned, watching as Nightpaw began to eat them. "If you can't fall asleep tonight, then tomorrow night I can up your dosage."
"Alright," Nightpaw purred, slowly blinking. "Well, it was nice meeting up with you again; I had fun training with you. I'll see you tomorrow." The black tomcat started to walk towards the apprentice den, giving the medicine cat apprentice one final glance. "Sleep well, Snowpaw."
. . . . .
Dawn's arrival marked yet another hazy morning, the sun's rays shining a golden hue through the mist and into MistClan's camp. Snowpaw watched as his Clanmates went about their daily duties, whether it be leaving camp for patrolling, enjoying breakfast, or getting extra sleep. By the time Dappledleaf awoke, it was a quarter past dawn, and the white tomcat was still patiently waiting in the den.
After coughing a bit, the molly slowly blinked at her apprentice. "Good morning, Snowpaw," she warmly greeted. "I have nothing for you to do yet, so I'll let you eat breakfast now. When you're done eating, bring me back a sparrow."
"Of course," Snowpaw replied, dipping his head to his mentor. The white tomcat exited the medicine den, taking a squirrel from the fresh-kill pile. I hope Nightpaw was able to sleep well, he thought, in-between bites. Although, I can't help but wonder if his lack of sleep has any relation to Coldgaze appearing in his dreams. He told me he declined his offer, so perhaps there are repercussions?
Snowpaw pushed that thought to the back of his mind. I'm thinking too hard about this. If he was willing to tell me about Coldgaze in the first place, unprompted, then he'd tell me about this. However, I suppose I could ask him, just to ease my mind. After taking another bite of his squirrel, the white tomcat was jolted from his ruminations by the arrival of Ravenpaw.
"Hello, Snowpaw," the white-marked black apprentice greeted, waving his tail. "How's your training been going?"
"It's been well," Snowpaw answered, smiling up at the larger, older tomcat. "I don't mind training to be a medicine cat much." Training to be a warrior is far better, though, he silently added. I'm sure he understands the thrill of fighting. "How about your training?"
"Well, I'm not really learning anything new since my siblings and I will be warriors pretty soon. Lately we've been going on solo patrols to see how well we do," Ravenpaw replied. The tomcat's green eyes shone as he began to modestly purr. "Whitespeckle has trained me brilliantly, I owe my success to him."
That's right, Snowpaw recalled, Ravenpaw is highly praised as the best hunter out of all the apprentices. After a few moments, the white tomcat tilted his head. "Do you have any guesses on what your warrior name might be?"
"Maybe 'Ravenwhisker', because of my black whisker?" Ravenpaw rhetorically asked. "According to Stonepaw, it's quite a unique trait to be born with a singular black whisker, so I suppose it'd make sense. You know-" the black tomcat cut off, as he was suddenly tackled on both sides by two silver tabbies.
"Bullseye!" Ripplepaw shouted, grinning.
"Oh, Raven, you look like we scared the fox-dung out of you! Tch, coward," Pebblepaw teased, rolling his hazel eyes.
"Hey, language!" Ravenpaw scolded, pushing his brother and sister off of him. "Can't you see that I was trying to have a conversation?" The tomcat sounded exasperated, apologetically glancing at Snowpaw.
Ripplepaw's eyes lit up as she looked at the white apprentice. "Hi, Snowpaw!" she greeted.
"Yeah, hi," Pebblepaw stated, standing up to stretch. "I toootally didn't see you there. You're practically-" Ravenpaw's sharp jab to his ribs caused him to wheeze. "Th-That was a good one, I'll give you that," he stuttered.
Awkwardly smiling, Snowpaw waved his tail. I feel... quite out of place right now. After nosing his half-eaten squirrel back into the fresh-kill pile, he picked up a sparrow. "I-I have to go now, I'll see you later," he said, his voice slightly muffled. As Snowpaw began to turn away, he heard Pebblepaw call out to him.
"Hey, Snowpaw, if you see Spottedpaw at all, tell her that her dear brother, Pebblepaw, says she's a huge-"
"Great StarClan, you're too immature to almost be a warrior!"
Once in the medicine den, Snowpaw placed the sparrow down in front of Dappledleaf. As she ate, he analysed the shelves of medicine. We're not low on any medicine today, he noted, sighing. I suppose it'll just be another day spent here. Despite how interesting it was to learn about the different types of herbs and their usages, he never truly felt content.
