Chapter 2- The meeting
A.N.- Hey. So here is chapter two. This fic is pretty long so hold on! Here we go! Also a song choice for this chapter - Last Dance by Dua Lipa.
Rey stood in the gate for Breckenridge, Colorado. "First Class." The flight attendant's cheery voice came over the speaker. Rey moved forward with the rest of the members of first class. She handed the kind woman her ticket. "Enjoy your flight." She smiled at the woman. "I will."
She walked on the plane and plopped down in her seat. She stuck her earbuds in and scrolled through her playlists. She tapped on her favorite and leaned back. "Thunder" by Imagine Dragons, blared through her ears. She could relate to this music. She had been bullied as a child. Told she would be nothing. That she would never be good enough. That she was pointless. Boy, had she shown them. She was now a recognized freestylist, and potentially going to the 2022 olympics.
She settled in for the ten hour flight and fell asleep, not waking until the plane was circling the Denver International Airport. She exited the plane and made her way to the baggage claim. She got her bag and ski equipment bags. Rey hoped that Leia remembered the rental. She wandered to the rental stand and recieved her keys. She walked outside and was hit with a blast of cold. It must be -10 out here. She thought to herself, shivering.
Moving quickly she loaded the trunk of her rental and then practically jumped into the driver's seat. She pressed the ignition and the car came to life. She pulled out a prepared for the two hour drive to Breck. Leia had gotten her a room right on the hill.
After the two hour long drive she unloaded her things and walked into the resort.
"Hello." The friendly recepionist greeted her.
"Hi. I have a room for Rey Andor." Rey leaned on the counter.
"Okay." The receptionist looked at her computer. "Ah here you are. Miss Andor. Here are your keys. Enjoy your stay with us."
"Thank you." Rey grasped the keys and lifted her ski bags onto her shoulders. She moved to the elevator and stepped in. She punched in the number and waited. The doors slid open and she stepped out.
"128... 129... 130... 132, here we go." She opened the door and moved farther in the room. She flipped on the lights and dumped her bags in the floor. She wandered into the bedroom and flopped on the bed. "Ugh." She buried into the pillows. "I never want to move again." She lazily pulled her phone out of her purse. She lifted her head and turned it on. 12 unread messages, 3 missed calls, and two snapchat conversations. She typed in her password and opened her texts first. Two were from Leia, asking about her flight, three were from Em (her coach) reminding her to work out on this vacation, five were from Rose asking about Breck, and two were from Finn asking about the snow.
Rey smiled and answered each friend's questions. She got up and put on her sleep shirt and sweatpants. She looked at the clock. It read 10:00pm. I should probably call mom. She thought to herself.
Laying down, she re-opened her phone, and pressed her mom's number. Cassian Andor and Jyn Erso-Andor had adopted her when she was a child. The both were world renowed Olympians. Jyn was a freestylist and Cassian was a halfpipe boarder. They had met on the coarse one day and fell in love. Thay began training together and two years later they were married. After eight years of marriage, Jyn and Cassian decided it was time to adopt. They went to England and fell in love with a seven year old girl named Rey. They adopted her and brought her back with them to America. She had learned how to ski the next winter and she fell in love with the sport.
Rey held the phone to her ear. Come on mom answer. She silently pleaded.
"Hello, stardust." Her mother's soft english accent came through the line.
"Hey Mamma. How is Daddy?" She asked. Her parents had moved from the US to Switzerland to train for the olympics when Rey had left for England.
"He is good. Actually he is right here. Do you mind if I put you on speaker?"
"Not at all."
"Hello Doll." She heard her father's light spainish accent. "How is Breckenridge?"
"Cold!" She giggled. Her parents chuckled. "I just got here. I should get used to it though."
"Well stardust, you are always welcome here. Although it is still cold." She smiled at her father's voice.
"I know daddy. But I need to do this. If not for you and mamma, than for myself. Leia got me a nice hotel room, and I can ski every day. You guys used to ski in Vail all the time. Heck, I grew up two hours from here!" She sighed.
Jyn's voice came through again. "Rey, remember how much we love you."
"I will Mamma. I love you both."
"Goodnight Stardust." Her father said his goodbyes and the call ended.
Rey flooped down on her bed and turned off the lights. She tossed a bit but soon fell into a deep slumber.
Kylo's POV
Kylo rolled over and looked at the clock on his nightstand. It read 6:00 am. He blicked then sat up. Running a hand through his hair he swung his legs over and out of his massive, black bed. He wandered into his bathroom and flicked on the lights. Squintling his eyes he looked in the mirror. His black hair was a perfect mess and his pale skin seemed to glow.
He went into his massive walk in closet and pulled down his work out clothes. A black tank top and black shorts. He threw them on a walked down stairs to his gym.
Kylo entered the giant workout area. To his left he saw the indoor trampoline for trick practice, then his weight area, then the treadmill and other things. He turned on his playlist and started his stretching routine. When he finished with that, he hopped on the tramp.
Jumping in time with the beat, he flipped. Landing with perfect accuracy, he did another and another. Spins, flips, you name it and Kylo could perform it with speed and accuracy. He did this for about an hour then moved to the weights. He began his lifting routine.
After a two hour long work out, he went upstairs to his room. Turning on the bathroom lights, he opened the shower door and turned on the shower. The black marble counters, mixed with black tile gave the room an eerie feel. He stripped and got in.
The hot water poured over him in streams. He lathered his hair with shampoo, thinking about his win the day before. He knew that he could have been better. Faster. Stronger. He should have done his tripe corkscrew or quad jump. But he still had won. He rinsed his hair out and put conditioner in. He finished up and got out of his shower. Throwing on some base layers he walked downstairs. Grabbing his phone as he went, he opened it up. Two unread messages. Both of which were from Snoke.
