|| Chapter 3 ||
If Snowkit wasn't already panic-stricken, he was now. He couldn't particularly discern what everyone was saying, his racing mind creating a coalesce of voices lacking words. All he knew was that Ravenpaw protectively stood over him as the situation was assumed to be explained. While the white tomcat didn't know how long they were stuck like that, he did notice a sudden change of expression on Fleetrunner.
"My, my," a new voice chided, "this really isn't the way to be treating kits and apprentices of our Clan, Fleetrunner. I'm disappointed in you, yet again." The voice came from a black tomcat covered in white flecks. He- Whitespeckle -came from the warriors den, striding out of it with two other cats following. "Your son looks petrified," the tomcat remarked, walking past Ravenpaw to pick Snowkit up by his scruff.
By now, the rest of MistClan's cats had begun to awake. Snowkit, in the warrior's grasp, was brought back to the nursery. However, instead of taking him inside, he sat him outside of the entrance.
Snowkit pinned his ears down, taking a nervous glance at the camp centre. Badgerblaze and Windtail, the two other cats who were with Whitespeckle, were scolding Fleetrunner as Leaftuft defended him. The apprentices and kits were swarmed by their parents, the nursery cats rushing out of the nursery while Grayheart and Clearshine came from the den of the warriors.
"Are you alright?" Whitespeckle questioned, his honey coloured eyes narrowed. "You looked pretty scared, and I know you're not allowed out the nursery. Truthfully," he admitted, "I don't know the context behind any of this."
"I-I'm fine," Snowkit replied, "we were just doing early apprentice training before Fleetrunner came."
"Well, he certainly created an unnecessary scene, didn't he?" Whitespeckle reproached. After a moment, the tomcat gasped and covered his mouth with his paw. "Dear me, I apologise for speaking ill of your father."
"It's alright, my mother does it all the time," Snowkit murmured with a reassuring tone. The amount of times Dancingleaf had ranted to him about Fleetrunner, calling him terms such as "fox-hearted" or "snake-tongued", he couldn't count.
"Oh, speak of Dancingleaf," Whitespeckle grumbled under his breath. "I think you'll need to talk to your mother about this... needlessly vexatious event." The black, white-speckled tomcat turned to the nursery, gazing at the grey molly within. "Dancingleaf, your son is here!" he called to her.
A dread nestled deep within Snowkit as he subconsciously unsheathed his claws. He felt his body go rigid as his heart pounded in his chest. "P-Please, don't have me go in alone," he whispered to Whitespeckle with a shaky voice. I don't want to be punished, please don't leave me! the white tomcat silently begged, frantic as the warrior shook his head.
"Sorry, but I'm not your father," Whitespeckle replied. "I can't interfere with your family life. Just explain what happened to your mother, and hopefully she'll be understanding enough. I mean, what's the worst she can do? She'll probably just scold you." With that, the tomcat straightened himself, striding to the centre of camp to deal with Fleetrunner and Leaftuft.
With no choice but to accompany his mother, Snowkit cautiously walked into the nursery, watching her carefully. "M-Mother," he began, "I'm to explain the situation to you. So, I-"
"Quiet." Dancingleaf, who was staring at one of the nursery's walls, whipped her head around to face Snowkit. "First, get rid of that awful stutter. I can't stand to hear you with it. Second, come here. Sit next to- no, in front of me. And do it quick, I can't stand to be here for much longer. I have plans like any normal cat."
The white tomcat practically ran to Dancingleaf, sitting down right in front of her, making sure to keep a proper posture. Maybe, he thought, she's not too angry. Maybe I'll be alright this time. Snowkit felt a bit of guilt as he looked into her bereft yellow eyes. I shouldn't have trained with them so noisily. It's my fault, and I have to own up to it. "I'm sorry for disobeying you by leaving the nursery without permission, Mother," he began, making sure to speak clearly and slowly to avoid any accidental stutters of fear. "It won't happen again, I promise. I know I-"
"You don't understand," Dancingleaf interrupted. "Not only have you violated my trust, but you were in direct contact with that piece of fox-dung. 'It won't happen again', is what you say, but how will I know that? From now on, you're not to ever leave the nursery until you become an apprentice. Not even for food or water. Those will be brought to you when I decide you deserve to eat and drink. You did this to yourself like the little brat you are," she mocked.