Being in this den all the time reminds me of my nursery days, the white tomcat thought. ...I have a feeling I'll have to start going there again soon, as much as I dread it. After all, my mother has been pregnant for around a week. To not dwell on the subject, Snowpaw continued to analyse the medicine shelves, mentally noting the usages for each type of herb he could remember.
While noon came and passed, Dappledleaf had spent the time testing Snowpaw. After passing for the most part, the apprentice was allowed a break to eat. Finishing his previously half-eaten squirrel, he returned with a finch for his mentor.
"Thank you," the molly rasped, slowly blinking.
After Snowpaw replied, in the corner of his eye he saw a cat enter the medicine den. Longwhisker, who was holding Stonepaw by his scruff, gently placed him down in one of the moss beds.
"What happened to him?" Snowpaw worriedly questioned, nosing the limp apprentice.
"Right before we began fighting practice, he fainted," Longwhisker explained. "I thought he was faking it at first due to how sudden it was, but clearly he's not."
Dappledleaf stood up, slowly guiding Longwhisker out of the den. "You should go back to your patrol," she hinted. "I'll just keep Stonepaw in camp for the rest of the day."
"Will he be alright, at least?" the pale tabby asked, standing at the medicine den's entrance.
"I can assure you that he'll be fine." Once Longwhisker left, Dappledleaf's soft disposition changed into one of vexation. She stalked towards the two apprentices, lightly tapping Stonepaw. "For the love of StarClan, Stonepaw, what are you doing? Don't think it was a perfect performance."
Shocked, Snowpaw watched as Stonepaw raised his head with a huge grin plastered across his face. That's a good question. What, exactly, is he doing? the white apprentice questioned, backing away.
"I refuse to do fighting practice. I don't want to be a warrior apprentice, so I just won't train." Stonepaw's cheerful disposition suddenly morphed into indignation. "I will be a medicine cat," the grey tomcat declared, glancing at Snowpaw. "You'll be a warrior."
Dappledleaf grumbled under her breath, her green gaze piercing through Stonepaw. "You're lucky I didn't rat you out. I had considered it."
"But, you didn't, so thank you!" Stonepaw sounded genuine as he purred, back to smiling as he glided a paw over his ear.
Before any of the cats had a chance to speak, Fernpaw rushed into the medicine den. When she saw Stonepaw, perfectly fine and standing, her blue stare narrowed. "Seriously?! Stonepaw, are you kidding me?! When Longwhisker told me you fainted, I was worried!" The diluted calico molly, ignoring the other two cats, lightly slapped her brother. "You tomcats and your stupid pranks," she grumbled. "Like, why would you even fake it in the first place?"
"Fernpaw, I-"
"No, not 'Fernpaw, I'," she chastised, mocking his voice. "There's no logical explanation. Mom and Dad are going to be disappointed." Fernpaw turned around, striding out of the medicine den with Stonepaw- trying his best to reason with her -following after.
What's even happening anymore? Snowpaw pinned his ears, gazing at Dappledleaf. Somehow, she seems completely unfazed by this. She must be used to it.
After a few coughs racked her body, Dappledleaf slowly walked towards the shelves of medicine. She grabbed a red flower and placed it in front of Snowpaw. "Tell me its name and usage," she ordered.
"R-Red spider lily bulb, for..." Snowpaw paused uncertainly, his breath quickening. "I-It's for burns?"
"Burns, and?" Dappledleaf's yellow gaze narrowed as she waited for her apprentice to answer.
I don't remember this one, I never remember this one, Snowpaw thought, panicking. His chest tightened as he stared down at the flower, his mind racing. I really don't know.
"It also counteracts poison," Dappledleaf sighed, putting it back on the medicine shelf. "I'm going to test you again. Hopefully you get everything right this time. Medicine cats can't afford to make mistakes."
. . . . .
Once nighttime arrived, the Clan began to wind down. Cats were either sleeping or sharing tongues, engaging in idle conversation. Snowpaw, burnt out from the mental strain of having to remember and recite every herb- and their usages -soon noticed a cat entering the medicine den.
"Hello, Snowpaw, Dappledleaf," Nightpaw warmly purred to each with a sweet smile. "I've been unable to sleep for over three nights. I took valerian roots last night to help induce sleeping, but they didn't work. I would like to take a larger dosage... if you'd allow me to use your herbs, of course."
"Sure," Dappledleaf rasped in response. "I don't remember you coming here last night, though."
