• Sisters Reunited •
"My name is artemis." The girl replied as she slid her bow back across her chest. "And you are?" She looked over at Amphitrite who seemed to be staring at her. "Your hair." She said, sounding lost in thought. "One streak of it is golden blonde while the rest is brown." "Hm?" Artemis said and she noticed her eyes on her hair. "Oh," She replied with a smile. "That's a funny story, I used to have this little sister and when she was born, for whatever reason, a strand of my hair turned golden blonde to match hers and a strand of her own hair turned dark brown to match mine." Amphrite was stunned beyond words. She slowly lowered the hood of her cloak so the girl could see her face better. "You mean like this?" She asked as she gestured to the strand of her hair that was almost black. Artemis' eyes widened as she looked at Amphitrite in complete shock. "Amphitrite?" She asked slowly. "Yes." She replied with a nod and a small smile. Artemis didn't even skip a beat. She ran over to her and scooped her up into her arms, giving her a tight hug. "I thought I had lost you!" She said as her voice broke and tears threatened to fall. She pulled back and looked at her sister. "Where have you been?" She asked, now sounding upset. "This might be alarming to you," Amphitrite said slowly, "But I have no idea who you are." She said and a wave of confusion washed over Artemis' face. "What?" She asked. "I don't remember anything about my childhood. It's all just a giant blur." "How can that be?" Artemis asked, in complete shock. "But that still doesn't explain where the hell you have been." Artemis said much more sternly. "You have to tell me everything." She demanded but then the sound of stormtroopers coming their way broke up their conversation. "But not here. It's not safe." Artemis said before grabbing her hand. "Come with me. I know a place not far from here."
"Woah what is this place?" Amphitrite said as she followed artemis into one of the man ice made buildings. "This was our home, many years ago." "Well it's beautiful." Amphrite said, taking in the details carved into the ice. "Isn't it? No better place for the king and queen." She said and amphitrite froze. "King and Queen? Our parents were royals?" Artemis chuckled. "We were all royals." She said softly. "Oh." Amphitrite said, she looked around at the white walls of the building. "White walls... built to keep me safe." She whispered to herself. "Will I get to meet our parents today?" Amphrite asked and Artemis stopped dead in her tracks as she looked at her with cautious eyes. "You mean you really don't know?" "know what?" Amphitrite asked curiously. "Our parents are dead. Along with the many other political leaders of Statera." "What?" Amphrite managed to choke out. "How? How could that happen?" "Seriously where have you been?" Artemis asked as she looked at her. "Everyone knows about the night of Ravenstvo." "The what?" artemis sighed as she realized just how little Amphitrite knew. "The night of Ravenstvo. You know, the night that the First Order gathered up all royals and politically powerful people of Statera and assassinated them in the forest."
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