Chapter 3
That is soooo True! Winners never quit! Here we go third chapter cause, Why not!
Kylo smiled. Rey. The girl's name was Rey.
"Hey. I am Kylo."
"Nice to meet you." Rey smiled at him. She had a soft british accent that was blended with a northern twang, giving her an exotic sounding voice.
"I saw your last run. You are very talented." He smiled back at her. She blushed.
"Thank you. My parents taught me." She glanced at her gloves. "I saw your run as well. You are quite good."
Kylo felt a smile ghost his lips. "Thanks. I practice a lot." They reached the top and Rey smiled timidly at him.
He felt his heart stop. She was so beautiful. "Enjoy the rest of your day." He started to ski off.
"Wait! Kylo." He heard her skiing after him. He stopped. "Do you...Do you..." she seemed to be gathering courage. In a burst of energy she asked, "Do you want to meet at the bottom and ride up together? I am alone and correct me if I am wrong, you are too."
"Sure. Thanks Rey." He smiled. "See you at the bottom."
He pushed off powerfully and skated over to Snoke.
"What was that?" Snoke's accusing eyes were trained on the young man.
"Nothing." Kylo shrugged.
"I want perfection. AGAIN. NOW!" Snoke pushed Kylo to the top of the pipe.
Kylo sighed and slammed his foot on to the ground. He did the same with his other and then he slapped his helmet. He need to shake Rey from his thoughts. He need to focus. He reached up and turned his music up.
He pushed off into the pipe. 1080s back to back, helicopters, corkscrews, and tail grabs were scattered through out his performance. He was a strong skier. He knew the pipe, he knew the rush of a race. He was in a word perfect.
He slid into a powerful hockey stop and Rey clapped.
"Wow. You are amazing!" They skied over to the lift. Rey peeked up at him. "I saw your race last night. You did amazing."
They sat. "Thanks. Please don't mention it though. I get enough of that from my coach." Kylo bashfully glanced at his poles. "So Rey where are you from?"
"I am from England originally, but I was adopted by my parents at the age of nine. My mom put me on skis the next winter and now I am in the business. My agency is based out of England so I moved back. My parents originally lived in this area. I grew up in Vail."
"Really? So did I. I wonder if I ever ran into you. Maybe we went to high school together?" He worked up some courage and asked, "how old are you? I am twenty-eight."
Rey smiled. "I am twenty-three, so I guess not." She looked up at him. "So when did you learn how to ski?"
"I started at two. My parents were skiers so it fit. My dad was a ski jumper and my mom was an alpine racer. I grew up watching them train and race, I was planning on being a alpine racer, but then I saw a freestyle comp. It changed my five year old mind. I wanted to do the halfpipe, so my parents sent me to train with my uncle. He is a freestyle champion so they figured he would be the best one to teach me. I left for Austria at nine." He shrugged. "Stuff happened and I moved back to the states. I put in a request for a agency and ended up with First Order. Ended up going to the olympics at seventeen and have been ever since. Most people looked at me with a wary eye but I have raced any and every race around." He looked her in the eye.
Rey smiled. "I understand."
Kylo felt surprised. No one understood him. But this girl, who he had just met, did.
"Before we head our separate ways, could I get your number? I am here all week. Maybe we could meet up for dinner or something?" She shrugged.
"Yeah sure." Kylo fished his iphone out of his pocket and handed it over to her. She handed him her's and they exchanged numbers then gave them back.
"Hot halfpiper Kylo?" She raised an eyebrow and looked at him. "Seriously?"
"You know it's true and you like it." He glanced down at his own phone. "Cute freestyler Rey?" Now it was his turn to raise a brow.
She smiled at him. "You know you like it." She teased. They got to the top and skied a little ways away from the drop zone.
"See you later Rey." Kylo called ask he skied to the pipe.
"See you."
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