"I came when everyone was asleep," he admitted, gazing deeply into Dappledleaf's eyes. "After a conversation I had with Stonepaw," Nightpaw lied, "he told me about valerians and their roots. I figured I could put them to the test, since I've gone so long without sleeping. I apologise if that counts as theft, you can refuse to treat me if that is so."
Snowpaw stepped towards the medicine shelves, about to grab valerian roots for Nightpaw. However, he was stopped by Dappledleaf, who instead placed poppy seeds in front of Nightpaw.
"If valerian roots wouldn't work, then you must take poppy seeds. They're the strongest sleep-inducing herb," the medicine cat explained.
Snowpaw watched as Nightpaw hesitantly licked up the poppy seeds, with a surprising lack of expression upon his face. After a few moments, the tomcat smiled. "Thank you," he warmly purred, slowly blinking. "I'll be heading back to the apprentice den. Snowpaw," he said, gazing at the addressed tomcat. "May you walk with me? I would like to speak with you. Only if you'd like to come with me, of course."
With approval from his mentor, Snowpaw walked beside Nightpaw, the two apprentices at a steady pace. He gazed up at the black tomcat, who remained silent for a few moments. I hope this isn't anything bad.
"I'm sorry, Snowpaw, but I won't be able to train tonight," Nightpaw sadly stated. "I foolishly swallowed the poppy seeds. I should've saved them for later."
"N-No, it's fine," Snowpaw assured. "I think a full night's worth of sleep will do you well." After a few silent moments, the white tomcat narrowed his gaze. "Nightpaw," he began, lowering his voice. "Does your lack of sleep have anything to do with that time Coldgaze appeared in your dream? I know you declined his offer, but did you receive any repercussions?"
Nightpaw innocently chuckled. "Of course not. I've always had trouble falling asleep at night, it has no relation to the Place of No Stars." The black tomcat halted outside the apprentice den. "In terms of repercussions, there was only one, and it was indeed in the form of a dream. An apprentice named Acornpaw, also from the Place of No Stars, tried getting me to train. Apparently, she's trying to build up an army of young cats, and she wanted to recruit me. Of course, I denied her as well."
There are apprentices there, too? MistClan has never spoken of nefarious apprentices. Perhaps, Snowpaw contemplated, it's the same situation as the hidden secret behind Coldgaze's heritage? The white tomcat shook his head, momentarily closing his eyes. "Why do you suppose you've been asked by two different cats to train?"
"Well, both Coldgaze and Acornpaw have told me that I have potential." Nightpaw began to laugh with a raspy voice. "I still find that ridiculous! I'm really just an ordinary, forgettable MistClan cat!" The black tomcat sighed, his green gaze kind and warm. "I can feel the effects of the poppy seeds. It's a shame that I couldn't take valerian root, but at least I'll get to rest. Sleep well, Snowpaw," he purred, slinking into the apprentice den.
"You too," Snowpaw murmured in response, treading back to the medicine den. By now, the sky had noticeably become darker, with stars becoming visible amidst the pine trees' nettles. Everyone else are already in their dens, he noted, entering the medicine den.
"Did you enjoy your conversation?" Dappledleaf asked.
"It was interesting," Snowpaw replied, warmly gazing at his mentor.
"I see." Dappledleaf stretched, yawning. "You did a great job with those tests earlier. I'm proud of you." Curling up in her nest, the old molly purred. "Let's go to bed now, it's very late. Good night."
"Good night," Snowpaw purred, also laying down in his nest. I never thought I could find this situation with Nightpaw more uncanny, but I was wrong. Two cats from the Place of No Stars have asked him to train? And, he continued, there's apprentices there?! Why him, of all cats? He's not some evil mastermind. He's really just a kind, slightly peculiar, tomcat. Pushing those thoughts to the side, he noticed that Dappledleaf was unmistakably asleep.
Snowpaw exited the medicine den, sitting beside the entrance to wait for Rainkit. He unsheathed his claws, drawing lines in the soil as he waited. However, after around fifteen minutes passed, there was still no sign of the blue-grey molly. Maybe she's getting extra sleep tonight? the white tomcat questioned, sighing. If both Nightpaw and Rainkit are asleep, then I'll have to go to bed as well. He stood up, gazing towards the apprentice den. Perhaps there's still a slight chance that Nightpaw is awake. I might as well check.
Silently entering the apprentice den, careful to not wake the sleeping apprentices, Snowpaw stepped towards Nightpaw's nest at the very back. He gazed at the black tomcat, smiling when he noticed he was in a deep sleep. He must feel relieved, he thought, suppressing the urge to purr.