"I understand," Snowkit whispered, staring intensely at the ground.
"Look at me and speak up," Dancingleaf snarled. "There's no reason to be rude to your mother." After a few moments, the grey molly's tone seemed to shift. Her once austere expression morphed into one of misery. "You know I'm only trying to protect you, Snowkit. You're defective, so that makes you such an easy target. It's best to stay out of your Clanmates' eyes, don't you agree? A little puny thing like you is only going to get judged. I can't just let that happen to you. From the bottom of my heart, I endure you. I really do."
As if there were an emotional switch in her mind, Dancingleaf's expression once again hardened. "Fleetrunner just doesn't understand. He doesn't!" the molly snarled, starting to hyperventilate. "Oh, you've done it again, you made me think about him!" She glared at Snowkit, causing him to flinch. "Look at you, frightened of your own mother for no good reason! I'll- I'll give you something to be frightened of..."
Snowkit stared in pure terror as Dancingleaf raised her paw above his head. Rooted in place, he closed his eyes to await her wrath, his mind racing with a quantum of pleas he wouldn't ever dare to utter. However, as if it were a stroke of luck, a cat emerging into the nursery caused Dancingleaf to quickly lower her paw as if nothing had happened.
"Queen Softheart has an announcement she'd like to give." Dewspring- the mother of Nightkit, Kestrelkit, and Bramblekit -stared at the grey molly, a disappointed expression across her face. "She needs you to attend. Everyone else is already in the camp's centre, we're just waiting for you and Snowkit."
"Does Snowkit really need to attend?" Dancingleaf blankly stared at the brown tabbied molly. "He can listen from inside here, can't he?"
"No, Dancingleaf," Dewspring replied, "he has to attend. It's important." Flashing a quick sympathetic look towards Snowkit, Dewspring left the nursery, returning to the camp's centre.
"Go on," Dancingleaf hissed, jabbing Snowkit with her paw. "Don't you dare even glance at any of the warriors."
Snowkit, collecting himself, nodded as he slightly staggered out of the nursery. At least Mother didn't hit me this time, he thought, mentally thanking Dewspring for her perfect timing. She doesn't trust me anymore, though. Considering what little trust in me she had to begin with, that's not good at all. He paused his line of thought for a moment as he took a seat beside Stonekit. Still, I shouldn't have disobeyed her so obviously like that.
"What happened to you?" Stonekit whispered the question to Snowkit, gliding a paw over his ear.
"Nothing, I only got scolded," Snowkit replied, forcing a smile. He knew nobody was to know about his mother nearly hitting him, or the numerous times she did end up laying her paws on him. Those things happened privately for a reason, and she always apologised afterwards and begged him not to tell Foxsight and Dewspring. Due to this, Snowkit didn't want to incriminate her for something she must feel guilty for, no matter the pain she put him through. He didn't even tell Rainkit about any of it, to keep up the narrative that his Clanmates created for Dancingleaf: a strict mother going through grief.
"Cats of MistClan!" Queen Softheart's sudden echoing voice jolted Snowkit. "I have gathered you all today for an important announcement. I kindly request you all to listen to my words before sharing your opinions on the subject matter."
Clearing her throat and fluffing her fur, the white molly began to speak once more. "As this was my idea, our king has decided to sit out on today's announcement. However, he is fully on board with this idea of mine, otherwise I wouldn't be publicising it. Now," she digressed, "all of you cats are aware of what took place this morning regarding our apprentices and kits, yes?"
Snowkit glanced at the crowd, watching as they all either nodded or murmured in response.
