chapter 4
Rey walked into her room. She had met Kylo Ren. The Kylo Ren. He was nice not stuck up like everyone claimed.
She looked at her clock. 5 pm. She still had time to call Leia and then get ready for dinner. She grabbed her iphone and dialed Leia's number.
Come on. The phone rang ten times before the older woman picked up.
"Hello? This is Leia." Rey released a breath.
"Leia its Rey."
"Rey! How is Breck treating you?" Rey could picture the retired Olympian sitting on her favorite chair with a cup of hot tea in hand.
"It's great! Everyone is so friendly. The snow is just like you said it would be and I may or may not have met someone." She giggled a little.
"Judging from the giggle that followed that sentence its a boy. Is he hot?"
"Leia!" Rey covered her mouth.
"Yes he is." Rey looked at the wall. Breath. Just breath.
"Does this hot guy have a name?"
"You have probably heard of him. I mean who hasn't? I met Kylo Ren and he asked me out!" She heard Leia exhale. "What? Whats wrong?"
"Nothing. Nothing at all. Just please be careful."
"You are starting to sound like Daddy." Rey huffed. "I am fully capable of handling myself."
"No dear its not that. Its just..." Leia trailed off.
"Just what?"
"I knew Kylo Ren once. Or the man who is Kylo Ren. He is ruthless. He stops at nothing to win. And I mean nothing. His coach, Snoke, has changed him. Once he was a sweet young man, but now." Leia let out a breath. "Just be careful Rey."
"Don't worry Leia. The man I met today was not a ruthless winning machine. He is just a hurting guy who needs a friend. I don't think he has very many in his line of work. I am meeting him for dinner, but I can cancel." It saddened her to think about that option.
"No you go. But be careful. So changing the subject. How did your runs feel today?"
Rey told her agent about her day and promised to send her pictures of the town, as well as a picture of Kylo.
Rey placed her phone down about five minutes later. She showered and then got ready.
She decided to text Kylo to ask about the dress code for their dinner.
Rey: Hey, Fancy or Casual for tonight?
Kylo: Fancy.
Rey: kk. See you tonight!
Rey set her phone down and opened up her closet. She pulled on a pair of black slacks and her favorite black blouse. She looked in the mirror and remembered the last time she had worn this blouse. Her twenty-third birthday. Almost four months ago. The day had been lovely. Jyn and Cassian had flown out and they had spent the day skiing together. Rey finished getting ready and then sat to answer some emails. And so she waited for her evening with the American Champion.
Kylo looked through his closet. Fancy... fancy. He would readily admit that he did not go on to many dates. Wait... Date? Is this a date? No. He shook his head. Just two people meeting for dinner. Friends.
He pulled out a black suit coat, a black pair of slacks, a black dress shirt and a black tie. He combed his hair and pulled on his clothes.
He checked his phone and saw a missed call from Snoke.
He dialed Snoke's number and sat hoping that his master would not pick up.
Unfortunately he did.
"Kylo." His coach had a curt way of talking. "Are you training for the next comp?"
"Actually I am going out for dinner." Kylo heard Snoke exhale.
"Fine." Snoke snapped. Kylo could feel the questioning and resentment rolling off of his coach and he was miles away. "You can go but I want to see you at 5 am. SHARP!"
The call disconnected and Kylo sighed. His coach was good but he did no possess the people skills he needed. He thought that he controlled Kylo, but he did not. At least not all the way. He had complete control over Hux however. Armitage Hux was a follower, but still a brilliant leader. When he had first joined the company, Kylo had tried to be friends with Hux, but 'Armie', as his fans called him, had wanted nothing to do with coach Snoke's new favorite.
Kylo had realized that many people hated him because he seemed perfect. He won. He made a perfect score almost every run. But that was all due to hard work. That is what gets you places. He had learned that the hard way. As an aspiring halfpiper, he had taken many a fall. His uncle had told him he simply needed to work harder. While he was Luke Skywalker's nephew, he was shown no favors. But that was a long time ago. Back when he was Ben Solo. Now he was Kylo Ren. The famous halfpiper, the american legend. The man who paved his own path.
He got into his car and texted Rey.
Kylo: Where are you staying?
He waited a few seconds before her text came through.
Rey: Breckenridge Plaza. See you soon.
Kylo smiled and put his car into gear. He spend onto the highway and in a few minutes he was in front of the plaza.
Kylo: I am here.
Rey: Okay! Be out in a sec. What car do you have?
Kylo: Black Mustang
He waited. After a few seconds he looked up and saw Rey walking towards him in a drop dead gorgeous gown. He smiled a bit, and stepped out of the car. He rounded the front to open her door.
AN- I honestly have no clue if there is a hotel called the Breckenridge Plaza, but I am going off of memories from Breck.
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