"You must get out today. We have a lot of work to do, to get ready for the Olympics."
"Okay. I will see you at the halfpipe at 9." Kylo typed his reply and put his phone down. Opening his fridge, he took out an egg and scrambled. Sitting down at his lonely counter, he turned on the TV.
"Last night we saw near perfection at the Aspen X games, as Kylo Ren, Halfpipe Champion, raced his way to victory." The bubbly reporter smiled as the video of his run took up the screen. "Ren's coach, Arthur Snoke had this to say."
"Kylo is a great athlete. He has won almost every race he has ever competed in and he throws himself into everything with speed and vigor. He is truely an amazing person to work with." Snoke smiled, and Kylo felt as though he could throw up. Snoke was so fake. He said things like that for the massess. So no one could question his methods of 'training.'
Kylo had the scars to prove Snoke's teaching technique. He turned his attention back to the report. "Unfortunately, we were unable to get a word with the winner but, we did run into his team mate, Armitage 'Armie' Hux."
"Armie, how did this run feel?"
"It felt great." Hux's red hair had a shine to it. His grin looked more like a sneer. "I was nervous at first then I was like 'Hey! I do this every day.' and I loosened up considerably."
"How often do you and Kylo work together?"
Hux tensed considerably at the mention of his name. Kylo smiled. "Um. We maybe in the same agency but we try not to work together at all if we can help it."
"Well congratulations."
"Thank you."
Kylo turned off the TV and walked to the mudroom. He threw on snowpants then pulled on his ski boots. He pulled on his coat and face mask. He put on his helmet and googles and grabbed his gloves. He grabbed his ski pass as he was heading out the door. He snapped on his skis and pushed off. He skied the rest of the way to the hill then he raced to the bottom. He got on the chairlift and pulled out his phone. "Be there in five." He texted Snoke.
He tucked his phone in his pocket and looked around. Snow was softly coming down and the hills seemed to be speaking to him.
The slopes seemed to be begging him to come to them. Ski them. Conquer them. He was the king of these slopes and they knew it.
The lift dumped him at the top of the mountain and he skate skied to the top of the run. He took in a deep breath and pushed off. Carving in swift motions, he made his way to the terran park. Sliding into a powerful hockey stop he looked for Snoke. There he was standing a little ways away.
Kylo slid in next to him.
"Kylo. I want a perfect run NOW."
Kylo pushed off and flung himself into the halfpipe.
Rey had been up since 5 am. She had gone to the gym and worked out for 3 hours, then gone upstairs to get ready for her ski day. She got in her car and drove to the hill.
She arrived and got out, unloading her skis before she went in.
"Hello." The friendly clerk at the ticket office greeted her. "How can I help yo- Hey you're Rey Andor right?"
"Why yes I am." Rey smiled at the young girl.
"Oh my gosh! I watch all of your races!" The girl handed her, her ticket. " Enjoy your time!"
"Thank you." Rey grabbed the ticket and walked to the base of the hill. She snapped on her Red Volkl twin-tip skis and skate skied to the lift.
She looked around. The ski hill was bustling with people. She glanced at the terran park and saw multiple people practicing. Looking closely, she saw snowboarders and skiers preforming tricks. Then she glanced at the halfpipe. Her breath caught in her throat. There he was. Dressed from head to toe in black and throwing himself into the air fearlessly.She watched as he landed his helicopter and then went up the pipe again. He finished out his run and she saw him look up to the top and motion to his coach.
She got off the lift and skied over to the top of the park. Taking a deep breath, she threw herself into it. Picking up speed, she hit a rail. Sliding on it backwards, she landed perfectly. She hit every obsticle and jump perfectly with a preciseness some would die to have. Several people stopped to watch her. She finished out her run. Pushing her goggles up she glanced to the top of the hill. There he was. He was watching her.
Kylo hadn't ment to look down at the hill while he was on the chairlift. But he had, and his gaze had been captured by the freestylist in the clean cut blue. Judging by the brown braid that hung over her shoulder, he knew it was a girl. She was good. Really good. She made her run with a certain energy.
He had gotten off the lift and skate skied to the top. He looked down at the girl in blue. Then she met his gaze. He felt his breath catch. Even from a distance he could see her beauty. She looked at him a few seconds longer than went to the lift.
He shook his head. "Get ahold of yourslef Kylo." He whispered under his breath. He moved to where Snoke was, but he could feel her eyes on him.
Snoke slapped him on the back. "Kylo. I wanted perfection and you gave me that. Your upper body was perfect. Now do it again."
Kylo sighed. When Snoke wanted something he got it. He pushed off and performed. He hit every edge. His speed, accuracy, and precision were spot on. He was perfect, and he knew it.
Rey watched as Kylo made his way down the pipe. She watched his every jump. Every turn. She watched as he slid into a powerful hockey stop. She watched from the top of the park as he slid his goggles up.
"Wow! He is just as hot in real life." Her brain screamed at her.
The only difference was a small scar that ran down his face. That had happened during a ski comp. He had accidentally slid his skis up to far and cut his face. He had still won but that would be a lasting reminder of it. A memory of the race.
Then she saw him look at her. Their eyes met and she melted a little. He had big brown eyes.
She sped through the park. She hit her jumps with speed. Her coach would have been proud of that run. She slid into the lift area. She got ready to go up. Then she caught a small movement next to her. There he was in line next to her. They got on the lift and Rey pushed her goggles up.
She turned to face the man sitting next to her. "Hello. I'm Rey."
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