"Then," Softheart continued, "I would like to discuss something pertaining to this event." The molly, perched atop Pine Rock, stared down at the kits and apprentices. "The cat whose idea it was to meet with the apprentices for early training, explain yourself."
Snowkit gazed at Stonekit, expecting him to respond. However, the grey tomcat seemed to be going through an inner turmoil. It was your idea, wasn't it? The white tomcat lightly nudged the kit beside him. Stonekit took a glance at him due to this, his face furrowed with thought. After a few moments, the tomcat raised his voice.
"It was me, Queen Softheart," Stonekit replied, staring up at her and gliding a paw over his ear. "I... I came up with the idea of the early apprenticeship training," he said, almost uncertainly. "I planned it all out, too. I thought that by training early with the apprentices, my fellow kits would be able to learn how to be warriors at an even quicker pace, and be able to prepare for the real experience."
Seemingly delighted by this response, Softheart gave a rumbling purr. "Cats of MistClan, it's evident that our kits would love to become apprentices early, seeing as they've already begun training. While this idea may seem objectionable at first glance, I don't believe it to be."
Softheart sighed, resting her soft blue stare on Dappledleaf. "Our medicine cat, Dappledleaf, is old. She will need to retire very soon, and she is unable to wait much longer. She will need an apprentice, and since it is unfair to only make our future medicine cat, Snowkit, an early apprentice, we've decided that all our kits should become apprentices early."
Snowkit listened as shocked whispers spread through camp. While he wasn't surprised by this information due to Rainkit's prior mention of it, it was still strange to hear it come from the queen herself. That's it, he thought, we won't be kits for much longer. He paused, glancing at the dismayed Stonekit. I'll be training under Dappledleaf and becoming a medicine cat. Stonekit will have to become a warrior. The white tomcat placed his tail upon Stonekit's back to comfort him.
"I think," growled the oldest warrior, Longwhisker, as he made his way to the front of the crowd, "this is absolute nonsense! Have you got bees in your brain?! You can't change the way MistClan has been run for countless seasons just because it's, as you say, 'unfair'!" Before getting the chance to continue his rant, his mate continued for him.
"With all due respect, Queen Softheart," Flameleaf began, flicking his tail, "I don't think this is a good idea. All kits want to become apprentices early, this isn't anything special. I get the early apprenticeship of a future medicine cat for the given reason, but apprenticeship of future warriors is different. I don't care if they're just a moon or two too young, they aren't ready. Seasons ago, when Longwhisker and I were raising our daughter, Hazelstripe, we wouldn't have wanted her to be an apprentice early. We wouldn't want to put her in harm's way."
As more cats started to object and complain about Softheart's announcement, Snowkit looked around. Nearly everyone had vexed expressions, minus the few who simply didn't care either way. However, all the cats were stunned into silence by a snarl which echoed in camp.
"Have you all lost your minds? Seriously, have you?" Leafstreak stood, sweeping his yellow glare across his Clanmates. "You all must be so arrogant to challenge our lovely Queen Softheart. What she says makes total sense. As a Clan, we are to abide by a code of fairness and equity in StarClan's eyes, aren't we? If that's the case, then why, pray tell, are you all finding it fine to make Snowkit an apprentice earlier than Kestrelkit, Nightkit, and Bramblekit?"
"Shocker!" Badgerblaze exclaimed, playing with her claws. "Of course you say this when your kits are involved." She brought her voice down, "Although, you'd probably blindly agree to anything Queen Softheart declares, even if it's your own execution."
"H-Hey, leave him alone!" Fleetrunner hissed at the black and white molly. "He's making a fair point, isn't he? You just feel threatened by it."
"Mmm, no. I don't think any of us view that as a fair point," the elder, Seedstep, growled in response.
Snowkit flattened his ears, refocusing his attention on Softheart. She was still perched atop Pine Rock, merely watching the discourse throughout her camp with an amused expression. Every so often she'd fluff out her fur, but her eyes were kept watching and her ears were kept pricked.
