Chapter 5
Rey looked around for a Black Mustang. Then she saw him. He was dressed from head to toe in black but what else was new. At six foot three, he was extremely tall and well muscled. Perks of being a skier. He saw her and opened the passenger car door.
"Hello." He seemed exceptionally confident, but once again that was one of his trademarks. "You look lovely."
She slid into the seat. "Thank you. You look very handsome."
He smiled and shut the door. He rounded the car and that gave Rey a nice view of his profile. His strong jaw and regal nose were very masculine and made his features pop. He got in and pressed the ignition. The car roared to life, just as tempered as its master. They glided out of the parking lot and into the street.
"A mustang? I didn't really place you as one of those 'guys' but..." She trailed off.
"Yeah I know, I would have gone with a Lamborghini instead but I grew up riding in mustangs and figured to honor my dad I would buy one." He shrugged. "It gets me where I need to go, which is not very many places."
"It's a beautiful car." Rey openly admired the soft black leather and dark brown paneling. "I have a friend who wants a Mustang, but England is a hard spot to really buy anything. And our messed up training and travel schedules won't allow for to much leisure time." The car Poe was looking at was significantly older than this high end piece of machinery, not super new technology either.
"Well thank you. So Rey. No last name?"
She smiled. "Goof, I have a last name. It's Andor."
"The name rings a bell but I can't place it." He tapped his fingers on the steering wheel.
"My parents, well adoptive parents, are Jyn Erso-Andor, and Cassian Andor. Cassian is a snowboarding legend, and Jyn is a freestylist." She looked at Kylo. "She taught me everything I know."
"Yeah I remember seeing them at a few of the Olympics my parents were in."
"Well now you know where I'm from, how about you?"
Kylo's face was an unreadable mask. "My parents thought I would be good at skiing so they sent me to my uncle in Austria for training, I wasn't happy, wasn't doing well then Snoke found me. He brought me here and I began work with the First Order. I actuality I helped him start it sort of." He shrugged. "There is not much to tell."
"I find your answer vague and unconvincing, but I get it." He raised a brow at her. "The not wanting to talk about it part." She ducked her head.
"Here we go." He pulled into the Valet parking area. The kind Valet handed Rey out and Kylo handed him his keys. Rey tucked her arm in the crook of Kylo's. They entered the giant building and Kylo gave the receptionist his name. She looked between the two of them, then slowly lead them to their private table.
"This is a beautiful restaurant." Rey whispered into Kylo. They took their seats and opened their menus.
"Yes, it is one of my favorites." He looked at the drink menu.
She raised a brow at the lovely furnishings. "I can see why."
The windows were covered in a rich material. Each table had a small candle and a single, long stemmed, red rose. The carpet probably cost more than her rent, she mused and mulled that one over.
A handsome waiter walked over. "Good evening. I am Jared. I will be your server this evening." He eyed Rey slightly. "What can I get you to start?"
"I will do a glass of sparkling red wine." She wasn't even paying attention to the waiter, her eyes were locked on the handsome man in front of her.
"Very good miss." He wrote it down. Turning to Kylo he smiled. "And for you sir?"
"I'll do a glass of mineral water." Kylo waved the hopeful server off. He frowned and walked away. Rey grimaced slightly. Obviously, Kylo wasn't huge on people.
"Mineral water?" She raised an eyebrow, trying to smooth the tension.
Kylo sat back and looked Rey over. She felt his gaze and blushed. "Yes mineral water. Snoke has me on a diet for training. I drink a glass of wine at galas and what not to keep up the looks, personally I am not huge on drinking, though I do like it every now and then."
"Makes sense." She shrugged. "I think I am going to get a salad."
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