Snowpaw turned back towards the exit of the apprentice den, but halted when he heard hushed voices coming from camp. He hid behind one of the den's walls, before cautiously peaking his head out. Before him, he saw Dancingleaf and Dewspring in the camp's centre, arguing.
"That's how it always is with you, Dancingleaf," Dewspring claimed. "You get upset because things don't play out exactly how you wished for them to, and in response, you push everyone away. I've only been trying to help. You know that."
"You haven't helped at all," Dancingleaf retorted. "The only thing you're good at is looking pretty for your mate."
Snowpaw's eyes widened when he heard that unwarranted statement. What is going on here? The apprentice shook his head, I really shouldn't be eavesdropping, but I can't get back to the medicine den. From where I am, I can hear and see everything. He squinted, watching as Dewspring's green gaze hardened.
"I remember you being quite distraught when Fleetrunner left you. For a cat so distraught, I'm surprised you've already moved on and gotten pregnant. Whitespeckle is such a naive, innocent cat. Every time you've broken his heart he'd end up apologising to you... simply because you wanted him to. Toying with his heart was a foul move, Dancingleaf."
Dewspring began to smile menacingly. "And, for how awful you've treated your 'puny, defected mistake', as you like to call him, I don't know how you're still treated with respect." The brown molly paused, her voice laced with fake woe. "You're abusive, Dancingleaf. You're just like your parents, Dancingleaf. You became the very cats you killed, Dancingleaf."
Snowpaw felt his chest tighten as he heard Dewspring's words. That has to be a lie, he tried convincing himself. Cats say things they don't mean when they're angry. My mother hasn't killed anyone, and Whitespeckle... She can't just be using him, they're already having kits. The tomcat subconsciously unsheathed his claws. Was any of that the truth?
"You're lying!" Dancingleaf desperately growled. "At least Whitespeckle isn't just using me for kits! Leaftuft doesn't love you and you know it. He's only in the picture because your kits didn't end up as small and weak as my kit did! But, we all know that deep down inside your kits have issues, Dewspring. They're not normal."
Dewspring lashed her tail, her eyes widening. "You... You have the nerve to insult my kits?! There's nothing wrong with them! Bramblepaw may be shy, but she's working on it. Kestrelpaw has a bit of an ego, but there's nothing wrong with confidence. Nightpaw may be too kind for his own good, but you've never had an issue with cats like that, considering your choice in Whitespeckle." The brown tabby raised her chin, almost as if to look down upon Dancingleaf. "Keep my kits' names out of your mouth. You don't see me talking crowfood about your son, do you? That was a low blow, Dancingleaf."
In response, the grey molly merely laughed, bringing a paw up to her stomach. "Do you really think I care? You've uttered some low blows as well, Dewspring. Unlike you, I actually speak the truth." Dancingleaf glared at the brown molly. "I think I've finally bested you. The kits I carry right now won't be abnormal. They won't have odd quirks to them. They will be my rays of sunlight. I won't have to spoil them to no end just to make them show an ounce of affection towards me."
"So, in the end, it's all just a competition to you... Huh..." Dewspring whispered her words, quiet enough for Snowpaw to barely be able to hear it. "I see how it is, Dancingleaf." The molly turned her back to the warrior, walking to the camp's exit.
"Wait, where are you going?" Dancingleaf asked, starting to step towards the molly.
"I can't tell you. It's not like it matters, anyway." Dewspring looked over her shoulder at Dancingleaf. "I hope you know that you just threw countless seasons of friendship away."
Snowpaw, appalled, confused, and alarmed, watched as Dewspring left camp. Dancingleaf remained in the camp's centre for a few moments, before trudging back to the warriors den. The white tomcat, sensing his chance, ran back to the medicine den. He laid down in his nest, trying to calm his racing heart.
I just witnessed something very personal, Snowpaw thought, and I don't know how to feel about it. What happened between my mother and Dewspring to cause this? The white tomcat, with adrenaline still coursing through his body, took quick, shallow breaths. I don't understand. I'm not supposed to understand. I shouldn't try to understand, because I shouldn't have heard any of that to begin with. Snowpaw's claws dug into his nest. Between Nightpaw, and this, I feel too overwhelmed. It's nothing compared to how my mother and Dewspring must feel, but I... I... His claws dug deeper into his nest. What is real and what is fake?
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