"Everybody, calm down," Dappledleaf rasped, loud enough to silence her Clanmates. "I don't have long before I reach StarClan's paws. I'm in desperate need of an apprentice. While safety may be a concern for the kits desiring to be warriors, I trust that Queen Softheart and King Silverhawk will do a great job with protecting our young ones."
The golden molly closed her eyes, reliving an old memory. "I was born many seasons ago during the reign of Coldgaze. He made kits, apprentices as early as three moons. However, he was a cruel king, and his intentions were inhumane. Our current king and queen are far from that. They are only trying to inspire fairness and equity, as Leafstreak mentioned earlier." The medicine cat gazed at her Clanmates, her eyes momentarily landing on each one. "I ask you all to please consider what Queen Softheart has said, and to accept it as a temporary act."
After a few moments to think about Dappledleaf's words, the gathered cats started to murmur their agreements. While not everyone, such as Longwhisker, agreed with her and Softheart, the vast majority did. Narrowing his eyes, Snowkit watched as Softheart began to speak once more.
"Congratulations," the molly purred, "for coming to an agreement without my interference. I'm proud of those who understand my plan for our kits." Turning her back on her gathered cats, Softheart said a few final words. "The joint apprentice ceremony for the kits in the nursery will begin in three days' time. My word is final. MistClan, you are now dismissed to go about your daily duties."
As the crowd started to disperse, Snowkit kept his eyes on Stonekit. "Stonekit, I'm sorry that things have to be this way," he murmured. "I know how much you wanted to be a medicine cat. I wish it didn't turn out this way." I still want to be a warrior, he thought. I want to fight and hunt, I want to be able to defend myself against cats like Kestrelkit, but there's nothing that can be done. "We'll just have to adapt to this."
"No, I won't do it," the grey tomcat growled, standing up. "I spent nearly six moons of my life preparing for the day I'd become a medicine cat. I don't want to be a warrior. I love herbs and seeing injuries to analyse and take care of. I don't care about hunting and fighting, and I never will. I didn't ask for this!" Stonekit started to back away, "I won't let this happen to me, to us!" Snowkit helplessly watched as his friend frantically ran to his parents, Ottersplash and Foxsight, sitting beside Dappledleaf.
"Leave him be for now," a voice kindly stated. Snowkit looked up to see Nightkit with a welcoming smile on his face. "Come with me to the nursery, Snowkit. Only if you want to, of course."
Snowkit stood, walking beside Nightkit to the nursery. The black tomcat seemed unnaturally calm and collected, despite the prior events. Part of me, Snowkit thought, wishes I could be like him. He doesn't ever seem scared nor worried about anything. It must feel good to not feel like that. Once the two tomcats entered the nursery, Nightkit began his speech.
"It must be troubling to have your future ripped away from you. While I can't relate, I can at least make an offer to help you, Snowkit." Nightkit gazed down at the small white tomcat with both a gentle smile and eyes. "I know what you do each night... don't worry though, I won't tell anyone. But, I digress. I'd like for you and I, after we become apprentices, to meet up in the forest each night, after your other hour-long duty. I will be a warrior apprentice, so I can teach you how to fight and hunt. All I ask from you," the black tomcat stated, "is at least an hour of your time every night, and your friendship. How does that sound?"
The white tomcat grinned, purring loudly. "That sounds great! I would love that, Nightkit, I really would. Thank you!"
"It's my pleasure," Nightkit replied, dipping his head. "After all, it's the least I can do to make up for this situation, and Kestrelkit's bullying. I think we'll have a lot of fun together, Snowkit. I'm looking forward to it."
Snowkit watched as the black kit slunk away and out of the nursery. What did I do to deserve such kind treatment? he thought, taking a glance at his mother's empty spot in the nursery. No matter what I did, I appreciate Nightkit for going out of his way just for me. He really made up for today's negative contents. He was tranquil as he unsheathed his claws, beginning to draw lines in the earth. I wish everyone could treat me like him. But, as long as I have him, Rainkit, and Stonekit, everything should be fine. I can't be "puny" forever, right?
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